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/lit/ - Literature

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15866800 No.15866800 [Reply] [Original]

>read book
>the prose, imagery and story combine to create a cohesive narrative and aesthetic experience in your mind
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.15866816
File: 43 KB, 757x505, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15866822

I don't because I have aphantasia.

>> No.15866829

I do because I don't have aphantasia.

>> No.15866835

That person has one ugly fucking mug.

>> No.15866844

you should see how many drooling milfs he has after him in the comments, it's unreal

>> No.15866901

>posting some ugly as sin youtuber
>comment section
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.15867062

>newfag posturing when he doesn't know Reviewbrah

>> No.15867779
File: 26 KB, 500x357, kekatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he prioritizes the intellectual over the aesthetic

>> No.15867854

I don't get it. how do you do it then?

>> No.15867870
File: 6 KB, 275x183, F3F91753-BA2B-44B2-956F-E1CD646FF8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there’s a difference

>> No.15867884

>posting youtubers and talking about the "comment section" calls others new
Alright underage newfriend.

>> No.15867923
File: 159 KB, 498x364, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude u don't know who this epic youtuber is ???!!
>hes such a meme!! lolz
>look at me post his image on 4chinz like i see others do!!

>> No.15868024
File: 140 KB, 354x378, 1542372622537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read book
>the squiggly lines made of ink on a piece of pressed cellulose fiber reflect photons into your eyeballs which send impulses into the visual cortex which turns them into images in which you can discern symbols which can be processed into meaning using the memory of different configurations of said symbols

>> No.15868035

do newfag zoomers really not recognize Reviewbrah?

>> No.15868044

Do you guys hate fun and imagination?

I ask this half-serious.

>> No.15868054

Damage control
Fuck off back to twitter, wojaknigger

>> No.15868069 [DELETED] 

>talks about a youtuber and to look at the 'comment section'
Yes I'm the underage zoomer.


>> No.15868081

>only zoomers use Youtube
Kinda retarded

>> No.15868121

>Kinda retarded
What's retarded is the teen posting his meme youtube eceleb and actually thinking someone doesn't know who he is even though he is posted incessantly here which leads me to believe you are some newfaggot that probably joined this website in probably 2017 at most. And it doesn't help your case when he is incessantly posted on the boards with the highest redd*t tourist count such as /v/

>> No.15868149

I'm also willing to bet you browse /v/ and have a redd*t account, that you use 'ironically' at least thats what you tell yourswelf

>> No.15868172

>actually thinking someone doesn't know who he is
The first poster called him "some ugly as sin youtuber". Why do you have to ruin a simple template joke thread with your autism? Just because reviewbrah became popular with normalfags doesn't mean everyone who posts him here is a newfag redditor. Not to mention that this board is filled with wojak and pepe posting which have been completely reddit for at least 4 years

>> No.15868211

>The first poster called him "some ugly as sin youtuber".
Yes that was me and he IS fucking ugly as sin.
Your little eceleb youtuber is absolutely redd*t and again much like a teenager you are fawning over a fucking eceleb and I honestly wouldnt be surprised if you have a twitter account.

>doesn't mean everyone who posts him here is a newfag redditor
Yes it does. I mean theres a reason hes constantly posted on /v/

>> No.15868216

A lot of projection here. Reviewbrah is 4chan culture

>> No.15868231
File: 249 KB, 960x717, 1517423406143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's redd*t culture as well. Which Im willing to be you came from there.

>> No.15868238

>you are fawning over a fucking eceleb
No, I just watch his videos because I enjoy him and have been since early on. Did you pretend not to know who he is just so you could go on this autistic tirade?

>> No.15868246

Why do I need to say his name? Its a youtube eceleb for teenagers or stunted individuals like yourself

>> No.15868248

I wouldn't know. You seem to be quite well informed of what's popular on reddit though.

>> No.15868253

Because I've lurked for a long time unlike you newfag.

>> No.15868269
File: 14 KB, 258x196, memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say most of the people who watch him are millennials.

>> No.15868275

>Dude u don't like the epic meme eceleb youtuber???]
> lawls you must be jokin!

I'd say you are wrong but that's also why I added in the bit "stunted individuals"

>> No.15868276

What do you get out of lurking reddit?

>> No.15868306

Reddit has been around so long how have you not seen the incessant screen caps, newfag? You don't have to lurk the actual fucking site do know what type of people are there.

>> No.15868311

>Dude u don't like the epic meme eceleb youtuber???]
> lawls you must be jokin!
You don't have to like him, I've barely watched any of his videos. He's been part of 4chan culture for ages now, if you weren't so blatantly new (and so obviously butthurt about it) you'd know this.

>> No.15868324

So you've seen screencaps of redditors posting Reviewbrah memes? Seems a strange thing to post. Can you remember which threads?

>> No.15868327

>He's been part of 4chan culture for ages now
Never said he wasn't that doesn't mean newfaggots like yourself don't constantly meme about him to try and feel like you belong.

>He's been part of 4chan culture for ages now
So has pepe and wojaks .

>> No.15868331

>I'd say you are wrong but that's also why I added in the bit "stunted individuals"
nah, I'm not. He's got quite a big normalfag following.

>> No.15868341

>pepe and wojaks
Please go and crusade against people who post them with this kind of passion, then you might actually improve the quality of the board

>> No.15868351

As I already said in my previous post
>And it doesn't help your case when he is incessantly posted on the boards with the highest redd*t tourist count such as /v/
There is also a giant subreddit dedicated to him.

I don't care about pepe and wojaks but the point is they have been part of 4chan for ages and yet banned/looked down upon on some boards. I thought I would point this out since you said
>rewviewbrah has been part of 4chan culture for a long time!!!
after I should my disdain

>> No.15868357

>Never said he wasn't
So why did you say that posting him was evidence of OP being a newfag? You're just equivocating now because you've been found out.
>So has pepe and wojaks .

>> No.15868371

>So why did you say that posting him was evidence of OP being a newfag?
If you actually read my posts that was explained at least twice.
> because you've been found out.
oh noes the newfaggot found me out whatever will I do my account is ruined!

>So has pepe and wojaks .
Your reading comprehension is clearly piss poor so I won't spoon feed you anymore you will have to actually read the previous posts

>> No.15868372

Why are you fine with pepe and wojak but throw a shit fit over Reviewbrah? They've been taken over and ruined by normalfags to a much larger extent and they're much bigger.

>> No.15868387

Yeah that's what reading a book is meant to be like

>> No.15868393

Because nothing is more cancerous to me then some faggot that worships a youtube eceleb and then proceeds to talk about the 'comment section'

>> No.15868403

>And it doesn't help your case when he is incessantly posted on the boards with the highest redd*t tourist count such as /v/
He's posted in a lot of boards, has been for years, before reddit ever invaded. I never go on /v/ but a quick glance demonstrates that he isn't posted there incessantly.
>There is also a giant subreddit dedicated to him.
Is there? Doesn't really matter. There's also one to 4chan, there's a subreddit to anything.

>> No.15868422

>and then proceeds to talk about the 'comment section'
I'm OP and that was another poster

>> No.15868444

>before reddit ever invaded
When do you think reddit invaded i'd love to hear this.
>He's posted in a lot of boards
Yes mostly ones with the highest twitter/reddit toursit aka /v/.

> never go on /v/ but a quick glance demonstrates that he isn't posted there incessantly
So you looked there for 30 seconds and concluded this, very interesting. Also has no one ever made and exaggeration when speaking to you before?

>Is there?
Yes newfag there is this wonderful thing called google but I know you are just pretending to know this ;)

>Doesn't really matter. There's also one to 4chan, there's a subreddit to anything.
Yes and 4chan is filled with redd*t shitters like you. So you are just confirming my point.

>> No.15868478

Stop making fun of my favorite eceleb dude!!!!

>> No.15868484

>If you actually read my posts that was explained at least twice.
No it wasn't, I think you need to re-read your own posts. Your original claim that posting youtubers makes one new seen in post >>15867884
Posting youtubers here has been a thing since youtube was invented and that reviewbrah has been a meme here since he started posting, that's patently untrue. He's as much a 4chan celeb as he is a Youtuber.
>oh noes the newfaggot found me out whatever will I do my account is ruined!
kek, yeah I'm sure you're really not bothered about being shown to be a newfag, hence all this doubling down.
> I won't spoon feed you anymore
This is just another way of saying you have n no coherent point.

>> No.15868520

>No it wasn't, I think you need to re-read your own posts.
No, it was.
> Your original claim that posting youtubers makes one new seen in post
Not in general but it is usually true now a days.
>Posting youtubers here has been a thing since youtube was invented
We already went over this point when I compared it to pepe and wojaks. Please learn to read the replies you are given.I'm tired of going in circles

>kek, yeah I'm sure you're really not bothered about being shown to be a newfag, hence all this doubling down.
Why would I care if you think I'm a newfag? Unlike you I don't because as you can see it says anonymous above my post. You will stop being so defensive about it one day newfag.

>> No.15868546

>When do you think reddit invaded i'd love to hear this.
2012 is when it started in earnest, then it came in waves in 2014 and 2016. I'm betting you came in early 2019.
>Yes mostly ones with the highest twitter/reddit tourist aka /v/.
Nah, he's been posted everywhere.
>So you looked there for 30 seconds and concluded this, very interesting.
Bit longer than that but I couldn't find anything. I don't really go on /v/ because I'm not a reddit tourist as you put it but since you spend a lot of time there, given your clear knowledge, could you point me towards the last reviewbrah image you saw posted there?
>Yes newfag there is this wonderful thing called google
Yeah I know you found it when you quickly googled "reviewbrah"
>So you are just confirming my point.
Not really. Just because something has a subreddit doesn't make it inherently reddit. There's a literature subreddit so I guess /lit/ is reddit too now.

>> No.15868571

>Nah, he's been posted everywhere.
Again, I will write it. Yes mostly on boards with the highest twitter/reddit tourist count aka /v/.
Can you not talk like an underage zoomer?

And then the rest of your post is you making huge generalizations and strawmen. Next.

>> No.15868572

> it is usually true now a days.
Not when it comes to John
>We already went over this point when I compared it to pepe and wojaks.
No we didn't. You just mentioned pepe and wojaks out of nowhere and then didn't expand upon it. Are you drunk, why are you struggling to follow a basic reply chain.
>Why would I care if you think I'm a newfag?
I've been here long enough to smell seething bluster, newfriend.

>> No.15868590

>Again, I will write it. Yes mostly on boards with the highest twitter/reddit tourist count aka /v/.
And I will say again. No he isn't.
>Can you not talk like an underage zoomer
nah is boomer speak brainlet
>And then the rest of your post is you making huge generalizations and strawmen
>I have no argument and I must seethe.

>> No.15868592

>Not when it comes to John
My youtube eceleb doesnt count!
>No we didn't
We did your reading comprehension is piss poor probably due to all the youtube you watch.
>I've been here long enough to smell seething bluster, newfriend.
And this summarized is basically saying
>u mad

>> No.15868600

>And I will say again. No he isn't.
But he is and that doesn't mean he isn't posted elsewhere also how would you know when you stated you don't go no /v/?

>> No.15868608

>My youtube eceleb doesnt count!
Yeah because he's been here for ages. He's more 4chan than most anons, certainly more than you
>We did your reading comprehension is piss poor probably due to all the youtube you watch.
Go on, point to where you said it.
>u mad
Well, if the glove fits.

>> No.15868623

>Yeah because he's been here for ages. He's more 4chan than most anons, certainly more than you
So has pepe and wojak and yet thats banned and shown contempt on boards. Again Fuck off with your youtube eceleb newfaggot.
>Well, if the glove fits
Another u mad reply how exciting your banter reads like the youtube comment section try harder

>> No.15868633

Because I've never seen him on /v/ when I have been there. Since you go there so often, you must be able to point me towards some posts that featured him?

If anything he's posted most often in /r9k/ and /ck/

>> No.15868635

>Because I've never seen him on /v/ when I have been there. Since you go there so often, you must be able to point me towards some posts that featured him?
I'm not here to spoonfeed you newfaggot learn how to use the archives

>> No.15868638

>So has pepe and wojak and yet thats banned and shown contempt on boards.
Because people spam them with zero creativity. Nobody spams reviewbrah to nearly the extent of pepe or wojak.
>Another u mad reply how exciting your banter reads like the youtube comment section try harder
Is it making you madder?

>> No.15868642

>ur mad
You have to try a bit harder newfag that kind of reply won't do much for you on the 4channels

>> No.15868644

>I can't do it, I've been talking out me behind this entire thread
oh dear

>> No.15868646

>doesnt know how to use the archives

>> No.15868651

You're just about boiling over now. I think I might be able to take you to bump limit.

>> No.15868658

>ur so mad
Epic reply. Did you get board checking your twitter feed or something so came to /lit/ with your newfaggotry?

>> No.15868679


>> No.15868685

>spelling error
like I said your banter is youtube comment section tier.

>> No.15868703

How did you get from bored to board though, are you ESL?

>> No.15868704

>coming on the literature board as an obvious ESLshitter

>> No.15868718

>making a minor error is ESL
Jesus newfag stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.15868733

Not everyone types like a dinosaur and multitasking can be a bitch.

>> No.15868750

Seriously though you should lurk a bit more if all you can do at this point is grab onto a spelling error.

>> No.15868753

Just had a look. There were a few popular posts about him a couple of days ago but so were there on /lit/ and /tv/ too. Doesn't seem like a particular /v/ problem.

>> No.15868765

Dunno, seems like a classic illiterate error. Dyslexic?

>> No.15868767

If you just typed his name you are definitely a fucking moron. Try searching by image hashs retard

>> No.15868778

Try harder with your posts man. It's so obvious you aren't from here.

>> No.15868803

he has been well known on 4chan for quite a long time. in the same way that someone who doesnt know who sam hyde is would probably be a newfag

>> No.15868811

That's what I did.

>> No.15868813

>he has been well known on 4chan for quite a long time
Please quote where I say he wasn't. Do you lack reading skills?

>> No.15868820

>cries about reviewbrah for 30 posts
>thinks he belongs here

>> No.15868829

so what's your problem? What got you so triggered?

>> No.15868832

Which hashes did you use? Post em. And just searching one or two hashes obviously isnt going to yield results depending on which image you use.

>> No.15868836

>Replying for 30 posts about his favorite youtube eceleb and pointing out spelling errors
Yeah you really belong here.

>> No.15868846

Alright teen.

>> No.15868852

I only joined about ten posts ago lol

>> No.15868860

So this is your extent of your banter? Jesus as I already said lurk because you are boring.

>> No.15868862

What got you so mad then?

>> No.15868868

>u mad
Yes newfag I'm so mad and I'm not sure what got me so mad. Now what? Try to be creative in your reply to this please

>> No.15868869

What banter? I'm just having fun poking you. Want to see if I can take this over the line.

>> No.15868881

I'm just interested in what drove you to sperg out over this for so long.

>> No.15868894

Don't tell you actually think I'm not having fun as well? Yes you are an ebin trollz and you are baiting so hard! and please do take this 'over the line' though I might not be able to stay around because your banter is very boring at this point, tourist.

>> No.15868909

I just said in that post:
>I don't know what got me so mad
Now whats your next reply full of your wit that you learn from youtube?

>> No.15868936

Nah, I don't think so. I think you need to have the last word over this.

>> No.15868937

What cool ecelebs are you subscribed to on youtube bro haha.

>> No.15868953

Why don't you just go back to watching your favorite twitch streamers and ecelebs on youtube zoomer?

>> No.15868992

Come on you epic trollers I thought we were going to bump limit! Start replying more!

>> No.15868993

Why don't you know? Kinda weird that you don't know what makes you mad about reviewbrah. Is it something about him specifically?
I don't have a YouTube account, funnily enough. Never seen the point.

>> No.15868994

Nah, I don't watch twitch, it's kinda boring. Youtube can be interesting though. What is it about new media that bothers you, is it a kind of inferiority thing? It does seem to be sticking point for you.

>> No.15869003

>Why don't you know?
Jesus with these weak boring replies its hard to believe you don't browse twitch or have a youtube account or browse /v/. Something tells me you are lying

>> No.15869011

>Youtube can be interesting though
Yea, I could tell you wen't there a lot just by how your piss poor youtube tier banter. Thats what made it so obvious you aren't from here honestly

>> No.15869020

To help the ESL's that get confused as soon as an error is in a sentence just omit the 'how' in this post

>> No.15869063

Been here since 2009, for my sins. It's possible to use more than one website at a time you know anon, who'd want to spend most of their time rotting on one website forever. Why do you exalt this place so much?

>> No.15869069

I mean, you can't stop replying so clearly something about them is engaging you. It's not like you're doing much beyond "you sound like you use [insert thing I don't like here]. Be the change you want to see. What is it about reviewbrah for you though?

>> No.15869084

>Been here since 2009
Nice job defending yourself on an anonymous imageboard newfaggot. I totally haven't seen this replied before. Did you think that was going to make me believe you aren't new as day? And you thinking that it would just fucking shows how new you are

>> No.15869095

>Please stop replying dude!!!
I wan't to hit bump limit and didn't you say you did as well earlier epic troller?

>What is it about reviewbrah for you though?
Now you are just going to turn passive and ask boring questions? Fuck off to a discord or something I'm not here to be your friend teen.

>> No.15869112

What do you want to see, my decade long internet history? My boxxy folder? How long you been here?

>> No.15869121

>bros i know who boxy is i-im totally not new
>believe me guys look at my anonymoose acccount!!!
>2009 GUYZZ

>> No.15869170

I'm not trying to convince you or anything, you clearly wouldn't believe me whatever I say. I only mention boxxy because that's what brought me here, my /b/tard friend was obsessed with her at the time and wouldn't stop talking about her and 4chan in class so I ended up getting sucked into his orbit. What brought you here? I have a feeling it was a reddit post, your hatred of it is quite telling. Greater zeal in a convert and all that.

>> No.15869176

>I wan't to hit bump limit and didn't you say you did as well earlier epic troller?
You're mixing me up with the other guy. Think you've been at this convo too long, anon.
>Now you are just going to turn passive and ask boring questions?
Since the bulk of this thread has surrounded your preoccupation with reviewbrah, it's clearly a matter of interest. It's time to get to the bottom of this.

>> No.15869271
File: 67 KB, 200x184, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another long winded reply defending himself on an anymoose forum
Holy shit fuck off newfaggot. Also whats my image of mr 2009

>> No.15869286

ghost slide

>> No.15869303
File: 1.98 MB, 226x169, 1432564573166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "anons calling each other newfags when neither one is a newfag" episode

>> No.15869323

You are so fucking boring.

>> No.15869337

Yet there's something inexorably pulling you towards me.

>> No.15869355

Yes I wanted some banter but your game is weak

>> No.15869589

I'm not trying to banter with you, I'm just curious.

>> No.15869620

>"Please, gentlemen! Oldfags, newfags, what does it matter; you're both clearly faggots!"

>> No.15869622

*when both

>> No.15869637


hoh, based

>> No.15869653

kek btfo

>> No.15869742

nice reverse image search faggot

>> No.15869759

Titanic levels of cope

>> No.15869791
File: 743 KB, 419x255, robert loggia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a waste of bytes on a server somewhere...

>> No.15869826
File: 32 KB, 567x561, 1569664118507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe thread

>> No.15869828

Everyone ITT should unironically apologize to OP

>> No.15869836

>conceding defeat

>> No.15869857


>> No.15869934

everyone else will understand

>> No.15869966

Understand what, you big schizo you?

>> No.15870548

what did he mean by this

>> No.15870588

reviewbrah first got popular on the bodybuilding.com misc boards, and then got big on /fit/
his entire rise to youtube fame is ironic

>> No.15871804

i'm not reading this diarrhea thread but if you hate something because of it's audience you're incredibly weak and a contrarian npc