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/lit/ - Literature

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15846661 No.15846661 [Reply] [Original]

"You faggots just don't even care anymore, huh?" Edition
How emotionally involved do you become with what you """read?"""
archive >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
charts https://mega.nz/folder/JrhSyY6S#7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ/folder/guIyhAzS

>> No.15846676

>PKD chart in mega
>"Don't read Man in the High Castle"
Why? I read some of it and it seemed okay

>> No.15846689
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Are there even any fantasy books out there that can capture this feel?

>> No.15846705

are there any fantasy books about a couple raising children on a beautiful vivid countryside, preferably growing grapes, defending their home from goblins and dire wolves? thank u

>> No.15846720
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Fuck you I like Malazan.

>> No.15846727
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Are there any books here that are for adults but can still invoke a child-like sense of wonder?

Sort of like a story that goes from doomer to bloomer at the end

>> No.15846736

Is Robert Charles Wilson's Spin good? There is no translation to my language so I wonder is it worth a trouble and headache reading in original.

>> No.15846743
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Is that package art for an Atari video game cartridge?

>> No.15846748


The Crossing

>> No.15846760

>Going through my old computer hard drives from Middle/Highschool
>Find a folder named books
>Most of it is trash - not confident even to admit what's in it, or not /sffg/ related
>Found some things I remember enjoying but haven't read since.
>Bane of Yoto, Leviathan (Scott Westerfeld), The Strange Affair of Spring-Heeled Jack, Skullduggery Pleasant series

How would they fare now? Are any or all too YA for your tastes?
Are any of those considered 'good' /sffg/ picks?

Also, Castle of Otranto and The King in Yellow are far better now than when I had read them first.

>> No.15846877
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I only started writing this story yesterday but I'm making decent progress. Guess that's how it feels to have a decent idea in your mind and write it effortlessly. I've passed 5k words last night before turning off the laptop and I could have gone way longer if not for the fact that I still have to wake up early.

The story follows the consciousness of an individual of irrelevant identity, who, moments before dying, has had visions of another self. As their entire being slipped into the timelessness of death, a God presence summoned them and sent them back on another world, in another time, to finish "what they've started".
Our nameless protagonist awakened as Kima, an intelligent feline-like creature in one of the rich market-cities bordering a giant, planet-wide desert.
I won't say any more about the story and the plot but it's an odyssey of self-discovery, action and intrigue and I'm having a good time writing it and figuring it out.

I'm uploading on Royal Road and I'll provide a link as soon as I have a few chapters in. Probably nobody will read it but it feels so good to put something on paper, so to speak. I've written many shorter stories before and uploaded on Pastebin, but this is the first time I'm writing something a bit more nuanced and serious.

>> No.15847055

>date on signature clearly reads 2017
If you're going to phonepost at least be less conspicuous about your faggotry.

>> No.15847141

Spin was the group read a few months back and we all enjoyed it.

>> No.15847150

>The story follows the consciousness of an individual of irrelevant identity, who, moments before dying, has had visions of another self. As their entire being slipped into the timelessness of death, a God presence summoned them and sent them back on another world, in another time, to finish "what they've started".

So it's just Saga of Tanya the Evil

>> No.15847223

peace talks comes out tomorrow. who here excited for the next dresden files? im stoked we get 2 books this year. i havent read the 5 chapters on the website, have you lads?

>> No.15847263
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Upon further inspection you're right. I suppose I can delete that whole beginning isekai part, tweak some things and have it as a self story, without any of the convoluted death and isekai stuff. The thought has crossed my mind as I was writing it.

The plot and characters are solid enough to stand on their own and the protagonist is irrelevant before getting reincarnated, so I believe you are right in this observation.
I'm mad that every time I think about something, there's already something else with the exact same story and beats. Hard not to "copy" stuff when everything has been done before.

>> No.15847291

Yeah it's really hard man. I've been trying to be a serious writer for 6 months now and already fell to the wayside and started watching anime, playing with warhammer, etc.

There's a lot of junk out there that you'll want to fill yourself with to feel something. Just stay on /lit/, maybe take some creative writing workshops in your city, as well as reading at least 50 pages a day. I'm sure you're not as miserable as me though, I'm fairly mentally ill.

We can do it though, just need to focus. Have you tried writing a premise first rather than writing without a plan? It can be like a topic statement or thematic sentence, e.g. "self-discovery on another planet"

Anyway, that already sounds a lot like the beginning to The Knight by Gene Wolfe, so come up with something more original.

>> No.15847305
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>> No.15847359

lol nice one dude, you sure got him. do you have any more of those shocked faces to post, i would love to see them!

>> No.15847430
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>Have you tried writing a premise first rather than writing without a plan? It can be like a topic statement or thematic sentence, e.g. "self-discovery on another planet"
Yes, of course. I have a fairly intricate outline already written down. I'm not writing without a plan. The plot, the characters, the story lines, the setting have all been set and I already started writing the novel itself. The whole "isekai" thing was just a quirk, but seeing as it's so popular in anime, I think it's something I can easily brush aside. The story does not revolve around the isekai part, that was just a small thingy to kickstart the story. I can honestly do without. It would also feel less anime which is a plus.

>Anyway, that already sounds a lot like the beginning to The Knight by Gene Wolfe, so come up with something more original
Yeah. I never read The Knight, even though Book of the New Sun is my favorite book of all time. I will edit out the whole isekai other world part. It's for the best.

>> No.15847480
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>> No.15847616
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>> No.15847706
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Can you recommend me some other sci-fi mysteries like pic related?

Also on my list are:
Forge of God [Bear] (the premise awfully similar to Pushing Ice)
Blindsight [Watts]
Great North Road [Hamilton] (900 pages in so far)

>> No.15847714

For what it's worth Spin is written mostly in very plain and easy to digest language.

Also bear in mind the book is probably 33% sci-fi, 66% character drama. I liked it but only gave it 3/5 stars, in case you're looking for meatier sci-fi.

>> No.15847744


Peter Watts has what you crave. Blindsight and the sequel Echopraxia are based af

>> No.15847748



>> No.15847754

Thoughts on The Raven Tower? The premise sounds interesting.

>> No.15847763


The Algebraist

>> No.15847780

Read the synopsis. Sounds like it teeters in to fantasy or did I misread? Loads of made up terms just ends up sound camp at fantasy-like to me. Sentences like "Fraa Erasmas, is an avout at the Concent of Saunt Edhar" has the opposite effect of immersion for me.

>> No.15847783

Thank you. I will read these two books then quit reading.

>> No.15847791

I read the Goodreads synopsis. Gibberish. What's the book about?

>> No.15847816

Children of Time

>> No.15847820


>> No.15847869
File: 470 KB, 609x960, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the unbreakable association between hard sci-fi and polygamy/cucking? Did all sci-fi authors just decide that wife swapping was going to be their thing?

Not him, but it's strictly sci-fi, and it's an excellent mystery novel. There is some lingo to get used to.

avout = nerd/monk
concent = monastery/college
fraa = brother (like monk)
saunt = famous nerd

It's slow at first, but just keep reading until they start using the telescope.

>> No.15847909

Ok thank you for the info.

Is it better than Seveneves? (was planning to read that over the Xmas break)

>> No.15847929

>hard sci-fi and polygamy/cucking
In Arthur C Clarke's case everyone's gay or at least a little bit bi. Hmmm I wonder why

In your case maybe it's the same thing, authors' projections. "Monogamy is so archaic man, one day we'll be fucking whoever we want. I read it in the synopsis of a science paper from 2003"

>> No.15847936


Anathem is a far better novel than Seveneves, which is simply bound dogshit.

>> No.15847947


That is a surprisingly difficult question to answer.

>> No.15847951
File: 170 KB, 1080x818, Screenshot_20200712-105412_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books that match this feel?

>> No.15847952

You're both low iq brainlets with no concentration and retention abilities. Your primary school failed you at developing that skill (or maybe you were too dunce to get it in the first place).

>> No.15847962

How can it be a mystery then?

>Childhood's End - peaceful alien invaders won't talk to us
>Pushing Ice - A Jovian moon flies away
>Spin - The Stars disappear.

If it doesn't have a precis like this it's probably not a mystery novel.

>> No.15847990


The protagonist is tasked with uncovering an important secret in an insanely hostile & alien environment. Shit goes a thousand different flavors of haywire.

>> No.15848000

Hmmm not interested but thanks for your time.

>> No.15848004

>The protagonist is tasked with uncovering an important secret
Hahaha this is literally the most vague plot outline ever that applies to every single mystery novel

>> No.15848007


David Brin's first Uplift trilogy would be a good rec. Particularly Sundiver and Startide Rising.

Also Swanwick's Stations of the Tide

>> No.15848016


I can't even begin to elaborate. The book is so complex and interwoven with itself that trying to write a synopsis is almost impossible.

>> No.15848165

Stop being so mean to them. They're perfectly legitimate questions.

I remember you asked about this before? Basically cat person isekai in novel form. Good luck anon.

>> No.15848186

Because we are all a bit bi. See Roman society. With lack of a system that says being gay is bad there will be way more casual display of it.

>> No.15848198

xpill me on wheel of time

>> No.15848214

The Man From Primrose Lane. It starts out as a murder mystery, but gradually incorporates sci fi in a way that doesn’t feel out of place or unexpected

>> No.15848215

Got bored when spooky monsters attacked the main character’s house which was like chapter 4 or something

>> No.15848267

similar "no rules just right" mindsets

>> No.15848313

>similar "no rules just right" mindsets

this is always such horseshit

every time they say this, they just shuffle out old moral codes and replace them with new ones that are equally arbitrary and often based on flimsier ethical principles

>> No.15848613

What's the plan? Post on Royal road?

>> No.15848624

I'd rather read a short and vague synopsis than multi-paragraph primer, which a lot of amateur author's end up doing.

>> No.15848654

Any good fantasy revolving around orcs? Or is that too "racist" nowadays because apparently orcs are an allegory for black people or whatever stupid shit the progressive crowd is saying.

>> No.15848719

Read any other thread ever. This gets asked every single fucking time.

>> No.15848757

>Why did /hfg/ die in a week?
Because there weren't enough people to sustain it, especially the obsessive sort. The first thread or two are free for various reasons. /sffg/ barely survives itself each time. The OP of a new general has to be utterly shameless usually for it have any chance of continuing.


LitRPG/GameLit/Western Harem thread

Xianxia general

If you look at generals overall, /sffg/ is the literally the only consistent one for the entire board. There are couple other recurring threads, such as the crit one, but they aren't generals.

/sffg/ - speculative fiction fans general

>> No.15848772

To the operational anon, you can try John Conroe.
All three of his series have some variant of special ops. One is urban fantasy magical spec ops, one is scifi urban spec ops, the other is medieval (kinda) spec ops.

>> No.15848782

any cool sci-fi novellas? new to the genre

>> No.15848788

The utterly shameless also goes for the obsessive mentioning of the same books every thread as well often by the same person until that person stops and it becomes mentioned rarely at most rather than literally every thread.
Of course, some books are so popular that the people who aren't regular posters, which is probably almost all, are naturally going to post stuff that irritates the regular minority.

>> No.15848832

King in Yellow is super underrated. I feet like out of all of the Lovecraft mythos Hastur and how he operates represent a universal part of the human condition that could apply to any time period. I hope that concept gets a modern revival.

>> No.15848855

>female author
Not sin e the current year -7

>> No.15848887
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I was so angry with myself for finishing this shit book. Hours that I'll never get back.

>> No.15848907

Gonna check it out. Finally got around to Brief Cases in preparation for it, since I completely forgot that exists up until now.

>> No.15848910

It’s a joke. Not on a phone either, ya joyless cunt

>> No.15848955

That’s not true. Homosexuality comes through conditioning. Gays reproduce by molesting children.

>> No.15848976

murderbot series
sisters of the vast black
the emissary (only kind of sci-fi)

>> No.15849112
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>Settings that are super underrated and could be great for Fantasy/Sci-fi
At sea oil rig is my pick.

Can you elaborate?
I haven't read it but two friends have recommended it to me.

I was genuinely surprised by it upon return.
15 year old me was all 'There ain't any mind bending spookiness' in the obvious sense because all I knew was Vidya games at that point.
Now that I'm a borderline alcoholic and a writer, I have new found appreciations for most of Chambers stuff.
Him and Algernon Blackwood in particular have been better than memory served. Can't wait to get back into Machen, because I do remember enjoy The Great God Pan.

>> No.15849161

Are there any novels similar to Muv-Luv?

>> No.15849190
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I was so angry with myself for finishing this shit VN. Hours that I'll never get back.

>> No.15849359

I'm also really looking forward to it. How long does it usually take for b-ok to upload a new release?

>> No.15849420

redpill me on malazan it is worth reading i'm a huge asoif fan

>> No.15849430

Go back to outer /lit/ and stay there. This general doesn't need more newfags with entry-level taste in sff who can't LURK THE FUCK MORE.

>> No.15849878

Sup bros Consider Phlebas comes in the mail today, will I like it?

>> No.15849968


It's pretty fucking weird.

>> No.15850054

I know Dresden Files is seen as a bit of a normie shit around here, and the good lord knows I've outgrown a lot of it, but it's been 7 years of waiting and I'm kind of excited guys

>> No.15850277


I'd imagine it'll be up later tonight or in the morning.

ePUBs have to be in the wild already given tomorrow is the release.

>> No.15850357

Malazan is a bloated mess and I love it.

>> No.15850548

I really liked it. Was hooked from the first book even.
Then again I regret ever reading asoiaf.

>> No.15850560

It was better than most modern fiction.

>> No.15850572

Why do people hate asoiaf here? Like what are the criticisms outside of squatting in the grass and thick pink mast.

>> No.15850698

The only reason I heard about ASOIAF was through /lit/, 1 or 2 years before the show came out, and it wasn't particularly hated back then. There weren't any generals and people posted about their manchildren tastes and, what's now referred to as outerlit, called them plebs.
It started being hated around the time the show came out, and later. And this if for the simple reason it got popular. It's popular among autists and normalfags and hating on popular thing is cool. It's also nowhere near to being finished and not that well written or planned, so with an increase in the number of readers (for legitimate or contrarian reasons), naturally more people will notice and whine about its flaws.

I've seen so much shilling of Malazan over the years I'll just never read it because I know it's being shilled by the same people who used to open rec ASOIAF (i.e., Sanderson readers). And in Malazan's case, it seems terribly written and overly complex. I feel the same thing about WH40K.
Maybe I'll just read the first one to deride your shitty tastes, even though people keep telling you it only gets good into the 100 first pages of the SECOND volume, and I don't think I have that much space to fit in a 700 page long boring piece of shit.

>> No.15850785

Yeah I couldn't get into Malazan either, maybe we're just brainlets.

>> No.15850836
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Seemingly mundane structural developments that soon turn into major locations. Movie example; the Walking Dead and the shopping Mall.

Trenches aren't underrated by any means, but it does stick out to me as underutilised.

You're not brainlets.
I cringe hearing about how "Good" Malazan is by friends, and then the things they praise it for is straight trash.

>> No.15850847

>here's a gorillion gold pieces, my good man
>being loose with money is very, very cool, don't you agree?

>> No.15850875

The Dresden Files is a series that knows it's trash and only tries to be the best trash on the block. It succeeds wildly.

Don't be ashamed of liking it anon. It's damn good entertainment

>> No.15850901

Yeah, it's good except for one spicy part at the end. Problem is that the bad guys win the war so the rest of the series is shit

>> No.15850945

>Can you elaborate?
>I haven't read it but two friends have recommended it to me.
Not him but it's like 80% worldbuilding/thought experiment 20% story iirc. Which can be fun when fantasy does it with a historical feel, but the turbo autism sci-fi version isn't very compelling

>> No.15850988

Robert Jordan was a horny guy whose type was bitchy, dominant women. Sanderson finishes the series with a shitty marvel ending that fails to address any of the interesting questions/themes of the story.

>> No.15850997
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>why yes, my type are indeed bitchy, dominant women, how could you tell?

>> No.15851156

>Why do people hate asoiaf here?

Not everyone on /lit/ hates it anon, I love the series

>> No.15851249


Karens and borderlines. You have shit-tier taste.

>> No.15851260

borderlines aren't bitchy and dominant, they spend half the time acting like little girls and the other half like insane demons

>> No.15851307


Whatever. There's a whole spectrum of bpd and bpd-adjacent shit and I can't be fucking bothered, so it's all bpd

>> No.15851557

What cuck shit are you faggots reading?

>> No.15851640
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>Can you elaborate?
>I haven't read it but two friends have recommended it to me.
All of the human characters are essentially retarded. It boils down to:
>human bad!
>spider good!

>> No.15851834
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Another bland and boring OP.

>> No.15851943 [SPOILER] 
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Malazan 10

>> No.15851984
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just got into sf and such

so far have only read hyperion cantos, neuromancer sprawl trilogy and Dune (the 6 by frank). what should i get into next?

>> No.15851996

Revelation Space
Lord of the Rings

>> No.15852013

Foundation. First three.

>> No.15852029


Prince of Nothing. Calmemanus just had his big Leroy Jenkins moment which was pretty funny.

>> No.15852043

ok awesome will add it to the list

honetly not a big fantasy gal so i will skip lotr, movies were good though. Revelation space seems interesting!

>> No.15852047

the closest to SFF in my little to-read-next stack is The Hawkline Monster.

>> No.15852081

or any isekai or one of those horror stories where people live out endless lifetimes seconds before their death.
why would a human reader be invested in a beastmans life, especially if there is no touch stone. could be just me but today I read the blurb of We Ride the Storm by Devin Madson and the first think that jumped in to my mind was "who the fuck cares" . you have to make people interested in the world before you dump all your terminology and intrigue on them so try avoiding that.
>'m mad that every time I think about something
concepts are not stories and even in similar stories the execution is always key.

>> No.15852182
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>TWO elbowls on each arm
I need to know more, anon. I NEED IT!

>> No.15852270

Are there any magazines or websites publishing short stories in the current year that are worth reading?

>> No.15852315
File: 148 KB, 807x756, wtf is this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a prime example of soulless digital art
>thinks he has any right to complain about blandness

>> No.15852325

Raven Series by Patricia Briggs

>> No.15852357

>moranth aren't just human in some retarded bug armor
Uhhh I think I may have misunderstood something somewhere.

>> No.15852406

>not liking beastmen

>> No.15852546

No need for foul language son. It's okay to like Malazan. I do too.

>> No.15852597
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>why would a human reader be invested in a beastmans life
The novelty of it, but of course that's not the point and I get it. I wholly suggest you read once I start posting chapters, because I think you'll be pleasantly surprised about what I have in store and especially how things start out.

Oh by the way at this point I completely dropped the isekai angle. It was never a main attraction point and honestly I had no real reason to include it other than make the story a bit messier.

>> No.15852632

peace talks

>> No.15852798
File: 283 KB, 1200x1632, 9f5e692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only anon who really dislikes Malazan here, right? It's a disgustingly long subpar fantasy series with shitty characters.

>> No.15852833

Pleb filtered

>> No.15852875

Of dystopia or post-apocalypse? Pretty sure they are entirely different genres.

>> No.15852877

/sffg/, does this pitch for my sequel seem to plagiaristic?

>Character delves into ancient ruins looking for information on a magic item she encountered
>She finds a book whose pages are "locked," and she only has the means to unlock one of them
>when she does, it shows her a picture of the stars falling from the sky, and a timer ticking down
>At the same moment a star drops out of the sky, and annihilates an area not far away

>> No.15852887

>notes page count instead of word count while length bragging
Page count is mostly a result of publishing format.

>> No.15852890

Stakes too high too fast imo. That said, the timer might be too on the nose.

>> No.15852899

Death Gate Cycle, the dog is a little bigger tho

>> No.15852959

I'm just hoping it doesn't scream homestuck loud enough to prompt a lawsuit

>> No.15852976

What are some books set in future earth that has gone to medieval society, and old earth ruins/tech is prominent in the story?
All I know is prince of thorns, The Last Survivors, and The Ruins

>> No.15852993

ayy, thanks! hope it's decent on its own and not just a setup for Battle Grounds.

>> No.15852995

I read that and it was the opposite of my usual complaint. Normally I accept the big plot to carry me through the weak moments, but with that I bobbed along in a comfy cloud from scene-to-scene but don't even remember what the focus of the story was. Is it worth revisiting?

>> No.15853001

>Patricia Briggs
I'm just starting her hot crotch series I saw meme'd in here a few times.

>> No.15853006

Empire of the East is maybe not great but has one super ultra turbo cool moment that seared into my mind and hasn't left for decades.

>> No.15853020

Did the eco fascist faggot die?

>> No.15853044

john conroe's new series. The one with an axe on the cover.

>> No.15853050


>> No.15853063

Spoiler that shit, negro

>> No.15853107

I would hardly consider it a spoiler, since it is in any description of the book.

>> No.15853113

Sorry. It's an automatic reaction to seeing empire of the east. I read it years ago and that quote just pops up whenever I see the name.

>> No.15853145

It's okay. I do the same thing. I know the hype. Have you read other Saberhagen? I tried some Berserker books and found a similar pattern - bland overall but with a few startling, vivid, mesmerizing moments.

>> No.15853161

When are we getting coiling dragon audiobook 2?
Did the ccp shut it down? I know they now have direct control over any media that comes out of China through tencent

>> No.15853182

Naw. That series is all I read from him. I was looking to try others, but never got around to it. Can't recall why.

>> No.15853205

Dorian Hawkmoon
The Horseclans
>Is it worth revisiting?

>> No.15853302

In one, I think it was Berserker Planet, he's got the premise and you're like yeah, yeah, and the story setup and you're like yeah, yeah and then there's this marvelous sequence of gladiatorial combat where he introduces (and disposes of) character after character as they come and go in the contest. It's analytical, amoral, economical. Like the outline of a Conan book. The set piece dominates everything else - I don't even remember who the hero was or how he won. But it has that outlier quality the Elephant has.

The others were a mixed bag, b-list premise and story mix to my mind. Not bad, not something to seek out.

>> No.15853306

For me, It's Liandrin Guirale, i want a Red/Black Ajah to dominate me

>> No.15853326

So T HE E L E P H A N T is his best series?

>> No.15853361

Don't know. A workman genre writer with flashes of brilliance? There could be other flashes sprinkled throughout his career.

>> No.15853455

>reading chink shit

>> No.15853485

Just finished it. It was alright and it was a setup for the next book indeed. Not gonna go into the details but its slightly cliffhangery but not terrible.

>> No.15853511

E William Brown is working on his own xanixa/wuxia story. That's why he hasn't released space loli 2.

>> No.15853544

Is harry still mab's bitch?
Is the island still part of him?
Did the police girls get dropped?
Did Harry finally fuck molly? I know she wants what inside Dresden's Fly bad.
Did Santa Claus show up again?
How the fuck did you finish it already? Is it only 200 pages?

>> No.15853569
File: 76 KB, 596x470, 1522559646593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you are my fucking nigger. Never let anyone tell you you're anything less than magnificent.

>> No.15853646
File: 52 KB, 324x500, 51VYySIcBtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of it is trash - not confident even to admit what's in it, or not /sffg/ related
don't be ashamed anon, there are people in this thread right now that read Xianxia, litrpgs and tie-in game fiction (me)

>> No.15853671

>Is harry still mab's bitch?
>Is the island still part of him?
>Did the police girls get dropped?
murphy is still around and dating harry
>Did Harry finally fuck molly? I know she wants what inside Dresden's Fly bad.
no but he made a bargain with her as winter lady so he owes her big time
>Did Santa Claus show up again?
yep, as odin though
>How the fuck did you finish it already? Is it only 200 pages?
my pdf reader said it was about 183 pages. my calibre tells me its 420 pages and 112k words took me like 3 hours or so to get through

>> No.15853715

Cucks, all of you.

>> No.15853880
File: 231 KB, 1200x822, 20200713_202656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cool fantasy books with eastern dragons in it?

>> No.15853971

the never ending story.

>> No.15853981

There's loads in xianxia and actual eastern fantasy

Je Tian Xi does them well but it does turn the main one into a magical girl for a lot of the text.

>> No.15853987
File: 18 KB, 306x499, 41PUQrlXCzL._SX304_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes the whole larp of "peasants should write 'dragon' with this and that character for risk of getting killed" to a new level

>> No.15854105

Have anyone here listened to the Brigador audiobook? Is it good?

>> No.15854111
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This was a decent read in the end, despite being one of those first books which is almost entirely setup for the main plot.
After a month when I've been struggling to find a book that keeps my interest long enough for me to finish it I read this in 2 or 3 days.

I liked the way it approaches twists too, they're done subtly enough to work as big reveals but all of the information in them is deductible before the reveal either from details given to the reader or through the narrative conventions used.

Do think I might've struggled to keep with it if I read a bit slower though.

>> No.15854182

>explaining how sci-fi tech works
>Well the flabberhertz add the mass of the speed to the shaniwangz. This causes the ship enter luminal speed and the crew to corcupote in human cocoons until the jump ends...(continue for 5 pages)

>Explain how sci-fi tech works
>Protagonist just says "how the fuck should I know I just fly"

>> No.15854189


>> No.15854388

One anon to another anon often seems to every anon.

>> No.15854400


>> No.15854542

>tfw you wanted to write a series for years
>now that the first book is 2/3 of the way done you can't even imagine writing a decent sequel

>> No.15854603

god bless, anon

>> No.15854719

>The Strange Affair of Spring-Heeled Jack,
I remember reading this and liking it. The later books in the series get weird and I never finished it

>> No.15854739

Ok mr genius, who’s the guardian then

>> No.15854781

Is it considered edgy to have a fantasy hero kill? They're killing fellow humans and not fantasy races.

>> No.15854837

At this point not killing would be edgy. In most fantasy its kill or be killed. Modern sensibilities and values of right and wrong and equality are a western invention that like 60% of our world does not share with Europe or the US.

>> No.15854854

Okay thanks. I haven't read that much modern fantasy so I don't know what is considered acceptable.

>> No.15854905

Orcs by Stan Nichols. Fuck WotC.

>> No.15855021

Stupid orc trilogy

>> No.15855029
File: 50 KB, 200x304, Viriconium_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some dying earth/post-apoc/general bleak-ass fiction similar to Viriconium with its emphasis on the physical underpinnings of reality getting worn out and beginning to break down. Never read anything else quite so good at describing literal world-weariness.

>> No.15855232

Literally the OP pic, Book of the New Sun. One of the best books of all time in my opinion but it might be a but hard to get into.
The human society is so degenerated that the protagonist lives in an ancient rocket ship that they think it's a metallic tower.

>> No.15855263

Can't get into Malazan because I refuse to read Gardens of the Moon, a notoriously shit book to start the series.

>> No.15855283
File: 30 KB, 332x500, emptyspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Harrison's other stuff is good. it isn't exactly dying earth though, and it's pretty hard to find in libraries.

>> No.15855297
File: 469 KB, 667x1000, 9780765331090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Songs of the Dying Earth: Short Stories in Honor of Jack Vance

>> No.15855361

>Did Harry finally fuck molly? I know she wants what inside Dresden's Fly bad.
Have you read Brief Cases?
There's a short story in that from Molly's perspective.
Molly can't get dicked by anyone right now due to the whole winter maiden shit. She'll probably fuck Ramirez once the mantle is gone though, if he doesn't run screaming the moment he sees her again.

>> No.15855512

anyone got a download for Peace Talks because I'm broke af

>> No.15855585

Read the thread faggot.

>> No.15855670

harry and lasciel mind clone daughter is a cute

>> No.15855988
File: 94 KB, 900x615, The_Tool_of_Justice_by_Shadaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, the legs also have more joints that can go hinge both directions, and there are two sets of hips so that the body can dodge away swordthrusts. Add to that great strength and more strange abilities and you have a race of terrifying figures that we rarely see during the course of the book. Truly formidable hand-to-hand fighters that do not need weapons to beat ordinary human soldiers. We get point-of-view sections from some of those guys only in book ten if i remember.
That graphic is still missing a couple of minor races mentioned in the book.

According to the wiki they are a Imass-Toblakai-(possibly Edur) crossbreed that always wear the bug armor, never taking it off as it appears to be sutured on.

>> No.15856196

I fucking hate the fact that microsoft has like 6 different writers for the Halo series fucking pick one and stick with it.

>> No.15856226

I was going to recommend one but you blew it by using moronic slang

>> No.15856649

I, Robot series, the Martian Chronicles by Bradbury, and Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan. Or his book Thin Air if you had already watched the show (but the book is still miles better).

>> No.15856971
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I’m working on a new fantasy concept that will surely reach epic proportions. It began through a prop I made for another work: I call it the GrayNet. Anyway, I wanted to use the GrayNet [which operates on protocols and hardware that use an additional state to the convention 0‘s and 1‘s which is simultaneously 0 and 1 at the same time] to help a software engineer character figure out how to make a 3d environment file piracy-proof and also take away user-generated content to make a statement about top-down content creation: I call the file .3DVR and it is a ‘datatree’ which contains ‘datafruit’ which basically is user-input that tracks the trajectory of the specific file. So a software engineer that has a passion for studying old obsolete programming languages [this is set in the future] is messing around on some antique software archive and starts looking at a program called ‘xmask’. This is thinly veiled reference to gmask if there are any other oldfags here ITT. If you don’t know what gmask was, it was a kind of visual puzzle that you had to solve in order to reveal the entire image: the ‘puzzled’ parts looked like multi-colored static. Anyway, the software engineer, called ‘the Professor’ by his coworkers because of his infatuation with antique programming languages notices that much of the code for ‘xmask’ was written directly in machine code. That’s ooooo1111o1o1o1o zeros and ones for you who don’t know. So he decides to compile the machine code and discovers a hidden program within xmask. This is a very barebones program that simply moves memory around in a strange algorithm, connects to some kind of server that uses an unknown form of address other than TCP/IP, and starts spitting out characters. This is the most basic a program could be. It turns out that the ‘server’ it connects to is actually a ‘crypter’ that is part of the GrayNet. And the characters it spits out are actually novels. Well, the Professor thinks they are some kind of historical archive because the first story was about the creation of IRCD: the protocol used in IRC. But then the hidden program that connects to the GrayNet starts spitting out some pretty weird shit and all of the novels or stories are about the creation of some kind of technology. One of them ends up being about the specifics of the .3DVR piracy-proof file. But then one starts describing the invention of phonetic scripts.

>> No.15856978
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Which was actually invented by a malevolent being from another universe that has 5 Forces instead of our paltry 4; I call them the MEFIANS as they are all named MEF which is an abbreviation of Mephistopholes, naturally. This MEF broke through during the Pleistocene and wanted to use his script to dupe humans into doing magik to bring MEF’s buddies through too. It works and they lay waste to North America and this is what caused the sudden mysterious disappearance of the mega fauna and people that lived here at that time. It turns out that one of the was a cannibal and so he was cast out, then all the MEFians get ‘arrested’ because they were actually runaway slaves of other malevolent inter-universe beings. The GrayNet story then mentions the discovery of this script close in time to the professor. The Story then explicitly mentions the Professor going to kill everyone who knows about the MEFIAN script in order to stop the MEFIANS from returning. He fails to do this and the MEFIANS do indeed show back up but only because the cannibal that got away finds the MEFIAN codex [written on human skin, of course] and lures them back in order to kill and eat them. It turns out that the MEFIANs have since broken free from interdimensional slavery and easily overpower the cannibal then wreck havoc on the world and humanity: reducing humanity to the status of a domesticated animal farmed for sustenance which the MEFIANS think is pretty funny. They always taunt people about how maybe if they treated the pigs and chickens better this wouldn’t have happened to them. So all of humanity is livestock except for this primal tribe that can’t even use fire that live in the caves somewhere. The MEFIANS round them up but most of them kill themselves by beating their heads on the bars except for the boy who comes to be known as ‘ARKY NUUH’. ‘Arky’ is the livestock-peoples word for ‘sparky’ and Nuuh is the same as NEW. Because he was new in the farms. Anyway, the domesticated humans are stricken with slave morality and refuse to help Arky when the MEFIANS decide to go on vacation to another universe, leaving behind the ‘MASARS’ [masters] who are like 8 feet tall and have horns and teeth and shit to keep the sheeple in line. Arky sees his opportunity and fashions a stone spear and begins to murder the MASARS one by one, always framing another human for the crime in an effort to stay alive.

>> No.15856982
File: 313 KB, 371x563, InqCope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game tie-ins
Phew, I'm not alone thankfully.
It's the Star Wars, Halo and Warcraft (pre-2010) Novels. I'll probably have a reread through the Warcraft and Star Wars stuff I have, but man were the Halo novels not good.

Still read it, completely unashamed.

That is a sinful combination of words.
I had to search that and wish I hadn't.

>> No.15856993
File: 1.81 MB, 4200x4201, Ghost-in-the-water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o Arky heroically kills all the MASARS by himself and destroys the gateway, blocking the MEFIANS from returning. He then starts a new civilization based on the opposite of the sheeple’s culture: a civilization that marks the seasons with names like FREEDOM, VIOLENCE, REVENGE, CREATIVITY, MEMORY, and uses an ideographic script : pic related. It is called Zaarskrit [star-script] and it turns out to have magical powers. The Zaarskriters are like the high priests of this civilization but also like hardcore badass killa niggas that are masters of dueling [a keen interest in this civilization] and they write their Zaarskrit on great kodexs made from human skin. Their greatest goal is the ARKAR: basically genocide to every other kind of human. Which they do before meeting the KRAX of UNN, Arky’s other little civilization he made in almost opposite form from the Zaarskriters. They use UNNSKRIT -[sun-script] and are great builders in stone, unlike the Zskriters. Anyway, the cool thing about Zaarskrit is that the symbols are made through dimensions: the primal forms can be FREE or UNFREE or SEMIFREE, then you choose LIFE or DEATH, then ELEMENTS, then modality [matter, mind, spirit] and all the ‘devices’ reference myths or stories from their history and gain meaning from the moral of the story at certain points, thereby creating a device that can mean ‘cowardice, laziness, slavery, buffoonery, avarice, disgusting, abomination,’ etc simply through the slight modification of the relevant device.

pic related is the one of the new elemental symbols I came up with for water but it also means 'THE UNIVERSE OF WATER' i.e. a universe with more radiating Forces than Binding forces

>> No.15857064


>> No.15857073

Is it better to just draw a symbol in your books, or try to describe it?

>> No.15857095

Better to draw it, but autist will insist that any imagery besides the cover turns it into a children's book (ignoring the fact that sci-fi and fantasy are already children's genres)

>> No.15857108

I got through book six. Don't worry it doesn't get much better.

>> No.15857113

Why are people against maps? There is nothing wrong with a damn map showing the land

>> No.15857129

Anon made a programming magic system.

Depends on the symbol. Take flags for example;
Simplicity is the king of communication across long distances, easily for a child to replicate and can be something proud of if it's cool enough.
If it's simple, you can describe it easily and in one sentence.

Or learn to use the medium as intended and not plaster your entry-level deviant art pieces into a book.
Maps are an exception if they're good. Wheel of Time is not one of the cases.
Because they're often done poorly. See Wheel of Time.
>But they look cool
They look cool at the size they were drawn at or bigger. Shrunken maps are awful.

>> No.15857130

It's a written medium and the main use of a map is to cover for an author's failure to create a memorable geography

>> No.15857168
File: 111 KB, 1920x768, swimming_in_the_clouds_by_daria_ts_ddxrrj1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books that match this feel?

>> No.15857173

go to Audiobook player on android?
I'm sick of MortPlayer crashing every time I switch books.
continue playing after plugging in the earphones is great along with it going back 10s whenever it pauses

>> No.15857184
File: 98 KB, 911x696, Printmaker-of-Portraits-of-the-Reak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sci-fi and fantasy are already children's genres

I agree that for the most part they have been, but I endeavor to imbue sci-fi and fantasy with literary themes. The one I'm working with the most these days is Freedom as quest that can ironically enslave humans and cause some pretty horrific shit. I think that the human condition can be explored, satirized, and most of all ironically mocked to a greater degree when you are free to invent any manner of prop or creature or entity to test the mettle of man-un-kind. Sci-fi especially allows social commentary and often emanates into the real world when some autist actually figures out how to make your props. It's almost like you forgot that Arthur C Clark invented satellites which are now necessary for our civilization to function. Child's play? I think not.

>> No.15857220

None that I can think of, but I will use the flying manta rays in my Zaarskriter universe. The Zaarskriters create all kinds of crazy elemental beings like the Fire Owl or the Water Bear. The flying mantas will obviously be a kind of Air Fish.

>> No.15857295

>he can't into argument of periapsis
>wooooo lads it's the heckin solerino and the wookin cuterinoooooo!


>> No.15857307

>Is it considered edgy to have a fantasy hero kill?

Only if they are male. If they're female they get a free pass to mass murder innocents whenever convenient. See also; jemisin

>> No.15857317



>> No.15857319
File: 52 KB, 779x690, 1572134346151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NK Jemisin more like CUTE murder loli and murder husbando

>> No.15857329

Podcast addict is pretty solid, honestly I haven't tried anything else but it's got everything you could really need

>> No.15857365

top response of >>15857129

Backing this so hard.
I honestly don't care for Sanderfags "Fantasy is meant to be %80 world building" , I just want a story that either works really well or written like it's at least had some thought put into it.
Effort is sexy. lacklustre encyclopedia's, not so much.

>> No.15857376
File: 39 KB, 408x510, Not reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15857392

In case you are new here, the general approach is to ignore the wall of text autismo.

>> No.15857395

>star wars reading, chinkshit novel loving anon looks down on litrpg
You're actually worse than the litrpg fags.

>> No.15857399

Worldbuilding is the enemy of storytelling

>> No.15857417

Gotta draw the line somewhere lil' nigga.

>> No.15857419

Because mapfags are autistic.

>> No.15857420

Nah, in practice with enough self-confidence all MCs have a murder pass. If the writer chooses not to have any moral ambiguity, then there is none. Bad people are bad

>> No.15857425

Yes. Can't remember the name though.

>> No.15857430

>Why are people against maps?
Because, over time, a nice idea has become a calling card of some of the blandest, most boring fantasy shit imaginable.

>> No.15857447

I would argue that in order to create true original content, the world you build is integral to the story and the great story is woven within the warp and weft of your new world

>> No.15857505

>I'm sick of MortPlayer crashing
I had to switch from mort player recently. Switched to a new os version of Android and it became unusable. It's too bad the creator was hacked and they deleted his entire server with the source code.
I was holding out for years hoping he would bounce back, it was the best audiobook player of it's time but I don't think it's happening.

Try "smart audiobook player" it does m4bs (the chapters separation) and a few other stuff like sleeping after the phone wasn't handled for x amount of time. It helps when you're laying in bed and you get mugged by the sandman. You can easily find your way back. With mortplayer I would wake up and find it still playing 6 hours later. It takes a while to get used to the controls coming from mortplayer, but now I am enjoying the hassle free use without crashes and other bug shit that comes with using mort with a Android os7+ device.

>> No.15857521

You'd think that.
Sadly, it's rarely pulled off.

I was 12-16 when I read the Star Wars stuff. The original post was literally saying I was embarrassed.
Calm down sperg, sorry that you have to be drip fed video game shit 24/7.

>> No.15857540

You drew it at the wrong place.
You can't read video game tie-ins and poorly translated (and poorly written) chinkshit, then feel you are better than the litrpg faggots.

>> No.15857569

There are people who make a map first, THEN write their story. I'm not reading travelogues. I want an actual story to be told, not just moving from point A to P while stopping at each letter in between to "show all the cool places and shit man". Fuck you.

>> No.15857571

What is this 'litrpg'? I haven't used /lit/ in a while.

>> No.15857586

>The original post was literally saying I was embarrassed.
What I got from your original post is that you're unashamed of liking chinkshit.

>> No.15857593

It's just what they call stories set in a videogame. The entire plot of these garbage books is just some people playing some vidya quests with their friends

>> No.15857624
File: 235 KB, 1569x1000, robert-kim-cybermaid-finalc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil' nigga don't make me take that stick up your ass and beat you wit it.
I, or the anon who you responded to originally, can do the fuck we wanna do. Like reading Wh40k novels and not reading litrpg.
Cuz we just roll like that homie.

You forgot to mention an inordinate amount of autism too.

>> No.15857637

Wandering Inn audiobook 2 was released yesterday. Anyone reading that illogical piece of shit novel?(as if women could be logical)

>> No.15857659

>The entire plot of these garbage books is just some people playing some vidya quests with their friends
Shows that you never read anything litrpg. I bet you like WoT and Moorcock

>> No.15857702

Fuck off chang nobody will read your self published litrpg

>> No.15857744
File: 302 KB, 409x407, GakiEndo_Sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15857751

Because, as pointed out in the Coode Street podcast episode with Glen Cook and Steven Erikson, even a well-made map will always be a hindrance to future storytelling. A map will lay out the land as a constriction to further plot movement and nothing new can be written into the world from that point on. It simplifies the world and removes a degree of mystery.

I also suggest Smart AudioBook Player, even the free version has all I need.

>> No.15857885

Why is Endo sad?
He got divorced again?

>> No.15857908

>Smart AudioBook Player
Thanks, I'll look into it

>> No.15857953

>and you get mugged by the sandman.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15857992


>he doesn't know

>> No.15858377

Just have a large cast of supporting characters and don't make the MC's plotline the only thing happening in the world for the world will feel real, no maps or worldbuilding interludes required

>> No.15858510

>Just have a large cast of supporting characters
Absolutely make sure not to do this.

>> No.15858681

? You're probably misunderstanding what I mean by supporting characters. Nothing makes a story feel more fake than when there's only a half-dozen people with names and dialogue in the whole thing

>> No.15859156

Or it feels twice as hollow because the names hold no weight to the character beyond an easy use tag.
I swear, if Robert Jordan weren't such a names autist, I would've stuck with Eye of the World.
So many named characters that meant fucking nothing throughout the entire piece.

>> No.15859168
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Goodreads is so fucking cringe.

>> No.15859404
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any recs for Jungian fiction that includes one or all of the following?
>mental illness

>> No.15859459

Yeah, confusing suggestion. It's well written and interesting, conceptually. The story of the book itself seems pretty cursory as compared to the story of the world which it relates to you obliquely, but that's almost a good thing.

>> No.15859590

I finished the main series Sunday, and am going to speedread Side Jobs and Brief cases to get to Peace Talks

>> No.15860053

>oil rig setting

So, The Scar?

>> No.15860176

>The Scar
>China Miéville

>> No.15860236

I fell for this meme and read Recursion by Blake Crouch.

A fun and admittedly enjoyable read, but my god it was full of so much stupidity and plot hole and ill thought out science/philosophy that several times I got angry and had to stop reading it for the day. 2/5

>> No.15860262

One of the ICE books confirms that the armor CAN be removed they're just ridiculously reluctant to do so in front of nonmoranth.

>> No.15860406
File: 45 KB, 392x500, whoanigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15860415

heh funy.

>> No.15860476

Been reading The Dying Earth by Jack Vance (about halfway through). It was recommended to me because I've always liked stories set in "the final days of the Universe/Earth". What load of trash. Just a collection of retarded stories with no significance to the end of the Earth in any way.

Is there any good "end of the Universe/Earth" literature?

>> No.15860514

just finished the new dresden files, considering digging up my ebooks of the rest of the series and rereading it seeing as it's been several years since I last gave it any attention

>> No.15860540

bro you are doing an unironic version of the
>movie is called Blade Runner
>a blade never runs

>> No.15860801

Dying Earth is magnificent, but I think the title attracts the unwary.

>> No.15860961

How did you like it? In the last few Dresden files I've become distracted by strange, drifting diversions that seem to gratuitously break story momentum, only to realize days later he was following up on some series-long storyline that I'd forgotten about. I can't imagine the long layoff helped. Does the new one bring any clarity, or is it for hard core fans who have internalized all the minutia?

>> No.15861208
File: 96 KB, 540x355, cath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Because you enjoyed a book about a fantasy necromancer we're recommending you the biography of an televangelist!"
lmao goodreads is a shambles of a site

>> No.15861301

I don't really get how Dresden is popular, everything I liked about it i.e. the low key semi-realistic setting and conman style protagonist faded by the time the books "got good" because the power levels jumped so much.

>> No.15861388

>a book added by not even 500 people provides inaccurate recommendations
Shouldn't sffg be slightly more computer literate than this?

>> No.15861407

every other recommendations alithogram site in the world at least understands how to group stuff within familiar genres anon
lastfm used to manage to group bands with 12 listeners appropriately

>> No.15861435

I'm interested in starting one of the following series:
-Hyperion Cantos
-Book of the New Sun
-Sailing to Sarantium
Which would you recommend to tackle first? I very recently got into sf and fantasy and have only read TLOR and some Greg Egan sci fi novels so far

>> No.15861455
File: 38 KB, 634x385, quote alithogram unquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because music subgenres are a lot easier to handle and determine by both curators and users than literature.

>> No.15861459

Don't read the Hyperion series, just the first one.

>> No.15861463


Mieville is based af even if his politics are utterly delusional. If you want a really interesting look into the psychology of a particular species of deep-left his retelling of the rise of the Bolsheviks is a fascinating read; "October"

>> No.15861500

Why? Are the other 3 not as good? Is the first one self-contained? Or is it a single novel split into 4 parts like lord of the rings is in three?

>> No.15861510 [DELETED] 

try gormenghast. first 3 books are great.

>> No.15861515

Tried reading Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, got to the NTR part and just dropped it. Why was that necessary?

>> No.15861525

Eyes of the Overworld is fantastic. The only stories I didn't care for much in Tales of the Dying Earth were the Rhialto ones.

>> No.15861541

Just finished children of time. It was pretty good. Anyone else read it?

>> No.15861554

The first is open, haunting and resonant, the sequel and beyond shit on it by clumsily over explaining everything and subject you to the author's obsessive hobby horses and gong banging. I wish I could unread them.

>> No.15861578

>Why was that necessary?
Forced drama between the protagonist and his love interest. Served no purpose as neither of them grow or change from it in any signifiant way and they end up together anyway.

>> No.15861615

Try Gormenhast. First 3 books are great.

>> No.15861684

Bros my indoor cat got outside and ran off and we can’t find her, any books for this feel?

>> No.15861694

The fuck, go look for her. Enlist the neighbors and get other people on board. Go buy food and a cage if necessary preemptively to lure her when/if you find her.

>> No.15861711

It’s been hours man we’ve done all this. Called the nearby shelters, put up posters, knocked on doors, etc

>> No.15861721

If it was a tabby, catfag probably stole it to turn into a catgirl.

>> No.15861732

I think she's up on the roof.

>> No.15861736

just accept that it might be dead as dogshit.

>> No.15861771


>> No.15861848

Wind up Bird Chronicle

>> No.15861897

That's nothing. Try Linkedin.
Their algo somehow mistook my AWS (Amazon Web Services) certificates with
American Welding Society certification.
I was getting offers to work on off shore rigs for months.

>> No.15861920

I had no idea about his political leanings (not that it's hard to guess just by looking at him). That post was based on my experience with Perdido Street Station.

>> No.15861922
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Unironically enjoyed (the whole series). Recommend me a book.

>> No.15861929

>Loved Dune, Foundation, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Just got The Expanse how does it rank along those that I listed?


Definitely read Book of the New Sun and Gormenghast.


I tried getting into it years ago it's just eh too pulpy I guess. I'll give it another shot but I don't think I was interested in the series much after Summer Knight even though I really liked that one.

>> No.15862004

>Legend of the Galactic Heroes
How did that crap found it's way on your list?

>> No.15862016

The Forge of God is solid though the sequel is absolute trash (Greg Bear is likely a pedo and a moron)

>> No.15862055
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based star wars reader

>> No.15862221

stackpole rules, he has the talent to be a proper fantasy writer, had two or three attempts that didn't sell that well, and just said fuck it give me the licensed tie in money

>> No.15862238

im not far in so no spoilers, but does the writing in peace talks seem... off to you guys? it feels like butcher forgot his own writing style, or like it was ghostwritten by someone who made no effort to emulate

if anyone's further along than I am, does it pick back up?

>> No.15862241
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Goodreads algorithm is trash now, it happened like 5? months ago, before that if you were reding a fantasy book from the 80s you would get recommended another fantasy book from the 80s and 70s, now no matter what you read you get recommended self-published amazon trash or biographies.

>> No.15862291

what fantasy/sci fi novels have legitimately good prose, other than like gormenghast and wolfe?

>> No.15862321
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I’ve been getting back into reading and someone a few threads ago recommended the powder mage trilogy, which I just finished. I think I'd need to reread it for a better evaluation but for now I’ll say it was mostly pretty great. I think my favorite of the three was The Crimson Campaign and my least favorite by far was The Autumn Republic. Seemed a bit confused towards the end there and I don't think I've hated many characters more than I hated Nila, but, again, it was an overall good read, I would recommend it I suppose. I also picked up Shadow of the Conqueror the other day and am proceeding with cautious optimism, what are some other good reads?

>> No.15862472

Peace Talks was a disappointment. Tons of time setting up plot points that went nowhere.

>> No.15862617
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This is such a great book, just finished it, 9,5/10
Sad that it is has not been translated in english yet

>> No.15862658

I liked it well enough - if you enjoy dresden stuff it's worth the read. I wouldn't especially say it relies excessively on old plot threads. Before reading this new one, I read a synopsis of Skin
Game to refresh my memory, and read Brief Cases, the recent short story collection - between the two of those I felt pretty well caught up.

However I would say I noticed it featured an unusually wide cast of characters without focusing enormously closely on any of them (perhaps reasonable considering it's about a summit where all the major players show up), and that it did feel like setting up the high-stakes next book (releasing in september I think) was given equal importance to this book's own plot.

I get the feeling Jim Butcher found himself with a very long instalment and decided to split it into two. If what I said above bothers you a lot, consider waiting until the next one releases later this year and then read them together.

>> No.15862801

>I would say I noticed it featured an unusually wide cast of characters without focusing enormously closely on any of them
Yeah, that's sort of what was happening for me before. A light handful tossed to each story thread, at the expense of what's between the covers of that volume. Thanks for an attentive rec.

And I'll say I don't think the recent installments were bad, just that the story had wound itself into a tighter ball than I could track given the timeframe of releases. Lots of people love that attention to ongoing storylines. And if I'd picked up the story fifty years from now when I could read it all in one go I might love it too.

>> No.15862821

powder mage has a second trilogy "Gods of Blood and Powder"

>> No.15862906

The Tiger, by Nael

>> No.15862964

Artemis Fowl
Septimus Heap

>> No.15862990

Been a while since I read the previous books, but doesn't seem that different to me.
I'm getting real tired of police girl though.
>middle aged
>almost completely crippled
>still hot and petite
>still fucking shit up

>> No.15863003

It's why you read self published. Harry would have fucked Molly by now.

>> No.15863058

Well is it much better or mostly the same? I didn't really feel like it needed to continue

>> No.15863611

Prince of nothing - r. Scott Bakker

>> No.15863620

Stealing your gay idea thanks

>> No.15863645

Stephen king does of bunch of that shit, I like it, it’s chill. I liked the scene in The Stand where a sheet is partially obfuscated by shadow and he types out the visible script in a triangular fashion. Chill vibes, chill vibes

>> No.15863741

Same, on The Judging Eye. Great series so far. Also kek at leroy Jenkins. I’ve been getting these vibes that scott watches anime and is Thusly influenced by it. Check it tho, bro’s, did his magic, that being the aesthetic part of it, glowing eyes, glowing mouth, and there’s some other shit i forget, totally seem like it inspired Avatar the last Airbender? Idk

>> No.15863816

I pretty much agree with what the other anon said, but to put my own spin on it, it's one of the few books I can honestly recommend because of its worldbuilding. It's not entirely clear (for example) what the "Ouster barbarians" are, what the Hegemony properly is or what the capabilities of the TechnoCore entail until the Consul's tale. The Consul even mentions offhand that Sol is famous long before his tale explains what's even special about him and why he went on the pilgrimage. It hops from genre to genre and can be a homage to Victorian adventure fiction, pulpy military sci-fi, cyberpunk, comedy and right at the end artsy lit fic while making it clear that ALL those stylings can coexist in the same world, because the universe is just that big and the subjective experience of any individual is just that variable and limited. The book arguably *revolves* around that, so while I'm not usually one to say that mystique is inherently good, showing us the inside of the TechnoCore or spending like 2 chapters in a Ouster hive (where they nail down every Noble Savage cliche imaginable in record time) is just very gauche

The weirdest thing is that they were originally meant to be in a single book. I don't think that version would be remembered nearly as fondly, since all the bad parts were apparently split neatly in the middle

>> No.15863896

i thought this same thing, it felt like someone else was writing a dresdenfiles story. the entire book was just a setup for the next book, which really leaves me with a bad taste. i love dresden files, except the one where he was working security on the porn set, that book was not that great, but all the others until now have been really good. peace talks just seemed really odd.

also, no za lord guard? fuck that, if its a big accords diplomatic thingy, harry should have gone in style with his little personal guard

>> No.15863910

the little folk are far and away the worst characters in the series.

>> No.15863979

t. irish person

>> No.15863984

If you are going to upload to royal road and want people to actually read it then make it an isekai. Just look the RRL trending page.

>> No.15864157
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/lit/ urban fantasy?

>> No.15864173

so, weve all read peace talks and agree Bonea is the best character, right?

>> No.15864411
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Oh, yeeeeah... PSS is pretty fucking bad. Not a great representation of his work at this point. Some of his recent stuff is really brilliant. I can strongly recommend Three Moments of an Explosion. It's not all gold but there are some incredible displays of literary talent.

>> No.15864440


The Iron Dragon's Daughter
American Gods
Neverwhere (Haven't revisited this since I was a YA, probably so-so...)

also >>15864411

>> No.15864518

No, maybe 3 of the 110 posters in this thread have read it.

>> No.15864541

You're doing that so much that pregnancy is assured.

>> No.15864550

The leviathan series is decent, made 100x better by the excellent Keith Thompson illustrations that make the world so much more alive.

>> No.15864553

You're using the site wrong.

>> No.15864584


>> No.15864779
