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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 800x1280, MyTwistedWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15848809 No.15848809 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, how does it stack up?

>> No.15848831

maybe we should crowdfund a digital copy, I really want to read it but I don't want to spend 8 dollars on it

>> No.15849426

I dunno but there was an entire discord server that got intellectually devastated by Horia recently, and he wasn't even trying kek

>> No.15849433


>> No.15849461

Masterpiece tier. By no means foundational, but the pinnacle of what one could write today

>> No.15849478

not sure if the invite works anymore
I left the server after Horia left and they all started shittalking him behind his back and tried to dox him.
Shameful display

>> No.15849543

Invaljd link

>> No.15849547

stop posting your shitty self published book here

>> No.15849554

it's not horia, its the poorfags who cant afford $8 lul

>> No.15849887

Why would I bother reading this? The Amazon description is incredibly vague and there are no reviews

>> No.15850019

There are no reviews because it came out recently and people are still figuring out how deep this goes
it goes really deep from what I read

>> No.15850035

now that the dust has settled, who's gonna sweep it up?

>> No.15850103

There was a thread few days ago where he posed some excerpts. It was awful.

>> No.15850138

One of the best books I've ever red.

Combine with Fanged Noumena, The Foundation For Exploration, and BAM and its over for the Greeks.

>> No.15850300

Based redtard.

>> No.15850335

t. Sean Goonan

>> No.15850364

Fuck off liar, he didn't post a single example, you retards just talked shit and made him leave

>> No.15850380

He posted plenty of examples and plenty of people ripped his shit apart.

>> No.15850391

Can he do it again, I'm interested

>> No.15850402

I hope so. That thread was hilarious.

>> No.15850405

>being this delusional
All you did is make non-sequiturs and ad homs the entire time. He schooled every last one of you simpletons.

>> No.15850412

No they didn't. The exerts were good and it was just a couple people seething because they will never publish anything.

>> No.15850422

>a bunch of total losers who cant even afford 8 DOLLARS think they have the high ground

beg some more retards :^)

>> No.15850452

This. They displayed a typical feminine (masculine) behaviour

>> No.15850534
File: 101 KB, 1087x795, A814875E-5A7F-4578-BE86-078D82D29F56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more faggot. I’m not buying your shitty book

>> No.15850568

then stop begging for it, it's pathetic.

>> No.15850641

Poor guy. Bullied by fuckin no-ones

You are strong Horia. Do not listen to these schmucks. I believe in you

>> No.15850662

A daring work that shall be admired. Remember, the faggots trashing on you are the same ones who say Virgil is fanfic.

>> No.15850684

>I'm so fucking smart I organized all of productive human activity into these neat little boxes through automatic writing
What the fuck am I reading

>> No.15850706

invalid discord link. -cry

>> No.15850739

pay the eight dollars or stop whining, poorfags

>> No.15850748

Hes an abhorrent pseud who wrote nothing about nothing. He doesn't deserve our attention.

>> No.15850752

This is totally devoid of any kind of value, is the entire book like this?

>> No.15850751

Just when people were crying philosophy was dead. Thank you Belcea.

>> No.15850758

imagine schopenhauer on here trying to get people people to buy the world as will and representation

>> No.15850761

then why are you in every thread begging?

>> No.15850787

its cuz ur gay and redarted and homosex

>> No.15850790

Nice projection

>> No.15850822

Don't equivocate the two. Belchia writes at a 10th grade level. He reeks of amateurism and inflated ego.

>> No.15850843

No projection, just truth.

He was fucking trashed in the original thread, everyone hated his work and shat on him for it, now suddenly /lit/ is coming to his rescue.

Over what? Garbage retarded right wing pseud talking point?

Fuck you.

>> No.15850845

Make a request on MAM and then upload it to libgen.

>> No.15850865

What’s MAM?

>> No.15850866

Why should anyone take advice from losers who fail at life so hard they can't afford 8 bucks?

>> No.15850874
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>> No.15850898


>> No.15850909
File: 129 KB, 360x360, 1593561329072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Synthesizing the objective and subjective? That sounds interesting, I'll check out what's in it on amazon.
>it's a fucking diary written by some 2deep4u guy who got full of himself for being in gifted classes as a kid
>talks about being good at league of legends and how he's an economics expert because he reads books
>says he figured out some magical day-trading algorithm that, by its nature, isn't able to be explained, but also implies that the only reason actual investment professionals didn't respect it was because he didn't conform to social norms and was just too cool for them
>portrays being a non-committal, meandering fuckhead who has nothing to be proud of by 30 as a form of the tortured, rejected but well meaning genius who's just too far ahead of everyone else
>busts out MBTI like it's fucking magic and not a pseudo-scientific buzzfeed quiz draped in faux sophistication

I made it halfway through chapter 4 before closing it out of pure cringe. Who the fuck writes like this? Who spends this much time talking about himself and how special he is then titles the book "writing the future of modern philosophy"? Was this written ironically? I don't get it, it's like me from middle school was asked to write stream of consciousness style about shit he gleamed from edu-tainment youtube videos.

>> No.15850917


>> No.15850931

Do you have a pdf copy?

>> No.15850938

no, the amazon preview is the first 20 chapters

>> No.15850947

You know this boards in a bad state when it starts backing this books filth.

>> No.15850960

Who's Horia?

>> No.15850965


>> No.15850986

big book of reddit

>> No.15851011
File: 21 KB, 337x500, 41p+uE8B-DL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proud statement on his Amazon page that he has no background in philosophy should have told you everything, it's really your own fault. The whole thing is exemplary of the modern phenomenon discussed in pic related. The self satisfied man of the modern age revels in his own ignorance and pushes his uninformed opinions on the rest of the world.

>> No.15851013


>> No.15851020

kek now THIS is philosophyTM

>> No.15851044

>The proud statement on his Amazon page that he has no background in philosophy should have told you everything
I didn't see that until after I read the preview, but yes I only have myself to blame. Still, though, how much of a background in philosophy do you need to know how wrong this is? "Here's the shit that was going on around the time I reached the conclusion, and here's the conclusion (unsubstantiated), and now we're moving on." repeated ad nauseam.

>> No.15851060

fuck off beggar

>> No.15851089

Hi horia

>> No.15851109
File: 53 KB, 1879x134, 6E45FADE-D5FE-4960-8F19-57EED9587ED1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horia can you explain this

>> No.15851112

>over 1000 chapter philosophy book

>> No.15851124

wait does she actually discuss her sex change?

>> No.15851138

And yet it's still better than any of the pseuds pushed by lit, and on par with most academic philosophy.

>> No.15851147
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1546492509015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in classical philosophy, I watch youtube videos
>My understanding comes from personal experience
>my audience is the common man
I'm speechless. It's like he IS Dunning-Kruger.

Whatever you're trying to imply doesn't make it not hilariously fucking stupid.

>> No.15851170

Does even /lit/ use this stupid meme? Why do people on 4chan think using paragraphs is a bad thing?

>> No.15851200

that was another anon in the thread pretending to be him
the book's content is funny enough, no need to defame OP further than that

>> No.15851203

My sex change is what informed the Masculine/Feminine dynamic so central to the book. I think that aspect of it is the reason it’s so hard for /lit/ to really understand the work and idea I proposed. Just as they’re closed to new ideas about gender and sexuality, they’re closed to new ideas in philosophy.

>> No.15851215

This is exactly what I meant in >>15851203 . People are so shocked by the idea of a person like me producing philosophy that they pass it off as a joke.

>> No.15851223
File: 13 KB, 239x211, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone unironically bought it

>> No.15851229

Hey if it's really you can you respond to all the shit I said here >>15850909 I literally didn't even know you were a woman or whatever when I read this shit so you can't blame it on sexism.

>> No.15851234

>Hey if it's really you
He's not, you retard

>> No.15851236

You must be the most retarded person on earth to believe this. Its actually astonishing how fucking stupid you sound. Wow.

>> No.15851237

Yes I am, prove I'm not.

>> No.15851238

hi pseud

>> No.15851241


>> No.15851245

Post Chapter 54

>> No.15851246

ok reddit

>> No.15851253

Fuck off you tiny brained, misogynistic, transphobic excuse for a person. You should be ashamed to wake up in the morning.
I don’t have to answer you. I don’t have to answer any of you because if you’d actually read the book, you’d know all these questions were answered already. It is a book with literally hundreds of chapters, and I said it encompasses every thing. I answered all your questions already.
>>15851234 I said it, people pass me off as a joke. This is real

>> No.15851255

Hi Horia

>> No.15851263
File: 44 KB, 640x616, 1541891690164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15851267

can you change the Amazon description to prove it?

>> No.15851280

>t. BAP

>> No.15851283

Your Horia impersonation is pretty weak

>> No.15851316

Clearly it doesn’t matter because even if 3/4 people aren’t retarded enough to believe it, 1/4 people are. Look. I just hate horia with a burning passion for no good reason and want to totally discredit him in any way possible. I hope when people remember this short lived meme they associate it with the nonsense I posted in the first thread. I am more Horia than Horia himself. I am his voice. He is nothing.

>> No.15851329

I now believe this books was written ironically for the sole purpose of facilitating shitposting

>> No.15851332

u mad

>> No.15851333


>> No.15851341

Horia abandoned us immediately and all we're left to do is carry his legacy anonymously
>mad they got baited
It's ok newfriends, one day you'll stop being retarded not really

>> No.15851348

Horia died when his original thread 404'd

>> No.15851349

calm down reddit lol

>> No.15851390

Hey guys, Horia here. Its been some time since I last posted, and I didnt except it to blow up in... this fashion. First of all, I'm not this transgender sperg. If you read exactly this is my groundbreaking philosophy for the right-wing and now being transgender is part of the leftist agenda-pushing, isnt it?
And now for the many points of criticism brought up. All of you are criticising my style so much, ohhh Horia is so much up his own ass here, ohhh Horia cant even write properly there. And I'm sick of it. Why dont you trust yourself to actually debate against my ideas, the flesh of the book? Instead you're arguing about technicalities and choices of style, which, by the way are completely on purpose because I'm not "up my own ass" as much as academia using meaningless terms.
For example the excerpt about Trumps masculine behaviour has been posted a few times, but did anyone actually state whats wrong with it? The answer is no!
On a last note I thank all the anons who gave constructive criticism and those who praised the book, we need to spread the message more, I'm already working at the next one.

>> No.15851394

For years, I have know Horia. He doesn’t even remember me probably. But I remembered him. He broke my heart. Horia really is the great mind he claims to be, and I can attest to that. When we first met, he seduced me, enticed me with not just his dashing looks but his witty mind. His ideas- they reshaped the way I understood the world. From the moment we’d wake up together as the sun went through the thin slits of his basement window, he’d be talking about his ideas, each newer and more original than the last. I loved him, but I was nothing to him. I was a sexual conquest on his unavoidable path to glory. He broke me.
I was walking the streets of our city years later when I say him reading an Economics book at a cafe, smoking a cigarette and drinking black coffee. I stopped, dead in my tracks, and stared. I felt as if I had no control in that moment. I hadn’t seen him for so long.
He looked up and made eye contact with me, and gave me the same, seductive yet innocuous look he gave the first time we met. And in that look, I knew he didn’t recognize me.

His book finally came out. This is the culmination of his life’s work, his best chance at achieving the future Fate seems to have guaranteed him.

I will do anything I can to make sure he never gets that. Seeing his posts felt like fate has given me the cards, and I knew I had to take action.
He broke my heart, and I will break him. I see you horia. I no longer miss you. I no longer need you. Good riddance.

>> No.15851395

Prove you're him faggot

>> No.15851426

I'm offended, perhaps if you ask more nicely next time. But considering your probably one of those unenlightened plebs making fun of me.

>> No.15851442

Prove you're Horia, faggot.

>> No.15851443

It’s ok Horia. You don’t have to hide it. I told you, but you never listened. You were obsessed with your ideas, you lived and breathed them, but you denied your internal truth. You never wanted to accept it. I always said to you- your gender dysphoria enhances your writing, not detracts. You can’t hide it thinking others won’t accept you because it is the truth and, as you always said, the most important part of philosophy is the pursuit of truth. You need to be truthful with yourself. It’s ok.

>> No.15851445

>discord niggers act like niggers
Holy... based!

>> No.15851461

stfu you cis hetero white male reeeeeeee

>> No.15851463

pretty sure I didn't get baited, nor did the ten people who called you out immediately

>> No.15851465
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>> No.15851466

Hey guys, Horia here. I’d just like you all to know that originally I intended to write this book about how much I love to smoke cocks, but /lit/ pressured me into writing it about philosophy instead.

Sorry for all the confusion; I promise I’ll never do this again.

>> No.15851469

Begone tranny

>> No.15851474

You got baited again brainlet lmfao

>> No.15851478

the left really cannot fucking satire trip.

>> No.15851483

39 people and not one of them has 8 dollars

>> No.15851487

lmao is horia the schizoid embodiment of /lit/ itself? all the characteristics are there

>> No.15851493

Horia has a type. He likes twinks. I’m the Aryan ideal. I have feelings too. Just as he broke my asshole with his huge cock and I never will shit the same again, he broke my heart and I will never love the same again. His pale, pockmarked skin, his receding hairline, I loved all of it. And now me must suffer.

>> No.15851502

>i'll just pretend my retardposting is metabait

>> No.15851504

I dont even know you.

>> No.15851521

How do people see the number of posters in a thread and I don't? Is it a browser extension?

>> No.15851536

>imagine still getting eternally baited

>> No.15851555

imagine dragons

>> No.15851567

Its literally at the bottom of the page next to number of posts and images.

>> No.15851576

knowing how to greentext either

>> No.15851610

Lul you're right

>> No.15851617

>professions like army

>> No.15851623

now what exactly is wrong with it?

>> No.15851628

>>> peepeepoopoo

>> No.15851652

That’s exactly what I expected, Horia. You don’t even recognize my face when we ran into eachother. I know you don’t know me. I know you’ve fucked and sucked every little skinny hairless cumslut twink in a 50 mile radius, and I’m just one cumslut in your Don Juan fuck slut spank bank. But you hurt me. I have a feminine mind, I don’t understand many abstract concepts. You have a masculine(female) mind, your mind is made for abstract understanding. But of all the abstract ideas you understood- Economics, Philosophy, Metaphysics- you never could understand the most important abstract idea of all: love.

>> No.15851667

Love is not abstract at all it's very instinctual and primal

>> No.15851671

come and find your luck

>> No.15851673
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>> No.15851696

we need to escape the pyramids of thought to be together, now i understand.

>> No.15851723
File: 837 KB, 600x600, bump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us about his dick

>> No.15851724

hi horia you dumb retard

>> No.15851725

stop talking and start to meme the other boards with it

>> No.15851735

this, someone should post this on pol

>> No.15851744

add it to fitlit reading lists

>> No.15851758

Shit like this makes me wonder if half of the shit deemed as classics are just a glorified shitpost reading list, like Jane Austen :')

>> No.15851760

It'll get 0 replies and die within 5 minutes

>> No.15851771

either this >>15851760 or they'll unironically like it

>> No.15851787

i hate you horia,i want to slap your dumb face

>> No.15851802

A guy who knows how to make a quick buck off of gullible retards here.

>> No.15851809

Horia is probably having sex with 3 groupies right now while you are an angry virgin on 4chan

>> No.15851819

>quick buck
>400 pages
>no one bought the book
damn how are you so retarded anon?

>> No.15851825

Except hes making no bucks.

>> No.15851832
File: 26 KB, 705x129, Screenshot 2020-07-13 at 22.36.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see academia shills are in full force already trying to censor Horia

>> No.15851848

>this much samefagging from the author
Wee laddie

>> No.15851864

>3 posts per person
>hurr samfeggg lul XD
It's called a discussion about recent philosophical developments, idiot.

>> No.15851876

U mad nobody is buying your book?

>> No.15851884

>All these feminine thinkers

These are the people I share a board with?

>> No.15851894

I wish I was Horia

>> No.15851902

One was a university professor, the other never had a philosophy class and refused to read any previous philosophy books

>> No.15851914

Hi horia

>> No.15851919

>one was a bootlicker the other is a based ubermensch
your point?

>> No.15851966

>mfw im academia
im famous

>> No.15851977
File: 220 KB, 750x456, FF01C674-862D-4517-929D-AD507EFE98D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad.
>proceeds to talk about cinema and the complexities of Christopher Nolan
This is a beautiful shitpost

>> No.15851999

tfw cant tell if this is a real segment of his book
tfw even if it is, i can't tell if horia is serious

>> No.15852003
File: 75 KB, 1024x1024, C3254FAD-0BB6-42F1-981A-22492FDA3B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Horia is a self-absorbed 17 year old who can’t take criticism but still thinks he can do philosophy

I blame the parents, desu.

>> No.15852007


The worst part about all of this is that Horia is clearly above average in terms of intelligence. A complete idiot compared to legitimate thinkers and philosopheres, but were the average man to publish his diary it would be much worse.

>> No.15852021

Sadly, Horia's book is best understood as an experience, not a book. It was about his defensive reactions and responses in his original thread, which escalated in hilarity. There's not much to get out of these threads without the author.

>> No.15852033

>were the average man to publish his diary it would be much worse.
doubt it. at least it would be more sincere and less pretentious than a literal schizo diary

>> No.15852044

I still remember the first 'oh fug' when horia was introduced to the reaction of normal people

>> No.15852078


>> No.15852080

His surprise seemed so genuine. He was so earnest about this tome of trash and suddenly the entire board has descended on him.

>> No.15852089

>normal people
you mean poor, lazy brainlets who will never achieve anything yet still feel the need to criticize others?

>> No.15852108

This can't be real

>> No.15852115
File: 97 KB, 629x767, 1594266947250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to be opening a few threads over the next days and weeks to let people know about my book being out, and I will also make available free chapters for anyone that wants a taste of what's inside.
He lied to us.

>> No.15852125

> It actually delves heavily into new metaphysics, and philosophy of science.

>> No.15852149

Fuck it lads, I feel like the poor guy may kill himself, so I'm gonna pick up the book. However I will be posting the funniest parts in these threads.

>> No.15852165

Okay /lit/, I bought the book. How do I convert it to a pdf? I try to download the file but it says I need a kindle or a kindle app, is there some way around this?

>> No.15852166

And then he went on to act like a total fucking asshole.

I actually felt bad for him at first before I read the filth he was defending.

>> No.15852181

ok guys i bought the book
its in 7zip format what do

>> No.15852187

Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf Post the pdf

>> No.15852199

ok google the book is now in my possession
how do i convert .v64 to pdf?

>> No.15852202

upload it to libgen

>> No.15852204

Post screenshot of purchase for proof. Don’t know how to do it but bumping for someone who does

>> No.15852212

ok guys i bought the book how do i upload

>> No.15852214

proof, do I need to download the kindle app?

>> No.15852219
File: 169 KB, 493x263, 1496991449428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you get if you just jack off, both mentally and physically, all day long

>> No.15852218

i have the book
what do i do with it?

>> No.15852221
File: 99 KB, 1270x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot proof

>> No.15852229

I love you anon

>> No.15852235

i think calibre can convert to pdf

>> No.15852245

At least the OP can make a quid or two before we mock the rest of the book and he kills himself.

>> No.15852247

This reads like it was written by a smart but not quite self-aware teenager.

>> No.15852253

That‘s not an argument, retard. Criticism doesn’t have to justify itself that way, it stands no matter who expresses it

>> No.15852268

Open it in Calibre

>> No.15852271

He seems to be on even ground with the /lit/ e-celebs, and leagues below academic philosophy (not that the majority of academic philosophy is even that good, but it is somewhat competent and often educated at least).

>> No.15852280

No it doesn't, because every one of you in here are mouthbreathing simpletons and I wouldn't trust you to solve a fucking quadratic equation.
You're all fucking disgusting.

>> No.15852304

>he still assumes education is good
Never going to make it.
It's obviously poorly written and shallow, but at its depths academic philosophy hardly offers anything more. Which is perhaps worse considering its deceitful nature.

>> No.15852316

If Horia had read philosophy classics I'm sure he'd have gained the minimum self-awareness to realize he must try a lot harder to publish something worthwhile. But his "style" was that he doesn't read philosophy so he "teases out" the ideas, which resulted in him being oblivious to the standards people expect from philosophy. His 4chan posts seemed to come from a functioning human being, but his book was just misguided. I think his ideas could grow into something decent if he applied himself, started with the Greeks, put in the work to understand 18th century metaphysics, and so on. He just seems lost and oblivious, not hopeless

>> No.15852338

/lit/ hates horia because he reminds them of themselves

>> No.15852340

>was so earne
This sums up my reaction as well.

>> No.15852350

No shit? This is exactly something I would have self published a couple of years ago. Everyone has lacked self awareness at some point in our lives. We just refrained from informing the whole world of that.

>> No.15852359
File: 296 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200714-002942_Amazon_Kindle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have no idea how to get the kindle file, I downloaded the kindle app and can open the book on my phone but I can't download the file on my computer.
Can I use calibre to connect to my Amazon account and import the book? I have no idea what to do.

>> No.15852366

Meine freunde, download calibre. Plug your kindle into the computer. Browse your own library that is on the kindle. Find this book. Then convert it to PDF, or preferably, EPUB.

>> No.15852375

I don't have a kindle, only my phone

>> No.15852381

So many things
>painstaking description of the process by which he came to his ideas
Would be fine if that process was anything beyond "drawing pyramids and thinking you're a genius'

>using MBTI as a source of knowledge
>claiming to have spent years trying to deeply understand it
>assuming you can alone categorize every single profession in existence
>having visibly no distance towards your own use of ideas
>writing style only fit for a blog post
>insight obtained is just some age-old vague dichotomy about the masculine and the feminine
It's like hermetic philosophy for zoomer without the mystery, the transcendance or even the insight really.

>> No.15852383

how do i convert kindle into doc on my phone?

>> No.15852394

Not sure how easy it can be done without a Kindle given how autistic Amazon is about protecting books from pirating

>> No.15852400

You know that's a sign of narcissism and possibly some mental issues right?

>> No.15852414

I don't assume education is good, but it is preferable for the narrow purpose of writing philosophy, at least when compared to a near-total lack of education.

I don't assume being skinny is good in itself either but it is better than being fat for the purpose of running long distance. Reading the excerpts itt feels like watching a fat man trying to run a marathon.

> his "style" was that he doesn't read philosophy so he "teases out" the ideas, which resulted in him being oblivious to the standards people expect from philosophy.
Pretty much sums up my impression, and this is a flaw shared by many amateurs.

> He just seems lost and oblivious, not hopeless
One can only hope, but he has a mighty long road ahead of him.

>> No.15852421

That's pretty normal for a teenager though.

>> No.15852422

how do i convert kobo to xls

>> No.15852434

Have you ever seen the social media posts of someone aged 15-24?

>> No.15852437


>> No.15852482
File: 80 KB, 232x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindle has horrible DRM, for fucks sake. Fuck Bezos, Fuck Amazon, they're stunting the spread of human knowledge for the sake of profit.
Why is it so fucking hard to download and convert the file of the book I BOUGHT.

>> No.15852510

You bought a Kindle book without having a Kindle anon. That's why nobody else here bought it because no one wants to deal with Amazon's Jewishness

>> No.15852529

Also I don't want to have my name and debit card associated with a /lit/ meme and possibly a suicide case or a school shooting

>> No.15852620

How can I pay for someone with a kindle to buy it so they can do all this then release it online

Or Humbert if you’re still here you can just post it, since it’s the only way it will ever be read after this meme dies out in a week

>> No.15852636

You can probably email it to a kindle address if anyone wats to post theirs. Or gift it via Amazon to an Amazon accout if that's possible

>> No.15852670

Stop begging, it's unsightly.
You feminine thinkers are all drooling for the book, and you will purchase it.

>> No.15852704
File: 57 KB, 645x588, 84546EF9-67D0-46F6-A095-D5EC5AA585A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whether or not you post it, you’re going to fade into irrelevance and kill yourself within the next week. So post it.

>> No.15852705
File: 78 KB, 1039x451, TouchedbyMichaelJackson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a Goslingfag

>> No.15852709

Pay for the book or shut up.

>> No.15852727

>being like this at 30
I dont know man

>> No.15852738

It's a comfy book tbqh

>> No.15852764
File: 27 KB, 326x323, BF4671E0-CFF2-4EF9-AF6D-D367975A9E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I listened to Michael Jackson and loved it. Here, music touched me in a way I never thought possible

Shitposting is an art form and Horia is Michelangelo and Da Vinci in one ultra retarded packaged

>> No.15852784

>the best way to kill are is to turn it into a business

Horia you are both a hypocrite and a faggot

>> No.15852785
File: 176 KB, 1085x699, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, I managed to download and convert the kindle file to pdf and epub, I just uploaded the EPUB to libgen.
It was a pain in the ass to do, I ask you anons to do me a small favor for my kindness: subscribe to my youtube channel, I want to upload new videos soon:

Here is the file:

>> No.15852789

Lmao, butt hurt faggot.

>> No.15852793

you're still not getting it for free, whining beggar bitch.

>> No.15852806


>> No.15852824

>it's real
Thank bae. In all its beauty for everyone else https://anonymousfiles.io/pIVOrNMV/

>> No.15852843

Thanks! It's going to be a though week for Horia but he'll become a bigger man out of it

>> No.15852849
File: 363 KB, 2048x2048, 0D0804D4-EE8A-46D9-8829-763D3DE13308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horia. Buddy.

>> No.15852851
File: 189 KB, 1728x778, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 00.55.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Chapter 100, Horia transcends

>> No.15852878

>you’re still not getting it for free, whiny beggar bitch

Absolutely based, thank you anon

>> No.15852882

you're still a poor little bitch

>> No.15852907

>Gravity? Never heard of it!

>> No.15852916

Does he not realize how distinct his posting style is? It's how I tell him from the tranny fakes. Capitalization buddy.

>> No.15852925

Don't you understand what you've done? Now that poor pretentious faggot is going to kill himself

>> No.15852945

Horia, please don't kill yourself. But do you not get what gravity is?

>> No.15852952
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>> No.15852967

You couldn't do better if you tried, so stop being a delusional little twit. I've purchased The Synthesis of the objective and subjective and its quite well spoken. Stop jumping on bandwagons to fit in.

>> No.15852986

This. Once you get past his style, it's actually entertaining

>> No.15853003

Of all the animal heiarchies he chose the wolf. He's a professional cringe lord. He's clearly been practicing his craft.

>> No.15853008

Why does this give me a Elliot Rodgers vibe? A pretty strong vibe too, although there's none of Elliot's violence.

He's 30? This is starting to look like some form of mild retardation. I know a couple guys of the "smart but unachieving" type and they speak way more eloquently than that.

>> No.15853014
File: 216 KB, 612x878, FF2CEDD1-2307-46B4-B56E-51353D17A8A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 32- The Art of Warfare
>Entire chapter is applying League of Legends strategy to ‘Modern Warfare’
>”Machiavelli teaches of the importance to act like both a fox and a lion...I’m not going to get into what the fox and lion mean because I hadn’t read it anyways”

Horia self posting

>> No.15853028
File: 499 KB, 594x604, 1506057463642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is a goldmine

>> No.15853035

I suppose entertaining is a way to say it. I wouldn't call it well-spoken.

>> No.15853036
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 083B1A7B-E339-4F41-9C72-76A4572B9959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not going to get into what the fox and lion mean because I hadn’t read it anyways

>> No.15853040

It’s just bad ‘philosophy‘, there is no way to deny this. For starters, he has no knowledge on how to properly use the ‘tools’ of philosophizing: how to build and argument,logical consistency, evading tautologies etc. It has its only merit as being an entertaining, 400-page long shit post

>> No.15853069

The funniest shit anybody on lit has ever written. Horia, just tell people that this is satire.

>> No.15853085

Read this instead >>15852911, don't fall for the Romanian meme

>> No.15853101

He cant because its not a shitpost. Hes just an utter pseud. And he admits it himself.

>> No.15853109
File: 202 KB, 1316x860, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 01.28.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very beautiful synthesis of einstein and derrida

>> No.15853125

>time behaves like a space dimension
Not exactly, the signature isn't the same, which changes a lot.
>It has direction
So does the usual conception of time

>> No.15853131

Based Horia making people seethe

>> No.15853149

Why are you pirating this mans book? He actually put forth the effort and wrote 400 pages and self published, so you morons in the same boat could steal from him.

>> No.15853153

Nobody is seething, they are laughing.

>> No.15853159

/pol/ likes it you pretentious fucks >>>/pol/267797906

>> No.15853173

Hes a midwit pseud who posted his schizo rambling in anticipation of praise from the other members of his secret club. Still bought his book tho, can't steal from another /lit/ user. Maybe some cash will stop him from roping, and the book is very entertaining.

>> No.15853178

>Still bought his book tho, can't steal from another /lit/ user. Maybe some cash will stop him from roping, and the book is very entertaining.
This. Based Horia. Wish he was still around

>> No.15853212
File: 542 KB, 868x1088, Screenshot_20200713-203908_eBoox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just about to post this exact part lol
"I looked at a photon" is the "Jesus wept" of this litterbox

>> No.15853216

I saw Horia at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Toblerone candy bars in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.15853244

Horia... please, instead of reading a summary, just read the entire book. I've made mistakes of just relying on summaries and it's not good.

>> No.15853257
File: 65 KB, 960x685, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purchased The synthesis of the objective and subjective
>spent the last 3 days straight reading it nonstop
>mfw I finished

>> No.15853264

>the entirety of Machiavelli's philosophy is a metaphor he uses a couple times

>> No.15853278

This man just claimed to have not only observed a fucking photon, but also a single atom.

>> No.15853290

If you're not trolling tell us more about his deeper thoughts that we haven't covered in Horia 101 yet

>> No.15853294

Genuinely hilarious lmao

>> No.15853300
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1594514180832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horia, to you, sir. A gentleman and a scholar, one of the finest of our times.

>> No.15853318
File: 317 KB, 1274x1262, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 01.54.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to read it to ascend.

>> No.15853324

this is so bad lol

>> No.15853337

This is literature's 'The Room' .

>> No.15853354

>150 chapters
>518 pages
>3.45 pages per chapter
Even dan brown isn't this autistic

>> No.15853418

this is the most meme worthy page I have read in a long time

>> No.15853426
File: 637 KB, 852x1156, Screenshot_20200713-210557_eBoox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u get filtered by wizards

>> No.15853463

>the quality was terrible. They could barely form a complete sentence
There is no way a man lacks this much self-awareness. I am convinced this is a joke

>> No.15853468

is this the pinnacle of /fitlitx/?

>> No.15853475

The writing is pretty good. Flows well and keeps it engaging and catchy. Not literary good, but still good

>> No.15853479

Who's gonna post it on r/books r/philosophy r/askphilosophy etc? Don't forget to post the Amazon link so our boy Horia makes some money and doesn't kill himself

>> No.15853497

Gonna post it on books but frame it as satire. We gotta make this nigga famous. I will mention that the author intended for it to be serious analysis.

>> No.15853504
File: 817 KB, 994x1014, Screenshot_20200713-211724_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you be the judge

>> No.15853523

Imagine writing a 392 page book on all the books you haven't read. Imagine being that much of a pseud.

>> No.15853528

right-wing trash

>> No.15853536

Very based

>> No.15853550

it's not really political philosophy though, only incidentally. It actually delves heavily into new metaphysics, and philosophy of science.

It's kinda everything, and I totally understand the thought that political philosophy is not that important, it's downstream from more important questions.

>> No.15853552
File: 148 KB, 1253x772, soyhammer 40k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my groundbreaking philosophical treatise is being BTFO by neets

>> No.15853578

I thought women act on a physical plane and men on a spiritual plane. Do both men and women have both planes then? Is there any secondary book on Belcea that I can read or prerequisites?

>> No.15853598

Belcea scholar here. Start with the Greeks

>> No.15853619
File: 152 KB, 1300x670, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 02.29.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant is an obvious one though they are roughly equally matched.

>> No.15853630

Go to the other thread, go that weird .io link, instead of downloading whatever the fuck link they have there, notice they have a pdf preview, just press the download straight from the preview, now you've got a pdf. Or alternatively I'll post the link he has there: https://anonymousfiles.io/pIVOrNMV/
He says things like this:
>But I did get a pretty good feel that the strong force was masculine. This is all I wanted to find; I was on a search to prove that the four forces of the universe were masculine because I wanted to find if there were masculine forces in the universe outside of mankind. The strong force I felt was definitively masculine; it resulted in the strongest most lasting union; the strong force is what kept these quarks together, and it is what keeps atomic nuclei together too. It's a building block of each atom and atoms can last for so long. The very best form of unity is given by the masculine force; the feminine force can also unite, but it's a type of materialistic unity. Meanwhile, the masculine is a type of spiritual unity that is stronger and more long lasting.
>The weak force was also masculine, I concluded, because it was the force of change. The weak force would change one particle into another almost like magic; it was the force of adaptability.
>The last force that remained, the force of electromagnetism, I could not conclude that it was masculine. This electromagnetic force actually seemed to provide a sort of individuality to the universe; it seemed to specialize in separating things from each other. Through charge, the electromagnetic force is what separated matter from other matter, and it was everywhere. The other activity of the electromagnetic force is that it communicated information. Eyesight is based on seeing light, for example, and again this idea of communicating with the outside world was considered feminine. I could not conclude that the force of electromagnetism was masculine at all; it remained a puzzle.
Also he turned 30 in like 2014 or something which means he's like in his mid 30s now but he also apparently never read Descartes til like 2017 or 2019 which is insane. How are you only reading Descartes for the first time in your mid 30s?

>> No.15853632
File: 277 KB, 1080x510, obviousshilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single fag is conspiring to bump all these threads in concert. The way you're acting convinces me your book sucks

>> No.15853637
File: 146 KB, 1280x580, Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 02.32.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idealism btfo

>> No.15853643

>jealous Horia is a /lit/ sensation

>> No.15853649

nigga plz, hate the game not the playa

>> No.15853656

Be sure to report the threads for spamming/advertising.

>> No.15853675

downloaded. speeding through it at about 100 pages an hour this shit is flowing like a fine wine

>> No.15853694

Yea it's dope. Should be on Goodreads

>> No.15853713
File: 40 KB, 297x297, 1530177238485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally only knows one thing about someone's book
>"I've never read the book, but it all boils down to this one thing."

>> No.15853731

That's what everyone on this gay faggot website has been doing to Horia for 3 days now, retard

>> No.15853752

I'd argue this is what /lit/ does with every big name author out there.

>> No.15853792


>> No.15853794

Fool, if you were really a Belcea scholar you would know that reading other philosophers is a complete waste of time, and you should instead rely entirely on your own enlightened intellect, Cliffs Notes and YouTube summaries of the major philosophers, which leads to vastly quicker comprehension than any reading of stodgy tomes could. Source: Ph.D in Belcea studies.

>> No.15853802

No, people have been reading it, and what they report back is that its garbage. Because it is.

>> No.15853813

>he doesn't actually misrepresent kant
This is alrleady better than 90% of /lit/ threads on Kant

>> No.15853843

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54503074-the-synthesis-of-the-objective-and-the-subjective

>> No.15853883

>needs prequisites
>doesn't already have every word etched on his subconscious waiting for Belcea to reveal them

>> No.15853900

>jealous Horia is a /lit/ sensation
Literally everyone here thinks he's a pseud. Because he is.

>> No.15853916

Sounds like you got pseud filtered The educated patricians of the board appreciate Horia's work

>> No.15853920

>Literally everyone here
This isn't reddit your hate comment from the vocal minority isnt a downboat. Go back.

>> No.15853933

Fool, The Synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective is a self-evident and self-justifying work. Look not for prerequisites, for if Horia's lucid prose is not immediately comprehensible to you, you simply lack the mental faculties needed to understand the great philosopher's masterpiece.

>> No.15853944
File: 67 KB, 481x750, 1550956942983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's beyond our mortal understanding.

>> No.15853962

Honestly, in a decade he'll be the 21st century Seneca

>> No.15853964

Horia was retroactively refuted by Newton?

>> No.15854014

Baking new bread

>> No.15854116

There's no need to do this, I follow in Horia's valiant steps and simply choose not to read what I critique. That's how I know his book sucks ass.

>> No.15854117

I've seen your channel trailer. Your voice looks a lot like that google translator/loquendo voice. Are you by any chance a robot?
Also, godspeed.

>> No.15854174

I was prepared to think this was actually decent and /lit/ was hating on it for no reason but this style of writing is insanely cringe and the ideas pretty basic

>> No.15854237
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 15389955253935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15854245

What do you think was going to happen? People are shitting on years of this guys life. He probably feels worthless, and farther than ever from the goals he before felt so close to. In that case, the only thing he can do is try to attack the very thing that is aiming to destroy the worth of those years. That now has massive positive utility for him. And if you were in his shoes, you would probably do the equivalent.

>> No.15854266

I would never have written such tripe, this was years of his life? Im back to pitying him.

>> No.15854313

He's already telling people they're pseuds and calling himself based in the other thread for reading Descartes for the first time in his mid 30s. Doesn't need your pity if he's ready to do that.

>> No.15854330

These excerpts are literally making me kek out loud.
God bless Horia (pbuh)

>> No.15854562

As someone about to finish his PhD in philosophy, I can honestly say it's shit like this that keeps me coming back to this board. I love crackpots

>> No.15854593

Yeah if I was a retard with more ambition than sense or capacity for self reflection I would be seething too. Horia is not much better than an NPC. If Horia's trash should be respected because he tried real hard (by not fucking reading), than there is no reason not to respect Sonichu

>> No.15854597

This book is proof that just because you can write something doesn't mean that you should.

A bit of advice: no one cares about you, the author. If you want people to read your book, focus on how what you're writing relates to the reader.

>> No.15854639

Says who? You? Who are you again?

Need proof, brainlet.

>> No.15854684


>> No.15855080
File: 330 KB, 330x319, 1434159816361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most damning critique of Sartre I've ever seen.

>> No.15855590


>> No.15855597


>> No.15855601


>> No.15855628

I didn't say to sympathize with him. I was empathizing with him and showing you autists why he might be a bit angry.

>> No.15855716
File: 89 KB, 640x960, 286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had learned much about the psychology of the warrior while playing League of Legends

>> No.15855926
File: 35 KB, 600x600, D7F74615-1E81-466A-8312-13A33CABDA04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15856261

Holy shit, thats hilarious.