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15836742 No.15836742 [Reply] [Original]

another day has passed in which I did nothing for myself or anyone else. another day spent increasing the total entropy of the universe for the gain of nobody and nothing.
just absolutely BASED

>> No.15836758

you did nothing for yourself? you didn't shit or eat or entertain yourself? I call BS mr.frog!

>> No.15836781
File: 94 KB, 750x625, 1594498758058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op. I didn't entertain myself today. I don't play games or watch movies or read books. I come here and post because I'm too tired to do much of anything. Even then there are days I don't come here and there is nothing I do. I just lay down on the floor and think. If I masturbate in between all this it isn't an intentional act. It is a habit I hate and try to avoid. I consider it a net negative on pleasure as it makes the monotonous tasks a real burden and I won't even wash the dishes then or do anything. I won't even eat sometimes if I've masturbated as a form of self punishment.

>> No.15836802

Look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.15836808

What's your fav kinks

>> No.15836809
File: 1.73 MB, 369x207, EA7F838B-852E-44C7-9A20-A64A1E36DF89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we go toooo —Katie!

>> No.15836815

I don't have kinks. Even a picture of a sports illustrated swimsuit is enough to set me off.

>> No.15836849

i would unironically watch this show 24/7
goodnight basedboy

>> No.15836852
File: 352 KB, 665x450, Nagatoro12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
