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/lit/ - Literature

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15822128 No.15822128 [Reply] [Original]

As a black guy this book has completely twisted my worldview
I am ascended

>> No.15822157
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I finished reading this a week ago. This is exactly what Nietzsche warned us about. Retarded ideology with retarded end and killing people for vain purpose. What then after achieving the white utopia? What's the purpose of life then? No more struggle and just rivers of milk and honey. I bet they would go on killing spree till the last of em have no one to kill so they commit seppuku. Nice book but trash ideology. 8/10

>> No.15822546

I think it's really funny that The Iron Dream came out before The Turner Diaries and has basically the exact same plot played for satire and showing how retarded those goals are.

>> No.15822561

What goals and ideology?

>> No.15822570


>> No.15822577

your skin color doesnt matter, your culture does

>> No.15822580

It's a book, isn't it?

>> No.15822602


>> No.15822612

Black guys are retarded confirmed

>> No.15822874

Read it. It will change you

>> No.15822902

you talk like the struggle is winnable in the first place lmao

>> No.15822980

it’s hilarious how so many people will claim this is a great book just because it helps to confirm their beliefs because “well someone wrote about it”
in reality the book is fucking awful and doesn’t stand up as a good piece of writing at all, never mind the super racist plot

>> No.15823014

Is it like reading GTA:/pol/is

>> No.15823020
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>as a black guy

>> No.15823039

>not knowing about cosmotheism

>> No.15823055

poo poo pee pee

>> No.15823056
File: 40 KB, 800x534, 085FA1BE-9F8D-44DA-B80C-2F9EE131E97A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy had his entire worldview changed by the Turner Diaries
>This guy is gullible enough to believe any words that enter his soft, pliable skull just because they are written
>This guy had his worldview changed by a book written with the diction and grammar of a special 9th grader

Actually reading the Turner Diaries made me realize how deeply retarded the Nazis and Fascists on /lit/ are. I was laughing all the way through. You have to be a special kind of low IQ special to read this and not laugh at it

>> No.15823061

a reminder that the entire right-wing movement in the US is based around this horribly written book

>> No.15823112

>we are all oppressed! We are a fringe group with no support!
>immediately cuts to them sucessfully doing whatever current thing is with no explination of how
classic desperate amerifat, "NO WE'RE THE UNDERDOGS I SWEAR" story to try and be both victim and hero at same time

>> No.15823160

What do you mean?

>> No.15823176

>What then after achieving the white utopia? What's the purpose of life then?
Space lol
And like trying to go really deep under water

>> No.15823204

Its very poorly written with shit prose but the overall plot is eerily prescient when you consider it was written in the 70s. Its funny though that none of the people bashing it here have made any actual specific criticism, just retard tier bait responses like
>if u reed blood book u r ritard

>> No.15823261

Yeah, I forgot that all white people are being sodomized with iron poles by black people today. You’re right, it’s the greatest book ever and completely shows how things are now.

>> No.15823284

oh fuck I completely didn’t realize that Jewish people took over our government and confiscated all of our guns
yeah this book predicted everything

>> No.15823287

>No more struggle
Genuinely brain damaged.

>> No.15823290

Don't radioactive cannibal negro gangs roam the streets or some shit in this? Honestly the book sounds hilarious

>> No.15823297

>Nigger doesn't know the first thing about actual black supremacists


>> No.15823299

dammit it completely slipped my mind that there was a law passed saying that people can just commit crimes against white people with no consequences
this book really is eerily prescient

>> No.15823300

Race riots and domestic insurgency wee a thing in his lifetime (the 60s)

>> No.15823381

>but the overall plot is eerily prescient when you consider it was written in the 70s.
that's it? it's good because it touches on the anxieties of the time?
by that measure, the "COOOR WOT IF ME WOIFE WUS A COMPUTER" black mirror memes count as good works.

>> No.15823477
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I'm black:)
This book is peak literature. You just failed to understand what makes it so great because of your low IQ

>eerily prescient
yea crazy how it predicted us blacks becoming radioactive cannibals.

>> No.15824384
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>I'm black
Be honest. You're as black as Rachel dolezal

>> No.15824425

so do secretly have a deathwish of being lynched by white people or something? you want ultra right wing deathsquads to knock on your house and massacre your family? what's your deal?

>> No.15824949

>you want ultra right wing deathsquads to knock on your house and massacre your family?
Besides the book itself was very entertaining and informative, better than everything I've read prior to it

>> No.15826393

The Turner Diaries is a very good book, but you have to understand what it is. People who criticize it for its prose or it's two-dimensional characters are missing the point.
The Turner Diaries is a a novel as much as it is a manual for waging guerilla warfare. The best parts of the book are the sections that instruct the reader in great detail how to wage war against the system: how to build bombs, how to hide weapons, how to steal power, how to hide from the police, etc.

>> No.15826614

why wouldn’t you just get the anarchist’s cookbook then
so you don’t have to deal with the shitty plot attached to it

>> No.15826662

Amazing bait, thank you

>> No.15826951

It's a simulation

>> No.15827045
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It's heading in that direction. AIPAC is influential everywhere in politics, jews are married into Trump's family, jewish NGOs are the de facto censorship authorities and jews control most of MSM/Hollywood. There is a slow but steady creep of ever more restrictive gun regulation.

Are you blind?

>> No.15827071
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I don't know about radioactive but I could see them going cannibalistic in a heartbeat if food distribution collapsed.

>> No.15827087

Well, it's already impossible to be racist against whites so... Can you not see where these double standards are leading?

>> No.15827100

This is ridiculous. And naturally you have zero proof to back your claims.

>> No.15827131


>> No.15827174

Wanna know how I know that your opinion on anything is worth less than nothing?

>> No.15827197

You mean Draymond Green?

>> No.15827367

These are easily verifiable facts. I absolutely encourage anyone who doubts them to do the research.

Regarding the censorship, I'm specifically talking about how ADL & SPLC act as 'hatespeech' consultants to big tech platforms and other corporations. These relationships are not a secret. We might also consider the existence of anti-BDS legislation and that Florida law specifically focused on 'anti-semitism'. The writing is on the wall.

>> No.15827416

>I'm black:)
post hand

>> No.15827419
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>> No.15827439
File: 170 KB, 566x458, Turnher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no black bf to read me turner
Reminder that every Jewish think tank that got sent a copy of this book rated it highly.

>> No.15827458

They probably thought it was satire

>> No.15827463

Anyone else think its a little ironic that "The System" is described as brutal and violent but gets replaced by yet another brutal and violent regime.
its almost like this ideology isn't logically consistent or something.

>> No.15827486

Which think tanks?

>> No.15827495

i haven't read it but can you not call me retarded please

>> No.15827500

anon dont go questioning their sources or you'll find out its just a bunch of lies.

>> No.15827504

You think they actually know?

>> No.15827522

Searchlight. Reviews are on the inside of the book.

>> No.15827572

I don't have access to a copy so I can't see the reviews, and the online versions don't contain them either.

>> No.15827635

So the "Resistance" thinks that the system they live in needs to be replaced because its violent, and evil.
So they proceed to kill, rape, and commit evil acts to overthrow said system.
Once overthrown, their new system proceeds to commit violent and evil acts in what can only be described as a completely unrealistic and childish fantasy. A fantasy where "White People" take over the world and kill everyone who doesn't meet their completely undefined standards.

the book is logically inconsistent, and contradicts itself multiple times as characters act in shock of the atrocities others commit. Only to commit said atrocity themselves, later on.

Anybody who is not mentally ill can examine it for it's true nature as fantasy wish-fulfillment for rage filled imbeciles.

>> No.15827643

It was meant to indoctrinate and gain publicity through outrage it seems to have done its job quite well.

>> No.15827654

it only indoctrinates the mentally infant

>> No.15827703

It's a slippery slope to another Holocaust. I don't see the problem with setting up roadblocks to it. As soon as you start dismissing an entire race of people and blaming their success on their "rigging" the system in their own favor, you're going to end up with literal bricks being thrown through businesses owned by said race and before you know it you'll have hordes beating people unconscious in the streets. Then the camps. Then the killings. Then the lampshades and electric floors.

tl;dr you're an idiot

>> No.15827713

>tfw want to download and read this, but don't want to be put on a (((list)))

>> No.15827728

dont worry, we put you on a different list for posting this.

>> No.15827732

The list of men with large penises.

>> No.15827912

it’s funny that when you take the current right-wing of American politics it can all trace its roots back to... this shitty wish-fulfillment gary stu book

>> No.15827920

Lunch yourself for us, brother in arms.

>> No.15827957

how so?

>> No.15827964

just look at the plot summary on wikipedia, it’s an alt-right white-supremacist’s wet dream

>> No.15828024

Never go full retard, bugman.

>> No.15828034

I don’t understand your lingo, which I think means you’ve fallen too far into your ideology for you to be helped, sorry.

>> No.15828049

>you’ve fallen too far into your ideology
lol oh the ironing.

>> No.15828079

Why has this book been shilled on /lit/ for the past like week or two? I never used to see threads about it

>> No.15828179
File: 65 KB, 755x610, 1585106550470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, if it's between anudda shoah and the 'soft ethnocide' of whites via mass immigration, you can bet I'll be repurposing industrial furnaces. Or you could just fuck off to israel.

I don't know why you'd expect me to have any sympathy for a people who — in general — are happy to encourage the bioforming of white nations into brown mediocrity. If jews weren't thusly hostile to whites (on average), I wouldn't be hostile to them.

tl;dr go fuck yourself

>> No.15828212

>. As soon as you start dismissing an entire race of people and blaming their success on their "rigging" the system in their own favor,
The funny thing is I thought this post was referring to whites

>> No.15828495

>It's a slippery slope to another Holocaust.
If Jews in the US are so scared of another Holocaust why don't they just move to Israel?