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/lit/ - Literature

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15817058 No.15817058 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one here who absolutely loves him?

>> No.15817311


>> No.15817380

I like that story where he gets drunk and fucks the woman with the nice ass and legs

>> No.15817399

Sounds like Women. Or all of them. How about his poetry?

>> No.15817460


>> No.15817478

i like him
comfy readings at bars in areas with which you're unfamiliar

>> No.15817513

Yeah, he sucks.

>> No.15817535

bukowski the ideal writer for occasional readers and "upstream" girls with purple hair. still better than zadie smith and other subsaharans i guess.

>> No.15817548

I can dig that anon, I'll have to give that a go.
Can I ask what about him sucks? He never tried to be anything but himself. Of course you don't HAVE to like him, I'm just curious why you feel that way.

>> No.15817552

i like him because he's the diametric opposite of a university-educated soft hands fag, and the popularity of his writing is a direct consequence of that. poetry in general would have a much more preeminent place in contemporary culture if poets weren't so anxious to ghettoize themselves. every MFA should be forced to work construction for half the day

>> No.15817570

anon will say something to the effect that he's made up a man in his that he doesn't like and that man likes bukowski so naturally anon hates bukowski (because he's not like that made-up man)

>> No.15817629

He’s my favourite writer and genuinely the most honest person I can think of.

>> No.15817644
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Typical Jew

>> No.15817683

I love him so much I started incorporating his mannerisms into my own; the pauses between thoughts, the drawn out drawl of his speech, the laid-back effortless cynicism over everything, shit I throw in some direct quotes from him and his writing and people don't even notice, they just think I'm cool AF

>> No.15817710

You put that quite well. I completely agree.
What a shame. He doesn't know what he's missing.
Mine too anon. I've read more of his stuff than anyone else and he's been a huge influence on my own writing.

>> No.15817737


>> No.15817829

Mediocre writer. Tumblr poet. Nothing interesting in his works, they're not even beautifully written. Just very, very average stuff. Anyone could write what he wrote. It takes no skill or intelligence.

>> No.15817868

>every MFA should be forced to work construction for half the day
what will happen after this?

>> No.15817955

fewer people would study the fine arts

>> No.15817983

Okay so he's not Yeats. He's still a joy to read, at least for me. He's relatable and he's authentic and that's exactly what I like about him. If I could tell my own story in the same way and it paid the bills I would sure as shit be happy with that.

>> No.15818101


>> No.15818128

They will find fulfillment in hard labor, being outside in the natural world, and actually using their body and mind for something other than useless academic fart sniffing

>> No.15818154

A man can learn a lot from his own two hands.

>> No.15818157

I agree, most poetry today is insufferable, novels, too. I like Bukowski because he had a sense for what makes language pop. So many novels are filled with banality, have to wait entire sections just for a few passages that hit. Even then.

>> No.15818159
File: 102 KB, 960x924, GJlejCe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the ultimate midwit filter. Plebs like him because they can relate to the degeneracy. Patricians like him because of his use of language. The pseuds seethe whenever he is brought up because both plebs and patricians love him but they are too inexperienced at life to relate and too dimwitted to parse the intricacy of his simple prose.

>> No.15818161

Do you even work construction? It’s shit. Working 10 hour days for shit pay just to make one ugly concrete shit house after another. It’s not worth the energy it takes from you at all.

>> No.15818174
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>> No.15818176

grounded students with actually experience, instead of aspiring literary professionals

>> No.15818188

The point is the mind does more with a strong, and pleasantly exhausted body, than just itself. That has, is, and always will be true. It isn't about getting big broo, it's just a fact.

>> No.15818189

people don't like hard labor that's why they pursue masters degrees.
i have worked on the construction sites and most labor hate their shite paying hard jobs. they do it only for the money to support their families.
you're really delusional if you think people can find fulfillment through their "jobs"

>> No.15818205

>I don't want to go outside
>I just want to piss and moan on 4chan all day
This is why you will never write anything of importance no matter what you do.

>> No.15818265

>I don't want to go outside
>I just want to praise and sing about hard labor on 4chan all day
construction laborers are literal subhuman apes that's why they get treated like cattle.
if you see wet dreams about these jobs then go do it and stop preaching your terrible views on neet majority forums.

>> No.15818275

please elaborate on this

>> No.15818281

I agree with you here, I’m just saying construction work is exhausting to an extent where I find it a constant fight to do anything at all some days. Having the freedom to exercise your body how you want allows you to get to that “pleasantly exhausted” state, not physical labour for someone else.

Fuck you faggot I don’t give a shit about writing. You don’t know me at all.

>> No.15818290

Any other similar writers besides Fante?

>> No.15818300

John Fante

>> No.15818311

I guess statements like this aren’t as profound nowadays as they used to be. We are living in an era where honesty is much more common because of internet so nobody except maybe teenagers are deeply moved by the idea that people are merely pretending to enjoy their shitty lives.

>> No.15818316

I agree, which is why I think the other guy said work construction for a day, just to give you an idea how extreme the physical limits of the body can be.

Artists who can only talk within but not about these limits, are always too neutered for my tastes. Not saying write poems about DOMS, I'm saying """poets""" who don't have that male taste of reality in their work are always either self-indulgent, effete, or typically both.

I agree working out is better.

>> No.15818341

Bukowski is for art hoes desu

>> No.15818371

If anything I see the internet, namely social media, as a platform for people to lie more than ever. To show everyone how great and perfect their lives are. How well they're doing and how happy they are. At least normies anyway.

>> No.15818379

kek at poems about DOMS. Got any recs for poets with a male taste of reality?

>> No.15818408

You've clearly been filitered. I suggest you read more.

>> No.15818424

His disgusting and vulgar stories are not worth telling. Might as well just go to the bar, find the grossest looking drunkard there and ask him about the last prostitute he fucked. You literally have your mind in the gutter. Read some more serious literature, please.

>> No.15818426

I just have to say Whitman, Rilke... They're that perfect combination of poetic sensibility and the kind of sensibility that only comes from having one foot in an actual world and not the coffeeshop. But I barely read poetry. I'd be interested in some myself.

>> No.15818456

Thx m8. I barely read poetry too so will check it

>> No.15818477
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>Am I the only one here who absolutely loves him?
Do you also fucking love science LMAO

>> No.15818499

>people are merely pretending to enjoy their shitty lives.
You're an idiot. Have you never met anybody with a job before? Literally everyone complains about their jobs, and a lot too. It's actually annoying how much someone can complain about their job. You probably haven't left your mom's basement and I think you're underage, but this "honesty" you're praising about how much work sucks is literally a fucking commonplace in America. There is nothing special about Bukowski, not in this regard and not in general. He's a fucking hack and mediocre writer.

>> No.15818533

I think you seriously misinterpreted what I said, but aight bro— can’t argue with ya.

>> No.15818538

What would you recommend?

>> No.15818550

reading shitposts on 4chan

>> No.15818557

Oh, I re-read it, sorry, we made the same point. I read like 6 hours today and apparently I'm illiterate now. Too much of the punch.

>> No.15818562


>> No.15818565

The Laughing Heart is his best poem, prove me wrong

>> No.15818591

For poetry? Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Lautréamont, Verlaine, and others in the vein. Americans are pretty shit at poetry in general, I hate to break it to ya. The best poets in the English language are either British or Irish. English Romantic Poetry is fantastic, try some Coleridge, Blake, Keats. Or maybe try some Manley Hopkins if you want a challenge. But please, just stop reading trash like Bukowski. Honestly, he's like the ACDC of literature. It's just embarrassing. Mediocre and ugly.

>> No.15818598


>> No.15818684

To tell you the truth I've only recently started reading poetry, I've just been reading fiction over the years. I recognize a few of the poets you suggest but the others are new to me. I'll give them a go, I'm always looking for quality writers to get into. Thanks anon.

>> No.15818774

Back in the day it was easier for people to lie and pretend like they were happy. Nowadays it comes as no surprise to anyone that people are completely full of shit on social media and that their lives are probably just as miserable as anyone else’s. This is because of things like 4chan, Reddit, and other virtually anonymous platforms of discussion (i.e. forums).

I’m a recovering alcoholic so I definitely relate to and respect Bukowski’s work. But that statement is a painfully obvious reality that anyone who has worked a day in their life already knows and has accepted. Nobody works because they like it— they do it because they either have no choice or don’t know how else to sustain themselves. If everyone could write poetry and make a living off of it they would.

>> No.15818785

literally who

>> No.15818791
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>> No.15818807


Lazy and uninspired, but still got me to respond.

>> No.15818894

Is there a Bukowski chart?

>> No.15818904

I can see what you mean. We're living in a time where a lot of people, particularly young people, are lost, jaded, unhappy etc. and they aren't afraid of making that known, especially since it can feel like the majority of their peers feel exactly the same. But as you said, we're led to this conclusion based on what we see online. Most of the people I interact with on a daily basis irl seem like they're holding up just fine and it makes me wonder if I'm the only one that's unhappy or they're just better at putting on a brave face. The internet has really skewed my perception of reality.

>> No.15819838

Nice pozzed shit, faggot.

>> No.15819875


Started reading one of his books, Post Office I think? Got to the part where the main character raped a woman and just didn't feel like continuing.

>> No.15819902


The times are even more cynical than that quote because even though most people collectively understand and agree that this lifestyle is shit, they also understand that they need to keep up the performance of productivity in order to continue receiving a paycheck.

>> No.15819984

>americans are pretty shit at poetry
etc etc etc

>> No.15820007


Not that anon but working construction has very limited value, unless you're working as a skilled tradesman, and even then arguably its quite limited. Something is useful in that your either learning, mastering, or escaping negative conditions with it. Construction after a week does not achieve any of those three things, and depending on what your doing, may actually be a negative condition itself

>> No.15820008

What an absolute try hard lmao. Why do you care what people read? If you get something out of Bukowski knock yourself out. Not every novel has to be some intellectual jerk off material.

>> No.15820017

In person, people always put on a brave face because it is in literally everyone's best interest for them to do so. Nobody wants to deal with someone who is a mopey, whiny cunt in person even if that's how the really feel on the inside.

Internet forums and message boards are havens of self-expression. You can say whatever the fuck you want without consequence (in most reasonable cases). People can express their innermost thoughts and desires without being socially ostracized for it. This has made the painfully honest ideas from people like Bukowski much less novel than they were back when such things were virtually unheard of in daily life.

>> No.15820018

aspiring literary professionals are delicate things, having passed a quarter century being passed from learning institution to learning institution to book deal, as if anybody is supposed to care about some MFA's debut novel which will either be written from life and therefore like a million other better novels by other MFAs about sexually frustrated university adjuncts or worse they'll attempt to write about something else and embarass all involved. i couldn't care less about the latest crop of MFAs, i already know what they have to say and they get more boring by the year. you can shit on bukowski but frankly and honestly i'll take the book by the alcoholic postal worker over the thin watery excrement of iowa workshop grad no.938237374

>> No.15820026

>you can’t beat death but
>you can beat death in life, sometimes.
is one of the few lines of an poem that i often find myself thinking about

>> No.15820053

Honestly dude read him if you enjoy reading him. You can read Bataille and Melville and still like Bukowski. /lit/ is full of insecure faggots that like to jerk themselves off.

>> No.15820271

He was brutally honest, in his works and in his life. I'm sure he caught a lot of people off guard. I often find myself in similar situations, it's humorous to see people's reactions. Although of course there's a certain side of myself I show on 4chan that it wouldn't be appropriate to show in my daily life as well. I find it therapeutic to have this outlet and I'm grateful for it.
The voice of reason. Don't really see what that guys problem was.

>> No.15820490

Never read him because someone here called him "the ICP of literature".

>> No.15820513

Cope for having shit taste. Go read Harry Potter, faggot.
Literally only one of those writers is known for their poetry. Cope harder, loser. The rest are prose writers or literal whos.
Well, I think you'll enjoy several of them. At least I hope so.

>> No.15820519

The postman was great.

He's pretty good and it was cool that he never gave up writing and his hard work was rewarded.