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15810410 No.15810410 [Reply] [Original]

Is non-existence the only logical conclusion to what comes after death?

Is sleep the same thing as non-existence?

>> No.15810415

If you want an informed, "logical" answer- we can't know. Only a scientistic dunce would say "there is nothing after death because we have no proof of anything after death" (we don't have proof there is nothing, either). Just see for yourself. Try dying sometimes, and report back to me. I'm waiting.

>> No.15810427

>Is non-existence the only logical conclusion to what comes after death?
Do you have a logical proof that this is the case?

>> No.15810438
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Yes on one and no on two.

>> No.15810454

I don't know. Everything seems meaningless and pointless. Plus, "we've been there" before. Before we were born.

>> No.15810471

>Plus, "we've been there" before. Before we were born.

Nonsensical statement. This is like talking about "before" the Big Bang, i.e. time before time; you were not before yourself.

>> No.15810491
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>Everything seems meaningless
Pick one.
Everything is FULL of “meaning”
Death/non-existence is meaningless.

>> No.15810500
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There was a before the big bang, yes.

>> No.15810523 [DELETED] 
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Anything can be full of meaning.

You do not exist in non-existence, therefore >>15810454 is wrong. We haven't "been there" before we were born. Furthermore, where did the laws of nature come from? Those laws governing the Big Bang, making sure that whatever happened happened in accordance with whatever current theories scientists have? Or, if you believe scientists don't currently have the absolute, unerring truth, then surely you must believe there are some laws governing our world, even if we do not know them with exactitude. Wherefrom did these laws originate? Did the Big Bang make them? Did they evolve? Are they eternal? Do they simply "not exist?"

>> No.15810552

>Everything seems meaningless and pointless.
This is the uncontroversial logical conclusion to the premise that non-existence comes after death. I'm wondering what logic you've used to determine that your premise is true.

>> No.15810624

Hey butterfly you seem very knowledgeable of the issue here, so answer me:
before you were born did you exist? if you didn't, it follows that non-existence is just like the state before being born and the state after death, right? what can we conclude from this?

also on the big bang meme, was it caused by chance? if so, how was there chance and indefinition in a totality, which is defined?

>> No.15810661

>The one trying sow confusion is confused himself
It’s as if these kinds of people can sooner believe in religion than the inevitable fact of eternity.
Stop pushing that shit of yours in our faces

>> No.15810680

I believe in a universal fireworks show. Bangs happen and happen again once the mass is too great. There’s enough room, there’s enough time.
We’ll probably never know though

>> No.15810696

We'll stop when you stop pushing our faces in your shit.

You believe? Yeah, we'll probably never know, for sure. Science is a tool, not a religion. Don't make it one.

>> No.15810857

I've made a theory back when I saw scared shitless of death.

If reality is eternal, there is a 100% chance you will be brought back from the dead in the future.

If reality isn't eternal, it demands a creator and a creator... well... at least they can maybe make an afterlife if they wanted to

>> No.15810872


>> No.15810910
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Both of these look like they have compromised immune systems. What attracts you to this shit?

>> No.15810919


The only logical conclusion is that, whatever the outcome, it must necessarily involve ego-death (with the sole exception of a Hell reserved as specific punishment for the individual, transgressing psyche). We're a synthesis of biology and some ghost-aspect, be it the illusion of freewill or an actual soul. On the other side of death, that synthesis ceases to be. At least half of what we are is tied into the corporeal aspect, thus that after that moment of disunion the "you" that comes into existence ceases to be the you" that is. It may as well be a different entity.

This is true if the underlying framework is a massive digital simulation or quantum strings or logos or brahmin or Yahweh or Allah or the cycle of reincarnation.

>> No.15810932

god i hope so

>> No.15812029

It's not, but I'm not betting on a swan so black or golden either. It has all the markings of a ruse.

>> No.15812268

>Is sleep the same thing as non-existence?

Only if you're not dreaming.

>> No.15812309

i want to kiss aggie's tummy
if i die, will it be nothing, or will i get to go to heaven?
(if i go to heaven i'll ask god to let me kiss aggie;s tummy :)))) )

>> No.15812370
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>> No.15812601

Fanciful notion when all I see are new things being born every minute of every day. Getting out of this shit is an illusion

Heraclitus said the world was an ever-burning fire

>> No.15813115

is Agatha ok

>> No.15813141
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>Is non-existence the only logical conclusion to what comes after death?
No; after biophysical cessation, one's Soul enters into purgatory, and, either: becomes embraced by Sofia's Wise Love, and greeted by one's fellows, or: undergoes penance for selfconsciously having lived without, and/or against, Love; following either case, one may choose to, either: incarnate again, or: remain in purgatory, awaiting to be judged with justice by Jesus Christ at the end of the world.

>Is sleep the same thing as non-existence?
No; one does not stop existing when one sleeps.

>> No.15813211

People are quick to dismiss immortality of the soul but see no problem believing in eternity of death. Considering you're not alive forever, why assume you'll be dead forever?
However it would occur and however long it would take, it seems only reasonable that reincarnation is inevitable. And the logical conclusion of reincarnation is Samsara.

>> No.15813236

For someone who responded with so much conviction to OP this post takes steps back.

Is Sophia Mary?

>> No.15813264

>Is sleep the same thing as non-existence?
Read Locke. tl;dr no, obviously.

>Is non-existence the only logical conclusion to what comes after death?
You can’t just logic yourself onto unknown territory.*

*Or at least unknown territory that has any sort of viability for meat space, sorry David “Tony the Tiger” Lewis.

>> No.15813295

I don't know but I want to fuck old aggie, how the cutie have fallen

>> No.15813304

>Is sleep the same thing as non-existence?

No. Why? Atman or True Self never sleeps, but it is always awake. When i mean always, it is always present during your 3 conventional mods of limited conciousness that one experiences as being aware or not being aware as being in deep sleep when there is no dreams. When there is no dreams, or sleep without dreams or awareness of the body and therefore world that you percieve via senses, this is the state where mind is aware of body and thoughts. Thats why people observe it as state where there is nothing. But there is a way to know a state before all other states, and being in that state will prove to you that there is no no-existence or death. I speak from personal experience, and some knowledge of advaita vedanta and budhism.

>> No.15813350

It could be that you gain amnesia when coming into this world though and we did exist before our births.

>> No.15813416

>Is Sophia Mary?

>> No.15813430

where were you before birth? did you suffer then?

>> No.15813483

but what if you wake up after non-existence?
every night I disappear and reappear in my bed.

for all I know, I've died countless times and just have "woken up".

>> No.15813495

>Try dying sometimes, and report back to me. I'm waiting.
This. We experience death second hand. None of us has first hand experience of our own deaths. For all we know, you just keep living in your own reality despite other people dying in yours (and they keep living in their own reality as you may die in theirs).

>> No.15813528

Non-existence is nonsensical.

Suppose your consciousness (awareness, existence, soul, etc.) comes from nothing.
Your brain changes it's structure, but you retain the 'same' consciousness.
That means that same consciousness can exist in different brains.
All it takes is a correct set of circumstances somewhere along the timeline for your consciousness to arise after (or before) your death.

>> No.15813612 [DELETED] 

I forgot to mention that after dying, carnal Souls may become impelled by the false vainglorious light of the Demiourgos, which, in their blindness, merely recycles them via reincarnation.

>> No.15813644

I forgot to mention that after dying, carnistic Souls may become impelled by the false vainglorious light of the Demiourgos, which, due to their blindness, merely recycles them via reincarnation.

>> No.15813670

what happens to christians

>> No.15813699

>....embraced by Sofia's Wise Love, and greeted by one's fellows...

>> No.15813727

Hi Agatha

>> No.15813732
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No one one and yes on two.

>> No.15813767

but who is Sophia, I thought Christ was God's Wisdom. If the Demiurge is evil, why would christians not take his light to be the Light?

>> No.15813929

>but who is Sophia
The virgin mother of the noble ones.

>I thought Christ was God's Wisdom
You were not wrong.

>If the Demiurge is evil, why would christians not take his light to be the Light?
What do you mean? It is precicely because it is not only evil, but also the source of evil, that its false, selfconsuming, light, is adverse to the true, eternal, Light.

>> No.15813953


>> No.15813999

She looks fine aside from the eye bags
Not sure what leads you to that conclusion, idk who that is but she doesn’t look anorexic from what I can see

>> No.15814071

so how will christians not be led to the demiurgic light if they don't deem him to be evil and to be actually, the Godhead itself, that is, as they say, one will in Father, Son and Spirit.?

>> No.15814193

agatha is so cute! so cute!

>> No.15814211

>Science is a tool, not a religion. Don't make it one.

>> No.15814212
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I'd die for Agatha

>> No.15814219

If reality is eternal, the best way to use that information to your advantage is to believe that you repeat this life eternally. Wanna know what hell is? Having to relive your miserable life for eternity.

>> No.15814233

I would have died for her when she was that cute, have you seen how bad of a state she's in now?

>> No.15814630

>so how will christians not be led to the demiurgic light if they don't deem him to be evil and to be actually, the Godhead itself, that is, as they say, one will in Father, Son and Spirit.?
Spirit's motion is based on affinity; geniune Christians, contrary to judeochristian poseurs, and "protestants", tend toward the true Light --in this life, and beyond it-- regardless of any erroneous doctrinal notions that may be possessed along the way.

>Wisdom (Sofia) is justified of her children.
- Jesus, The Gospel of Matthew.

>> No.15814729


>> No.15814742
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>She looks fine aside from the eye bags
Especially her eye bags

>> No.15814778
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Humans come into the universe, and blink out. More humans come in, etc. things are moving and changing but their all there, even the building blocks that made up the now dead humans. There was a big bang, but what came before it? Nothing? It’s as easy to fathom as an end to space.
The infinite eternity seems the most natural conclusion to me.

>> No.15814835

Deep sleep is a reasonable approximation of non existence

>> No.15814916

And why do you take in consideration the Scripture if it is judeochristian?

>> No.15815232
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4channers are attracted to sickly looking women, especially virgins of /r9k/. Isn't that why that doomer girl meme became popular? I wonder why?

that includes me btw

>> No.15815260

low test

>> No.15815300
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I think it's likely that non-existence is just a concept, like 'nothing', which doesn't actually describe any state. It's just used as an abstract opposite to existence.

When you die, all your constituent matter/energy still exists, it just gets transformed. I think it's most likely that your 'consciousness' (in my estimation, a particular arrangement of matter/energy) -ceases- at that point, but it still exists backwards in time. I suppose you could say that from your subjective perspective it would be equivalent to non-existence, because you won't experience anything, but as you can see the ontological issue is more nuanced.

As for sleep, you could view it as a quasi-break in the continuity of consciousnes... Consider however, that you don't experience the low-level processes responsible for the formation of your thoughts, and yet there is definitely a continuity between those processes and what you consider to be 'you'. In the same way, when in deep sleep all the bioloigcal 'machinery' and bio-stored data is still alive and well and chugging along, it's just that the high-level output of awareness has been suspended.

I think existence is eternal, so it's possible that an identical universe will form at some point, but I doubt you'd remember having lived before (it seems unlikely that the adult you with your memories would just instantiate, rather the universe would proceed again from the start). Who knows, this could already be your billionth go-round.

>> No.15815503

I regard the Old Testament primarily as judaically narratized history, and the New Testament as a judaized corruption of Christianity, and as judaical drivel at its worst, the latter being more spiritually valuable than the former due to some discernably uncorrupt passages.

>> No.15815552

you are not answering me, if it is so, why do you take them both into consideration so as to even quote it to sustain your point?

>> No.15815557

I noticed this, and I've always seen this among denizens of every board. All across the board, they love sickly, pale, skinny little slips with eye bags. They all look anorexic, anemic, and diseased, probably like the anons themselves.

>> No.15815561


>> No.15815569

What's that?

>> No.15815599

Where did the building blocks that constitute our world come from? The matter, the energy, where did it all come from? What about the laws?

>There was a big bang, but what came before it? Nothing?
You have no evidence there was nothing, just as you have no evidence there was something. Atheists should put on the muzzle of agnosticism and stop snapping with their skeptic's jaws, they're making monkeys of themselves.

He's not a Christian, just some gnostic distortion.

>> No.15815627

>He's not a Christian
i know, i just find it funny that he rejects christianity yet depends on it.

>> No.15816063

Improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.15816123

so you just cherrypick whatever you want from them despite of their interconnection and your judging them of being judaized and corrupt?

>> No.15816225

There is no reason to sound so smug about something you know nothing about. What are you, an authority on the subject, you hypocrite? In science (your field btw) you guys don’t have absolute truth, because while I admire STEMs for their critical thinking there is a good reason why alchemy was the mother of science. Are you the people that practice universal truth for the benefit of humanity? I don’t think so.

>> No.15816237

Time? You use time as an absolute standard and yet you practice science? I’ll tell you what, go read some more before making such a thoughtless statement.

>> No.15816246

Hehe my bad bro sorry I broke her KEK

>> No.15816267 [SPOILER] 
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>their all there
Fucking early morning brain fart *they’re*

All there, swimming around like a self assembling puzzle, eventually forming self observing entities as an eventuality.
> You have no evidence there was nothing
Right, and I don’t think there was such a thing.
> ...you have no evidence there was something
On the contrary. Here it all is! How does it go away? I think it always was and always will, in one state or another.
>atheist monkeys
Why can’t you content yourself with the worship of the the infinite eternal?

Pic: I like all kinds of girls

>> No.15816284

No lol

>> No.15816317

Just a concept, nothing you would know about considering you haven't done it.

>> No.15816363

bitch look like when skwigward ate to mandy crabepattys

>> No.15816364

>so you just cherrypick whatever you want from them despite of their interconnection...
No --I recognize --through discernment-- what is truthful, and sift out the pollutants.

>...your judging them of being judaized and corrupt?
Yes, because that is what they are.

>> No.15816374

Nice taste

>> No.15816409
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What do you think of Agatha?

>> No.15816422

There cannot be proof of nothing, for nothing is nothing, and one cannot have nothing as proof.

>> No.15816431

Non existence is the least logical conclusion.
"Before you were born" ended with being born. Permanent non consciousness can therefore not be expected from this condition. The whole notion of permanent non consciousness is impossible to conceive of because it requires a conscious act to even attempt the consideration.

>> No.15816440

You have a biased outlook. If you go on the internet just to be a chode and to stifle people’s curiosity then I believe that is what they call a “monster”.

>> No.15816459

looks like a gypsy to me.

>> No.15816483

This is why I like the idea of ressurection. We need both components to have a self, but half the self is a simple substance. There must be a reunion of the two.

>> No.15816550


>> No.15816560

The soul is the soul, its just energy meridians. Who YOU are, or your ego rather, is a thought form that is created based off of your experience with physical reality. Why is perpetual ego death necessary for enlightenment? Because you let go of what ties you to this plane.

>> No.15816911

Are you responding to the right person? I know science doesn't have the absolute truth; it doesn't even make truth claims.

>Right, and I don’t think there was such a thing.
Good, now you've really done it-

>On the contrary. Here it all is! How does it go away? I think it always was and always will, in one state or another.
Can you prove this, or is it just a belief of yours? Beyond speculation, can science know whether these laws, this matter, this energy, have always existed? How do you know that these laws were applicable at all times in the past? There are many questions, and many unknowns. This is not to prove the superiority of one system of thought over another, but merely to dispel this idea of certainty and intellectual superiority that accretes on people like you (at least judging by the epithets you lot default to).

What does it mean to be "judaized and corrupt?" Why is being "judaized" a cardinal sin of yours? Explain this to me, and explain why you are not just as corrupt.

And yet some atheists persist in claiming that there is nothing after death. Furthermore, I was joking when I said to "try dying." It was to illustrate the point that you cannot have evidence of nothing after death.

Looks like a Jewess to me

>> No.15816944

its post-existence

>> No.15816950

It’s kind of like trying to prove free will versus determinism. It’s unknowable at this point and maybe forever. But the one seems to not be while the other seems quite self evident.

She alright. I’m not obsessing over her, but I suggest such caution with your heart for all girls.

>> No.15816992

for someone showing off as a gnostic magus you are really mundane and filled with ideology. im sorry anon

>> No.15817080

I am the only one who is terrified by non existence? instantly makes me go 150 bpm

>> No.15817130
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>dude you can't know nuthin'

>> No.15817145

>What does it mean to be "judaized and corrupt?" Why is being "judaized" a cardinal sin of yours?
Judaism is antithetical to Christianity; do not expect me to also explain to you why this is so.

>Projects his/her opinions, and frustrated expectations, on another.
>"im sorry anon"

>> No.15817180

It's funny how my New Testament professor went to great lengths to demonstrate to the class how Christianity is not antithetical to or superseding Judaism. Then again, this guy spoke at an ADL event about anti-semitism at my college, so it's unsurprising. These are the gate-keepers trying to push what you believe is untrue. I understand that Judaism as it is today is antithetical to Christianity

>> No.15817310
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>> No.15818317

best psot

>> No.15818500

i think I'm taking a non-existence

>> No.15818587


>> No.15818600
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>I’m not obsessing over her, but I suggest such caution with your heart for all girls.
Haha she told me the same thing

>> No.15818795

this is unironically true. every high test guy i know is bimbopilled

>> No.15818815

The concept of "nothing" doesn't become a reality until you die.

>> No.15820159


>> No.15820572
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Someone redpill me on her. I've seen her posted on here a lot

>> No.15820801

Well, I could say that sleep is the same as death if I didn't remembered stuff that happened while I slept or had any sense of past time after waking up. You know, you don't need much yourself to notice you don't simply blink into the future when you sleep, death and sleep are not the same, and that's very easy to notice

>> No.15820951

She used to make Mukbangs and ASMR and would stream sometimes but then she stopped.