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15787671 No.15787671 [Reply] [Original]

>I didn’t sleep at all for 3 weeks straight because my diet changed.
Fucking what?

>> No.15787673

Raw power. You'll understand some day.

>> No.15787675

he was high as fuck

>> No.15787679

he's life coaching

>> No.15787685

>Fucking what?
Apparently, benzos are a "diet change" now.

>> No.15787686

Stay away from cider bro

>> No.15787693

This was way before the benzos, right before he adopted the all steak diet.

>> No.15787696

Probably didnt mean literally no sleep. A bad histamine reaction can cause very broken sleep. He could have just took a hayfever pill and he would have been fine, if a bit drowsy.
Source. I have eczema.

>> No.15787698

Benzos are no joke

>> No.15787716

Peterson is like the quintessential American intellectual.

>> No.15787718

In the podcast with his daughter after his Venom Snake awakening, he gets weirdly defensive about when he said he didn’t sleep for 3 weeks on the Rogan podcast and it sounds like he literally meant zero sleep.

>> No.15787720

He's Canadian

>> No.15787722

>you can spell 'chaos' with the letters of 'apple cider vinegar' if you add a few ones, and that's a BAD THING MAN, a tough ROAD to go on. that's the symbol behind the romans giving jesus vinegar on the cross when he said he was thirsty, and it's like, it's tough man, we already learned that in the 20th century. it. doesn't work.
clean your penis

>> No.15787725

As with 90% of what Jordan Peterson says, it's hyperbole.

The guy is fairly good at inflating the importance of irrelevant things and downplaying the importance of relevant things, and the reason is that he is a priest for liberalism, priests generally are very skilled at obscuring and mystifying reality to suit the material needs of them and others like them.

>> No.15787727

Canada is in America.

>> No.15787729

>imagine taking your life advice from a depressive guy who can't handle a glass of cider

joke aside, how is he doing lately? can he talk now?

>> No.15787730

ever heard of a continent that goes by that name

>> No.15787736

sadly yes, he did a podcast with his daughter a week ago, but with these neurotics nothing ever ends, he'll be back with his usual anxieties in a few weeks, provided it hasn't started already

>> No.15787739

>they don't know about the leaf shaped continent

>> No.15787748

Canada is also on the planet Earth.

>> No.15787825

For now.

>> No.15787828

He's just dramatic . It feels like no sleep because you are constantly tossing and turning and looking at the clock. You are tired as fuck all the time but you have bursts of sleep ranging from 5 minutes to an hour all night that mean you can keep on ticking.

>> No.15787848

pick one

>> No.15787854

You are quite an erudite

>> No.15787883

Is he back? Is he dead?

>> No.15787891

He’s alive and writes a blog, even though /lit/ told me he’d be a vegetable.

>> No.15787894

That's my point.

>> No.15787900
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he does make it sound like he literally got zero sleep. but then he adds an addendum that, for all he knows, he could have possibly dozed off and woken up again, without realizing it. but for all intents and purposes, it felt like no sleep.
the real question is why is his daughter such a hooer?

>> No.15787903

Yeah, he's always been a big drama queen.

>> No.15787906
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>why is his daughter such a hooer
nothing special, all women are hoes.

>> No.15787912

I listened to the episode with his daughter and I got to say benzo withdrawal sounds like a harrowing nightmare. Pretty insane that this is prescribed so flippantly.

>> No.15787923


>> No.15787928

Funny, his wife probably did the same and then got liver cancer. I am sure that's a complete accident.

>> No.15787930

>quintessential American intellectual

>> No.15787940
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I love /lit/ but I'd trust Peterson over the /lit/ mob every day.

>> No.15787965

I don't understand why people take Shapiro and Peterson seriously.

>> No.15787980

I perfectly understand it and I wrote it here>>15787725

>> No.15788008

>priest for liberalism

>> No.15788018

>inflating the importance of irrelevant things
like what
>downplaying the importance of relevant things
like what

>> No.15788021

Not on my life you imperialist pig, long live the queen long live the commonwealth

>> No.15788030

It's true though. Most liberals say: "Look at all these statistics and GDP growth, liberalism is great!!"

Meanwhile Jordan Peterson says: "You got fight the dragon(all those things that make you resist liberal capitalism and atomization) and you got to rescue your father(the liberal state) from the underworld(Communism, fascism, radical ideologies in general).

It's quite clear that every single supposed radical thing Peterson talks about are simply really obtuse and obscurantist ways of justifying contemporary society.

>> No.15788091

Doesn't make him a priest, buddy. Stop using this cringe Landian terminology and speak like an adult.

>> No.15788098

I'm not a Landian. I'm a Marxist, and Jordan Peterson and people like him fill the same role in our society as priests did during feudalism.

>> No.15788135

I'm also a Marxist and I think you're cringe as fuck and have the shallow thinking of a teen and are trying to mystify a thing that's much more complex. I also don't like the implication that priests and religion are always bad, that's stupid as fuck, there were countless priests that fought for the betterment of people and still are. You use the cartoon language of a reactionary and share the same childlike thinking.

>> No.15788163

Literally everything you say here is irrelevant. I never said priests and religion are "bad", that's pathetic moralism. I said the function of a priest is to produce ideology that keeps their position and the society around them functioning materially.

And the same is true for Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. I have no doubt that shit they have said has actually helped individual people's lives, but this doesn't change the function of what it is that they are doing: They are very effective ideology-producers for liberal capitalism.

>> No.15788205

>i didn't imply the thing i implied lol just trust me
As dishonest as a reactionary too. I feel sorry for you and the withered ballsack you call a brain.

>> No.15788219

Learn to actually have arguments instead of acting like a woman on her period you fucking brainlet.

>> No.15788236

You can't go through 3 weeks without sleep. The world record is 11 days.

>> No.15788238

/int/ would like a word with you.

>> No.15788273

In that case he's a fucking dickhead, because 3 weeks without sleep is ridiculous. The world record is like 11 days.

>> No.15788280

What might have sparked his histamine reaction like that though?

>> No.15788287

Join the 40%, freak.

>> No.15788290

>I'm a Marxist

>> No.15788325

As if being a Landian is less dumb and cringe.

>> No.15788340

Gwyneth Paltrow for incels

>> No.15788355

I took valium every day for like 6-9 months when I was trying to quit a ketamine addiction, the anxiety and heart palpitations were extremely unpleasant to work through but hardly life-threatening and I did it all with no outside help, fuck knows what this guy was doing to fuck himself up this badly

>> No.15788362

A change in diet would do it. A bit like how vegans may get ill when they first eat meat again or someone with a low fibre diet can get bad stomach ache and gas if they suddenly increase their fibre intake. Coeliacs with gluten etc. If someone has been on a low histamine diet (pure meat) for a while and then eats nightshades (or other high histamine food) they'd probably have a rough few nights.
I dont know what other health issues or tablets he takes but combined with his anxiety (and penchant for hyperbole) i can definitely see him stressing over the reaction for a few weeks.

>> No.15788371

Well it sounds like he was using a type that was known for bad withdrawal symptoms, and he used it for over a year in relatively large doses because his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

Either way, apparently there's a lot of individual differences in the severity of the withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.15788639

That has everything to do with you being an impressionable zoomer.

>> No.15788689

There was no argument to be had. You're an idiot talking about things he doesn't understand appealing to broad mystifying language thinking it sounds intelligent when your entire point comes down to
>liberalism bad
Like I said you're very stupid, which is why you can't help thinking like a rightwinger. The two go hand in hand.

>> No.15788878

lol, how ironic

>> No.15788980
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Take the Vegan Pill

>> No.15789064

Not that anon but it doesn't sound like he got the extreme withdrawal symptoms that benzo withdrawal can cause. It can be very dangerous, but it sounds like he got withdrawal symptoms which are common for a lot of addictions.
To him, that probably seemed like the worst thing ever. However, that is not a realistic portrayal of what the extremes of benzo withdrawal are like. He is probably used to being very comfortable, so the symptoms he had probably made him very uncomfortable. However, I cannot stress enough that is not an extreme case for withdrawal. What he describes is pretty normal for side effects of common psychiatric drugs, and pretty low level for withdrawal from any drug. It's especially low level for benzos.
If he were talking about his seizures breaking the restraints or having a stroke or losing conscious control of his bowels, he'd be closer to midrange benzo withdrawal. What he's actually talking about is a pretty common set of symptoms for any kind of withdrawal, including ones that don't need medical supervision. I've no doubt he was uncomfortable, but it's discomfort of a pretty low level for the situation, and most people at that point would use willpower and not propofol

>> No.15789141

He chose to be retarded.
>You get what you fuckin' deserve.

>> No.15789178

you are just as ideological as a right winger, keep larping tho

>> No.15789253
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>Venom Snake awakening

>> No.15789342

he was being medically examined through every phase of that diet, none of the doctors ever told him there were signs he needed to stop

>> No.15789358


>> No.15789514

>you are just as ideological as a right winger
Did I ever say differently? We are all ideological. Did you think this was some big own? Like I said: retard.

>> No.15789733

Empirically refuted by Doktor Al Petersoni (pbuh).

>> No.15789751


>> No.15789757

Day of the rake when?

>> No.15789769


>> No.15789827

Seems like the ideology creators have gotten to you

>> No.15789925

Yes, how dare I use words with their intended meaning to call people out that behave in a certain way correlative to that word.
>Seems like the ideology creators
If you think you aren't subject to ideology, you're so dumb you should kill yourself immediately.

>> No.15789937

You have been on the Internet too much

>> No.15789962

You speak in memes. How mad are you right now?

>> No.15789965

He's obviously being hyperbolic, he probably had about three hours per night and one to two hours nap per day, which means he didn't reach his REM levels. In any case, changing habits can affect your body in enormous ways, so I could believe he lost sleep over it.

>> No.15789976

He said in his most recent interview with his whore daughter that he didn't perceive sleep for three weeks, and that he couldn't claim he didn't have short spurts of sleep, only that these would have passed without notice to him if they did in-fact occur.

>> No.15790005

>You speak in memes
Except the part where I didn't? It's funny how the mentally ill think they can gaslight other people. I'm sorry that your whore mother created you subhuman and malformed, but don't blame me that you can't keep up with a conversation without turning to delusion as help, OK?

>> No.15790474

He really is a bit of a drama queen and prone to hyperbole.

>> No.15790593

He never said this

>> No.15790607

lmao retard

>> No.15790615

he literally said he didn't sleep for 3 weeks

the fact that a so-called psychologist could say that is just laughable.

>> No.15790628

>this was way before benzos
no it wasnt lol, hes being abusing them for years

>> No.15791182

Just reading this interaction leads me to believe you are not well. The way you lunged at your own side over some silly pedantry over language haha, fuckin loon.

>> No.15791277

>my own side
The braindead reactionary comes with another amazing take. Yes, I remember, you gotta suck the dick of people that treat politics like a brand if you apparently share the same one. Kill yourself, you pathetic beta loser.

>> No.15791286

>This was way before the benzos

>> No.15792095

Translated: “anything that doesn’t align with my Jewish NWO agenda”