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15741840 No.15741840 [Reply] [Original]

>All books add up to one essential truth, which is, if your IQ is above a certain number, life is pretty much unbearable. And the number is not even that high
is he right?

>> No.15741860

Believing lies in (((tv and film)))

>> No.15741872

(((They))) want those who currently find life miserable to not find self-improvement and keep them from looking at what's really going on.

>> No.15741910

Stupid people have shitty lives. And stupid people always believe that they're more than mediocre. Now tell those stupid people that their lives are unenjoyable just because their intellect is slightly above average and you'll have them eating out of your palm

>> No.15741921

lol midwit take desu

>> No.15741923

If anything my life is miserable because my IQ isn't high enough.

>> No.15741932

Read Schopenhauer.

>> No.15741960

I hate people that complain about their intelligence, you don't know what it's like to be average or worse, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15741983

there are a lot of things that can make your life unbearable; being poor, being ugly as shit, being 5'1, being paralyzed, having a colostomy bag, being raped brutally throughout your infancy and childhood by international jews; however, being smart is nothing but a blessing. everyone knows this is a midwit platitude with no merit. its like when a hot chick tries to complain about being so hot because guys only like her for her looks. really beautiful girls never do that, its only the 8/10 whores who are already blown the fuck out by dick and alcohol who like haggard without makeup and like a dumb thot with it to any sane man. its a humble brag, and a groundless one at that.

>> No.15742010

>being 5'1 is comparable to being paralyzed or suffering extreme sexual abuse
The worst thing is that I don't actually disagree with you.

>> No.15742031

While I do think the troubles of the more conscious often contain greater profundity, I think the notion of intellect being the cause of woe terribly masturbatory. The concept we have of the idea of "the troubled genius" and not the adverse is not that stupid people have a easier time being happy, but rather those who are said and stupid cannot articulate or perhaps even comprehend their own turmoil where those who are more lucid can. Consciousness is the true freedom of man, and those who wish there's diminished for a nonexistent answer don't deserve it -- you clearly think too highly of your intellect in order to say something so uncerebral. You think an insect blissful? Or a dog? Ape? Oaf? Consciousness allows for true bliss through understanding, the greater the understanding, the greater the capacity. A man of action has the same problems as you, a man of thought can only better ponder them, and thus achieve the bliss of awareness and imagination. Your hindrances lie elsewhere

>> No.15742070

its honestly worse than being paralyzed. i would rather be a paralyzed chad than a 5'1 turbo manlet. but thats 5'1, which is a wicked outlier. i think being like 5'7 would be better than being paralyzed, because even if you were 5'11, it wouldn't make that much difference, you would still be too short to be tall to most chicks, but also not super short to a girl who isn't obsessed with height, because most chicks aren't taller than 5'5 anyway, so 5'7 is livable. 5'1 is a death sentence though.

>> No.15742177

Yes, but it also needs to be below a certain number (130).

>> No.15742201

ITT... everyone pretends they are euphorically happy.

>> No.15742239

I read somewhere years ago that "I'm depressed only because I'm so smart" is just a cope and that a lot of the people who feel this way are actually just depressed because they're not as smart as they think they should be.
It was relevant to me at the time because I was going through depression after getting kicked out of college. It actually moved me enough to seek help and thankfully my pills even me out enough to be a functional human bean.

>> No.15743337

in this moment, yes.

>> No.15743452

No. Read The Bell Curve, midwits are usually the bitter manchildren in any society due to being unable to cope with their own unoriginality.
Retards find happiness in ignorance, those with >140 IQ find happiness in controlling and laughing at the midwits and their cynicism.

>> No.15743590

big brain

>> No.15743650

I mean, no, ofc not
I have a reasonably high IQ, my life is fine. Unbearable would be having MS or some other horrible incurable condition that causes pain. All that troubled intellectual stuff is just ego stroking

>> No.15743889
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No. Consult pic related.

>> No.15744825


What about when you hit your head by accident?

>> No.15744838

>tfw 5'11
I want to kms.

>> No.15745719

I've had a dozen girls at work tell me that I either remind them of this guy or look like a more attractive version of him.

>> No.15745731


>> No.15745750

This, 115-130 is the worst place to be because you can learn maths and physics but you will never discover anything big. The best you can hope to be is a writer and even then be a satirist who points out flaws but has no solutions.

>> No.15745769

100 - 110 is normalfag bliss, 120 is midwit hell and 130 is the golden zone, like being 6'2. 140 and above is when things get weird and your intelligence has the potential to be more of a hindrance to you than a blessing.

>> No.15745788

What IQ does it take to embrace your errors? There are times where I almost feel happy to be wrong, because the information I gained was more valuable than what I already had.

>> No.15745804

I test at 140 but have no inner monologue and suspect that I am actually stupid or very autistic.

>> No.15745812

yeah life imposed by other people is utterly unbearable

>> No.15745830
File: 41 KB, 536x626, 1592220710755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Always did very well on those tests and yet I'm a useless NEET burnout. I was always told I was smart and precocious but I've always felt like a complete retard. It makes me think IQ testing is bs. My friend who on paper is apparently intellectually inferior to me is much happier than I am and has a happy and successful career with a loving gf. As far as I'm concerned, that makes him smarter than me.

>> No.15745862

Highest I tested was 154 at 17. I doubt its veracity, think I fluked it somewhat. I'm a burnout trying to find purpose. I also began having serious health problems around that time, and became relatively convinced after years of declining health that I was going to die. Because of that I have both the pangs of feeling like I'm behind, no matter how hard I work. I read The Death of Ivan Ilyich recently; made me feel nauseous.

>> No.15745867

They have shitty lives from OUR point of view, but they enjoy it which is all that matters. Therefore the ignoramus lives a better life than we do.

>> No.15745883

same i'm 160 yet almost all the time feel like the biggest retard on earth
the constant ridicule I give myself does not feel very fantastic.

>> No.15745931

Midwit zone is 105-120. Most successful individuals have IQ in the 120s range

>> No.15745948

120IQ proved to be the goldenzone in anything, From career, Money making, Life satisfaction and women desirability (Yes there are actual studies about it).

After 130-135IQ success even in intellectually demanding fields start to decrease.

>> No.15745953

Hard disagree. Being intelligent gives you access to the tools to understand yourself, and when you understand yourself you can do what is best for your well-being.

Plenty of stupid people are miserable. They do not have the ability to fix this. They will stumble through an agonizing life except for the minority that coincidentally happen upon what they need. The stupid person is given his lot. He has no choice but to accept it. He cannot change it deliberately. If he is happy, he will stay happy. If he is miserable, he will stay miserable, except when chance acts upon him.

If you are intelligent, you have the ability to seek it fulfillment actively and thoughtfully, and systematically improve yourself.

You mistake your own agony for being unique, a measure of your value. If you are unable to do anything to better yourself and your situation you are either stupid or otherwise defective(specifically bottom tier conscientiousness).

>> No.15745972


Reminder to not trust IQ frauding claims, especially ones that put them in the 0.00xx%.


>> No.15745992

who cares either way kek
only worthless faggots talk about IQ and things that correlate but do not cause

>> No.15746019

>all three posts doubt the validity of the number
>remember not to trust them!

>> No.15746027

Do this test and post score faggot

>> No.15746043

Er, no. Mostly because it's not loading in my browser, and I'm not downloading flash to make it work.

>> No.15746089

That's how I feel when I play chess.

>> No.15746147

I'd rather be somewhat smart than dumb so i don't buy this. im in in high-midwit territory myself which can be depressing for various reasons as others have mentioned but id rather be the way i am than a total retard

>> No.15746269

138 and can't relate to normies while being a chronic underachiever. Books, music and an oddly increasing mysticism are all I have left.

>> No.15746376

IQ doesn't help much if you aren't asking the right questions. I'm 135 and it's a goddamned miracle I'm not in prison.

>> No.15746384

>he doesn't have Macromedia Flash Player

>> No.15746412

140+ is blessed dude just do drugs

>> No.15746446


John Von Neumann was by all accounts pretty satisfied with himself and his life. That was the case of many of his colleagues. Stop this meme shit.

>> No.15747033

>>All books add up to one essential truth, which is, if your IQ is above a certain number, life is pretty much unbearable. And the number is not even that high
>is he right?
>tfw too smart to regulate my emotions and to choose what to focus on in the world and in others

>> No.15747216

No. This is how idiots cope with their unhappiness. The truth is that if you have an extremely high IQ life is actually a lot better.

Source: my IQ is 160.

>> No.15747257

I think it's more that a lot of people are, especially in the modern era, not raised to be able to cope with the harsh realities of life so when they get smarter they become more aware of how awful everything is and can't cope and since society keeps pushing people towards social media where they're bombarded with just terrible shit they feel like they're trapped.

This is partly in fault of governments being too slow to implement the internet in proper legislation and having too weak libel/slander laws since the end result is just an absolute shitflinging fest from every side

>> No.15747807

You are not 160

>> No.15747820

You're right but your iq isn't 160

>> No.15748431

omg you must be hot aff, man

>> No.15748455

This is true.

Source: my IQ is 170 and my dick is 9 inches and girthy.

>> No.15748465

so ur basically dennis from always sunny

>> No.15749081

Lmao this only applies to the upper limit of average people who are smarter than their peers but not smart enough to do well in school without trying or read with any depth.

>> No.15749095

I have never taken an IQ test

>> No.15749105

No. Being intelligent and not applying that intelligence is what leads to a shitty life. If you're gifted with "the big brain", you should be fucking using it, not wallowing in your own misery.

>> No.15749110

Unironically me because I go around pretending to smoke opium out of a big chinese pipe (it really does soothe) and I masturbate 6 times a day. I also have 70ml testicles and hyperspermia.

>> No.15749134

this. most of my personal unhappiness stems from me being too lazy or too stupid (because I was too lazy to do anything but browse 4chan and jerk off three times a day) to do anything but go with the flow and indulge in unproductive sources of easy dopamine.

>> No.15749222

what a chad condition. I wish I had a bigger penis and balls so I could cum more. I've managed to attain an average of 4 ejaculations per day this last month and have done 5 a couple times but after 5 I really feel empty and tired out.

>> No.15749957

No I'm very awkward and people joke about me being a serial killer a lot. In high school it was Dexter instead of Joe

>> No.15750314

IQ has nothing to do with contentment, self-actualization, recognition, environs, locus of control, or outlook on life.
There are depressed geniuses and depressed retards just as there are happy geniuses and happy retards.

>> No.15750359

True, there's even an insufferable romanticism around being on to the verge of destitution, but then holding on to that online IQ tests which tells you the world just doesn't accept your brilliance. Yeah nope, every high IQ person I've met had a cushy job and beautiful intelligent wife and was very happy about their lives.

>> No.15750365
File: 13 KB, 220x311, Richard_Feynman_Nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15750528

people always tell me i remind them of dexter. i've never even watched that show so i don't know how to take it, but i take it as a compliment because he's attractive.

>> No.15750636

I test at 122, which is above average but not absurdly high or impressive or anything. I guess it is kinda depressing when I think about the fact that I’m not going to become some great scholar or thinker and then look around at most people who are just sorta ignorant and happy about it, I guess.

>> No.15750756

why? what's it have to do with this post?

>> No.15750827

This. 144 and I am super retarded at times.

>Be me.
>Reading Dubliners.
>Wish to discuss with /lit/.
>Post about the book.
>"It didn't contain Ulysses."

I haven't read Joyce before but shit I looked like the biggest retard alive. 144 my ass, IQ is a joke.

>> No.15750879

I was about to write up that a level of intelligence comparable to an IQ of 105 to 120 or so could possibly cause unhappiness. You‘re smart enough to see the bad but not smart enough to overcome it. This picture perfectly expresses this. And yes, I‘m certainly part of this group.

>> No.15750929

An intelligent enough person finds ways to make it non unbearable. Brainlets all those who complain about their high IQs

>> No.15751138

Self consciousness and neuroticism doesn't equal intelligence.

>> No.15751225

>another iq thread

>> No.15751244

This is true
Source: just trust me bro also i'm 6'8 and my dick is 20 feet long
also IQ has a positive correlation with dick size

>> No.15751479


>> No.15752101

like getting high?

>> No.15752186


Omg all you guys too?
I tested 240 and I work at burger king to support my crystal meth addiction.

Funny how the world works. Glad I'm not alone anons.

>> No.15752194


>an intelligent person would do xxx
>non unbearable

Now why do I think you have no idea what an intelligent person would do?

>> No.15752196

based retard who can't understand that only people to whom a thread topic apply are likely to post in it. There is always one of you idiots going 'Now what are the chances you'd all be x'

>> No.15752203

I’ve actually gotten a test (at least when I was very young for a gifted and talented program in elementary school that they tested everyone for) and tested 120 which I think barely qualified for me to get in.
Basically, I’m smart enough to know how dumb I actually am.

>> No.15752219

>whom a thread topic apply are likely to post in it
not that guy but i agree this is a high iq thread lol

>> No.15752239
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>> No.15752246

that's not my fault I have brain damage, Im still right

>> No.15752454
