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/lit/ - Literature

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15733962 No.15733962 [Reply] [Original]

After browsing /his/ for a while, I have reached the conclusion that discussions in internet forums are useless. You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you. If you have an aggressive writing style it doesn't work any better than being condescending and polite until the point that you cannot continue. Furthermore, my experience has demonstrated me the absolute failure of the postmodern discourse where everyone has different opinions and sharing them we reach a common understanding, this is absolute bullshit. Machiavelli was right, being right isn't only about being right on the assumptions, but also having the material righteousness to impose your thoughts to others. I think you should do the same as me and leave 4chan forever, it has been a good time but this is pointless. In the end, what debates have created is just a spectacle that exalts mediocrity, since the masses are the ones who catalog when some poster is right trough the labels "based!" "this" "cringe", and the dominant discourse wins over everything. You should do the same as me and leave 4chan forever, devote to literature, and reject discussions because they are the tool of sophists and mediocrity to win over truth and facts.

>> No.15733979

Well Im convinced

>> No.15733983

I don't know, I've had plenty of nice discussions on 4chan regarding a lot of topics
>After browsing /his/

>> No.15733986

I'm with it. See you tomorrow.

>> No.15734004

I'm convinced that the way to have a conversation is to identify people who have actually read at least one book on the subject you're trying to discuss. These people have an interest in the subject, will want to get recommendations on new things to read, and will be receptive to information.

Anyone else is just spouting their knee-jerk opinion, and the fact that they're prepared to do that with zero knowledge or genuine interest in the subject is enough to prove they're not worth talking to.

>> No.15734018

This isn't a debate board in the first place, faggot. Your post doesn't have anything to do with literature, you're just bemoaning how everyone's dumber than you, which is indistinguishable from a reddit mindset

>> No.15734020


>> No.15734023
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People are more concerned with 'winning' debates than discussing ideas. It makes people put their guard up and impossible to change opinions. It's all wasted breath.

>> No.15734026

That's exactly right. However me and millions of others are mindfucked through decades of internet use and now are unable to find other means of expression. SIlence is too hard when you are also forced to live through the inanity of urban/suburban life. Sometimes you need to shout into the void all these idiotic or ugly thoughts and other times you need to force people to react to them. Sometimes we come here seeking interesting discussion but I believe to true purpose of something like a chan is letting us people who are too far gone into this reality to scream meaningessly into a void, and have it scream back at you. It's when you dying for a real conversation but unable to initiate or participate in any way. Ideally we should grow past this mentality but most won't, it's just too big of a lifestyle leap to do, so we will keep having these demented pastiches of conversation until we are no longer to relate to others or our own selves

>> No.15734106

If you come here to debate people you're looking in the wrong place. I've learned plenty from a handful of intelligent posters here with well-formed arguments. For example, a few months ago someone perfectly explained Thomistic ontology in relation to theology and the Book of Genesis.

>> No.15734127

When people come to this board, or they leave searching some better places in the internet, they always use the words "a place where you can discuss literature". I think that definition isn't any far from what this place is.

>> No.15734162

i lrgely agree, however there are definitely techniques to produce a meaningful conversation out of aids. if the other is genuinely engaging, and/or you can find the epistemological core of their argument and come of respectful its possible.

i was actually thinking about posting a thread on discourse and epistemological to adress this very problem.

>> No.15734525

> For example, a few months ago someone perfectly explained Thomistic ontology in relation to theology and the Book of Genesis.
Do you know the the thread that was in or any keywords that will help me find that thread? I want to look it up on the archive. It definitely sounds interesting.

>> No.15734545

ir any combonation on desuarchive.

>> No.15734570
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Arguing in order to win some perceived debate on the internet is the height of mediocrity, friend. I have learned some useful things in my time here but I was never preoccupied with "winning" threads or whatever you seem to be describing.

>> No.15734596
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Danke friend

>> No.15734598

>trying to convince people despite claiming it is impossible to convince on this forum

>> No.15734620

sure thing anon.

>> No.15734640

Are you still upset Savanarola? You got real quiet once you and yours got called out for being CatholicAnswers neocons.

>> No.15734677

Imagine getting so btfo for being retarded that you had to come crying to /lit/. Even /lit/ would make fun of you Sav after seeing you can't even into reading.

>> No.15734738

>You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you
We can't help npcs

>> No.15734753

Are you literally just figuring this out, jesus christ

>> No.15734787

Dude, you actually have to be a fucking retarded faggot to believe that someone who has opened a thread about how americanism is an heresy is a neocon. Neoconservatism is AMERICANISM and I am not a fucking AMERICAN you retarded stupid nigger. You actually have to suffer from a mental illness, that is just living in another realm of reality. So I am done with you retards, you made me a Calvinist, now I know that all of you are predestined to be burning in Hell for an eternity. Fucking erase that board.

>> No.15734887

Keep calling people niggers while also calling yourself Catholic.

>> No.15735072

>namefag christcuck larpers who spend their time arguing on 4chan actually think they're smarter than someone, anyone

>> No.15735073

>Neocon Catholic/ Catholic Answer trolls posting their drivel and then screaming heretic until the thread dies
"Why do they persecute me so?"

>> No.15735179

Lmao outed
Stay out pseud

>> No.15735387

Neocon Catholics are the lowest form of life on the planet. They have no convictions or beliefs about doctrine or dogma AT ALL. Their only belief is ultramontanism.

This is not the Catholic understanding prior to Vatican 2. There were supposed to be dogma and doctrine that could not be changed. Then modernists found ways around that problem. The neocon goes along 100 percent, confident that by listening to the hierarchy he is always orthodox.

It is a schizophrenic way to live. Now are tradcaths better? Yes. They at least can form a coherent thought. But they're still ultimately wrong, just not on the same level.

On his it turns out that the following groups can get along and be amiable and have good debate:
Orthodox/confessional evangelicals
Revivalist evangelicals

The ones who shit post endlessly are
Neocon Catholics
Mainline protestants

>> No.15735398

>You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you.

pro-tip: this works for all forms of communication not just internet friend

>> No.15735402
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Is there anything more based than confessional evangelical Presbyterianism? Just look at this fucking seal.

>> No.15735418

cringe. see you tomorrow

>> No.15735431

Neocons and ultramontanism are opposite terms, you would know it if you were not illiterate. This is why I am going to leave this fucking forum: you do not have any embarrassment to popularize terms and narratives that are incoherent within themselves. I suppose that you cannot perceive it.

The tradcath reddit alliance is just hate towards the papacy as good crypto Protestants that they are. You all are just naughty boys who felt oppressed by the authority of your father and that crystalizes in stupid beliefs like democracy or, sede vacante or protestantism.

>> No.15735433

>You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you.
Is that the point of discussion?

>> No.15735437

not everyone is here to engage in ideological battles retard, some of us are just enjoy the entertainment. you sound like you are depressed

>> No.15735456

Savonarola, unmute yourself in discord. We need to get back to /his/.

>> No.15735465

4chan is all a constant battlefield, between marxists, trannies, Protestants, pagan retards, if you aren't aware of it or you don't identify this as the very soul of 4chan... I feel sorry.

>> No.15735674

I can notice that, and still post here. Not everyone here is shilling something. And some people, sometimes, actually discuss literature

>> No.15736921

The problem of /his/ is that they think their hobby is an exact science. That becomes even more pathetic when they resort to falsifiability. History is essentially subjective.

>> No.15737580

people learn through stress, pain, biochemistry. drugs. arguing in internet sitting in comfy safe space is like farting.

>> No.15737623

Yes, but if these faggots were in an argument with me in person face to face, they would back the fuck down. Anonymity makes these fags think they are untouchable and geniuses.

>> No.15737633

People are naturally defensive and unwilling to give ground. It is in the animalistic spirit us humans have.

>> No.15737659

Opinion discarded.

>> No.15737665

The point of arguing is not to convince, but to make them think and organize their ideas. If anything you get another point of view and even some good lit recommendations, that's why I'm here tho.

>> No.15737667
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>You cannot convince anyone and nobody convinces you
How long did it take you to come to this conclusion? This is true everywhere. Politics, religion, music, everything.

>> No.15737678

Debates are for the benefit of the audience. You may learn something from the other side or you may not; it's secondary to the debate itself as a text for consumption

>> No.15737679

Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. Where should you use the skills of rhetoric but a debate? Not saying you are wrong!

>> No.15737712
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People didn't talk about Damascius before I showed his greatness.
He refutes himself and the refutation and then throws hot aporia potatoes in your lap and through raw intellectual power makes you experience the Unknown God.

>> No.15737878

Rhetoric has its uses, but in a debate it doesn't fly by me. Everyone has already a predefined mentality and is very difficult to change it, it may even do more harm than good imho.
I think it should be used more in the sense of basic science divulgation for the masses. At the risk of sounding cheap, is better than having an ignorant nation.

>> No.15737883

Yeah, I see where you are coming from. Especially, like you said, about how tribalistic people are these days.

>> No.15737957

This, my life is not worse because of 4chan, but it's not better, why leave then? I've learned a thing or two here, /sci/ is good stuff and /x/ is funny. 4chan is not as bad as people think it is, there are males here who need psychotherapy, but that's that.

>> No.15738075

Wow, wow, tell me more anon, pls, for the sake of god, please.

>> No.15739533

/his/ is just englo propaganda, what did you expect?

>> No.15739741
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History is a complicated subject.

>> No.15739749

As long as I have a penis and lust after the shape of the female body I will never be able to leave this fucking site. Help me guys.

>> No.15739775

See you next week faggot