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15731670 No.15731670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone be fascist (or hold and ideology similar to fascism) and NOT racist and/or homophobic?

Dose anyone on here actually have an ideology like this and can you explain?

>> No.15731693

One type is generic civic nationalism but that is what gets you the United States so I’m not sure it’s such a great idea

>> No.15731695

Traditional fascism isn't racist or homophobic.

>> No.15731696

/lit/ - Literature
Read fascist literature for yourself and find out it's not necessary to the ideology.

>> No.15731699

Not racist? Yes. Not homophobic? Impossible. Even here in Brazil we had a fascist party who was proud of the indian roots of Brazil and accepted blacks.

>> No.15731702

Weren't they very Christian?

>> No.15731704


>> No.15731707

What? The lider was catholic, so was the party

>> No.15731709

Neither is an element of fascism, so yes. Also, white supremacism is entirely different.
Nevertheless, this kind of shit belongs on /pol/ or at least /his/. If only we had any mods at all.

>> No.15731717

This isn’t literature

>> No.15731730

Pretty sure Mussolini wasn't as racist as Hitler. Also Hitler wasn't as "homophobic" before he purged Röhm (who was openly gay)

>> No.15731750

Ok. What are some books about Mussolini? We was my favorite fascist.

>> No.15731759

Actually, we was kings

>> No.15731763

>Pretty sure Mussolini wasn't as racist as Hitler.
Correct. In fact, Mussolini didn't care about race at all until Hitler convinced him to care. For him, national identity was much more important than racial purity. The same was true for other fascist leaders like Franco and Salazar.

>> No.15731775

Speaking of Salazar, I suggest you read this. He had probably the best take on Fascism imo


>> No.15731783
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Sure, being fascist or right wing does not mean that you have to be racist or homophobic. That is a stereotype promulgated by people who don't want you to know the truth, and it worked on me for a while. Indeed, iook me years to realise that being a reactionary and being a good person were not mutually exclusive.

But what does that have to do with the The Zodiac Killer..?

>> No.15731790
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>> No.15731791

i guess it's possible, fascist italy didn't have a racialist policy before nazi germany forced them to addopt one, they also did their best to avoid sending jews to the german death camps
in the case of not being "homophobic" i'm not sure, if you mean going around killing of faggots then yes, but if you mean promoting faggot marriage and faggot parades then no because usually fascist regimes have to ally themselves with the traditionalist religious groups of the nation which are all usually against faggots

>> No.15731816

The idea is that you shouldn't center sexuality in your mind, it's a debased way of thinking. It's understandable that some people would conceive of it is a central part of what they are if they're being discriminated for it but it's ultimately not a mindset that should be encouraged
The critique of heterosexual people thinking themselves to be normal is probably the most telling argument. It's not that they're normal, it's that they're less likely to premiere sexual identity and sexual politics as a foundation for being which is a healthy behavior

The violent repression isn't "good" but they're right in the sense that nothing good will come from centering sexuality

>> No.15731824

Don't equate racism and homophobia, faggot.
Homophobia is a necessary and desirable quality of society, racism not so.

>> No.15731835


>> No.15731839

>Homophobia is a necessary and desirable quality of society
not necessarily, ancient rome and greece was based af and gay af at the same time.

>> No.15731867

Theoretically speaking you can engage in every kind of sexual activity imaginable as long as you don't let it cloud your vision of what is right and important. The west justifying pride parades and tranny book clubs because ancient rome was "based" is not based, they're building an ecosystem where your sexual identity affords you favors and social status, making people feel self-righteous when they have nothing to feel righteous about

>> No.15731885 [DELETED] 

There is cooperation between cultures in fascism.

>> No.15731899

no such thing as a fascist or communist, it’s just a label. every government is pragmatic in essence, they are just doing what they believe will work. why should what they call themselves matter when no two fascist or communist governments are the same?

>> No.15731909

Oh boy, here comes the enlightened horseshoe centrist! Don't you know that all authoritarian ideologies are one and the same?

>> No.15731922
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if most fascists didn't want to genocide all non-whites and gays i would 100% want to be a fascist too. that is how you can make fascism palatable to the masses today. maybe it already was like that? i don't know, but i don't have a lot of trust in them not to persecute innocent people just because of some dumb traits that doesn't make up what kind of person they really are at the bottom of it all. i have found only two homosexual fascists in my life and it was two lesbians over the internet, one from a nordic country and one from russia, who were both girlfriends, and their other fascist friends both accepted them and didn't have a problem with them being lesbians, which is based as fuck. i don't know a single black fascist though.

>> No.15731931
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>> No.15731932

I heard that Mussolini said that fascism, in his mind, did not have to be race-based.

>> No.15731933

Is this a joke?

>> No.15731939

racism is a requirement for a functional society

>> No.15731940

It isn't. It's probably the only good page they've got there. Varg's page is pretty funny too.

>> No.15731947

It depends on what you mean by racism. You can recognize that you have a group and that other people have their groups, and you can prefer and love your group while not hating others. Fascists wanted independence from the global economy and they wanted to preserve while still building on their traditions. They were not bad people.

The hatred of Jews during WW2 didn't just come out of nowhere, as much as Jews today like to pretend it did. They were minority groups in the countries they were in, they did not love the people or land and they actively worked to change the social order into something extremely evil. These fascists were generally religious and they were hearing stories of what was going on in Russia and they saw who was perpetrating it there and trying to make it happen in their own countries.

>> No.15731949

Not op but /pol/ is too retarded to have the discussion.

>> No.15731958

Mussolini literally wanted to mix all of the conquered people of his future Roman Empire into a single "Roman" race. He had plans already in the works to mix Italians and Ethiopia s together.

>> No.15731961

NOT literature, fuck off

>> No.15732016

There's no reason why every nation can't be fascist. It's exclusionary but that's the point; it's not about superiority or inferiority to those excluded. It's about commitment to the survival and flourishing of your own kind. There is nothing inherently racist or homophobic about it.

>> No.15732035

there is a fascist song about called "facetta nera" i.e. black face and it's about saving a beautiful black woman from slavery, ethiopians practiced slavery at the time.

>> No.15732043

This. All they do is spam the n word

>> No.15732052

It's pretty good

>> No.15732064

Brazilian Integralism was anti-racist.

>> No.15732075

There isn’t any such thing. Fascism is a modernist ideal. A hybrid of state-socialism and monarchy/imperialism. It’s nationalist character tends towards racism. The poster above you is right. Without that tendency it becomes like the US. A deeply racist nation, but not official policy

This. Sick of the raids

>> No.15732109

>Fascism is a modernist ideal.
Sure. I meant traditional in the sense that it shouldn't be associated with NatSoc and the american white supremacists, which many left-wingers unfortunately do.
>It’s nationalist character tends towards racism.
Not necessarily. I'd say the US (and many other countries) have a chance of being a fascist society averse to racism and sexual discrimination if they play their cards right.

>> No.15732125

>Mussolini was a good boy.
It appears you see a muscular and invasive authoritarian state is what we all need.

>> No.15732143
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that's interesting. but is there any notable black fascist with a name apart from members of the brazilian integralist or no?
also, how about some gay fascists/lesbian fascists? ernst rohm doesn't count because he was brutally killed.

>> No.15732147

I want someone to explain what's so bad about homopobia and racism, again.

>> No.15732156
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>muscular and invasive authoritarian state is what we all need

>> No.15732171

I don't see anything wrong with stability and oneness for the sake of preservation.

>> No.15732182

i think homophobia is bad only insofar as directly beating up or killing fags, most of them are ok and they also tend to have an above average Iq
Meanwhile racism is a fundamental aspect of society and any society that isn't founded of racial/ethnic segregation is just a multi-ethnic empire destined to fall appart due to internal ethnic conflicts like it always happened historically.

>> No.15732204

I've asked the same question many times and never get a real answer. Even hardcore communists will give me liberal slogans about how people should just be able to do whatever they want in their bedroom because it doesn't overtly hurt other people. I don't even get bad reasons to oppose "racism" discrimination.

>> No.15732213

>kpop leftism
Yeah im not going to answer you for posting cringe shit like that

>> No.15732214

There fucking liars, if trannys started to get in the way of “Class Consciousness” they’d be Gulaged.com. Any minority or individual is nothing in totalitarian, collectivist state.

>> No.15732221

but what exactly bothers you about faggots?
Don't get me wrong gay parades are cancer and gay men who abuse young guys should be killed but the faggots who don't engage in propaganda or abuse children are not a problem to me.

>> No.15732225

Ultimately the race and sexual differences aren't significant enough to warrant segregation. Those who are obsessed with race or with sexuality only impair society and it's advancements. Part of the reason why both white supremacists and members of the lgbt culture should let go of their retarded ego and work toward something better.

>> No.15732250

not a leftist, and it's a harmless meme with a girl i find cute, nothing more. just want to see if there's any information or genuine examples about what i asked.

>> No.15732262

White supremacists don't exist, what you mean are white separatists i.e. people who just don't want to be around browns, that being said other racial groups also dislike other races.
And historically all diverse societies fail and end up in massacres even among groups of people who belong to the same race that have just mere cultural, religious and linguistic differences.

>> No.15732263

Marcus Garvey insisted that he and the UNIA were the "original fascists".

>> No.15732267

I oppose it because it's immoral. The sexual act is ordered towards end, it has a purpose. Both to create a bond and also to create children so on a fundamental level they are in contradiction to the natural order. Human beings are not an island, meaning everything we do has effects on other people. Even if we look at the most unassuming, hermit tier gay couple that lives out of the middle of the woods, we still have to oppose them because what they are doing is immoral and if we don't condemn it, we encourage it in others.

If we only look at the practical, surface level and see how gay people generally live their lives we can see that they are bad people. They have higher domestic violence rates, drug abuse, infidelity, and disease rates among other things. Evil must be opposed in all its forms because it is never harmless.

>> No.15732269

It does go against nature and ...chafes.

>> No.15732291

you can be fascist and not racist, you can also not be homophobic, but definitely not pro-lgbt

>> No.15732293

What does the bugaboo “lgbt” mean to you?

>> No.15732307

Agree on the first point, though I don't see how that's relevant.