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15693238 No.15693238 [Reply] [Original]

is this the most significant book of the century so far?

>> No.15693243


>> No.15693248


>> No.15693249

We dont need another thread of this shit. We got enough of it a few days ago.

>> No.15693250

it's hard for Whites to talk about racism because any discussion about race which isn't masochistic cuckoldry is severely condemned.

>> No.15693256

Yes. As a white man I acknowledge my racism and privilege against BLACK kings and queens who will inherit this country and purge it of my negative influence.

>> No.15693259

You're literally proving the book's point. Good job.

>> No.15693263

Im Asian tho

>> No.15693264
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I was trolling /lit/ with this book way before any of this shit happened

>> No.15693265

nice Kafka trap

>> No.15693268


>> No.15693270

For racial power structure purposes Asians are white.

>> No.15693272


>> No.15693411

>written solely for the purpose of shilling anti racism training and conferences to corporations
what a joke. im ashamed that I wasted a couple hours reading it.

>> No.15693585

It will be forgotten within 2 years.

>> No.15693609

I haven't read it but I saw excerpts and the author literally isn't human. She only sees race.

>> No.15693617

How to be an Anti-Racist is better, but I’m not gonna fault anyone for trying to better themselves.

>> No.15693699

I'm left-leaning, but this is such a weak fucking book. It's literally more shallow than sociology 101. Read about slavery, or institutional racism. Stupid book.

>> No.15693713

why/how it better?

only white and black.

>> No.15693716
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what are some good books for learning to be racist? im being serious btw.

>> No.15693727

Wait, are there people on /lit/ who *actually* read it?

Did you not read Schopenhauer's warning about bad books?

>> No.15693728

this one >>15693238

>> No.15693998
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>> No.15694011

No this is

>> No.15694145

No, far from it.

>> No.15695021


>> No.15695032

The Ethnic Phenomenon

>> No.15695039

Depends, do you want to be racist against whites or blacks?

>> No.15695043

Look man it's 1932. If you haven't read Mein Kampf by no you don't know what's coming.

>> No.15695044

Is there a pdf of this?

>> No.15695046


>> No.15695057

You can find both the audiobook and the e-book version on thepiratebay.

>> No.15695076

asians are smart and disciplined so theyre white.

>> No.15695096

This book is basically
>if you don't agree with every outrageous, racist claim I make about whites you're problematic and suffering from white fragility
The author deserves a slap, smug cocksucker

>> No.15695099

This is what leftists means when they says, "We need to have a discussion about race."

>> No.15695176


>> No.15695203

look, obviously some of you are pretty fragile, because this book has been posted non-stop for a while now

>> No.15695288

if it were you wouldn't have to shill it everyday

>> No.15695377

>a book by a white cunt about how her 10 thousand dollar a piece mandatory workplace classes dont actually work

>> No.15695448


Fucking trash, saged

>> No.15695462

This book was an assigned reading for my 3rd year epistemology class at University of Waterloo. 100% it makes me seethe seeing it here. Fucking lefty professors are an infestation.

>> No.15695471

Anti-whites are disgusting and vile.

>> No.15695479

It’s the top 1% of property owners in the western world that caused all this shit, and the book is written by some rich women that inherited her success off of these people. This ‘guilt’ is now being spread to the rest of the population to take the attention off of the fact that it’s STILL these rich elites that are causing all the issues.

>> No.15695491

You don't have to read a book to become racist. All you have to do is walk aroud the poor neighborhoods of any major U.S. city until you get mugged.

>> No.15695513

She deserves worse than that. For the evil dialectic she has unleashed upon the world, she deserves to be forcefully fed a lethal dose of datura and die while experiencing an unfathomably nightmarish delirium.

>> No.15695515

The problem is that a little fragility is healthy. Any sort of worthwhile existing is likely to be a little fragile.

>> No.15695523

Did you BTFO it in an essay?

>> No.15695527

I see this book toted around by supporters of the "all whites are racist" cause. An artistic director of a left leaning theatre company in town is a loud supporter of the rhetoric and likewise has a large number of followers on Facebook who parrot this philosophy. My concern is how can I properly debate this logic when I myself am a white cis male and therefore because I'm this my opinion is part of the problem and etc etc etc.

Every day feels like a battle with this shit. Assimlate or be destroyed. What do

>> No.15695537

Ended up dropping the class. I realized it was an impossible uphill battle and not worth my time.

>> No.15695539

You didn’t need to read that shit to know what the Germans had planned. You don’t need to read this books because every point it makes is repeated ad nauseam on multiple platforms.

>> No.15695550

I am not so sure about Guang Dao over there being the same as Chad Smith

>> No.15695560

When was the last time any of these people had their opinion changed via a debate? Probably never. So why even debate them? The effectiveness of reason as means for change is in decline. You're better off using persuasion, rhetoric, or social engineering. If this approach seems distasteful to you, good, now you're ready to set aside political games.

>> No.15695574

Debate can only cause you harm, and it will likely won’t do you any good. Just take down the names of the fanatics so you know who to avoid.

>> No.15695654
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These people cannot be reasoned into listening. As Jose Ortega y Gasset put it, reason has now become the "utima ratio" while force became the "prima ratio" or "unica ratio". If you feel you must speak up, then you have to do it anonymously. Leave notes and fliers in places where people will see them, or carry a sharpie with you and write what you have to say on restroom stalls. If you do go this route, it's imperative you do it when no one else is present and outside of view of security cameras.

>> No.15695663

Are they white themselves? If so go with the white man's burden angle, if not tell them about the noble savage. Should work, or at least piss them off enough.

>> No.15695758

These are no longer people, they are Jew slaves now

>> No.15695821

>My concern is how can I properly debate this logic
you don't
you, DON'T
have you tried to persuade a schizophrenic or someone with BPD that they aren't mentally ill? it doesn't work and you will very likely ruin you life in process
stop talking and start acting, and by acting I mean secure yourself and your assets from any damage that can come your way

>> No.15695909

make me, nigger

>> No.15695987


>> No.15696020

Most Whites have no issue discussing racism, it's just that any opinion that doesn't conform to the politically correct orthodoxy is immediately shut down and branded 'bigoted'.

Blacks need to have extra funding for communication skills lessons, because there appears to be a widespread lack of understanding that a conversation is a two way street.

>> No.15696067

good post
debating any of these people based on observable reality and logic is a fruitless endeavour and puts a target on your back
we must be covert in overcoming this

>> No.15696080

sounds boring as fuck... like any other self-help book does

>> No.15696082
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>Why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism
It's because of systemic structural racism and police brutality keeping down the black man.

>> No.15696333


>> No.15696353

robin diangelo early life

>> No.15696373

No. A book that only applies to Americans isn't going to be that significant.

>> No.15696386

I am fairly sure we are seeing the institution of a new state religion, or its final victory over the last remaining opponents. I'm not sure about actual political revolution, but going forward it's going to be like Islam in the Arab theocracies.

>> No.15696616

Even if you were pitch black they'd be calling you a coon and a house nigger for speaking the truth.

>> No.15696618

is this the new Mein Kampf?

>> No.15696633

Its the normie flavor of the month these retards will not care in a month or two

>> No.15696641

You cant be racist against whites dummy.

>> No.15696850


I took this from a Seattle livestream a couple of weeks ago- he outlines the failures of American blacks and the retardation of blm, but it's okay because he's African so it has infinite more weight than coming from a white guy. Share this around.

>> No.15698194

Imo it's important for all of us to take up the 'therapist' role in our small circles and communities at this point. Do not get tangled up in arguments where it's one ego wrestling against another ego. When someone says that your suffering doesn't count because you're white, or you're wealthy because you're white and not because you struggled for it, you have to detach in some sense and just ask them questions as to why they think this way. It's like you're talking to a psychotic patient, they're spouting off nonsense, and when a therapist attempts to untie that gordion knot, they don't confront the patient with their own ego and principles, they just ask questions in an attempt to clear this pain up in the patient. But DO NOT get caught up in the teacher/student or therapist/patient relationship, it's another ego trap. Don't make it a totem pole or you'll mess yourself up and the other person up.

>> No.15698267

To expand... What we're dealing with is 'evil.' It's discord/chaos. To begin your engagement with this by saying "But they say my voice doesn't matter because I'm white!" is to fall into the vortex. Do not begin your engagement with pain and anger, use peace and love.

>> No.15698329

Pretty much. The majority of non-whites are hilariously fragile compared to the majority of whites, so much so that they completely ignore what elite, high IQ whites have said about them for centuries. Not one of them addresses any of those individuals, and they don't even read them, because it makes them feel that uncomfortable. How many black people even read philosophy? Real philosophy, like Greek, Italian, French and German philosophy, not the New York Times bestseller leftist-approved dogshit coming out of Nigeria today or whatever the fuck.

>> No.15698394

This book is extremely relevant and there's a reason it's selling like hotcakes. If you're going to read anything right now it's probably this.
We need to get our nose out of the classics and really understand the world around us and why things are happening.

Asians work with white people to oppress POC.
The LA Riots prove they aren't allies.
They're a 'model minority' because they do what the white people want them to do.

>> No.15698622

Idk about mugged but theres really no substitute for living amongst people different than you. Especially if there poor and trashy and given to petty crime, confrontational behavior and violence.
College and a few adult years mellowed me out so much but the past few weeks has just brought all my inner-city public school conditioning roaring back.

It’s more about family stability and economics than race, but in America that amounts to pretty much the same thing.

I can just tell the white liberals i’ve lived and worked with who bother to ask why people are racist, like it’s a big mystery, have never been mixed up among the animals.

>> No.15698637

Looks interesting. What is it about?

>> No.15698647

>They're a 'model minority' because they do what the white people want them to do.
....not commit crime and do well in school lol

>> No.15698675

Kendi is anti-essentialist, anti self-flagellation, and rejects the idea that POC are incapable of racism - he admits that he was racist when he was younger. He also thinks that racism is something you do rather than something that you are. He wants meaningful conversation and believes that improving education and eradicating poverty are essential for ending racism. It's not perfect but it's by far the best mainstream book on race.
DiAngelo believes that ALL white people are racist against POC inherently, without exception - even European grandmas who have never met a black person are racist against black people. White people can NEVER be free of racism under any circumstances, they can only be second class allies in the POC* struggle for liberation (praxis for this is seen in how "white bodies stand in front of the cops to defend black bodies from police brutality" at protests). She wants every interaction between white people and POC to be some grotesque nightmare where everyone is overly self-aware of their race and treads on eggshells in a nonsensical attempt to avoid microagressions while also being totally and vocally aware of their race... turning the planet into an HR department where no meaningful relationships can form between races, basically. Any one who disagrees with ANY of this on any level is engaging in white fragility, which is when white people start to panic and lash out when their race and racism are questioned because they're not used to living racialized lives like POC are and are subconsciously racist to the point that having it called out is distressing. Silence, debating, disregarding, and anger in the face of racism accusations are all expressions of this white fragility. Again, this cannot be fixed, you can only be aware of it and work to minimize it, but white people will always be racist and fragile by nature. Also, she rejects the idea of material ways to solve racism. She thinks that's an argument from poor racists (who she tacitly implies choose to be poor and jobless because they have white privilege) who want free stuff that only POC actually deserve due to their institutional oppression.
*POC just means black people in DiAngelo's world, she never talks about anything else

>> No.15698677

Hey! commiting crimes And not doing well in school is part of our culture. Cant believed whities actually opressed asians to the point if being productive citizen.. baka.

>> No.15698713

No, it's a coping mechanism to shift focus away from black fragility.
White people don't want to talk about racism cause we've had to hear about every february for our entire lives. We're sick of being painted as the bad guy.
Black people view the world through victim-vision-9000 goggles, and feed off the gilt of other races to the point where they are one of the most reviled people in the entire world.
Every little accidental transgression is a hate crime in the wake of black fragility. I've never seen more butthurt in my life than the year I dated a black girl, whiney black men every week, hooting about colonizing, then turn around and brag about being what all women crave.

There is no race more fragile than blacks. Period.

>> No.15698724

Interesting take. Actually made me somewhat interested in “anti-racist”. The title itself turned me off, sounds like big bold absolutist term, but you describe it being more nuanced.

Though i still think the title is modern aids.

>> No.15698792

>She thinks that's an argument from poor racists (who she tacitly implies choose to be poor and jobless because they have white privilege) who want free stuff that only POC actually deserve due to their institutional oppression.


>> No.15698848
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>There is no race more fragile than blacks.

They seem to be doing fine.

>> No.15699051

I have no idea how this is possible except that the UN is including the (ridiculous) projected results of it’s own unfinished Economic Development projects for sub-saharan Africa as a variable to make it’s predictions.
There’s a really a good book by Nina Munk called “The Idealist” that outlines the reasons for the spectacular failures of the projects designed to meet the UNs ambitious “Millenium Promise” that was supposed to have already eradicated poverty, gender inequality and high mortality in Africa 5 years ago. It’s mostly a takedown of Jeffrey Sachs and his Millenium Villages project.
Still, long story short the area is a fucking dump and it’s not because the color of the inhabitants. The horn of Africa is a shithole and economic development projects tend to meet with setbacks that have nothing to do with lack of goodwill, or money for that matter.

>> No.15699080

they can't sustain that many of them and the aid from the West is going to stop when it collapses. Not to mention the power vacuum likely creating another scramble for Africa among Arabs, Indians, Chinese

>> No.15699128

Scramble for what though? I feel like if they had exportable resources they wouldn’t be so poor

>> No.15699185

Why are we talking about this book again, is it in the news/being promoted,

>> No.15699216

It's really invidious, isn't it? The conspiracy theorist in me says that it was carefully created in a lab using the most evil dialectics in order to efficiently shatter solidarity and economic discourse.

>> No.15699219

This post is surely bait

>> No.15699226

thanks for the post. I read White Fragility and, after seeing everything on my social media feed, though all "anti-racist" "literature" was that ridiculous. I'll check out Kendi.

>> No.15699570

My problem with Kendi is the way he posits that one can't just be not racist, one is either racist or anti-racist. To me that seems like a ludicrous oversimplification.

>> No.15700033

meet blacks

>> No.15700127

So...why are blacks so fragile?

>> No.15700147


2666 and the Tails Gets Trolled webcomic are the only masterpieces of this century.

>> No.15700228

reported for anti-semitism

>> No.15700278

>Silence, debating, disregarding, and anger in the face of racism accusations are all expressions of this white fragility.
Thats basically all responses other than sucking your accuser's cock kek

>> No.15700289

cool pic

>> No.15700392

all that talk about lowered European birthrates but according to the chart, Europe is pretty stable with only a slight downtown which doesn't even put it below the levels of population during 1950 and this AFTER the boomers will all be dead.

>> No.15700415

just go outside bro

>> No.15700453

because they're allowed to be. if a black person attacks someone because he got called a jogger everyone cheers and supports it.

>> No.15700677
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I read this book. It's garbage, but it definitely helped me understand the mindset of these people. Its been pointed out the religious and dogmatic nature of these people, but the exact axioms they hold true are laid out in this book. If you attack the axioms, these people will just claim something like "you haven't experienced the black experience so stfu".

>> No.15700716

Do not debate, there is nothing these people want more than for you to reveal yourself as a dissenter so they can feel empowered against a common enemy. You aren't going to convince them of anything, their beliefs are fundamentally illogical and religious.

>> No.15700720

The next Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus?

>> No.15700722

>it's hard for Whites to talk about racism because any discussion about race which isn't masochistic cuckoldry is severely condemned.

No one who isn't addicted to Twitter believes this

>> No.15700730

>The effectiveness of reason as means for change is in decline.

It has never been the primary means for change, and if you believe otherwise you are tremendously naive.

>> No.15700766

>They're a 'model minority' because they do what the white people want them to do.
Isn’t that racist against Asians? Thinking they have no agency of their own?

>> No.15700785

If I was having a discussion with normie or woke co-workers/peers and said "I support Christopher Columbus because conquering America economically benefited White people" do you think that statement would just be seen as an acceptable position?

>> No.15700804

>the "all whites are racist" cause
it's called critical race theory. if you learn more about it then you can learn about it's limitations and shortcomings (namely that people are individuals, not just the sum total of their intersectionalist groups)

>> No.15701297

It's not your fault, the universities have failed you. As authorities deliberately refrain from stopping this shit, it is continued to engulf the general populace. It's clear that they throw you this circular definition of power structure and privilege, and since you would be the only one calling it for what it is - marxist drivel - you will be targeted and silenced.

>> No.15701412

Asians are "model minorities" because they share most of their internal values with Westerners, they don't need much training to get on with us. The East and the West are both agriculturalists and they developed the values, preferences and inclinations you need to have organized agrarian societies with distributed labor. Most of those values are shared. The other "POC" (read: nonwhites) we're discussing are different in that they have significant roots in non-agrarian societies, and they're less successful the more recently their ancestors were hunting and gathering. Hunting and gathering allows different sets of values, different sets of preferences and inclinations. Takers and Givers are very different kinds of people at root, and we change slowly.


Anyway, Asians are particularly annoying to progressives because they put the lie to many rationalizations for the failures of "POC." They're immigrating more recently, with little capital, with no access to affirmative action, with comparable histories of prejudice, and still succeeding. It makes it seem like maybe the condition of black America has less to do with their circumstances and more to do with their character. That's why progressives dogpile Asians and even exclude them from being "of color" in some cases. Ted was right, leftists just hate success.

>> No.15701441

The most verbose method of writing "u mad?" : The Book.

>> No.15701447

i think Spandrell basically codified this with the bioleninism thing

>> No.15701486

Asians have their own agency but the ones living in America willingly give it up to be more like first class White citizens. They try to get the status that White people have like good education, wealth, and only succeed because white people allow them to do so. In turn Whites will dangle this over their head to conflict Asians against us, making problems and then putting the blame on us -- such as College Enrollment Quotas, putting Asian Businesses in the black parts of town, etc.

>> No.15701587

Italians and Chinese both came to America as discriminated both. Both worked their way to middle class despite discrimination. Why is it Italians are "White" but Chinese are a "minority" in your paradigm? Both, in a sense, had the same saga.

>> No.15701650
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>tfw the more insanity i see by americans the more i don't care for being called a racist
his theory works desu

>> No.15701654

Whites discriminating against Italians (who are also white) is cultural discrimination, it's not the same as racial discrimination. With cultural discrimination you can eventually be 'converted' into the dominant culture but your status as a POC cannot be changed and is based on how white people perceive you.

>> No.15701663

>Whites discriminating against Italians (who are also white) is cultural discrimination, it's not the same as racial discrimination.
Italians are a different ethnicity though. You'd have to be retarded to think it's only cultural.

>> No.15701699

Italians are white, all that matters is that you're white or not, nothing else to white people.
>Italians are different
No they aren't, like the Irish the Italians got dragged into pseudo-scientific phrenology and that was used as an excuse to subjugate them but not to the effect of blacks, and that ended when 'race science' was debunked by mainstream science.

>> No.15701733

This is one of those questions that really depends on when you ask. If we could go back in time to 1805, you'd get a very different answer.

>> No.15701740

Rehashing the culture wars with less intellectual autism? Nah.

>> No.15701754

>They try to get the status that White people have like good education, wealth

How terrible!

>and only succeed because white people allow them to do so

This goes against the idea of their agency, which you said they have: their success is ONLY due to whites allowing it; of course, if they fail, then their agency comes into play. Also, do the thing where you say, "I didn't mean ALL of their success," when it's quite clear in your remark you did.

Blacks fail, whites did it; Asians succeed, whites did it; Jews overrepresented in academics, whites did it; etc. etc. Placating everything to some external racial force is a religion to you, clearly.

>> No.15701763

>all that matters is that you're white or not, nothing else to white people.
youre thinking of Jews. Whites are literally the most tolerant race on earth, they are currently inventing an entire religion based around apologizing to minorities

>> No.15701816

You're right. No one who isn't addicted to Twitter believe there needs to be a massive discussion about racism in the first place

>> No.15701824
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>Italians are white, all that matters is that you're white or not, nothing else to white people.
>No they aren't, like the Irish the Italians got dragged into pseudo-scientific phrenology and that was used as an excuse to subjugate them
this is a contradiction
> and that ended when 'race science' was debunked by mainstream science.
you know I can spit in a test tube and they can tell me my ethnicity, right? Genetics has not been "debunked"

>> No.15701843

My problem with the book is that you basically can't disagree with the author or by extension someone who thinks like them without being labeled fragile. It's about intellectual submission. It makes racism a kind of paradoxically innate race trait of white people, an original sin that can only be absolved through a concentrated repentance.

Extra stupid is this talk of "abolishing whiteness." It's quixotic on the face of it. You cannot abolish an abstraction. It's not something that cannot be pointed to and ostensively defined. In that sense it doesn't actually exist. Because of this it's no surprise that you see this kind of irrational witch hunting mentality in people who think like this. Because what they are trying to expunge has no concrete existence there is no discernible end goal and the definition of racism changes every day to accomodate it.

>> No.15701860

Why is it so hard to believe that whites would suddenly stop gatekeeping success and subjugating POCs. They've done it for centuries and now they're the good-guys because 'oh, we know better now; we're not racist anymore, I promise!'. White people kept us as slaves for centuries and now we're suddenly 'free' because we're not in chains.
No, the ruling class has always tried to keep power and will fight tooth and nail before ever giving up a slice of what they own. White people are straight up lying to us when they say they've changed, they're still the imperialists and conquerors they've always been.

>> No.15701868

>It's not something that cannot be pointed to and ostensively defined.
It's not something that can...

>> No.15701901

Not that guy but every race on earth has had a history like this only most have not had such a great success only to give it all up.

>> No.15701905

>Extra stupid is this talk of "abolishing whiteness."
And then on top of it because there is no meaning to the term whiteness and it's so open ended and loosely defined you give right wing retards justification for thinking it means get rid of white people. Even though sjws say abolishing whiteness isn't literally about getting rid of white people, the vacuousness of the concept leaves that interpretation open, adding fuel to the fire and entrenching the very attitude they claim to oppose.

>> No.15701936

>this is a contradiction
Not really, you really don't understand it's history because this is something that took place over a long period of time, both can exist because they don't overlap much.
White people needed Italian immigrants to be 'like the niggers' for a time because it allowed them to be subjugated for cheap labor or to keep them outside politics and when there was too many of them to oppress then they revoked the lie they made up.

Phrenology is completely made up. Phenotype and Genetics are real but Race is merely how White people perceive everyone else, they invited race to keep everyone (mainly Africans) separate and away from what they own.

>> No.15701999

Black people sold black people to whites as slaves. And if you hate it so much, go back to Africa.

>> No.15702012

>White people needed Italian immigrants to be 'like the niggers' for a time because it allowed them to be subjugated for cheap labor
it's more complex than this. You already admitted there was a cultural component, but to be clear. The fact that Italians were Catholics in a Protestant country, and the fact that they generally went about life in a different manner than Anglo-Americans, contributed to their discrimination more than a desire for cheap labor. There isn't even a "labor" component, the type of brutal factory work Italians did was just as easily given to the English proles.
>when there was too many of them to oppress then they revoked the lie they made up.
debatable. I'd argue Cold War politics played a bigger role, since the USA didn't want to alienate the wogs at the risk of the turning to Russian socialism. Integration was a part of that strategy. The thing is: Same would be true to Chinese. Thus confusing your narrative of Whites using Chinese to mess with blacks. All in all, I think your historiography is reductionist
> they invited race to keep everyone (mainly Africans) separate and away from what they own.
This is really afrocentric view, honestly I don't think people cared about niggers THAT MUCH for the most part, except in the confederacy which itself was an unimportant backwater. You'd make it seem like the world revolved around blacks.

>> No.15702024

All people were at some point enslaved retard. All civilizations conquered and were imperialists.

You're living in the most prosperous and least imperialist time ever on planet earth.

>> No.15702054

People wouldn't have bought slaves if there wasn't an extremely lucrative market for them in Europe. Arabs and Warlords sold blacks as slaves but you're blaming the wrong people and not the guys making this all happen. Doesn't matter who sold us because someone was always going to do the job for the money you were paying.

>Go back to Africa
This is how you can tell when a racist has lost the argument, what a pathetic thing to say.
You kidnap my people to work here, you exploit and destroy Africa and turn it into a hellscape, and only now do you expect me to go back.
I think I like my home where it is now, thank you very much.

>> No.15702082

He's right and has by no means lost the argument. Even if we would not pay for slaves you'd still be enslaving and killing eachother just like we would had we not risen from that, and now you too are uplifted. You're welcome but shut the fuck up.

>> No.15702139

Places in Africa aren't a shithole like you imagine them to be, things were actually going really well until the Europeans came along and exploited us.
Mali was our Byzantium.

>> No.15702145

>People wouldn't have bought slaves if there wasn't an extremely lucrative market for them in Europe.
there was like....1000 black slaves in Europe at the peak of their presence in the 1500s, and the majority of these were house slaves in Italy and Iberia. There was no lucrative black slave market in Europe. There was a lucrative White slave market in Northern Africa, though.

>> No.15702159

You'll no more talk them out of their position than you would have talked the inquisition out of their Christianity. All you can do is keep your head down. These people are not large in numbers, there power is solely in their ability to paint you negatively to flag you to the wider world if you draw their scorn.

>> No.15702175 [DELETED] 

I meant to write North America, my mistake.

>> No.15702176
File: 18 KB, 420x420, 1545791387055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Inquisition was sane in comparison.

>> No.15702198

I meant to write the Americas, my mistake.

>> No.15702217

meanwhile he devolves into an SJW whenever IQ is mentioned.

>> No.15702393

Damn the Germans and the Anglos are practically brothers

>> No.15702467

Exiting the Vampire Castle by Mark Fisher should be required reading.

>> No.15702652


can someone ctrl + f, replace "white" with "jewish," "white supremacy" with "judaism" and tell me how it reads?

>> No.15702714
File: 215 KB, 1311x1700, wanderer-above-the-mists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not something that cannot be pointed to and ostensively defined.
It can't be strictly defined, sure, you couldn't write a sentence that encapsulated the whole thing, couldn't create a factory line that separates whiteness from not-whiteness. But we all know what they mean, don't we? If we're not deliberately obtuse, we do feel like there's something to it, formless yet clear, "I know it when I see it." Don't you feel like there's something that it is to be "white" or to be in support of "whiteness," something that is diametrically opposed to the values and morals of those who put black squares in their instagram? Don't you feel like there is a polarity of ideas that, if you look at it just right, takes the form of the constellation Whiteness?