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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 871 KB, 869x637, kat_and_lauren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15638542 No.15638542 [Reply] [Original]

>Daddy, what were you reading when you were our age?

>> No.15638555

proust and mann you vapid child

>> No.15638565

Imagine reading Proust as an adult lol.


>> No.15638574

female: tomboy childhood friend nakadashi handholding feet stockings kissing femdom

>> No.15638613

Kafka, and I loved it back then but I think I get it now more than ever.

>> No.15638729

The Bible and Playboy mags.

>> No.15638793


>> No.15638819

Freshman and sophomore year of college I used to sit in the library basement (which few even realized was there) and read through a bunch of volumes of the great 19th century novelists, to the detriment of my actual course work. Editions from that 1880-1910time period usually looked really good and were satisfying to handle, but rarely ever got checked out. I read 9 volumes of Maupassant in that library and I wasn’t even assigned him once in college. So probably that, or Dostoevsky, Flaubert, or Tolstoy.

>> No.15638830

What did I tell you baby, no talking.

Now take off your friends pants and turn around so i can show what moby dick is all about

>> No.15638854

What's their age? I read Laveyan Satanic Bible at 14 sadly.

>> No.15638878

the trial strikes different chords in you when you're a working adult than when you're just an introverted teen.

>> No.15638885

Ligotti so I could convince myself not to have you bitches

>> No.15638926

Enid Blyton

Now dress up like the girls in the books I wanted to fuck

>> No.15638934

I want to tongue kiss them so bad

>> No.15638960

Based, though I'm not sure on what.

>> No.15639005

Why aren't you covered whores?
>Beats the shit out of them

>> No.15639018

Nothing, I was too busy having sex. I read before and after those years.

>> No.15639073
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>Nothing, I was too busy having sex. I read before and after those years.

>> No.15639081

i started reading at their age so
the big book of reddit

>> No.15639104

Clan of the Cave Bear I think. You should try it. I think it's right for your age.

>> No.15639106

t. seething incel

>> No.15639118

I didn't read.

>> No.15639119

Is this skull shape considered decent?

>> No.15639140

Comic LO

>> No.15639143

you're right, i am seething. but i'm being berated for existing on the internet, so i think i have a right to be a little angry.

>> No.15639171

How French were you after you finished the Maupassant? In my experience reading that much of one author so young really rewires your sensibility. Don’t tell you didn’t consider walking around with a frock-coat, cane, and top hat to be the height of fashion even once

>> No.15639173

In your age i was done reading, now i only write.

>> No.15639179


>> No.15639601

PKD and Hunter S. Thompson. That's why I'm a drugged out loser.

>> No.15639623

Should have read A Scanner Darkly.

>> No.15639712

Why the fuck has my left daughter my hairline and my right daughter a lazy eye ?

>> No.15639725

guess I have to read it then

>> No.15639738


I've told you often enough, beckett, hesse, gass, schmidt, deleuze, foucault and derrida

>> No.15639750

same, was also one of the first books I read out of curiosity instead of being assigned for HS

>> No.15639765

Musil, Pessoa, Nietzsche, Hemingway, Foucault, Tolstoy, Stendhal, Kant, Plato, etc

>> No.15639779


my man

>> No.15639821

Skull shape is orthogonal to decency stupid incel

>> No.15639824

The list goas on

>> No.15640155
File: 325 KB, 692x359, 1592375841165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15640172


>> No.15640223

harry potter, AZTEC, and Enders Game

>> No.15640317

Underrated post

>> No.15640842

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15640855

japanese imageboards

>> No.15640873
File: 541 KB, 972x748, Cerberus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15641716


>> No.15641810

The only particularly French thing I think I really absorbed was the fact that I realized all women are whores and you can’t get all in a twist about them being whores. And that may just be a thing with Flaubert and Maupassant, because they both are very dismissive about women having souls.

>> No.15641827

If this is a 16 year old, Max Stirner, Soren Kierkegaard, Gerard de Nerval, Unica Zurn, Sigmund Freud, Nabakov, etc.

>> No.15641828

Im a few months younger than kat and I'm reading wind up birb

>> No.15641833

Shes 20


Look it up

>> No.15641834
File: 504 KB, 2501x1563, lyylyuilyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't like thinking
so this is why young adult novels are so popular, half the population won't read anything more intellectually stimulating

>> No.15641847

That, and children who don't want to are forced to read in schools.

>> No.15642042

Is Lauren or Kat older?

>> No.15642114


>> No.15642232

I wish this world was good enough to raise a daughter, bros

>> No.15642276

if i was born 10 years later i wonder if my mum would have convinced me i was trans

>> No.15642427

Sounds like you're trans bro.

>> No.15642482

if these girls were 12(which im assuming they're not) the answer would be diary of the wimpy kid and various shitty war storys, I think the series I liked the most always had a fucking dog in it? and the main character always had to survive the war zone and shit along side it which strengthened their bond. that was the shit

>> No.15642684

Probably Camus or some edgy shit.

>> No.15642846
File: 823 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone goth

>> No.15642899
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1585639143994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it look like that

>> No.15642908

lots of dudes are cooming in your daughter's vagina

>> No.15642912

I stopped reading from 14ish to 21/22. If I was reading anything I don't remember it. I basically dropped out of school, became a stoner, and had extreme anxiety about everything.

>> No.15643213

This is the weakest chin I have ever seen.

>> No.15643223

Pls tell me which video that was? I want to see that reply chain

>> No.15643224

my diary, desu

>> No.15643237

>someone doesn't know chin-chan
begone newfag

>> No.15643245

>Chin chan
Is he Shin chan's brother?

>> No.15643257

it was this video but she deleted the chain right after the screenshot was taken

>> No.15643264

after millions of girls pics posted for no reason but to get attention I learn to ignore them. basically you stupid FAGGOTS devalue real physical women.

>> No.15643715

Poor Kat

>> No.15643721

High IQ post

>> No.15643967

girl's palms

>> No.15644079


>> No.15644104
File: 643 KB, 1631x2511, h-b-hakim-bey-immediatism-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(don't judge me too harshly there was still good acid in the 90s)

>> No.15644140


nigga please

>> No.15644195

Thnx fren

>> No.15644203

Bell curve and mein kampf

>> No.15644234
File: 198 KB, 709x1081, 0fd601a0fcc28b990f803254984a02de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15644332

honest responses only - does this guy have any chance of having a gf? is it over for him?

>> No.15644362

Anyone can get a gf. Not everyone can get a good gf.

>> No.15644414
File: 94 KB, 1080x754, 1590763302906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to shut my mind off because i cant cope with existence, id rather live like a base animal or a nigger than a miserable existence knowing how completly bonkers everything is and not being able to change it

>> No.15644683
File: 52 KB, 413x600, 1358442262551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck her
fuck coomers
fuck booktubers
fuck gen z
fuck you
go back to >>>/tv/

>> No.15645552

You can read while on acid?

>> No.15645797

>I realized all women are whores
But a key theme in Maupassant's novel, Pierre and Jean, is that - contrary to the conclusion to the disillusioned and ill-fated protagonist - women *do* have souls.