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15605552 No.15605552 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain this phenomenon?

>> No.15605565

Twitter screenshot threads should be a bannable offense

>> No.15605580

stop posting twitter screenshots you zoomer faggot, go back to your discord

>> No.15605586

this is the dumbest shit i've ever read, fuck you and fuck off

>> No.15605622

>in fact they've gotten way smarter and more woke
Well, they've certainly gotten more woke...

>> No.15605657

Social networks and activist media

>> No.15605664

>children get more woke
>school scores plummet

>> No.15605695

Go back to /a/ Digi

>> No.15605714

Spoken with all the grammar and vocabulary of an eleven year old

>> No.15605722
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No, not at all, we are getting stupider and stupider.

>> No.15605738

>the world has become more incomprehensible, fractured, and impossible to deal with
What in the name of fuck? We live in the age of technology and information, everything is more comprehensible if you want to comprehend it. But no, you spend your time finding excuses for your stupidity and insanity. You don't try to comprehend world.

>> No.15605744

Take the digipill, /lit/.

>> No.15605785

Am I dumb? No! The world is just too difficult for me to understand!

>> No.15605794
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>> No.15605812
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He does have a lot of philosophical insight to offer an average /lit/ poster

>> No.15606174

Hope he gets better one day.

>> No.15607094

>Anime faggot that went tranny lecturing people on philosophy
My fucking sides

>> No.15607877

He probably means exactly
>We live in the age of technology and information

The flow of information allowed by the internet is way too fast and massive in terms of volume for most people to make sense of.

>> No.15608155

They don't try to. Nobody is checking every single thing posted on every single site. On the other hand, a very common thing is that people lock themselves up in their bubbles of comfort.

>> No.15608170

Neo-hippies like Douglas Rushkoff have long theorised that the increasing connection between humans and increasing population will eventually result in a sort of collective emergent consciousness, a sort of noosphere. While I only believe this is true in its most conceptual, metaphorical sense, not a literal living consciousness, it's plain to see that the massive imbalance of individualism over collectivism (two natural human drives in opposition, the drive to do that which benefits the individual and the drive to do that which benefits the collective) stoked by 20th century economist-sociologists like Edward Bernays meddling in the natural rhythms of social behaviour, has resulted in a collective "brain" that is schizophrenic, systematically out of balance with itself, each neuron atomised without faith in a greater project such as society; unable to function in the manner it has prior to this moment in history. We will be paralysed under a self-destructive miasma of corporate fascism incapable of further spiritual, cultural, and political development etc. until either the internet / social media collapses, or western society dissipates into balkanised enclaves for billionaires separated by wastes of hinterlands & China and the Middle East (and the parts of India and Africa with the most economic promise in the absence of the US as a global superpower) take the reins, whichever comes first. Probably neither will happen in our lifetimes and it'll be mostly more of the same except maybe dying in middle age cause you can't afford healthcare unexpectedly, or suchlike. Unironically, Randian solipsism ruined everything for our generation unless you inherited wealth and can subsequently live off the land somewhere or live in a den full of art in peace.

>> No.15608193

>a very common thing is that people lock themselves up in their bubbles of comfort.

Exactly because of what I said. You can't make sense of a dozen different sources all with different biases and sources of information for long before you just say fuck it and get all your info from either reddit or pol.

>> No.15608201

digibro digital brony
digitranny is a pedophile!

>> No.15608248

And that's why world being incomprehensible, fractured, and impossible to deal with isn't an excuse for such people for not actually being stupider nor more insane.

>> No.15608259

Please don't post things from a pedo tranny weeb

>> No.15608278

I think it's more that there's no natural reason why people should be more stupid or insane other than that factor, i.e. not due to politics in the traditional sense or other boogeymen. It's purely a matter of the way in which information is organised and moves about rather than much to do with the content.

>> No.15608288

No, people have absolutely gotten dumber and more insane. The average person in Any Anglo nation is measurably more insane right now than they were 1 month ago

>> No.15608301

>literally “it’s not me it’s everyone else” the ideology
I don’t know whether to laugh or to vomit

>> No.15608305

>that time when he argued for books as a medium being outdated because shows/movies/video games exist.


>> No.15608314

Which people?

The average person is probably smarter, but that just means a bunch of people who would've been retards in times past are now midwits.

Meanwhile, the "intellectuals" have never been dumber.

>> No.15608316
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>>that time when he argued for books as a medium being outdated because shows/movies/video games exist.
>muh vidya is art

peak /v/edditor lol

>> No.15608429

>We live in the age of technology and information
That's precisely why everything is becoming less comprehensible.
Explain to me the chain of production of a single pair of jeans pants or a single cellphone. Show we where the different parts travel, in what order and why, and who designed the process using what tools and under what constraints.

>> No.15608441

>The world is just too difficult for me to understand!
That part has always been true, it's pretty much a biblical insight.

>> No.15608446

Sound like standard edgycore, gets tiring after age 16 (age 19 for underdeveloped kids on /lit/).

>> No.15608496

>Nobody is checking every single thing posted on every single site.
Nobody has remotely the time to do that, that's the whole point.
I studied mathematics at postgrad level. Many of my profs, who were respected specialists in algebra, often did not know anything about probability theory besides the very basics that we learn in undergrad. They couldn't understand what their colleagues one block away from them were doing, even though they went to the exact same schools and started by studying the same stuff. And we're talking highly skilled professional in a field were communications are both pretty rigorous and abundant. Age of technology entails hyperspecialization.

>> No.15608499

People are smarter, but there is something else at work making them functionally less intelligent than their ancestors. We know that anger drops IQ half a standard deviation. No amount of "smarter" offsets a 7+ IQ point drop across the board. Social media, the mainstream media, and politics are major suppliers of anger. We live in an era of smarter people hopelessly addicted to being outraged and therefore functionally operating at a lower intelligence.

>> No.15608641

If it's a wide-scale phenomenon by definition it cannot be just you unless you're a head of state or a powerful leader.

>> No.15608713

on the whole younger people are smarter than their predecessors, but younger people who went on to higher education are not smarter than theirs

>> No.15608758

fuck off lain.

>> No.15608779
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>> No.15608864

Supply chains are complicated, sure, but, at the heart of it, you have a company selling a certain product at a certain price at a certain quality. Once the company decides on the product specifications, they subcontract everything else to smaller companies that specialize in different steps of the manufacturing process. If the company is satisfied with the product, the sell it (usually small business franchisees) for a ~50% markup.

I know I didn't explain this totally, but try talking to a Detroit Tier 1 automotive supplier and you will get a better picture. Cars manufacturing is about as complicated as it can get so every principle in the auto industry applies to all manufacturing businesses to a degree. The only difference is how much is subcontracted.

>> No.15609294

Is this that old YouTuber that would get shilled and insta deleted on /a/ years ago? They're a tranny now?

>> No.15609312

“The world a humbug, uncle!” said Scrooge’s nephew. “You don’t mean that, I am sure?”

>> No.15609325

>gotten stupider

>> No.15609329

Yeah, he trooned out. It seems like he's in the final saga of his "career", though.

>> No.15609342

Seems like he should've hopped on the /m/anime train instead of watching Moe all day

>> No.15609361

You can apply the same simplifications to everything, and while it helps it fails to capture the fine differences that are useful to understand the consequences of the system you're living in. Your description for instance gives me an idea of how automotive supply chain work, they don't tell me how I should expect employment in Detroit to have changed over the past 20 years (or to change in the next eighteen months) as a result.

Likewise, how does a gene-editing technique like CRISPR works? It's not the first gene-editing technique but it's apparently a game changer. Why? In 10 minutes you can draw a simplified explanation of how it works, but it maybe would not explain the differences with previous techniques, and it would takes quite longer to understand the possible consequences of that technique becoming prevalent.

You can also ask what are the different monetary systems that have been tried in the past 100 years and what kind of economy they determined. This is immediately relevant to the conditions of living of most people, yet there is still controversy among learned economists about what the optimal system is. There are urgent technical controversies of this kind everywhere in our current world.

You can frame the problem by considering what amount of daily information about general trends, technologies, abstract quantities and society-wide mechanisms (not to mention skills relevant to those) is necessary to go on about your life. Look at how that amount has changed for, say, Western Europe and the US in the past 400 years.

>> No.15609378

This. Zoomers and Millennials should all be gassed.

>> No.15609380
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>> No.15609385

Mind you this is a guy who unironically thinks he's a genius.





>> No.15609783
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i really liked Darling in the Franxx but of course an anime connoiseur like him would´ve bashed because it doesn´t have COOL ACTION SCENE and ADHD fast paced editing

>> No.15609829

We live in the Age of Post-Truth. There's not knowledge, just information.

>> No.15609851

new dark age james bridle

>> No.15609900

>generic characters
>generic plot structure and awful pacing
>boring themes
What’s there to like about Franxx?

>> No.15609906


>> No.15609915
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>autism is a superpower

>> No.15609921

>boring themes
Killer critique there, lad.

>> No.15609951
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these two lovable goofs weren´t generic, i think the only deem worth generic in the story were the cast of teens in plantation 13, they shouldn´t have focused on them too much like they did