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15606484 No.15606484 [Reply] [Original]

What are some underrated 20th century intellectuals?

>> No.15606490


>> No.15606511

Pardon me, but that's not what underrated typically refers to, sir

>> No.15607257
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Eric Gans, Girard, Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Carl Schmitt

>> No.15607291

Chomsky is an idiot. His only real contribution to Linguistics is that he galvanized alot of people to prove him wrong which happened quickly.

I think Hayek is underrated.

>> No.15607328

A literal overrated liberal.

>> No.15607342

He is literally underrated.

>> No.15607372

Seeing as liberals ignore him, I'm not sure what you mean by overrated here.

>> No.15607414

Lysenko, he was dead wrong at his core, yet managed to predict and prefigure ideas that have only begun to be examined in Western biology in the post-GWAS era. I believe that unlike other discredited scientists, that are nonetheless considered important in the development a given fireld, he is unfairly maligned due to a perceived role in causing soviet famines.

>> No.15607437

Simondon, Bergson, Guattari, Bion

>> No.15608058

Mises, Röpke (nonexistent, at least outside of German-speaking countries), Gramsci, Oakeshott, Burnham, Vögelin

>> No.15609741


>> No.15609749

implying there are intellectuals in the kali yuga

>> No.15609780

I don't see how Hayek can be considered to be underrated when his influence in neoliberalism is considerable.

>> No.15609795
File: 983 KB, 1458x1977, Lysenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Lysenkopilled. With a physiognomy like this, how can you say he was really wrong?

>> No.15609817

Evola confirmed to be a pseud

>> No.15609831

I'm quite underrated which is strange since I always believed my work would find favour with academia if not the general public. My treatise on the artificial self-mythologizing done by modern internet user went completely unnoticed. Granted it was written in the 90s, I still expected that it would be somewhat relevant given the popularity of Twitter and 4chan.

>> No.15609847

are you under the impression that Evola coined the term kali yuga?

>> No.15609850

Bachelard, Bergson, Blanchot

>> No.15609868

I'm just saying he lived in the 20th century and is thus confirmed for not being an intellectual.

>> No.15609904

The thing about Peterson is he doesn't really add anything new he just kind of puts other peoples ideas together. He even is aware of this which is why credits people like Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud so often.

>> No.15609909

i'm pretty sure everyone can agree with that

>> No.15609977
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Kevin Solway

>> No.15610018

Seconding Shcmitt.
Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida are often reviled but also often admired, I'm not sure they can be said to be underrated.

Pretty patrician list, especially Simondon.

Nice to see Oakeshott mentioned on /lit/ again, he used to be a short-lived meme years ago.

Wanted to say this. In that vein I will add Conche, Boutang, Alain, Meyerson, Lautman.

Eliade, Rudolf Otto, Max Brentano, Max Picard, Jacques Barzun, Fernand Braudel, Rémi Brague, Gabriel Marcel, Gadamer, Ricoeur.

>> No.15610030
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>your pic

>> No.15610060

Neil Degrasse Tyson
Stefan Molyneux
Varg Vikernes
Ben Shapiro
Ted Kacynzky
Joseph Paul Watson
Sam Harris
Dave Chapelle

>> No.15610276

Eric Hoffer

>> No.15610309
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>no Dyson

>> No.15610486

i agree with simondon and bergson

>> No.15610585

LYsenko didn’t even believe genes existed; if he was ‘on the right track’ in any sense it was despite himself.

>> No.15610600

Lysenko was completely insane and his ideas have not been vindicated whatsoever

>> No.15610629
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>coping Kulaks

>> No.15610678

Jordan Peterson

>> No.15610775

Hadn't heard of him, thnxs for the reading material anon.

>> No.15610777

What the fuck is going on with his cheekbones?

>> No.15610840
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>> No.15610849

They don't exist.

>> No.15611543

Thomas Sowell

>> No.15612345

Mises and Hayek

>> No.15612552

Agamben and Girard

>> No.15612587

>Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida