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15593230 No.15593230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pro tip: you can;t.

>> No.15593266

It's something Royal Holloway were already doing, same for any other library in London. I had a talk almost exactly a year ago about this at the Wellcome Collection, and it wasn't new then. All RHUL are doing is making this process very slightly more public.

>> No.15593295

Diversifying your bookshelf does not mean consigning all books by white male authors to the fire. It merely means making space for unheard voices — women and minorities — so that you can have a broader outlook on the world from various different perspectives. The world of literature has, for a long time in the west, undervalued women’s contributions (of which there are undoubtedly many) and the contributions of non-white authors. The “decolonisation” of bookshelves seeks to amend this unhealthy tradition.

>> No.15593322

>Farage decrying fanaticism
At least something good has come out of the past few weeks. Hearty kek thank you OP

>> No.15593352

All demographics have an equal capacity for creative quality so any disproportionate representation must necessarily be due to prejudice and bias rather than an appropriate reaction to reality. Also progressivism is uniquely western and takes our culture further from everyone else not closer to them

>> No.15593369

it's not exactly burning books, but yes, it is fucking retarded

>> No.15593383

There's not gonna be a moment when we're all gonna get along and everyone is going to be included equally in media, culture, politics, etc. It's us or them. If white people can't assert cultural dominance in their own countries, where they're the majority, then the road is open for the extinction of white people and of european culture. It's as simple as that. White people, that is, people of european heritage, are materially and culturally over. Not only their culture is being erased, but they as a people are disappearing. If you can't see that now, then honestly you'll never see it.

>> No.15593385

Ayyy I go to RHUL never thought I’d see it on /lit/ or even big man nige quoting the library account

>> No.15593403

This but unironically.

>> No.15593409

Ok I'm with you so far. I'm taking a look at my bookshelf and just selecting some topics at random, can you reccomend me some women and BIPOC experts on the following subjects:
Hegelian "Being"
Stirnirean Egoism
The Will to Power
The history of Wall Street
The Philosophy of Science
Physical chemistry, both organic and inorganic

That way I can augment all of the white male books I have on these subjects thanks

>> No.15593416

>american trying to talk sense
don't you have som innocent children to kill?

>> No.15593419

minorities being represented should not be equated with the dominance

>> No.15593433

No, but all demographics have created good literature. Decolonising your bookshelf means engaging with the works of different demographics, so that you are not limited to a single perspective.
A very stupid post.

>> No.15593435

you made a fair point but you should not take this point as a totality

>> No.15593439
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>tfw everyone constantly mocked physical buyfags
It's happening. Buy your entire wish list this weekend.

>> No.15593445

i'm pretty sure you're just memeing, but you'd be a fool not to include simone de beauvoir inf your phil-shelf, she's way more relevant than stirner (although i do like him).
If you're serious, I'd look into ancient egyptian and mesopotamian philosophy.

>> No.15593455

lmao I'm not american buddy. America is not even a white/european country. Also what the fuck is that faggotry of "innocent children dying". Are you twelve years old?
All culture is hegemonic by definition, anon. It's all about who asserts dominance and hegemony. Right now, the balance is on their favor. And you can already see that they're rewriting history, removing statues, movies, etc. all culture that they perceive as racist. And, because for them all western culture is by definition racist and eurocentric, the conclusion is to remove everything done by european people. It's already happening. You're too blind to see it.
You're a very stupid person.

>> No.15593476

literally kill yourself

>> No.15593483

removing statutes of a slave trader is great

you're conjuring little conspiracies but they just don't add up. NOTHING that you just said adds up. you think minorites getting proper representation is equivalent to genocide, talk about retarded.

>> No.15593516

>all demographics have created good literature.
That is subjective

>> No.15593531

"It doesn't add up". Try removing books done by african authors in their own country and see what they call it.

>> No.15593547

nobody is doing that lad. you're being very melodramatic. it seems like you have an agenda.

>> No.15593551

>getting mad about book burnings in the digital age

>> No.15593552

They never said books would be disposed of via incineration, or via any other carbon-irresponsible method. But nice try.

>> No.15593561

Yes, exactly. Nobody is doing that with non european people nowadays. Only with europeans.
Also, what the hell does it even mean that I have an "agenda"? It means I have an ideology? Of course I do. I thought leftists understood that everything is political. You come off as really naive

>> No.15593589

Leftists have mastered talking down to people without ever engaging with arguments. Snakes in the grass

>> No.15593590

There is too much stuff. Getting rid of anything is a net good.

>> No.15593631

I'm not a leftist. I'm more into evola than I am any kind of leftism and I strongly believe that statues of slave traders should be taken down. I also believe churchil statue should be taken down. I also think that each group should get proper representation, otherwise its unfair.

I don't understand why you say it only happens to europeans. i would say the reason for this is because of western culture. as you should know, shakespeare is probably more read in nigeria than any nigerian author.

the fact you want these statutes up reveal your true agenda: fear of white genoicde

>> No.15593652

To the people defending this, you are sick. You made me lose that last hope I had in humanity.
"Book burning" are already happening by taking books considered "bad" out of circulation by amazon, by publisher, by universities and by activist who LITERALLY BURN BOOKS. This has been happening for years and i would think at least /lit/ would take a non ideological stance to this and collectively condemn it. But no, I'm not american I'm not white, and Seeing these people infiltrate even this place after seeing my own country copying american racial warfare when it doesn't apply at all to my country(we don't have a noticeable white population besides a few expats) just made me give up.
I just hope you know you are evil.

>> No.15593653

But that's horseshit. Unless you're literally a dumb teenager, you know that the entire history of publishing in Europe and North America has been geared towards white male authors. "Capacity for creative quality" isn't the issue: access to education, to inspiration, to the funding or free time needed to learn to write well, to publishing houses actually selecting your work, to public buying the shit, to moral attacks... I seriously hope you're just trolling. If not, take a minute and look up.. hell, how about George Eliot, one of the best novelists of her day (and perhaps of any day) and the social backlash and shit she endured for daring to write and publish.

>> No.15593672

The argument makes sense for women to a degree, not really for nonwhites, who were just not there in the first place. It's like asking why China's canon is mostly Chinese.

>> No.15593677

evola endorsed slavery, you are a liar

>> No.15593681

i think you are evil for wanting statues of slave traders

>> No.15593687

i don't endorse slavery i endorse his general worldview. don't bother pointing out meme aspects of his philosophy to me. you don't have to support slave traders in order to be even far right.

>> No.15593688
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History doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme :)

>> No.15593697

OH FUCK OFF! wanting to preserve history, wanting for the statue of one of the world leader who fought and won against Nazi Germany , to not be destroyed does not make one a white supremacist you ideological brainwashed moron!

>I don't understand why you say it only happens to europeans.
SHAKESPEARE IS MORE READ IN AMERICA THAN ANY AMERICAN AUTHOR YOU DISINGENUOUS PIECE OF SHIT! Why do you pretend "whites" are a monolith? why does culture age, ethnicity no longer matter? do you really think even genetically that a slav is the same as an Anglo-Saxon?
You sleazy piece of garbage. Of course Shakespeare is the most read author in most countries HE WAS THE ONE IF NOT THE MOST INFLUENTIAL AUTHORS IN HISTORY!

>> No.15593706

Do you realize that almost every historical character did something awful (mostly because that's one implication of power and struggle, horrible things tend to happen)? They have a 40mtrs status of Gengis Khan in Mongolia, who I'm sure didn't fall short of comitting rapes, killings, etc. Heroes, of every culture, are usually idealized and we minimize the ugly parts. But they're not trying to replace these statues because they think violence, in general, is awful. It's because they think they were racist: they commited crimes against THEIR people. It's all about tribalism and race. It's not about ethics, it's about self interest. Also, I don't think european colonisation was actually, a "good" thing. I don't think erasing cultures (and that was europeans tried to do in the XIX Century) is good. Precisely because I don't think that's good, I don't really like seeing it in Europe now.

>> No.15593710

First its slave trader, so are owners next?

>> No.15593711

>she's way more relevant than stirner
More relevant in regards to what, you daft cunt?

>> No.15593712

Can you recommend me any books on philosophy that pre-date Colonization and are in Bantu languages? Also perhaps astronomy, chemistry and physics.

>> No.15593724

his general worldview wasn't minoritarian democratic representation, you are full of shit

>> No.15593728

This is a very sly post. It is clear your point is that non-whitemale authors don’t have anything to say on “valuable subjects”; but, not only have you presented it as a “challenge”, the incompletion of which will be seen as a concession, you have also diversified the “subjects” you’ve chosen just enough that raising the obvious point (your “subjects” are the product of white male thinking and are therefore naturally going to be dominated by white male voices. Diversifying your bookshelf entails expanding the range of what you read about.) will also be seen as an admittance of defeat. It is so good as to verge on genius; I think you would make an excellent propagandist.

>> No.15593734
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>using an example from 160 years ago

>> No.15593738

I know you’re not a seirous reader, but if you are
>reccomend me some women and BIPOC experts on the following subjects: Hegelian "Being"
Susan Blow
Anna Brackett
Marietta Kies
Sara Jane McDonald
Heather Horst
And Obviously, Judth Butler
Zizek is organizing a big Hegelian conference and the majority of invitees are women because as he says “all the best hegelian contemporary hegelian scholarship is done by women”

>> No.15593741

Just erase history then you mongoloid, break the roman statues, destroy their literature and monuments. Because they were also slavers. Do the same with the Greeks, Persian Chinese, Macedonians, Egyptians,and all other monuments you personally decide are immoral because of your contemporary world view.
You don't see it do you? how you are justifying the destruction of art and literature simply because you deem then to be less moral than you. GO RIGHT AHEAD BUT DON'T FORGET TO BURN THE CLASSICS AS WELL!!! You truly are veil.

>> No.15593749

yes. soon, all references to any of our founding fathers who owned or condoned slavery will be banned. the dollar sign will be replaced with floyd and we will require all political offices to be held by blacks.

>> No.15593770

>Physical chemistry
I remember the textbook we used had a hispanic author, and it’s one of the most popular

>> No.15593774

Black are not enough, there are articles claiming straight black me are the white people of black people and have institutional power of black women and non cis poc.
You either have queer female to male to female trans or you might was well but john the white there,

>> No.15593786

I swear marx himself would strike down these "people" if he could.

>> No.15593795
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>> No.15593799

any good book recs on bantu mathematics? pre-colonization and Islam. you know, the real african stuff. thanks!

>> No.15593843

damn it anon that is the nicest compliment I've gotten in months
fair enough, thanks
I don't, but I'm sure other people will be making this "point" en masse soon enough

>> No.15593890
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There is, and has been, an abundance of literature available at my local book stores by 'non-white male voices' always displayed predominantly for quite some time. Subjects that interest me happened to be predominantly in the sphere of ango-centric canon. Seems rather capricious to me that race is a dimension of critique of literature should move across.

Let's not pretend this is about cultivating better wisdom though. It's liberal dogma.

>> No.15593957
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The idea is that there is some deep subconscious racial spirit to which you, a white (especially male) have no access among the blacks in america. Without a black person, preferably woman, serving as shaman to grant you access to the mythical "black experience," you can never understand it. You know, the Jungian thing.
Never mind that most blacks in america are like 50% European by blood, there is no such thing as a "black community," and most of these books are by rich people who barely pass as black about the lives of obviously black poor people.
BLM is a covert front to put the children of wealthy members of the black political class in lucrative government, education, and NGO positions. Funding goes to democratic campaigns across the country.
Dont resent people, we're all equals. The IQ shit is bullshit and the subconscious racism idea is bullshit.

>> No.15593994

Pyramids were built by slaves as monuments to slave owners. Destroy them.

>> No.15594008 [DELETED] 
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>The idea is that there is some deep subconscious racial spirit to which you, a white (especially male) have no access among the blacks in america. Without a black person, preferably woman, serving as shaman to grant you access to the mythical "black experience," you can never understand it. You know, the Jungian thing.

I unironically believe this though. And I think 100% of racial tensions in America is based upon the fact that black identity and culture is sold as a based around (falsely) ignorance and oppression -- their 'racial soul' - if there is such a thing, is grounded under the ideological tread of liberals insisting black people are dumb, oppressed, under represented, and that white people are responsible.

>> No.15594023
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>The idea is that there is some deep subconscious racial spirit to which you, a white (especially male) have no access among the blacks in america. Without a black person, preferably woman, serving as shaman to grant you access to the mythical "black experience," you can never understand it. You know, the Jungian thing.

I unironically believe this though. And I think 100% of racial tensions in America is based upon the fact that black identity and culture is sold as and based around (falsely) ignorance and oppression -- their 'racial soul' - if there is such a thing, is grounded under the ideological tread of liberals insisting black people are dumb, oppressed, under represented, and that white people are responsible.

>> No.15594028

fuck your religion, you aren’t a moral exemplar

>> No.15594050


>> No.15594080

Look at churchils quotes. it reveals a deeply horrible human being.
looking at mongolia for moral guidance?
you're retarded

>> No.15594085

what's wrong with that?

>> No.15594152

That's a wild thing to believe man, do you read the horoscope and do crystal healing and shit too?

>> No.15594191

That doesn't change the fact you are for destroying history because your temporary morality disagrees with SOME aspects of ONE singular individual's character. If that is the case then do so properly and start by going to museum and destroying the artifacts of those evil genocidal Romans.
Actually go after the Assyrians, they openly bragged about torturing their conquered people as well as genocide. The ancient Mesopotamian in general are not know for their kindness.

>> No.15594198

There no point to listening to you fucking faggots anymore. get fucked commie shits. we know you fags lying, u lying all the time, u lying right now.

friends don't give these FUCKS daylight, give them no room to breathe. they want to rule over your and control everything in culture. nothing stopped libraries before from stocking books from foreign authors. this movement is SOLELY used as a backdrop to destroy the culture the west created period. they wouldn't go to such great lengths if it wasn't.

>> No.15594208

It's not destroying history. The history is still there. It's removing STATUTES to disgusting men.

>> No.15594221

Issis is sure to agree with you. What is breaking a few statues of ancient civilizations? Who cares about that? they were bad people anyway.

>> No.15594235

I'm boycotting blacks instead; it requires me to remove nothing from my bookshelf, which suits my disposition perfectly.

>> No.15594241

for you they're disgusting, for me they are heroes

>> No.15594248

>words words words and that's why up is actually down and black is white and i've been right all along

>> No.15594279

Churchill was a heroic leader and part of the reason anyone in this thread is speaking English right now. Stay butthurt culture destroyers

>> No.15594313

>all these faggots getting their panties in a twist over Nazi Germany
>yet pretending to be rightwingers themselves

>> No.15594376
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Let it come. I welcome a chance at establishing a Utopia.

>> No.15594465


>> No.15594477

If we decolonize, then all groups go back to their respective homelands, and native americans can get back to hunting bison -- wtf I love twitter now

>> No.15594488

>oral traditions are dumb

Look I don't know shit about Africa, but I can say in the Australian context that we know from the ~20 or so surviving languages (out of several hundred three centuries ago) that, pre-colonisation, Australians did have a pretty sophisticated understanding of astronomy, for example. The reason there aren't many fucking books about it is because colonization destroyed the vast majority of those intellectual traditions.

>> No.15594492

>all people of the same skin color have the same perspective.

>> No.15594499

>a society can fundamentally shift its normative paradigms in a few generations

>> No.15594512

>you know that the entire history of publishing in Europe and North America has been geared towards white male authors.
Well yeah, they were the only people who knew how to read...

>> No.15594519

Are you seriously disrespecting ISIS? Do you have an extra head you don't need, infidel scum?