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15583853 No.15583853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is totalitarianism considered 'bad' and democracy 'good'?

>> No.15583859

cuz constant terror and mass murder suck?

>> No.15583868

Not op, but what's the difference between terror and mass murder and conditioning and mass propaganda, at least the terror is visible and understandable, the latter is much more horrific as the people around you become intractable slaves to the mobs and the writer's of the mob's slogans.

>> No.15583874

Was constant terror and mass murder okay when used in defense of the democratic state of Revolutionary France?

>> No.15583879

Imagine totalitarianism happens and for the first few years you're alright with it. Doesn't really affect you, etc. But then something happens policywise that you really disagree with; it starts to harm you financially, legally, physically, etc. Under totalitarianism you wouldn't be able to do anything about it lol
(not that Democracy is exactly the inverse, but people-driven change is at least possible)

>> No.15583882


What do you mean 'bad' and 'good'? Modes of governance don't have moral positions. Democracy is more efficient in placating the masses, is what I think you mean to say.

>> No.15583900

Imagine actually thinking this is ok

>> No.15583910

Because the majority of people don't want to be subjugated to abuse and violence?

>> No.15583924

says who? Reddit?

>> No.15583931

Because the main totalitarian regimes during the 20th century had philosopher kings who can’t govern, and otherwise, modern democratic nations are compared to nations which already were worse, and then it is assumed that democracy is helping.
But why it is considered (and probably rightly so) good is mainly due to Christianity and it’s influence.

>> No.15583942

They won't be subjugated to it as long as they behave like good citizens. The abuse and violence actually has a goal, which is to provide for a safe and stable state. Democracy has no goal other than protecting the feeling of retarded snowflakes.

>> No.15583969

The 'weak' meaning people like you OP?

>> No.15583972

Post chin and BMI

>> No.15583981

democracy is cringe

>> No.15584106

Sounds like a fat load of boot licking and cucking it out for the retarded orders of a paranoid lunatic after multiple layers of insulation via chain of command

>> No.15584116

Nation-states have tried this so many times. Read a fucking book.

>> No.15584153

Move to China then.

>> No.15584186
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should indeed fear the strong

>> No.15584418

lol china is more democratic than america LAMO

>> No.15584435

>implying conditioning and mass propaganda are unique characteristics of democracy
Surely you realize that a great deal of the effectiveness of totalitarianist systems is based on conditioning and mass propaganda.

>> No.15584524

Those are factors independent of the totalitarianism/democracy dichotomy. Both forms of government can either involve or be absent of them.

>> No.15584580

Because people don't like being micromanaged in their actions. People like being able to speak freely, think what they want, read what they want, move around the country freely, etc etc

>> No.15584592

Totalitarianism just states that the totality of all public and private affairs is a political matter. The united states became totalitarian when tbe new left insisted that everything, including family structure, sexuality, among other things, be considered political

>> No.15584601

Totalitarianism only appeals to those with no initiative or self-direction in life. So the notion of an infallible all-powerful state is attractive. It also explains why totalitarian ideologies took shape during the 20th century during a chaotic and unstable time that made individualism untenable for the masses.Self-determination is only attractive to those who not in conditions of futility. Fascism and communism are ideologies that attract people who are lacking in either the means or personal capacity to determine a better life for themselves.

>> No.15584603

democracy is a charade
liberal states are totalitarian but you can't escape statism - you can only affirm the sovereignty of the state in such a manner that it is conducive to the good (harmonious in the Platonic sense)
Go read Moldbug's Formalist Manifesto for a nice primer, then read Schmitt and C.A. Bond

>> No.15584634

Yes, but because of the naked boot it isn't forced to be as insidious or malicious as it is in democracies. It is the only real tool of democratic rulers and combined with market pressures produced the most horrific and mind warping edifice of manipulation and technology that now enlists whole proportions of the entire human population. If it were a jackboot, then you could at least confide in your family, now the ideas from authority figures are beamed directly into the living room and no amount of desperate pleading will realign them from the ideas handed down from above.

>> No.15584653

People need to feel like theyre making an impact. Its why modern west is so docile yet the fed has never been stronger

>> No.15584680

Uh hey based department? You're gonna need to tone it down, I can't handle all this Giga Chad energy in the room

>> No.15584825

because all people care about is power and people have the illusion of power under democracy

>> No.15584909

What happens if a democracy chooses to vote in totalitarian policies?

>> No.15585142

But we live in totalitarian society, Anon. It just isn't violent. Not yet. Only God knows how the Liberal Elective Plutocracy will react in the next decade.

>> No.15585214

Just personal preference. There is no God and so no absolute morality, just that which empowers me and my people. That is why BLM/Burn, Loot, Murder is out there ignoring law and decency in pursuit of yet more gibs: immunity from arrest for black people with a rollback of police and making any complaint to the police about any black person a potential hate crime. Or else they'll riot more.
So yeah, I look at this and say: one good volley with live ammunition and it would all stop PDQ. Right now Burning, Looting and Murdering are being rewarded.

>> No.15585230


if youre in constant terror under a "totalitarian" regime like the national socialists, you unironically deserve it

>> No.15585246

muh jews

>> No.15585254

Is there less terror and mass murder under democracy? How much less, and at what costs? Is it quanitifable?

>> No.15585258

Read Manufacturing Consent

>> No.15585260

democracy is more stable, tyrant is point of failure. democracy is bureaucracy, irresponsibility, no one to blame.

>> No.15585262

The soviets would shoot farmers in the head for the most inane shit. If you didn't have your crops planted and cultivated to their exact specifications even if it wasn't realistic or feasible, they'd murder your whole family.

>> No.15585269

>has never been terrorized or murdered
>says living in a mass media consumer state is worse

>> No.15585274

Absolutely most based post, perhaps of the entire decade.

>> No.15585277

Because tyrants. This is a simple one, have you even watched a youtube video about the Greeks? At least a youtube video. One f video. Do yourself a favor and do it. There are other reasons too.

>> No.15585286

The average citizen? Um... no, not even close.

>> No.15585297

This. Its literally start with the Greeks.

Democracy is very difficult to achieve, and nearly impossible to maintain.

The alternative is living under a boot and smiling endlessly.

>> No.15585300

in democracy like USA terror is outsourced. mass genocides in the past were due to insane multy children medieval speed breeding with industrial revolution. right now people have 0-2 children, and unhappy citizens are treated as mentally ill. but CIA is the tyrant, dictator behind the scene.

>> No.15585303

>American education strikes again.

>> No.15585312

exactly. TV replaced reality. democracy as we know it is impossible without TV, which is opium for the masses. TV censored death.

>> No.15585348

This should be required reading for everyone ITT

>> No.15585351
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Because people who believe in democracy actually believe in it, whereas totalitarian alliances are simple a pretense towards there being just one person in power. Be it this, racism, whatever--the true racist deep down believes not just that the other race, but that fundementally everyone but themself, is a nigger, as will the racist to his left and the racist to his right. This is what makes these ideologies so cartoonishly evil or villain-like. They're all just Starscream clones, attractive only in that their naivete grants others a brief taste of the very superiority Starscream consistently fails to attain.

>> No.15585367

keyword: believe. democracy is religion, mass larping.

>> No.15585382

And in turn totalitarianism is meta-larping; pretending that you are larping along with your fellow larpers, who are also merely pretending themselves.

>> No.15585401


>> No.15585419

Because (((they))) realized that democracy can be bought so they invest massive money in their puppets to dance around and pretend they're doing something. So they brainwashed people into believing in the democracy meme, because they realized that they're untouchable. How the fuck can someone with no money for campaigns and advertising compete with someone that has billionaires backing them?

>> No.15585425
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>something happens policywise
Like what? Totalitarian states are rather rigid with their inner policies. They just can't suddenly make fag pride their civil religion, for example.

>> No.15585441

Name one person in this world today that you'd be okay with leading that society of yours.

>> No.15585446

Because totalitarianism is always bleak and poor and democracy could be colorful and prosperous, that's all.

>> No.15585524

Because that question could not even be posed in a totalitarian state.

>> No.15585544

It becomes a totalitarian state.

>> No.15585613

I don't have a good sense of what this is other than vague medieval aesthetic nostalgia and stopping people from saying bad things about the government

>I find it difficult, of course, to endorse political correctness. This is because I’m an intellectual and I have trouble keeping my mouth shut.
First off what a faggot

>In my ideal neocameralist state, there is no political freedom because there is no politics. Perhaps the government has a comment box where you can express your opinion. Perhaps it does customer surveys and even polls. But there is no organization and no reason to organize, because no combination of residents can influence government policy by coercion.

>And precisely because of this stability, you can think, say, or write whatever you want. Because the state has no reason to care. Your freedom of thought, speech, and expression is no longer a political freedom. It is only a personal freedom.

Sounds nice but unlikely. Basically nobody knows how to politic. /pol/ is evidence enough of that. Just a big fat hypocrisy machine achieving nothing.

>freedom of the press, which can be defined as personal freedoms, but which as such affect relatively few people in a relatively minor way.
That is flat out wrong. Also fuck his writing is annoying

>but which as such affect



Monarchy is something I haven't explored though. His appeal to singapore is something my ancap prof likes to appeal to also but he's an ancap. Idk peeps, maybe go read De Maistre and figure it out.

>> No.15585669

Democracies can be totalitarian. In fact the USA has been moving steadily in that direction for a century. The public can and does vote for a government that micromanages their lives.

>> No.15585866

Fuck democracy
Fuck totalitarianism
Fuck anarchy
Libertarian Monarchy now
Read Hoppe

>> No.15585873

Because the US is the world hegemon right now.

>> No.15585879

stop interrogating the platitude, it's meant to end thought not provoke it

>> No.15585884

that is not enough. fuck god, fuck satan.

>> No.15585886

Has anyone ever stopped to wonder whether Greek political thought was in fact bad, and what effects that this might've had on contemporary thought?

>> No.15585898

That could be based

>> No.15585944

True democracy would be great! However most democracies are just veiled totalitarian regimes that mock their subjects even further by giving them the illusion of political capital.

>> No.15585949

Are you actually retarded or is this an act?

>> No.15585964

what is true democracy? like in greece? demos were only citizens. schizo scum were not citizens.

>> No.15585987

Schizos probably didn’t exist until after the industrial revolution. Also, the Greeks treated their mentally ill probably better than any other time in history other than recent times. Look up the Greek Asclepiad Temples.

>> No.15585992

How are these atrocity claims substantiated?

>> No.15585998

To clarify, I mean to compare these ridiculous claims with the ridiculous claims of their being gas chambers or bear-and-eagle cages during the supposed Holocaust. Why should I believe any atrocity charges about these charged topics?

>> No.15586005

Neoplatonist Libertarian Monarchy when?

>> No.15586068

Good question.
In theory in democracy we have the right and are encouraged to self govern. Totalitarianism you don’t really have that right, the laws are sort of made of for you and the collective people cannot change them.
Thats my view / understanding.

So given that, a democracy can, if healthy and balanced, can evolve with time to better reflect the culture. (Note Evolve - not drastically change)

>> No.15586127

Is there actually any theory or literature to support Libertarian Monarchy apart from some Hoppe? Democracy is obviously a cancer to liberty, but I can't really say if Monarchy is superior.

>> No.15586165

You don’t think democracy embraces liberty and is among the best way for it to flourish?

>> No.15586172

I don't know. It's a new idea to me which may end up a bit contradictory since libertarian sounds like "small state" and monarchy sounds like "large state". Libertarians do diverge into two camps of massive utilitarianism (most good most amount of people Peter Singer) and the opposite of that (David Friedman).

>> No.15586191

>be xyz minority
>you deserve to be terrorized and dragged out of your home
wow based

>> No.15586255

I guess you could try that Mencius Moldbug guy but he writes like a total fag

>> No.15586757

Because democracy makes more profit.

>> No.15586836

not political power dimwit, people desire power over their own lives and those of others. Democracy and its economic correlative system creates the abundance of choice which is an illusion of having control

>> No.15586862

Not with jews or niggers allowed in.

>> No.15586943

you have to be a literal cuckold to ask something like this

>> No.15586970

democracy is a system which allows sophistic exploitation of illiterate populations and totalitarianism is the knee jerk ideological response spurred from the fear of democracy.

>> No.15587033

All work and no play. Great if you're an obsessive compulsive workaholic, driven to be always at work without regard to whether that work creates wealth and leisure with it. Not if you're not.
Choice heads rolled for a time, and though "mistakes were made" in the process of selection, there's no getting rid of ruinously huge parasites with perfectly surgical precision if they obstinately hold on.
And to whatever degree it becomes totalitarian, it will also lose that hegemony: Slavery misdirects will and saps inventiveness. Totalitarian civilizations are in a constant state of war against their own populations.

>> No.15587046

>Great if you're an obsessive compulsive workaholic, driven to be always at work without regard to whether that work creates wealth and leisure with it
You're describing Stalin to a T

>> No.15587082
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>Ugh, democracy is a false god for weak minded sheep!

>> No.15587099

remove the boogaloo astroturf and the normie AIDS machine (twitter) and seems cool to me

bet he watches jojo

>> No.15587111

No, no one in the last 2500 years has ever examined and critiqued Greek philosophy

>> No.15587122

is USA democracy? what is then CIA doing? it is above all. it keeps many secrets. how can voters and candidates make conscious decisions if they live in complete lies? it is schizocracy, larping as democracy.

>> No.15587133

More like
"The Road to Schizodom" by Friyriyirieirk Hyeyyyyiiiiyyykkkyiyyyyk

>> No.15587137

Take a moment to reflect on what you said, consider the effects on yourself your feelings might have.

>> No.15587144

I'm in favor of a totalitarist gaystate where everyone is forced to be eaten by me

>> No.15587158

you're saying you like twitter?

>> No.15587188

Clearly they didn't criticize it enough if any form of democracy is still viewed as good.

>> No.15587197

You're on /lit/ so I'll throw the dice and say you have a superiority complex. Most of the people you come across or even know tend do be of average intellect, maybe a little dumb, right? And you trust them to be swayed by the words of people with access to exposure on mass media? Remember, a vast majority of people won't even get past most of a politician's jargon, always sprinkled with sociopath-tier body language and the power of TV cinematics, so how can you see democracy as a viable choice in choosing our sovereigns?

>> No.15587206


>> No.15587207

You’re right OP, I love having no choice in anything whatsoever. I also love being a mindless cog in a decrepit and corrupt societal machine that will inevitably break down under its own weight. Thanks OP, you sure showed me

>> No.15587211

>how can you see democracy as a viable choice in choosing our sovereigns?
Imagine seeing the post-1917 world and not concluding that the State can get people to believe ANYTHING.

>Lysenkoism, Soviet propaganda in general
>Four Pests Campaign
>Cultural Revolution
>Year Zero
>American race guilt rhetoric, transexuality, etc.

The State is always going to try to control what people think to the extent possible, and is really quite capable of doing so - what's the point of elections?

>> No.15587214

I bet people like OP type this kind of stuff thinking of himself as the guy in charge.

>> No.15587219

The weak outnumber the strong

>> No.15587224

point of election is let people think they make a choice, and push responsibility unto them. like the Architect in movie Matrix said (or someone else) people accept a system if they are given a choice. an imitation of freedom.

>> No.15587248

because totalitarianism creates a slavish adherence to the movement (embodied by the state) in which the individual is made to be superfluous and even expedient to the movement. The movement subsumes all potential for critical thought in which the individual become bathed in some sort of original sin that they cannot reconcile with their own thoughts and action. given the total, "totalitarian" nature of the movement, the individual relegates their self, and thus, innocence, to the state. one example of this being Molotov in the death of Stalin.

Or you can just compare the historical experiences of totalitarianism (Stalinism and Nazism) and compare it to liberal democracies.

>> No.15587266

The United States is a republic

>> No.15587303

National Socialism wasn't hard to get people to believe in because it was actually true.

>Germans Good
>What is Good for Germans is Good
>What is Bad for Germans is Bad

Like that's literally it. It's just tribalism, which is a demonstrably effective and practical ideology.

>> No.15587311
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>> No.15587312

a republic is a form of democracy, brainlet
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

>> No.15587319

This. National Socialism is the normal organization of any modern state not enslaved by world usury or repressed by a country that willingly does the bidding of world usury.

>> No.15587367

Review Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue and form your own conclusions.

>> No.15587395

do your parents know you're posting here

>> No.15587489
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humans are fundamentally (in their natural state) free creatures

humans are fundamentally rational creatures (in areas that really matter)

combined, people should be free to pursue their rational desires

a totalitarian state prevents people from pursuing self-interested rational desires (which are most desires)

that is the TEXTBOOK reason, OP

>> No.15587515

That exists in this democracy if the protests are to be believed

>> No.15587525

Lol LMFAO um no sweaty :)

>> No.15587538

>constant terror and mass murder suck?


>> No.15587554
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Read a lot of replies that don't seem to understand the two words you use. Let me, a lefty politics graduate explain.
Totalitarianism is bad because it is an attempt to control you in your private life. Instead of just being a system of governing the country (i.e. politics) which is what democracy is, it focuses on more than that. The government control what you learn in school, what religion you have to believe in, how many kids you should have with your wife, what pasttimes you engage in. Of course the terror and violence come into it, but that's the means of totalitarianism not the end. If you want to control people TOTALLY, you need to move on from coercion and into force.
Democracy doesn't do that. You turn up every 4/5 years and put a cross in a box. No attempt to control your private life.

I'm a faggot, fight me.

>> No.15587569

>what's the point of elections?
It legitimizes defacto rulers. Xi gets elected every cycle, as does putin, even north korea has elections. The absolute majority of modern dictators are "elected".

>> No.15587599

>Totalitarian states are rather rigid with their inner policies. They just can't suddenly make fag pride their civil religion, for example.
Yes they can, and I’m willing to bet they’ve done it before. Wasn’t there a Roman empower who was into drag? Didn’t Nero marry a twink?

>> No.15587609

Caligula married a teenage boy and chopped his dick off. He had like 3 other wives

>> No.15587628
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honest question:
Are the Chinese Nazis?
Theyre both heavily nationalist and socialist, and they have a cult of personality leader.
Theyre even expansionist with their claims on other territories like the south china sea.
I cant see how they arent following the nazi playbook to a T.

>> No.15587646

The Nazis were not socialist.
Just because two countries claim other territories, doesn't mean their political systems or ideologies are the same.

>> No.15587662

Ok so the Chinese are better nazis than the Nazis were. Whats your point?

>> No.15587676

chinese are barely sentient peasants and willing slaves led by a totalitarian despotism

it's like asking if ants are nazis

>> No.15587686
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My point is that you are conflating two political regimes just because they have some similarities. Shit, their leaders both breathe they must be the same.
It's like saying the US had nuclear weapons so they must be communist because the Soviet Union had them too.

>> No.15587786
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Theyre pretty big similarities, Xi has a cult of personality; he emphasizes chinese history and cultural values like confucianism which is a departure from Mao. Heavy emphasis on "The Chinese Dream" of prosperity for the ethnically Han Chinese as well as a belief that they are superior to their minorities. The expansionism is fueled entirely by the desire to aquire more resources for the (han) Chinese.
And if youre trying to suggest that China is somehow more socialist than the nazi's were theyre not, theyre just as big of supporters of capitalist endeavors, despite the communist title.

>> No.15587802

You're talking to a chink shill.


>> No.15587807

Why am I a chink shill for comparing the chinks to nazis?

>> No.15587812

This. Most of the people they killed deserved it.
>inb4 this one person
I said most.

>> No.15587817

Read Politeia.

>> No.15588071

Based movie

>> No.15588273

Capitalism != Democracy

>> No.15588301


>> No.15588336


The real answer is well it's just because totalitarianism has obviously produced bad results in the past
But then democracy is producing bad results right now so you know maybe it all comes out in the wash anyway

>> No.15588383

I believe that opinion is based on a variety of factors.

First, we live in a post-enlightenment west, where it is the general consensus that all humans are inherently of equal worth, and that freedom is more important than a safe or productive life.

Second, we live in democracy. The State uses education and propaganda to convince you of its legitimacy and advantages, as well as to make you fear or hate the alternatives.

Third, democracy gives the people an illusion of power. The plebs get a (limited) say in how they are governed, and they enjoy this.

And finally, totalitarianism is a very intrusive form of government, and most people, regardless of education or culture, would not be in eager to live under it.

>> No.15588411

I take issue with that last point because it's not like liberal capitalism doesn't pervade all aspects of society too. I think why radical ideologies are termed 'totalitarian' is that they seek to radically reorient and restructure the society they take over. Weren't the Jacobins totalitarian in their day? I see the term as basically synonymous with 'revolutionary'.

>> No.15588456

>I take issue with that last point because it's not like liberal capitalism doesn't pervade all aspects of society too.
It influences and controls people, yes, but not in a directed, planned way. And, most importantly, it disguises itself very effectively as freedom, so most people don't notice the freedom they are actually losing.

>Weren't the Jacobins totalitarian in their day? I see the term as basically synonymous with 'revolutionary'.
If you already have a term for what you're trying to describe (revolutionary), why would you rob another term (totalitarian) of its original meaning?
You can have a revolutionary ideology that is not totalitarian, and vice-versa. You wouldn't call anarchism totalitarian, would you? Nor would you call a stable totalitarian regime revolutionary.

>> No.15588470

nice try loser but i only play victoria 2

>> No.15588484

>not in a directed, planned way.
See, I disagree with that. There are people and organizations who are in charge, and most people know but don't mind it. If they do, they'll probably misidentify the powerholders, i.e. fall into conspiracism. Liberalism just farms out a lot of the exercise of power to nominally non-state entities, which makes its defenders' job easier (muh private company), but there's no less power being exercised. Liberalism is faceless, but not untotalitarian.
>If you already have a term for what you're trying to describe (revolutionary), why would you rob another term (totalitarian) of its original meaning?
Because when the word totalitarian is used pejoratively it means as much "you want to uproot the existing power structure" as the surface-level "you want to oppress people." I concede they're not identical though.

>> No.15588489

Go out for a bit faggot. You don't know shit about real life. I would rather have constant "mass propaganda" than a bullet in my head.

>> No.15588492


>> No.15588691

No need to control though because it can't influence the government? It influences the people, and can be used to turn the people against the government for foreign interests etc. Is this guy imagining a global government or something where there is nothing outside of it?

>> No.15589018

1. It's probably slander, like "whore empress" nonsense and the rest.
2. Rome wasn't totalitarian.

>> No.15589033

>prosperity for the ethnically Han Chinese as well as a belief that they are superior to their minorities
What? Chinchongs are heavily into their version of multi-culti, they "celebrate diversity" too, lol.

>> No.15589101

>No attempt to control your private life.
Refusing to get your child indoctrinated with bizarre state ideology would get you in prison in a lot of European liberal democracies.

>> No.15589252

Totalitarianism requires the governing body to have global knowledge of the state in order to make effective decisions. This is generally intractable and the decisions making capacity of the state is handicapped as a result of having incomplete information. In theory, democracy addresses this by allowing individuals to pass local knowledge up through voting/ representatives.

>> No.15589469
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>> No.15589494

>humans are fundamentally (in their natural state) free creatures
>humans are fundamentally rational creatures (in areas that really matter)
How can this be proven? Or is it just an axiom?

>> No.15589508

Sounds like democracy doesn't actually exist because all governments try to control your private life and control your mind (mandatory state "education").

>> No.15589512

>Post chin and BMI
Skinnyfat reddit nigger cope. Post physique instead

>> No.15589588
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>> No.15589598

This is not the time to joke about these things.


>> No.15589737

What have you ever done other than shitposting?

Only one good deed. Tell me?

>> No.15589785

In theory it’s better to have everyone cooperate and discuss the best course of action than have one screaming autist tell everyone what to do scare them to get what he wants. In practice, the screaming autist is still there but he convinces everyone what they’re doing is their own idea and they scare themselves.

>> No.15589788

Human's can't pursue their rational desires freely if the state can keep gaining power through democracy.

>> No.15589875

I've volunteered for local charitable organizations, helped elderly neighbors, played in a band for many retirement homes and told niggers off for littering once or twice. It aint much but I'm 18 and broke. Much more is to come, faggot.

>> No.15589908

>avowed advocate for liberal democracy
>so incapable of empathy for his fellow man that he can only compare his opposition to the bad guy from a children's cartoon

>> No.15589911

Accusing others of LARPing shows that you do not consider your own beliefs to be wholly authentic.

>> No.15589925

Yeah dude, everyone before the 20th century living in monarchies existed in a constant state of fear that an evil deathsquad would spontaneously appear on the street corner and kill them for no reason.

>> No.15589983

Ahh i see it's the edgy midwits power hour

>> No.15590000
File: 55 KB, 437x611, america_true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the strong
>three armed men executing some kneeling old bound civilian
is this parody?

>> No.15590005
File: 142 KB, 1216x1280, 1574808140469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will revel in the murder of commies

>> No.15590007


>> No.15590024

also I'm sure Poland was glad for liberation and being delivered into the USSR

>> No.15590029

That's only true for bootlickers like you. You will eventually fall prey to the tyranical methods and rhetorics you condone or partake in

>> No.15590044

because it removes any leeway for being wrong. what makes you so bold to assume you got the correct answer?
why should you able to force others to your will? therefore it removes any possibility of morality.

>> No.15590047

Stop trying

>> No.15590048

Because of NPCs.

Democracy is inherently evil and bad.

>> No.15590050

>wants totalitarianism
>complains about globalism
I though you guys believed might makes right?

>> No.15590059

red scum doesn't justify goose-stepping thugs.

>> No.15590070

Peak of the bell curve wandered into this thread to ruin it

>> No.15590072

USA anonymous just don't understand what it's like to live in a normal democracy. They are the only ones who live in a democratic developed country wherein mass shootings, extremely high levels of incarceration, and overtly brutal police exist. Pretty much every other developed democracy in the world doesn't have these problems, and, when they do it's at orders of magnitude below the levels in the USA, making the USA the black sheep of the democracy family. Democracy is obviously better than totalitarianism because it values the wishes of the people, something many world leaders can't understand due to the peculiarity of their social status. Democracy frees, to an extent, people from injustices that otherwise have been and would continue to be exacted upon them in totalitarian regimes. If you can't see this, just imagine if you would feel safer/freer in Stalin's Russia or the Medici's Florence over living in Canada, Finland, Australia, etc.

>> No.15590077

= anons
Fucking auto correct

>> No.15590318

One day you will grow bored with fighting strawmen.

>> No.15590326

Canada, Finland, and Australia don't have the same racial conflicts that the USA does. Democracy which involves people so radically different from one another, and with radically different lifestyles and points of view just turns into ethnic conflict because now these disparate groups are forced to rule over one another. Segregation is necessary for peace.

>> No.15590331

No these are people I argued with the other day on /pol/

>> No.15590351

Canada, at least, has a far larger density in their population of foreign people than the USA. Obviously this comes with some tensions; but, for the most part people live peacefully in Canada when they aren't confusing racial problems in the US with racial problems in Canada, and still no one has looted Toronto or Vancouver (Quebecois are hardly Canadian). Segregation is not necessary for peace.

>> No.15590377

>The weak should fear the strong
>loses the war and continues to get cucked by Jews a near century after

>> No.15590417
File: 231 KB, 720x717, 20190905_084532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all there is a difference between authoritarian and totalitarian. Secondly you shouldn't think of these things as moral absolutes, because neither system is inherently more moral than the other. Thirdly, civic authority and legalism are moral standings, if your question had been "why is following the law good while breaking it is bad" then we could discuss morality. In my opinion, regardless of politics, civic authority is important because law and the intermediaries who create/follow it are in turn trying to create an environment which will sustain culture and faith. This is not to say that violence is unproductive or unjust (in fact all political authority is taken as a form of violence), but that civilization is built on the direction and systematic forms of force that keep us safe and able to do normal human things. I would refer to >>15583874 strongly, because the understanding that populism is not a moral good is the only way to really answer your question. I.e. read Burke and Hobbes (that's not Calvin and Hobbes you theoriless fag).

>> No.15590487

well most of the world where i live lives under a democracy
it is: OKAY

it used to be a totalitarianism and people died people were tortured, for no moral reasaon, everybody were fucked with only the weak, worm people had a good living.