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15505737 No.15505737 [Reply] [Original]

>God exists in a metaphysical sense but not a physical sense and Genesis didn’t happen literally
You’re not a Christian if you think this. Stop giving into atheist pressure and giving up your beliefs to appeal a mob that will never be appeased. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your revisionism and goal-post moving.

>> No.15505743

You believe God is a physical being? Ok Mormon.

>> No.15505788

If they didn’t move their goal post they’d have to give up their faith.

>> No.15505793 [DELETED] 


>ummmm akshually the laws of the bible that I don't like were simply a product of the patriarchal context that they were written in.

>> No.15505802

How can God physically exist?

>> No.15505812
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Who died on a fucking cross?

>> No.15505818

God will crush your fucking skull, ingrate.

>> No.15505825

The human nature of Christ, which was joined hypostatically to his divine nature.

>> No.15505837

One of the best ways to be joined, imo.

>> No.15506186

>divine nature is definable
He wants to

>> No.15506202

If God was really this external being who governs over reality and wants the salvation of his creatures you would think that he would be directly involved in everyone's lives and clearly visible to the whole world rather than just living in peoples heads. Either God is indifferent, sadistic, or he doesn't exist in the way that Christians say he is.

>> No.15506203


>> No.15506785

I'm not a Christian so I don't know.

>> No.15506812

The texts not being literal is not a belief designed to appeal to atheists, its the proper interpretation of the texts, which were not written in a Westernized sense, as scientific books, but instead written poetically as the culture that generated them tended to write.

>> No.15506845

This is literally what the Early Church Fathers believed (Tertullian, Origen, Clement, Denys etc...) and allegorical interpretation of Genesis has roots in both Judaism (Philo and other Jewish Scholars) and the early church/scholasticism. If anything, the literalist interpretation of evangelicals in America is the heterodox reading. God can exist both immanently within Creation and Transcendentally outside of it, and claiming that God (beyond being) is somehow physical is both heretical and philosophically/theologically naive.

>> No.15506899

cry more crybaby

>> No.15507093

how did he define the divine nature?


>> No.15508738

Nuh uh
Something must be defined to make any connections from it so something else

>> No.15508750

>You’re not a Christian if you think this.

>> No.15508759

If you believe that God is Physical you are a heretic and closer to a pagan than a true Christian.

>> No.15508769

>Being that sustains our existence at every moment isn’t involved in our lives

>> No.15508785

>Being that sustains our existence at every moment
take your meds anon

>> No.15508811


>> No.15508818

Use your brain or go read some actual Patristic theology

>> No.15508819

Saint "Remember me" Thief

>> No.15508861

>>divine nature is definable

Nobody knows the Father except through the Lord Christ. So it was said, and so it was written. So, yes. It can be known in the example of our Redeemer, who was a spiritually perfect human during His time on earth.

>> No.15510411
