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15500023 No.15500023 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't every country just have its own eugenics program and we accelerate the development of a healthy, intelligent human gene pool?
also books on eugenics please. bonus points if it's even remotely related to AI.

>> No.15500070

1) implementing an eugenics program would imply that you are able to accurately predict future environmental conditions which is something that no one is able to do precisely, it's better to live things to their own devices
2) greater diversity of genes is what allows the specie to adapt to varying environmental conditions in the 1st place, eugenics homogenizes the gene pool and is not viable as an evolutionary strategy

>> No.15500288

Things don't work like that and we are able to transform our own environment up to some point. So if something like that happens humanity or your country would be doomed in the long term.

Things like this covid-19 are killing people and other diseases too, but they definitely aren't going to kill everyone mainly because people are very different. Ideally you want it as diverse as possible because of such things. Nature is always brewing new bacteria/viruses to throw at us. AIDS, per example, is a new disease and surely this won't be the last time something like it shows up. So, for humanity to thrive we need to be strict with racial discrimination and anything related to homogenizing a race. Interracial marriages are a good way to make this work, but enforcing it is as ridiculous as eugenics itself.

I don't know, I used to think about that a long time ago, this covid thing made me think about it again. And intervening on people's genes is dangerous too, the state shouldn't be able to do things like that to their citizens.

About the AI, it is great, you can do a bunch of things people couldn't even imagine how to approach. But it has a lot of limitations, I definitely advise you to look at something on youtube related to neural networks and how they work. They work with biases, they get a pattern and reinforce it and extrapolate. This can be a good thing, but in a biological environment it is not sustainable.

>> No.15500455

Both these points are mostly falicious. First, you dont need that wide of a gene pool to adapt to conditions, and second just leaving it to natural selection is not much better then active involvement.

>> No.15500471

Such stupid
People are literally studying other people resistant to some diseases and

> muh vast gene pool bad not needed, leave nature alone. nature good mother nature kows it all

>> No.15500516

Please stop posting if you are not qualified to discuss the matter. You can deal true harm through half informed ignorance as much as you can through intentional maliciousness.

>> No.15500525

I only asked for books.

>> No.15500531

You asked a question and framed it in an evil pseud way you little lying shit.

>> No.15500538

I'm usually the one being called a schizo, but take your meds.

>> No.15500546

No one is qualified on 4chan, what is wrong with you?

>> No.15500606

kikes and chrisitians (kikes), thats why
I wanna see the butthurt söyboy replies.

>> No.15500624


We just need 20 feet tall blonde blue eyed 200IQ Aryan giants

>> No.15500630

hahaha butthurt lefty mutts. You are fucking clueless!! You can have a great variety of genetics outside of certain carcteristics. Thats the reason species evolve instead of going extinct. fuck you

>> No.15500635


Christ is pretty based though. Jews say he is not the messiah bc his father was a roman legionaire

>> No.15500646


Lefties dont like eugenics because they are a deathcult, only do the homo stuff and abort the few children they actually produce. They dont have skin in the game.

>> No.15500647

If you think about it, our financial system in a way influences eugenics. Looking at it through Darwinism goggles, those who are more likely succeed in making money are also more likely to procreate. No poor man who has a brain will wish a child into existence.

>> No.15500655


Yeah, except you know... niggers

>> No.15500663


Nowadays birthrate of high iq high educated is lower than avg. Until early 20th century it was reversed.

>> No.15500797

Any economic system does that, it's a system of opportunity. Capitalism disadvantages smarter or more capable or educated ppl for ppl who just landed on good money. In the micro sense money doesn't penalize idiocy at all

>> No.15500798

>his father was a roman legionaire
lmao please source this

>> No.15500806
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>> No.15500811
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>> No.15500837

Jews disapprove of it.

>> No.15500882

Stop being retarded

>> No.15500893

Nature as revealed by Darwin is the best eugenicist, we need to let her work.
Covid is just the flu, I wish it were as bad as CNN tells you, then all those Hassids in Westchester ignoring the lockdown would be dead and all those negroes on t.v. would be too sick to riot. But they aren't, are they? Well, so much for that. Still, such as it is we need to let the Wuhan Flu do St. Darwin's work and kill off the boomers, the obese, the spiteful mutants, and the otherwise maladapted.

>> No.15500938


biology brainlet here, explain to me what he >>15500070 got wrong?

>> No.15500958 [SPOILER] 
File: 327 KB, 1228x1126, 1591026696461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, pal, this is where we are heading even as neoliberalism is burning itself out even as the blue cities are sitting back watching the burning and saying "we deserve this." Indeed it can be argued that neoliberalism is caused by
Spiteful Mutants, so this is Darwin at work, the ultimate eugenicist being the consequences of your folly. Nothing is forever, least of all this postmodern cultural Marxist paradigm you all say we cannot turn back from. Spoiler: we can, and are, turning back from it. The young people are turning their backs on it in growing numbers. The Left is dying, in thirty years it will be looked back on as a moment of insanity foisted on our culture by our enemies...

>> No.15501069

>why doesn't every country just have its own eugenics program
selective breeding bad stay dumb goy
>accelerate the development of a healthy, intelligent human gene pool
this doesnt benefit elites

>greater diversity of genes is what allows the specie to adapt to varying environmental conditions in the 1st place
wrong, it causes outbreeding depression and environmental conditions in most places do not vary enough to necessitate a large, diverse gene pool
>eugenics homogenizes the gene pool and is not viable as an evolutionary strategy
so why are most races homogenous by natural selection already, like europeans, (some) east asians and various africans

>0 refutation of evidence
>just a strawman
and you're a midwit pseud, bye

>> No.15501092

what race are you?



feeling attacked are we?

>Looking at it through Darwinism goggles, those who are more likely succeed in making money are also more likely to procreate
yes this used to be the case but is no longer the case, the poor procreate more

>> No.15501101

Because there's no way to implement eugenics without massive social unrest. There are only two things which reliably cause revolutions, limited access to food, and limited access to fucking.

>> No.15501112

Why do incels promote eugenics? 99% of all eugenics propagators are literally incel manlets, and they're always fixated on some type of magical race purity as a way to diverge the subject away from manletism

>> No.15501118

People don't want it. "People" on 4chan might, but the vast majority of people are unlikely to submit to anything resembling a stringent control over their ability or lack thereof to have children. Abortion has been commonplace in the political sphere for years, and it's still a contested topic. The legacy of eugenics will leave it tainted for an interminable amount of time; no "respectable" candidate would put their name to it. Beyond every question of the benefits and consequences of genetic engineering is simply that, in a standard western republic, the people are against it.

>> No.15501130
File: 230 KB, 865x487, Tutsi-and-Hutu-people[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auschwitz to Rwanda: the link between science, colonialism and genocide