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15495536 No.15495536 [Reply] [Original]

Books about authoritarianism?

>> No.15495543

This has to be a kike.

>> No.15495560

I was thinking female but yeah that works too

>> No.15495561

as far as I know, hong kong protestors aren't rioting, looting and burning things

>> No.15495565

that is correct, now let's check the racial composition of the peaceful rioters, let's see here..

>> No.15495577

i honestly can't tell if people are trolling anymore on twitter. Between this, and blaming the burning of cities on white nationalists I can't think straight anymore

>> No.15495584

Nah he's just a soiboy who draws cringe ass comics

>> No.15495590

I've felt like that for about a decade

>> No.15495598
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is america even a real place

how are their brains this kiked

>> No.15495606
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>> No.15495615

the power of western propaganda

>> No.15495622

There's overwhelming video evidence that most of the violence and vandalism is being done by white pigs.

>> No.15495626

Cops and white nationalist are taking this as a race war and preemptively vandalizing. Lots of reports of agent provocateurs acting to manufacture consent. Are you poltards really this dense or are you trolling?

Yes, of course, plenty of them are blacks taking advantage of the situation and stealing. Stealing to make a profit so they don’t starve in these troubling times. They live in abject poverty with zero chance of work. Of course you’re going to find some opportunists. Of course you’re going to see some anger and burning cars of the oppressors. Whites are burning them too.
Who did antifa kill? Who severed your local cops neck? You ever been accused of passing a counterfeit twenty when you knew it was real?

>> No.15495627

Genuinely curious has china not sent in their military at all?

>> No.15495635
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Fuckin' surreal stuff. Saw a bunch of people earlier posting 'YAAAAS KWEEEN' tier sutff about 'the return of anonymous'. Then seeing people unironically talking about white nationalists rioting killed a bit of faith in humanity. The internet is a terrible place.

>> No.15495638

Said the ignorant American

>> No.15495643

guys please stay strong and dont respond to the absolute retard tier bait being posted in this thread. also fuck niggers.

>> No.15495664

To Hong Kong? No.
Their protests (hopped up by western/US agents actually) are about what the HK constitution calls Common Laws that they and main land China are supposed to abide by. China just wants there to be no separatist movements allowed, which is exactly like the laws in the US that forbid any hostile groups plotting the overthrowing of the government.
The US is just trying to make HK another Ukraine or Syria

>> No.15495666

They are bro

>> No.15495685

A broken clock is still right twice a day. Captain Cowboy is batting one out of a few thousand takes.

>> No.15495701

Apologetics this cucky are like half a step removed from that guy who was (ostensibly) glad that his bike got stolen, because the thief must have needed it.

>> No.15495713

I too would be glad if China invaded and took over US, especially because of how would they treat western leftists and jogger people.

>> No.15495718

>Lots of reports of agent provocateurs acting to manufacture consent.
>Of course you’re going to see some anger and burning cars of the oppressors.
So is it both?

and videos of white people looting are not evidence of it being cops of nazis. Most of the whites are clearly in the same crowd as the blacks and BLM supporters, seeing as they're running around together chanting the same stuff.

Nevermind how stupid this shit is in the first place because they're in no way oppressed

>> No.15495732

They haven't been burning public buildings in Hong Kong
Hong Kong riot police are basically military also

>> No.15495743


Holy shit how is it possible to be in this much denial?

>> No.15495746

If you can't see why (((they))) would want to kick off riots and domestic terrorism then idk what to say
It serves their interests in every single way

>> No.15495749

What is he in denial about? Is it wrong to think that kikes woild want to manufacture this event to lead to more restrictive laws, and further divide the public?

>> No.15495758


You're the worst kind of /pol/tard there is. Your ridiculous obsessions with the kikes makes you completely and utterly useless to the white race. You will never cause anything to change in the world, ever. You will spend your life impotently whining about jews.

>> No.15495761

All states are authoritarian.

>> No.15495763

>You will spend your life impotently whining about jews.
Based. At least it cleanses the soul.

>> No.15495769

What an autistic screech
Imagine being this much of a victim to the manufactured division. Oh noes black people burned down a Dennys better go suit up for the future of the white race. Lmao you are a fucking joke and cannot think for yourself at all.
Stay part of the game like a fucking slave

>> No.15495775 [DELETED] 

shut up burger

niggers are burning down your cities and you're too jewed to defend yourselves

america is a failed state

>> No.15495776

If you’ve got money to replace it, it is a loss, but it is the fault of the rotted system that drives such people to commit these thefts.
You don’t read, do you? If you did, I’d recommend Stirner, but just gtfo my board, tard.

Likely both, yeah. All very regrettable but I saw it coming a long time before. My whole life this country has been losing its grip and poking at its people.
>in no way opposed
Some suburban kids know what’s up. Maybe not fully, like you. Things are going to get worse for us all. Even if this murder/protest/riots never happened

>> No.15495777

So overwhelming I see you failed to attach any to your post. And no, a picture of a guy in a honeywell ventilator and a text from his ex-wife probably isn't going to do it.

>> No.15495779

btw faggot what are you planning to do lol? should I flag your post for the fbi to visit later?
incel shooter kys

>> No.15495783

If you think anyone remotely /pol/ ish is interested in these riots as anything more than an observer you're fucking silly. Its between blaghs and the white liberals whose cities they live in. American fascists are simply watching as what they predicted would come is coming, maybe they'll pick over the rubble, maybe they won't have a chance.

>> No.15495785

I’m not in denial at all.

The slur is wholly unnecessary. There are non-jews in places of wealth and power, ya darn fool.

>> No.15495794

I read this thread and feel superior in my acknowledgements of information's limits to me. I pity your conformity to predetermined polar biases. I am convinced that as objective truth moves to and fro your assessment of it's position remains stationary.

>> No.15495804



These guys are their own worst enemy. The more they whine about the jews the more pathetic they look.

Ironically, the more explicit their anti-semitism, the easier it is for jews to claim victimhood and become actually manipulative.

The white race is doomed.

>> No.15495837

If you see no influence played by them in the past couple centuries in the West you're either uninformed, deluded, or lying.

>> No.15495916

Are you fucking stupid?
Holy shit

>> No.15495967

lol and what are you doing about it?

>> No.15495994

you gay now lmao

>> No.15495995

Inner city anarchist rats, some probably think they're revolutionaries but they're no nationalists. Hang yourself you dishonest jew.

>> No.15496003

t. white supremacist piglet

>> No.15496010

t. le good guy

>> No.15496023

This, idc about anything anymore they want to feel oppression well fuck them

>> No.15496111

>I saw it coming
>things are going to get worse for us all
And the icing on the cake
Incredible bait, almost took you seriously.

>> No.15496112

I hate existential comics.

>> No.15496142

He's in denial that it's cops and white nationalists period.

To pretend that blacks and Left agitators have zero hand in the situation is putting a blindfold on.

>> No.15496357

>what the HK constitution calls Common Laws that they and main land China are supposed to abide by
What a dumbass take, it's an overused term but you have legitimate dunning-kruger.

Look up what a common law system is, that's the kind of legal system HK has. Hong Kong basic law is about maintaining two systems under on government, and the Chinese central government is continuously trying to erode that. There isn't a thing in the constitution called "common laws" that mean laws shared by China and HK. Fucking hell, learn to pontificate less bro.

>> No.15496504

They literally are PRC infantry in many cases. And they did call in the military, they just didn't set them loose, and they hid all their APCs in sports arenas.

>> No.15496521
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This site would be banned and all you'd be allowed to use would be normie-tier bugman social media where you post with a real name and photo. Even as a joke, it's not very funny. China is epitome of the technoindustrial nightmare. They need to be destroyed.

>> No.15496539

Where is your evidence of ((their)) interference?

>> No.15497110


>> No.15497124

>china needs to be destroyed
whoops looks like everything in your house that was manufactured by china just disappeared

>> No.15497131

Damm this is what is now allowed to post in /lit/...

>> No.15497138

>You will never cause anything to change in the world, ever.
This can be said about literally everyone who whines about politics on this website or social media such as Twitter.

>> No.15497180

You know the political status of Hong Kong, don't you?

No, you actually don't, you are a complete imbecile.
But there's a big difference between the Chinese army in Hong Kong and the US army in Minnesota.

Americans deserve to be ruled by looters, they really do. Thank God this is starting to happen and their perfidious empire will finally crumble.

The future of the West lies in Russia, and even Japan. Ignore America. It's over.

>> No.15497189

>But there's a big difference between the Chinese army in Hong Kong and the US army in Minnesota.
lol and that is?

>> No.15497218

this is your mind. genuinely bizarre mental gymnastics to avoid questioning this premise.

>> No.15497224

Reminder: these are the people who call their opponents "bootlickers"

>> No.15497231

>protesting a police murder
are libtards still pretending that convinced felon hadn't overdosed when he was arrested?

>> No.15497247

The funny thing is somebody like existential comics would probably end up in the laogai if he lived in Mainland China

>> No.15497256

>haha, actually reading something? on a literature board? total bait
fuck off honestly

>> No.15497272

>The future of the West lies in Russia, and even Japan.
The biggest player is going to be the EU. Sucks to be Britain right now.

>> No.15497282
File: 128 KB, 750x920, jjjjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biggest player is going to be the EU.
oh no no no no

>> No.15497284

If that's anything it's a compliment surely. I'm not sure you're fully aware of what you're saying there is what I mean.

>> No.15497286

Oh no how will I survive

>> No.15497305

The EU is about the same size as the US in terms of economy already, and it's weathered out the pandemic fine, it deals with riots... well better. A lot better. The riots in France around New Years were bad, but they didn't end up like what's already happening in the US. The Russian economy and power is insignificant in comparison, the Japanese fare better but still are not on the same level at all.

>> No.15497310

>This site would be banned
wtf I love the CCP even more

>> No.15497317

China is far from the ideal, but they have a better system than the US. The US has almost all the negatives of China with none of the positives.

>> No.15497326

What do you mean?

>> No.15497351

And it is correct in every such case.
The reaction to that video of the NYPD cruiser accelerating into rioters was hilarious to me because every blue check on twitter was crying for those poor protesting victims, as if the cop was supposed to politely wait for them to take their time dragging him out of the car and beating him senseless. Twitter retards see no conflict between calling for "the system" to be burned down and destroyed and simultaneously demanding that "the system" use its institutional human resources power to scold inappropriate behavior.
Just goes to show that they have no interest whatsoever in actually dismantling the systems of power they screech about, only in refocusing it to benefit them even more directly and exclusively than it already does.

>> No.15497364

>Twitter retards see no conflict between calling for "the system" to be burned down and destroyed and simultaneously demanding that "the system" use its institutional human resources power to scold inappropriate behavior.
that's what happens when you have 60 years of performative faux-rebellion as cultural spectacle for progressive elites

>> No.15497372

Do you really think it's a negative to say to a Westerner that an oriental autocratic country wouldn't be keen on their Western values?

>> No.15497386

How are you still posting?

>> No.15497396

I was at the protest in Oakland, literally in the front line as the protest was going from a peaceful protest to a riot. A cop threatened to shoot me. That being said the looting I saw was definitely mixed.

>> No.15497446

The EU is not a country and it cannot function like a country. There is literally no way France survives this century, it's illegal to record ethnicity demographics there but you can use various proxies to guess, and they're done. The UK is done too.

>> No.15497458
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is this what a brainlet trying to sound like a midwit sounds like? jesus christ

>> No.15497462

>The EU is not a country and it cannot function like a country.
And yet it does. You may not understand what it means to function as a single country, but the EU is already tightly integrated.

>they're done. The UK is done too.
Haha, where are you from dear Anon?

>> No.15497471

No it's a positive, but why does he praise people who would imprison him?

>> No.15497474

>China is epitome of the technoindustrial nightmare
God I can't get more erect

>> No.15497476

The EU does not function in any way as a country and it will balkanize(not even the right word considering they are already separate) at the first sign of real trouble.

France is filling its country with a group of people who do not have a single functional country on earth. Among children the percentages are already at least around 30

>> No.15497501
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>> No.15497510

Why doesn't existential comics fuck off

>> No.15497512

30%? Delusional. Maybe in Paris and its banlieues, but 30% of the country is not brown.

>> No.15497522

>France is filling its country
You really need to look into who has had French citizenship historically, nothing there has changed in a long long time.

>The EU does not function in any way as a country
Restating your position but in a more extreme way doesn't make it more convincing, you haven't put forward anything of substance. It's table banging. The EU has a unified legal system, political representation, is moving more and more towards a unified currency, has a shared cultural vision, has freedom of movement... these are all well known things. How about we argue that the US isn't a country? It's just a federal union of states.

>> No.15497525


How can one man(?) have so many bad takes?

>> No.15497528
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>techno industrial dystopia
Fuckin sweet. Been waiting for cyberpunk since the 80s.

>> No.15497541
File: 169 KB, 828x1792, EZXco2yU4AE81Hk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the conservative that tried to defend his favorite bar with a machete is a regular poster on /lit/ that constantly talks about writing his masterpiece on Twitter. Which of you trip fags is this?

>> No.15497553

Since France outlawed the records, pretty hard to tell, but the sickle cell record(which they also banned after 2017 after they realized people were using them to track African populations) showed percentages from 10-30 all over the country's provinces in children.

>> No.15497557

It's so much lamer than anyone could ever imagine, though. We're here already. Palantir knows the mass and consistency of the last shit you took and told your local sheriff's department. The greatest coordination of data analytics and strongest forces of concentrated computing power ever conceived by the human race are used to decide what slogans will most effectively get you to buy fast food.

>> No.15497568

I hope he at least said "psht" and made sure to pronounce it as "personnel".

>> No.15497587
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Nigga you have no idea what you're talking about, 15 years from now things will be weirder than you could ever imagine

>> No.15497588

Tbh I'm amazed he survived, some groid was clubbing him in the skull after he went limp

>> No.15497590
File: 105 KB, 768x768, a0d43602-6caf-11e9-994e-1d1e521ccbf6_image_hires_194349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please, that piece of loss making shit by Thiel is a glorified data centralization tool. It can't stop bleeding money because it has to send on site teams 24/7 to integrate whatever SQL / MongoDB database the glowies use to store their constitutional violations on.

True, all governments are doing it. But the difference is China is doing in S-T-Y-L-E.

>> No.15497594

>You ever been accused of passing a counterfeit twenty when you knew it was real?
Lmao what inhumanity. what suffering. can't imagine how hard life is for you

>> No.15497600

From this, a previous post of his might be
The one immediately after is the one that came up, but I assume one is a continuation of the other.

>> No.15497604

That hair is disgusting.

>> No.15497605
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>> No.15497614

She was generated by ai algorithms, she got coomed on by the singularity

>> No.15497616
File: 121 KB, 1278x993, 557AD6E0-CE14-4B34-8AEB-8E8282790EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if both the cops and rioters are wrong anons? What then?

>> No.15497622

Everyone who looks on the world and sees problems is wrong. Everything wrong exists entirely within you.

>> No.15497626

Can't flee your medical bills.

>> No.15497633

What then? Well that actually happens to be the case, black man gets murdered by racist cop, rightoids defend the cop because they're bigots, angry teenagers use it as an excuse to riot and destroy everything in site

>> No.15497636
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>> No.15497637

Then Hegel.

>> No.15497662

He has ceased to exist.

>> No.15497665

This retarded deserves to be beat for thinking a small blade would protect him. Have some self respect and get yourself a gun for gods sake

>> No.15497672
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>> No.15497687
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>> No.15497702

Never underestimate the power of the rosary she says as her skull gets caved in with a claw hammer

>> No.15497708

Incredibly retarded take. Imagine thinking all rioting is the same.

All the Chinese government has to do to stop Chinese rioting WITHOUT force is to rule out passing the "national security bill" which would eliminate Hong Kong's autonomy. The protesters have very clear demands.

What exactly can the US do to stop the rioting? They've already charged the cop who murdered Floyd. What exactly do the American rioters want? "Abolish the police" - "Fuck America", "Bring down capitalism"? These rioters are just anarchists without good faith. Fuck em.

>> No.15497920

>rightoids defend the cop
>im gonna make sure how to twist this to implicate everyone because I'm a le based centrist
the cop is arrested is not right-wingers fault that niggers see any excuse to externalize their violent feelings.

>> No.15498109

Thought he was saying America is creating protests in China. Now that would be based. But nope, he's a retard.

>> No.15498370

I LOVE r/smuggies Literally the only good thing on reddit.

>> No.15498383

Remove qualified immunity or modify the police's bill of rights for a start

>> No.15498389

Every time I visit a leddit someone recs me here it has this 'quarantine' warning on it. Is Reddit just nuking their own site?

>> No.15498470

Everything right wing is quarantined. Can't have wrong think on a site that's trying to sell Wil Wheaton autographs.

>> No.15498717
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God I wish we gave protesters the Chinese treatment.

>> No.15498745

That’s not what China is asking HK to do though. It’s an already agreed to law they’re asking them to enforce. It’s a mole hill the US agents want you to think is a mountain.
The latter pat of your post reiterates what I said though. I’m not a lawyer, China apologist nor China expert, and I don’t know where I was “pontificating”

>> No.15498750

You can’t even read straight. Get out.

>> No.15498768

>Every time I visit a leddit someone recs me here it has this 'quarantine' warning on it. Is Reddit just nuking their own site?
Leftists keep their thumb on the scales of social media while gaslighting everyone that they are the underdogs.

>> No.15499403

>anarchist rats
theres like 50 anarchists in the us

>> No.15499650

You sound like an insufferable moralist. Why are you recommending Stirner?