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15458742 No.15458742 [Reply] [Original]


>never have to be a wagie
>free meals
>read books in your spare time
>no roasties around to distract you
>comfy monastery
>achieve enlightment with the broskies

is becoming a Buddhist monk the final redpill?

>> No.15458758

No, becoming a hermit/recluse is.

>> No.15458760

monasticism is the final red-pill but not the Buddhist variety, although that's better than nothing

>> No.15458790

Final redpill is a blackpill.

>> No.15458880

God, this is so fucking comfy. I'd love to become a monk, but I also dream of having a wife and family and enjoying the normal life.

>> No.15458904

The best part about being a monk is that you don't have to worry about going bald because not only do you shave your head but you shave your eyebrows as well

>> No.15459062

Seems comfy

>> No.15459090

It depends entirely on your personality type, some people aren't suited to Christian monastic life.

>> No.15459109

This thread isn't about Christianity

>> No.15459243


all the monks I know are cool. but the shared restrooms (with windows in the doors - so you don't jerk it) aren't that pleasing. That's the only issue I have whenever I visit the monastery.

>> No.15459260

where do i join up!

>> No.15459274

>all the monks I know are cool. but the shared restrooms (with windows in the doors - so you don't jerk it) aren't that pleasing.
fucking challenge accepted.

>> No.15459277
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>white Buddhist

>> No.15459311

choose one

>asian Christian

>> No.15459329

Why would you want to fap in a restroom when you can have meth-fueled gay orgies with your monk bros?

>> No.15459434
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What about sex, travel. fine cuisine? I'm not sure I could go my whole life without those things. Buddhist monk life seems a bit too close to being supported by parents as a NEET, it's no way to live, people just trick themselves into thinking it is because they don't know pleasure.

>> No.15459501

>what about [insert desires]?
not gonna make it

>> No.15459517

The entire aim of Buddhism is to attain nirvana, e.g. escape from suffering, e.g. the fulfillment of the ultimate desire, i.e. Buddhism makes no sense and is self-contradictory.
>b-b-buh seeking nirvana to escape suffering is d-different from seeking food to relieve hunger.

>> No.15459685

The monk life isn't for everyone. It's a comfy life if you find satisfaction in simple food, pleasant conversations, pleasant scenery, and the security of the monastic life. If you need more than this then there is no judgement.

>> No.15460535

>They don't know pleasure
That's a good thing

>> No.15460542

You'll never become enlightened if you want to become enlightened

>> No.15460652

But how will you finance yourself? You'll still need to read, write and eat.

A monk has a monastery to finance him.

>> No.15460693

It's very pleasing that that highest ideal of Buddhist live is being a NEET living on handouts from wagies. The whole monastic ideal soothes my autism immensely. I looked into into monasticism a little when I tried attending my local Christian church, but unfortunately the whole process seems to be co-opted by normalfags - If you want to join you have to first prove that you are one of them. I have no idea how hard it would be to get into a Buddhist monastery.

>> No.15460708

These days most Christian monks are gay anyways

>> No.15460710

Sounds like a great life for the asexuals.

>> No.15460714

But Buddha was a white Buddhist.

>> No.15460930

How do you think Monks provide for themselves? Most Monks have to do some form of work in order to maintain the monastery.
Most monasteries have one or more of these: self sufficiency (farming, gathering), trade (including the production of goods/crafts or harvesting of resources, and providing services to laypeople), and to some extent charity, especially the case in traditional Theravāda Buddhism, in which the lay people provide the Monks with necessities in seeking positive karma (let me know if I am misunderstanding anything, I'm not a Buddhist) .

>> No.15460941

replace this with: What about Objet small a? Whatever will I use to fill the hole that can't be filled? You've drunk the Kool-aid, my friend.

>> No.15460951


>> No.15460963

Monastery is just a larger cuckshed

>> No.15460995
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>Buddha addressed his teachings to beings inhabiting all 31 planes of existence, including giant snakes, hungry ghosts, shamanic trickster spirits, and titanic demons of the underworld

>lol not wypipo doe

>> No.15460997

East Asians are literally white skinned

>> No.15461002

>b-b-buh seeking nirvana to escape suffering is d-different from seeking food to relieve hunger.

Yes. Buddhism makes a distinction between a desire for enlightenment -- which leads to permanent fulfillment -- versus desires that lead to impermanent fulfillment -- sex, travel, fine cuisine.

Eating for sustenance is a necessity and Buddhism is not an ascetic religion -- or an extreme ascetic one, anyway. They rely on the giving of others via alms.

>> No.15461009

>I have no idea how hard it would be to get into a Buddhist monastery.

You have to go through training and eventually be ordained which is a long process to show how committed you actually are.

It's not hard if you really want it, of course.

>> No.15461028
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Become a Zen monk. I warn you though it's a very hard path

>> No.15461035

this is incorrect.
you already want to overcome suffering, and you do not have a choice in the matter. for this reason it is in your best interest - and you want - to become enlightened. and you had better work hard, because meditation is effective and requires effort. giving up on meditation is not going to make you give up on wanting to overcome suffering, and for this reason it is not helpful.

>> No.15461039
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>white people

It's like when I hear rap from the UK.

>> No.15461049

imagine being bullied away from a philosophy you find compelling by a superficial 4chan meme.
i can't think of anything more cucked

>> No.15461051

>What about sex, travel. fine cuisine?
you will never make it

>> No.15461066
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>> No.15461471

What race do you think the ancient Khashatriya Guatama was?

>> No.15461500
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>> No.15461505
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da Bootah wuz a black queen, das rite an african women, dont get it twisted cracka ass devil you aint finna steal our sheeit mhm das rite

>> No.15461514
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>> No.15461564

You know it takes years to attain the privilege to “study” at monasteries, let alone own books right? Literally you will spend the first five years learning the day to day routines and meditating regardless of your experience level.

>> No.15461676

Ahhh, but which flavour of Buddhism? I met a Buddhist monk from Japan, who was in Australia on a surfing holiday, and thought to myself that if that guy can't find enlightenment, no one can. When we went out on the town i was a little surprised he came, but he drank like a fish, ate two further full meals after dinner while almost completely blotto, and smoked like a chimney the whole time. He was actually a bit of a prick. The abbot of his monastery drove a Rolls, unless it was the weekend when he liked to take his Ferrari out.

No, i'm not making this up. No, it's not unusual for Japan. And yes, it's still Buddhism.

>> No.15461726

what difference does it make? it's not like anyone can police your private thoughts. you can even lie about your religion. the main benefit of monastaries is access to food and shelter so you could check out of the rat race and meditate.

>> No.15461771

Just saying you can have your cake and eat it too, i guess. Other Buddhist sects/rites would consider a lot of what that guy was doing to be impure, wouldn't they?

>> No.15461772

Everyone thinks being a Buddhist monk is leisurely, relaxing, and easy. It's absolutely not. I was left more exhausted physically and emotionally living in a monastery than I ever did as a wagie.

It's not that different from living in the barracks in the army, but remove any leisure activities, and replace the drills with tedious manual labor and painful hours chanting and meditating under strict watch.

>> No.15461866

They will kick you guys out once they realize you are there to avoid life problems. That is unless you don't run away first after they make you scrub toilets.

>> No.15461871

the whole point of monastaries if avoiding life's problems. it's organized homelessness, not magic

>> No.15461874

wtf why? how does that bring them to enlightenment?

>> No.15461881

try it, you won't last a month

>> No.15461885

and your reason for saying that is?

>> No.15461890

>it's organized homelessness
You are really immature. They get disaffected young people who don't care about buddhist teachings turning up there all the time and these guys all wash out with a few months once they realize its hard. Once you start rebelling against their rules because you don't want to be told what to do, when to wake up, want to sit in your room and read, fap etc they'll ask you to leave.

>> No.15461892


You're an idiot, and rap music sucks

>> No.15461900
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>I'd love to become a monk, but I also dream of having a wife and family and enjoying the normal life.
Poos created mahayana jsut for this

>> No.15461909

>What about sex, travel. fine cuisine? I'm not sure I could go my whole life without those things.
what about the bliss of meditation?
Lay people life seems a bit too close to being supported by cravigns, it's no way to live, people just trick themselves into thinking it is because they don't know pleasure.

>> No.15461918

you seem to have a whole movie script "anon's journey through his buddhist phase" all written in your head. i'm afraid i don't recognize myself in it!

>> No.15461927

You want to run away from your life problems. It is you.

>> No.15461950


>> No.15461959

it won't be funny when you try it and they tell you to leave because you sit in your room and jack off instead of following their rules

>> No.15461977

What's the needle and thread Fer?

>> No.15461991

Just wondering for buhdists.

Never got the excessive amounts of symbology and worldly reflections for people seeking a metaphysical ends. This may be my western bias talking, but I always thought the dower unembellished praactices and physical culture of hard core prots, like puritans or conservative quakers more honestly pursued this line of living. This is not a critique of the philosophy and spirituality behind it, but in the praxis.

>> No.15462000

i see you're still talking to your imaginary character. this is truly futile, not even python can reach you. suppose everything you said about me is correct, but now assume a different person, one with a personality and biography incompatible with your characterization of me, came along, and reproduced my arguments word for word. in fact just assume that everything i've said is just parroting this mystery virtuous person, how will you respond then, just hypothetically? remember, any personality guesses you make are wrong ex hypothesi!

>> No.15462005

keep telling yourself that.

>> No.15462024

Why did he feel the need to distinguish between alms and arms? They don't even sound the same.
Also, when he made the distinction, I feel like he gestured his hands and not his arms. Making him look even more like an asshole

>> No.15462028


>> No.15462086 [DELETED] 


>> No.15462132

You're preaching to the wrong crowd. These aren't men, they are the last men.

>> No.15462141

there are few things more pathetic that a white buddhist monk. there's literally dozens of catholic religious orders he could have joined that are just as rigorous if not more so but no, he's gotta go with the exotic option

>> No.15462147

He may not be gay though

>> No.15462154

is this an unironic opinion
can you explain to me the logic behind it
why does skin color have any relevance to philosophy

it boggles my mind

>> No.15462166

Most white people aren't catholic.

>> No.15462173


>> No.15462174

people in the three jewish religions tend to not understand that oriental philosophies are truth arguments akin to plato or kant and not competing arbitrary articles of faith like their own sand tales

>> No.15462176

Buhdism of this sort is a religion though.

>> No.15462182

Accept they also have the cultural bagage and symbology and ritual of religion. its an odd middleground. I would not call what most Buddhists do philosophy in the western sense. its somewhere in between.

>> No.15462201

true personally i find western people having a yellowish tinge just like their blonde hair

>> No.15462213

Racists are like petulant children who get angry when things don't all align in their neatly defined categories, as if people aren't concerned with the substance of ideas beyond some shallow identity game

>> No.15462228

good teachers travel all the time
and sometimes lay people like to throw the monks a good feast and they don't mind that much if you drink a little

>> No.15462237

central indian?

>> No.15462280

it's not being NEET it's closer to being in free education

>> No.15462301

how is taoist monk life compared to buddhist monk life?
i like taoist aesthetic more
are there any syncretic sects that let you keep long hair

>> No.15462382

What do you think would lead to enlightenment?

>> No.15462428

sola meditatio

>> No.15462515
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The perhaps most famous textual instance of auto-cremation occurs in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra, where a bodhisattva sets himself on fire as an offer- ing to the Buddha. Unlike the texts surveyed so far, the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra episode was taken literally in subsequent times as a script to be acted out, thus generations of Chinese Buddhists actually undertook self-cremation, reciting or
invoking precisely this passage.32 The presumably earliest reported case of self-cremation in China involves a fourth century monk who had the constant aspira-tion to follow the example of the Medicine King and burn his body as an offering.33
Such re-enacting of the scriptural model provided in the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra forms a continuum with practices in China that predate the introduction of Buddhism and which,34 needless to say, have continued up to present times.

Chinese buddhist are giga brainlets.

>> No.15462526

>Although this need not have been the original intention of these textual descriptions, it seems clear that the depiction of a deliberate decision by highly accomplished practitioners — arahants, Paccekabuddhas and advanced bodhisat-tvas — to end their own life has been taken literally by subsequent tradition. In fact texts that originated in China and were of considerable importance in the history of Chinese Buddhism clearly recommend the practice of auto-cremation.
One example is the Discourse on Brahmā’s Net (梵網經), according to which to be reckoned a bodhisattva who has gone forth requires burning one’s body, an arm or a finger as an offering to Buddhas.41 Another example is the Śūraṃgama-sūtra, which proclaims that a monk who in front of an image of the Tathāgata burns his body as a lamp or sets fire to a finger joint will forever be free from the influxes (āsava).42 The impact of such recommendations can still be seen in present times in the practice of burning cones of incense on one’s head at the time of ordina-tion into the monastic order.43

Mahayana was a mistake.

>> No.15462563

Monks are selfish pieces of shit no matter the religion
Mmmm comfy cozy self centred life mmmm comfy; I do chores occasionally it's soooooo difficult mmm comfy

>> No.15462661
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I don't get what makes someone a monk. If a monk is on a plane and it crashes onto a desert island so they can't cut their hair, have to hunt for meat in order to survive and can't read their scripture, are they still a monk?

>> No.15462664

/x/ is more sane than this fucking board.

>> No.15462669

i agree

>> No.15462682

Schizos are more interesting than narcissists. Their propensity for extreme pattern recognition sometimes unearths nuggets of abstract gold.

>> No.15462685


monks get food from donation only

>> No.15462697

Would they just starve themselves to death if they received no donations? That's very dedicated of them though I don't see the point. Could at least plant a fruit and vegetables garden.

>> No.15462706

Holy fuck this guy is pathetic. I don't even feel pity for him, what a comically worthless figure.

>> No.15462754

Those are snails in his hair you aboslute retards. Read a book for once, you swines.

>> No.15462760

a monk remains a monk until he is excluded by others or excludes himself by committing one of the 5 offenses

>> No.15462763
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Laozi had long hair so don't let them stop you.

>> No.15462766

or just disrobe (without offending anybody), but i think he tell other monks he disrobes.

>> No.15462876

yeah taoists have long hair

>> No.15463006
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Buddha was born a thousand years after the Indo-European invasions. He looked like a gypsy at best

>> No.15463033
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Check out David Reich's research (one of Reich's research partners, I don't remember his name but I think it was German) on Indo-European dna in the Indian subcontinent. Historical and linguistic sources also confirm. The caste system would most likely have been as strict as it was because it was a system of racial segregation. Compare this to the usual patrician-plebeian dynamic in more ethnically homogenous cultures in antiquity.

>> No.15463107

Why don't people see this as the LARP that it is?
You really think this person is immune to suffering or something? You really think they live a completely isolated life yet they found all this time to be recording youtube videos and shit?
Why must these larpers not only delude themselves, but delude others too?

>> No.15463138

nobody believes they are enlightened

>> No.15463176
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The only valid ascetic path is one of complete mortification, completely ceasing to will anything whatsoever. A positive persuit of enlightenment throught texts and meditation and manasticism, etc. is already a huge cope and is responsible for the misconception that the dissolution of the illusory individual into the infinite nothing (ie. dying) is anything but the faith all men equally share. This then leads to further impurities such as mahayana inventing al sorts of '''''states''''' (theravada is nor free of this either) and demons and hells and punishments and not least of all: literally conceived ideas of reincarnation.

Remember that Buddhist monks and Christian monks manage to sustain their monastic life in the way you describe because the larger public recognises them as a (somewhat) legitimate institution, because they traditionally fulfill a cultural role due to them not renouncing the flesh and the world completely as I described above.
>''This gives my life purpose''
Just shows how delusional this young man is. Samsara, is individuality, samsara is the force of strife we humans see in nature: bacteria start feeding off of each other, a wolf tears apart a wild hog, men persue earthly power in an act of domination over others, ... In the end all benifit gained is illusory, and fabricated in our mind. The ascetic recognises this trick that maya plays on him and stops willing. The only valid way for an ascetic is death through fasting as even suicide by gun would mean wanting to actively put an end to your individuality which itself affirms thus individuality. All other practise is cope and only fulfills a cultural function.
Do I find this a good path? No, because you are essentially at war with the universe itself and the fabric of reality in this instance. Better to affirm your own will and to inflict suffering on others insofar as you dominate others in a persuit not driven by the fear of death. Deny the fear of death.

If you had read any Buddhist text you would know that asceticism concerns renunciation of the will entirely, the will to overcome delusion is a trap itself, they never tire of repeating this you fucking retard.

>The abbot of his monastery drove a Rolls, unless it was the weekend when he liked to take his Ferrari out

>> No.15463179


>> No.15463185

we wuz buddah n sheiiiit

>> No.15463199

what you're describing is a desire and according to buddha's teachings desire create suffering. so congratulations you failing the first step to "enlightenment."

>> No.15463207

>David Reich
>Reich grew up as part of a Jewish family in Washington, D.C. His parents are novelist Tova Reich (sister of Rabbi Avi Weiss) and Walter Reich, a professor at George Washington University, who served as the first director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

>> No.15463213

If you imagine hard enough you can still experience all of those things. In my opinion, this modern world is only worthwhile if you are a criminal or a martyr, there's no other way that makes any sense - unless you already have children or something. Most people are locked into reality.

>> No.15463218
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Jains are even more moronic than hindus.

>> No.15463427

How's this for a wild idea: you can be both redpilled on the JQ *and* recognise their contributions to science and the arts.


>> No.15463536

Even Buddha got laid on his path to enlightenment. Are these guys just circumventing that because they're too autismo?

>> No.15464579