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15447390 No.15447390 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Jules Verne and H. G. Wells? I don't see them discussed a lot here. I really liked the Time Machine.

>> No.15447400

Yes, next question.

>> No.15447419

What's your favorite book by either of them?

>> No.15447439

I was a gigantic fan of both when I was a kid.
10,000 Leagues
either Shape of Things to Come or the Time Machine.

>> No.15447479

I also liked both when I was a kid, I preferred Wells for having the greater imagination and considering social and psychological consequences of his ideas, though he is less 'hard' science fiction than Verne, for sure.

>> No.15447503

Wtf is 10000 leagues, I thought it was 20000 leagues

>> No.15447514
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I had the reader's digest version.

>> No.15447530

yes. Wells is one of the greatest speculative fiction authors. he was also a freethinker, an advocate of free love, wrote about class struggle, and interviewed Stalin. what a fucking boss

>> No.15448016

I think I read Welles A Short History of the World but I can't remember.

>> No.15448038
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10000 is the abridged version. its a bit less in depth

>> No.15448042

I read 20,000 leagues under the sea expecting swashbuckling undersea adventures. I got it, but it was vastly overshadowed by taxonomic autism.

>> No.15448482

a journey to the interior of the earth is a favourite of mine. can recommend, really fun.

>> No.15448715
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>> No.15448735

60s time machine movie was my favourite movie as a kid, my dad showed my it and I watched it over and over again.
I remember being scared of the air raid siren and the morlocks
Nostalgia kino and ultimate comfy

>> No.15448745

It was boring as shit