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15432690 No.15432690 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus, this is dry and boring as hell

>> No.15432697

all of aristotle is apart from poetics. it took me like a month to slog through nicomachean

>> No.15432715

You're not the only one to say this. What makes him dry? Is it the translation? I'm not surprised that talking about logic can be dry, but how could he make ethics dry as well? I haven't read the Nichomachean ethics yet which is why I'm asking.

>> No.15432899

This nigga reading Aristoteles in translation and saying it's "dry" lmao.

>> No.15432940

My lit prof who was specialized in ancient literature (and could read him in the original greek) told me Aristotle is well-known for having a stodgy teacher-like style (as opposed to Plato who is naturally engaging).

>> No.15432948

So that's why everyone says he's dry; I've only read the Poetics and was surprised to find it quite entertaining.

>> No.15432983

>What makes him dry?
All his writings that survive today are basically his lecture notes for use at the Academy. They were never intended to be read. Aristotle also wrote dialogues and other more readable or engaging works intended for wider consumption, similar to Plato's dialogues. What exists of his writings today is just a small fraction of everything he wrote in his lifetime.

>> No.15432994

When it comes to Aristotle, why would you start with Poetics of all things?

>> No.15433105

Just read Farabi's Commentary. It's much smoother and you will learn a lot more about Aristotelian logic.

>> No.15433114

I asked another anon and he said he started with the Poetics.

I was also reading the Greek tragedies and it really helped.

>> No.15433195

Can anyone summarize the work for me going through chapters? I know that chapters 1-7 set up the three syllogistic figures, but that's about it.

>> No.15433231

why wouldn't you? it's an interesting book.

>> No.15434619

Read Al-Farabi's Short Commentary on Prior Analytics if you want a solid summary.