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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.1540274[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.

Guess what.

>> No.1540278

you love to spooge?

>> No.1540283


But it's more about my spoilered picture.

And a book being made into a movie.

>> No.1540287 [DELETED] 

I wish Christopher Nolan would do this movie. It would be so great with him directing.

>> No.1540292

I might actually see this to save the supposed pain of reading the book.

>> No.1540306

Prediction time: Bunch of college kids see this, change their major to business, world is

A)Better place
B)Worse place

>> No.1540312
File: 130 KB, 360x360, InceptionBoss - I'm John Galt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1540319

Honestly whenever this comes out I'll probably go into another year long fitness and productivity regimen.

I'll also show it to some of my classes so these entrepreneurial-ass Chinese kids can take over the world faster.

>> No.1540318 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 267x269, baby1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1540322


>atlas shrugged film wiki

How the fuck are they gonna do a John Galt speech?

>> No.1540327 [DELETED] 

>part 1

>> No.1540331 [DELETED] 

Prediction: Bunch of business school wankers, Leonard Peikoff, and some twee hipsters who don't know any better will think it's amazing (in each particular case precisely because they think the book describes their difficulties in the contemporary world) while the rest of us - realizing that it was directed by a guy whose last job was "Sportscaster" in the last season of The Drew Carey Show and based on a pulp written by a deranged witch - will get a good laugh before sending it on its way to join 1949's The Fountainhead.

>> No.1540334

Prediction: Bunch of business school wankers, Leonard Peikoff, and some twee hipsters who don't know any better will think it's amazing (in each particular case precisely because they think the book accurately describes their difficulties in the contemporary world) while the rest of us - realizing that it was directed by a guy whose last job was "Sportscaster" in the final season of The Drew Carey Show and based on a pulp written by a deranged witch - will get a good laugh before sending it on its way to join 1949's The Fountainhead.

>> No.1540336

Not sure if twee really works with objectivism.

>> No.1540349

what the fudge is twee?

>> No.1540353

It's going to be shitty, the only reason it's coming out is that they had to make it or else they'd lose the rights to it. Literally all of the people attached to this are no name d list actors and the director, who's in his late 50's is playing Rearden.

>> No.1540365

It's a genre of music

>> No.1540374

This will fucking top Lord of the Rings in Theaters.

>> No.1540377

I liked The Fountainhead movie, I wonder if this will be the same.

>> No.1540389

I didn't really like the fountain head...

>> No.1540418

The visual effects and technical execution might not be top class for this production, but I think that the power and depth of the message will be enough to make this film a significant box office success, and an eye opener for a great many people.

>> No.1540427

I'm worried they'll butcher it.

I mean, the director is the drunk-looking dad from One Tree Hill. He does not remind me of a John Galt--whom he'll be playing if I remember correctly. Here's to hoping they either completely defy my expectations or that they run out of money prior to completion and it gets made by a more accomplished director and cast.

>> No.1540428

the completed whole thing is probably going to ring in at around 18 hours

>> No.1540453
File: 31 KB, 283x237, cantreadmine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw director also plays John Galt

>> No.1540471

i will illegaly download this movie and sell copies. im also going to encourage my intelligent friends to do the same.

>> No.1540473
File: 46 KB, 441x383, 1291071914873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>movie changed to suit modern times
>john galt has brown eyes
>hank rearden is black
>francisco's speech on money being the root of all evil is skipped
>dagny is a hard working asian
>galt agrees to help the people state of america in the end leading to a prosperous union of socialism and capitalism

>> No.1540525

I am very curious to see the adaptation. I neither like nor disliked atlas shrugged. The book was so very long and drawn out, and it is so not attune to the modern word. I wanna see what they make relevant.

>> No.1540536

>I will steal the product of another man's labor.
This is unjust and incompatible with an ethical egoist philosophy based on reason and ontological objectivity.

>> No.1540545

Atlas Shrugged is all about the capitalism. I'm sure >>1540471 was being ironical, even if he is serious.

>> No.1540560


>> No.1540583


It'll probably just be used to give props to extreme forms of capitalism. They'll focus on the economics.

>> No.1540808

>2,212 customer reviews

>> No.1540990

Indeed. The book deserves 1/5.

>> No.1541022

Ayn Rand should stick to fiction. She's a political retard with no idea how the world works.

>> No.1541026

When I saw this, the front of my face collapsed and my jaw fell to the table and a long, guttural "No" came out of my face like the wind of truth.

Had to describe because there is no face for mfw

>> No.1541148
File: 140 KB, 330x330, moot-on-his-head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part I
Anywhere I can bet a benjamin that there won't be a Part II?