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/lit/ - Literature

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15400391 No.15400391 [Reply] [Original]

Do NOT fall for this trash.
it is pushed by people nostalgic for their middle school days, when they first read it, or soibois with the mental fortitude of a middle schooler.
>muh world building

>> No.15400472

This shit is miles worse than Harry Potter.

>> No.15401155

One shall relegate Dune to the pits of Harry Potter and John Green, where it belongs.

>> No.15401258

>2 posters
kinda embarrassing tbpfwy

>> No.15401353

i will preach the truth even if no one seems to be listening.
I appreciate the bump

>> No.15401507

You debase yourself with such obvious samefagging, and also it's weird that you feel this strongly about what is empirically one of the greatest scifi novels. If you don't like genre fiction I could understand, but I dont think that's the case here...

>> No.15401527

It's literally used to teach how not to write lmao. It's almost comical how unskilled Herbert is, i've read better fanfiction.

>> No.15401594

show me a fanfiction that can win a Hugo award

>> No.15401678

The writing is decent. The reason why Dune is praised as one of the best sci-fi novels is its world-building and interesting concepts that were ahead of their time, especially for the sci-fi genre. Not to mention the impact it had on many popular movies like Star Wars and games like Warhammer 40k.

>> No.15401687

Dune is a more mature Ender's Game.

>> No.15402212

Absolute shit book.
Dropped it 5 chapters in.

>> No.15402223

It tied. This Immortal was better

>> No.15402284

>world building
>dude what if arabs but in space lmao

>> No.15402428

What an absolute retarded statement. You either haven't read the book or are absolutely trolling on some surface bait-level

>> No.15402508

dude literally uses arabic words unironically and the whole "jihad" shtick is so pathetic and cringe

>> No.15402588
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>dude literally uses arabic words unironically and the whole "jihad" shtick is so pathetic and cringe

>> No.15402609

join me dunebros in DABBING on the haters

>> No.15402688

>The writing is decent
The litany against fear is one of the most cringe things I've ever read and it's the epitome of Herbert's hackyness.
Sure, maybe a teenager finds it inspiring and thinks it sounds pretty badass, but it's just so poorly written I can't believe a 45 year old would try to pass this stupid, unpoetic, vulgar sounding bullshit mantra as the key belief of an organization that trains the body and the mind.

>> No.15402816

seethe harder

>> No.15402839

I dropped it when I read this sentence.
>He studied the tallness of her.
What kind of self-respecting human being would write something like that?

>> No.15402853

Ender's game is an ok and sometimes smart YA book I read at 14. Dune was supposed to be the best sci fi book ever and fell flat on its face.

>> No.15402967


Bugmen of varying quality:

>(Cordwainer) Smith
>Le Guin

>(M. John) Harrison
>Vonnegut (seethe)

If they are not on this list, assume hack.

>> No.15403047

what's the median age here in /lit/? 12?

>> No.15403196


>> No.15403208

Dune is aesthetically pleasing, the setting is cool.
While the prose is just okay, I like how the general theme of prescience changes from book to book though.

>> No.15403383

Word. Any pulpy novel by Larry Niven or Robert Heinlein shits on Dune both in imagination and prose.

>> No.15403414

You clearly haven't dived that deeply into Niven or Heinlein then. I'm a big fan of both, but at least half of Heinlein's ouvre is steaming garbage, and Niven is only really good at unsual worlds (incl. known space) and some shorts. Friday? The Burning City? Those are terrible works. And Niven's collabs make me shiver and want a shower to feel clean again.

>> No.15403428

Now that i've finished laughing...

>> No.15403444

>And Niven's collabs make me shiver and want a shower to feel clean again.
Sorry, i meant collabs after the turn of the millenium. Mote In God's Eye is, as my copy has printed on the cover, "a swashbuckler, a spellbinder - Frank Herbert."

>> No.15403472

Seethe on low for 1 hour.
Once cool to the touch, roll into a ball and accept the truth.

>> No.15403490

Is there a discord just for posting this shit?

>> No.15403787

nono, still laughing. Zelazny! Silverberg! Lit!

I remember when this board was about lit!


>> No.15403819

If you haven't read Dying Inside, you can leave.
I'll admit Zelazny's the weakest of the bunch though.

>> No.15403862

please for the love of god explain why, even briefly

>> No.15403917

Ouch dude. Why you gotta be so cruel to those authors and give them such a shit category.

>> No.15403940

this is a bait thread don't even bother

>> No.15404025
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>Robert Heinlein shits on Dune both in imagination and prose

>> No.15405030

Ringworld is great. Fuck you.

>> No.15405241

I read dune about 15%. I don't like how the boys concubine mother has so some book time. I also dont like the boy.
I just wanna read about his father

>> No.15405253

What effects did it have on war hammer 40k?
It doesn't seem as edgy but it does seem very suffering prone like how the water which is invaluable is wasted away in the rich people's homes.

>> No.15405322

My respect for Dune deflated somewhat when I read Augustine's Confessions and discovered that my favorite line in the former was lifted straight out of the latter. "The mind commands the body and is obeyed; the mind commands itself and meets resistance."
Read the Canon, boys and girls.

>> No.15405899

Depends on the thread but your assessment is true for Dune-loving and /sffg/ threads

>> No.15406500

based and crusadepilled

>> No.15406753

Alright anon, now show us your published works. I'm waiting. And remember: if you call these guys hacks, you should be able to produce something worthier.

>> No.15407138

Bet you haven't read even half of them

>> No.15407802

Have read:
>Herbert (Dune)
>Clarke (Rama, Childhood's End, many short stories)
>Heinlein (Stranger, Starship, Zombies)
>Banks (Like half of the Culture stuff, want to read Wasp Factory)
>Wolfe (BoTNS, Cerberus, Wizard Knight, Doctor collection)
>Niven (nothing; hack by association)
>Bear (Blood Music, Eon, Darwin's)
>Butler (Lilith's Brood)
>Pohl (End of Time, Gateway)
>Cherryh (nothing; hack by association)
>Stephenson (Anathem, Reamde)
>Asimov (Too much)
>Watts (Blindsight, Echo, Starfish)
>KSR (nothing; obvious bugman)
>Egan (Incandescence, Schild's Ladder, Permutation, short stories)
>Chiang (All stories except the two new ones)
>PKD (VALIS, Bloodmoney, Scanner)
>Simmons (Hyperion 1 and 2, Flashback)
>Smith (only short stories, want to read his books)
>Le Guin (Left Hand, Omelas)
>Sheckley (Mindswap, Immortality, Status, Dimension, short stories)
>Harrison (Light)
>Delany (Dahlgren, Triton)
>Sturgeon (More, Venus, Jewels, a few short story collections and misc stories but he's got a ton)
>Silverberg (Downward, Dying, Skulls, Valentine 1)
>Zelazny (This Immortal, Lord of Light)
>Vonnegut (Timequake, Slaughterhouse, Monkey House coll.)

Happy to discuss any of them!
Keep coping though

>> No.15407824


What’s the better version of Dune, then?

Hard mode: don’t say Warhammer, Star Wars, Book of the new sun, Jack Vance, Lord of the rings, Lovecraft, etc.

>> No.15408066

>What’s the better version of Dune, then?
Simple: not sci-fi trash.
It is for middle schoolers only.

>> No.15408092

read the chronicles of amber. it is time

>> No.15408540


Shut up and let people read what they want to read.


No, it's better than Harry Potter, although the Harry Potter books are good in their own way.


Most of the Dune books aren't vulgar, only in God Emperor does the series start to get more violent and gory. If you want vulgar, then read Game of Thrones. Also, read the short biography of Frank Herbert at the back of the Dune books, he used to teach jungle survival classes as well as dive for oyster pearls, so he knows much about developing the body and mind.

>> No.15408542


Then how...

Do you make something:

A)That’s not sci-fi trash but enough to be like Dune but that it’s not trash like sci-fi OR like Dune
B) Something LIKE Dune or sci-fi, but not to the point that it’s trash like either
C) Something that’s LIKE Dune, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. but not to the point that it’s trash like any of them and that it appeals to a more mature audience?
D) other

>> No.15408558

>Shut up and let people read what they want to read.
This is /lit/, a place that likes to pretend that it doesn't want to share a board with 13 year olds and Harry Potter fans.
With that attitude go to any other """"""""""literature"""""""""" site on the interent and you will find that attitude respected. Maybe start over at >>>/r/books

>> No.15408579


WHat would you suggest or recommend then?

>> No.15408677

>Most of the Dune books aren't vulgar
I meant the mantra sounds vulgar and too plain. Its tone is very inconsistent with the rest of the writing, more so when understanding who came up with the thing originally.
On the one hand you have something like "studied the tallness of her" (like >>15402839 said), and a lot of purpley lines reeking of affectation, and then you have the equivalent of what some Weeb guy who has just read Hagakure would come up to motivate his rugby team.
It's very hard to believe this book is the product of an experienced writer.

>> No.15408678

Hard to say since I don't know what you have read. But going by what you have listed I would unironically have to suggest to start reading what schools try to teach 6th graders what good literature is (while they are instead somehow spending their freetime reading trash like Dune). Therefore start with reading the greek classics.

>> No.15408974

>Happy to discuss any of them!
How can I be sure that you won't just check the synopses on Wikipedia instead?

>> No.15409012

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.15409017 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1567185739220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a thread ranting about how bad a sci-fi book is
>in the end retort with 'all sci-fi is trash'

Congratulation brainlet, you just exposed the dense retard you actually are

>> No.15409033
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>make a thread ranting about how bad a sci-fi book is
>in the end retort with 'all sci-fi is trash'

Congratulations brainlet, you just exposed the dense retard you actually are

>> No.15409480

why would you make an entire new post jsut because an "is" is one row down which doesn't look out of place at all.
How is that slight hick up removed better than having practically the exact same posts with one [Deleted] now?
This is retarded.

>> No.15409774

I wrote "congratulation" instead of "congratulations", that's why

>> No.15409882
File: 916 KB, 434x333, 51F2C301-C014-49C8-8F27-42CED4B3FDE0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Start with the Greeks poster

Not this bullshit again.

>> No.15409995

>Priding yourself in your ignorance.
This is why you"enjoy" Dune and refuse to see it for the shit it is.

>> No.15410021

this man burns his time like its kindling

>> No.15410137

Hows the rest of the Watts stuff? Blindsight was kinda cool I thought.

>> No.15410416

Echopraxia was less fun to read than Blindsight and felt like it had nothing new to say.

Starfish was interesting; I actually kind of enjoyed the characters, even though they were all psycho. I think neurotic sci fi writers are better off going for neurotic characters than trying to write well-adjusted ones. Not sure I'd call it good book. Weak ending I think. What I heard about the sequels sounded like it played up the worst parts of the book so I didn't bother with them.

>> No.15410732


>Enjoying Dune

Actually, I don't. It's bare bones at best to lay out a foundation for space opera stories, but other than, it's just Space Jihadist bullshit.

So much of Space Opera Sci-Fi is so fucking goofy because we believe ourselves that our interpretations of other races or life beyond Earth is probable at best. Meaning that it's not so much of what we interpret other races to be, but rather what we think other races TO BE.

What made Dune such a success is that it never asked any of those questions. Same with how future successors like Star Wars did the same thing otherwise. It was an epic first and speculative fiction second.

Search your feelings. You know for this to be true

>> No.15410945

>The reason why Dune is praised as one of the best sci-fi novels is its world-building and interesting concepts that were ahead of their time
No one besides /tg/ cares about "world-building".

>> No.15411155

Definitely overrated but it's not bad by any stretch of the imagination. It's not life-changing like the hype makes it out to be, but it's still better than 99% of speculative fiction literature

>> No.15411249

Really? Gene Wolfe is a hack? lol

>> No.15411269

As far as I know, he has written exactly one good thing (The Death of Doctor Island, not to be confused with his other similarly-named stories). Pseud magnet like no other.

>> No.15411303

I only know Book of the New Sun. That's definitely a reread sort of book. Takes a greater time investment.