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15384499 No.15384499 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so we already know that Abrahamics have failed miserably in answering this. Is there any religion that can?

>> No.15384504


>> No.15384514

Is his point that if there was less injustice and pain, we could respect God? Where's the threshold? Do all people agree with him on the line?

>> No.15384515

In respect to your OP, there's that line I think Aristophanes wrote about Alcibiades
> "A lion is not to be reared within the state; But, once you've reared him up, consult his every mood."
The second part is why you should respect a capricious and mean-minded, stupid god... because you don't want him to be mean-minded and capricious towards you!

>> No.15384517

The Gospel of Joe Pesci. Fail to respect him and he'll hit you with a baseball bat.

>> No.15384526

Watch The Tree of Life. Human suffering is nothing in comparison to God's creation. We are merely a tiny part of his enormous and glorious world.

>> No.15384534

>watch all dah pwetty gwaphics, goy
Fuck off.

>> No.15384542

>le pederast face

>> No.15384558

Brilliant engagement, brother.

>> No.15384584

God also feels your pain (literally) and he does it in the name of freedom. So you can neither call him a hypocrite or say he doesn't have a good reason.

>> No.15384599

So, kind of like Bill Clinton?

>> No.15384605

We first have to assume that god is real thought

>> No.15384615

So where does the injustice come from, does it pop up like mushrooms in the morning?

>> No.15384636
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>if god real home cum bad stuf fhappen

Don't we have this thread every day?

>> No.15384665

Fear of being burned in the lake of fire is why you should respect/fear God.

>> No.15384705

It's part of God's design. Cope.

>> No.15384712

And the answer is always the same: because Yahweh is a sadistic demon.

>> No.15384719

that just sounds like might makes right with extra steps

>> No.15384728

Have western atheists ever bothered refuting non-Abrahamic belief systems like Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Neoplatonism, etc.

>> No.15384742

What, so it's not something fun like Yaldabaoth and his archons slipping into flesh to commit crimes? That's disappointing, guess it's just more of humanity trying to off-load the shame of its inequities on someone else again.

>> No.15384743

If Fry doesn't believe in God, where does he get this idea of "injustice" from? Of "good" and "evil"?

For atheists morality is just a survival tactic for social animals. Early hominids worked together, as they weren't able to survive alone. However, they didn't do it out of altruism, but simply because it was advantageous. Humans have since then given morality divine and immutable status, just to keep everybody in line with invisible chains and whips. But it is just an artificial construct. Everybody is in the group for purely selfish reasons. There is no love, compassion, or selflessness - these are just delusions for the weak.

It can be much more advantageous for the individual to break this moral code, as it is a slave morality - designed to prop up the weak, and keep down the strong. In fact, there is nothing wrong with murder and rape whatsoever, as long as it is advantageous for you. From the evolutionary standpoint, rape is clearly the way to go, just for the propagation of your genes. Murder is just natural selection at work, also a tool to ensure your own and you children's success. Just look at Cain, how fucked he would be if Abel got to have children, and they would compete with his own progeny. Instead, Cain went on to found cities and populate the world. We are all his children, while Abel might as well have belonged to a different species

>> No.15384746
File: 10 KB, 150x184, 150px-Lion-faced_deity[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yahweh is a sadistic demon

So close to the truth and yet so far

>> No.15384754

fuck off meme faggot

>> No.15384763

Who is Seth?

>> No.15384767

This is stupid, if God is a big powerful meanie, you better respect or he will push your face in.

>> No.15384775

Seth is just a copy-paste of Cain, without the murderer part, different author probably a later addition

>> No.15384781

>If Fry doesn't believe in God, where does he get this idea of "injustice" from?
Are you clinically retarded? Morality is incompatible with theism.

>For atheists morality is just a survival tactic for social animals.
Total bullshit.

>Early hominids worked together ... blah blah blah
You are confusing "is" with "ought". This entire paragraph is irrelevant.

>In fact, there is nothing wrong with murder and rape whatsoever, as long as it is advantageous for you.
You are one sick son of a bitch. Perfectly illustrates the point that theists are immoral sociopaths.

>> No.15384792


The post

>> No.15384794

Prey tell, how can morality have any foundation other than evolutionary in your atheist worldview.

>> No.15384795

^ The cowardly "morality" of theism in all its glory.

>> No.15384797

HOLY BASED. Imagine actually being an atheist just because you don't like that God doesn't bother explaining everything to you, and living a worthless life and then getting thrown into the lake of fire when Yeshua returns. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.15384804

Are you joking? Pain is bad, and you are not the only person on Earth. The rest follows.

>> No.15384806
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>> No.15384810

>"listening" to a post that blatantly confuses "is" with "ought"

>> No.15384813

>Pain is bad
What is bad? Some artificial construct you have in your mind? May I remind you, that you're just a lump of atoms. "Bad" is not a quality found in the material world.
>you are not the only person on Earth

>> No.15384824

There is no evidence injustice or pain ever existed

>> No.15384826

>What is bad? Some artificial construct you have in your mind?
WTF? Go hit your knee with a sledgehammer a few times if you are uncertain whether pain is bad.

>> No.15384833
File: 68 KB, 720x529, K02bMaa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15384836

>Pain is bad
It's not pleasant, but you're going to have to unpack that. Are people with congenital analgesia fortunate to not feel it when they hurt themselves?

>> No.15384837

You are fucking stupid

>> No.15384841

>Confusing "is" with "ought" is a typo
You just outed yourself as a clueless moron. Finish grade school before posting on /lit/ again.

>> No.15384854

Have you considered the scenario that you may be a craven and masochistic soul, who went to buy these experiences from a jew spirit?

>> No.15384855

You're a literal sjw dog. "Pain" is extremely broad. Offending someone and causing them emotional distress could be called " inflicting pain"

>> No.15384856

There are many varieties of pain, just as there are many factors contributing to one's long-term well-being. Congenital analgesia only provides immunity to one type, at the expense of vulnerability to others.

>> No.15384857

Catholicism and Calvinism created this problem, now we have a bunch of people rolling around in their own filth blaming God for it. Human beings are NOT inherently evil, our natural state is living in alignment with natural law which is blissful. You will feel happier when you help another person, but hyper intellectualization and autism prevents people from being good and aligning themselves correctly

>> No.15384858

It's just my neurons firing, the information is then interpreted by my brain as being disadvantageous to my survival. If hitting my knee with a sledgehammer was how I reproduce, I would probably find it to be pleasurable. It's all just evolution.

>> No.15384859


>> No.15384864

>Morality is incompatible with theism.
Why? Human morality hasn't improved the world, not one bit. Why should I respect this human morality that produces so much suffering?

>> No.15384867

>one day on less-wrong.org

>> No.15384868

Because without a fall we would not be able to experience redemption, nobody forced Adam to sin.

>> No.15384869

So you are an NPC with no consciousness? In that case, killing you would be okay.

>> No.15384873
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Point is you're being semantic and pedantic over grammar rather than addressing the central point you low IQ mong.

>> No.15384883

So it's sensory and emotional experiences then. God is evil because humans can experience negative stimuli and emotions?

>> No.15384885

I don't give a fuck if you're atheist, agnostic or a believer, but cmon.

Free will isn't evil.
First off that's offensive, second there's no evidence given for God's supposedly stupidity.

>> No.15384886

>Confusing "is" with "ought" is being semantic and pedantic over grammar rather than addressing the central point
Stop digging, pseud. Finish grade school before posting on /lit/ again.

>> No.15384887

> consciousness
is that like a soul or something? I thought you weren't a theist. You're just atoms going brr brr dude, there is no soul.

>> No.15384892

Take the Taopill
Why do something when you could just not?

>> No.15384895

Atheists don't worship morality like they want to signal. Don't be fooled for a moment. They are evil, egalitarian subhumans who want to genocide qualia off the planet and species, because it is a major disadvantage to their heavily mutated, inferior, autistic DNA.

>> No.15384897

>is that like a soul or something?
Nope, not even close.

>> No.15384901
File: 28 KB, 520x347, MsHYlRN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.15384902

How do you define the difference?

>> No.15384909

The soul is purported to be immaterial. Consciousness is a neurological phenomenon.

>> No.15384916

>You are confusing "is" with "ought". This entire paragraph is irrelevant.
What? I've reread that post again, and I see nothing. Lay off Hume bro

>> No.15384918
File: 666 KB, 789x1080, 1584783998269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did.
>Knowledge, God, morality, dignity, self-worth, hierarchy, holiness and most importantly, beauty
These are all medicine against the vile atheist NPC scum infesting our societies, voting for the left social policies, capitalist right wing policies, open borders and prison planet, grey cubes from USSR to modern age, from America to China, Africa to Europe - there can only be prison blocks where people used to live.

>> No.15384923


You have not refuted a single statement or engaged a single point rather than a pedantic grammatical one. You are, in fact, dumber than a grade schooler if that's your only argument.

>> No.15384924

This post devoid of a single refutation or argument.

>> No.15384927

So a simple neurological phenomenon is enough for murder to be wrong? Why is this phenomenon so special? It's just some pattern in matter. There are billions of those on this planet.

>> No.15384930

>I see nothing
You can say that again, dumbfuck. There's literally an entire paragraph on the behavior of "early hominids".

>> No.15384932
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Discourse and those who engage in it are retarded.

>> No.15384934

Our concept of matter has changed, and will change as we gain knowledge. You're stuck in an autistic matrix of boolean values. Take the quantum leap of faith and come to terms with the non-duality.

Metaphysics should at some level join with physics. It is inevitable. However, we may be unable to bridge the gap - just as pixel-beings may be unable to bridge the gap between them and the wider world.

>> No.15384935

based and sexy

>> No.15384937

And? It just says how morality developed to structure their interactions.

>> No.15384939

Educate yourself, brainlet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact%E2%80%93value_distinction

>> No.15384947

Such a cop out. Christians are way in over their heads thinking that their brand of man-made doctrine is the only way to have humanitarian standards

>> No.15384953

Pain is painful by definition. If you are a bot, you won't understand.

>> No.15384956

>You are confusing "is" with "ought".
He’s not. He’s in fact, making that exact point to the atheists. The Is-Ought problem is only relevant if you’re a scientific materialist. Most atheist are, which makes their sociobiological justifications for morality (a la Sam Harris) retarded. Theological moralities are ontological, so the is-ought probkem isn’t relevant, after all they’re self-referential anyway. Without an ontological foundation for morality, “good” and “evil” are just relativistic placeholders that can be changed arbitrarily.
>Morality is incompatible with theism.
Please explain, because the whole philosophic canon is in disagreement.

>> No.15384958
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>rape is clearly the way to go

>> No.15384962
File: 97 KB, 905x942, 1589643259915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secular humanists are just kidding themselves, deep down they all know that egoism is the only way their worldview makes sense

>> No.15384963

So, you've based your whole argument on feelings? LOL

>> No.15384964

No, it doesn't.

>The Is-Ought problem is only relevant if you’re a scientific materialist.
False. It's basic logic.

>> No.15384965

only one of those even exists and it’s totally irrelevant, so of course no one would take the time to “refute” it

>> No.15384966

So if can cause a complete anestesia before killing someone, it’s okay?

>> No.15384967

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/30312887