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File: 289 KB, 1000x1255, Dugin+WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15368528 No.15368528 [Reply] [Original]

Any Russian Dugin readers here?

Are his Russian texts worth it, I hear Noomakhia series is great.

Link semi-related

>> No.15369125


>> No.15369192

He is ultimately demonic and confused in his teaching, so I don't pay much attention to him.

>> No.15369241

>He is ultimately demonic
He's a devout Orthodox Christian. His knowledge of various esoteric and even occult traditions don't get in the way of his personal belief.

Disingenuous. He's had a few phases like the nazbol one but he has surpassed those and his worldview is internally coherent. What do you even mean by that?

>I don't pay much attention to him.
This I don't doubt

>> No.15369275

>devout Orthodox Christian
he believes in pagan idols like 'Tiamat'... his christianity is a mere larp to seem more traditional and aesthetically separate himself from the atheistic moderns.

>> No.15369343

>he believes in pagan idols like 'Tiamat'
You wanna point out to the text where he makes such statements?
One doesn't BELIEVE in something just because he recognizes the power of an archetype within a culture.
You severely lack in nuance breh

>> No.15369351

>recognizes the power of an idol
yes, that is called idolatry and is condemned by every true Christian.

>> No.15369368


>> No.15369389

Watch an entirety of this channel

>> No.15369445

Russianbros help me out. Is it true that he has bad translations on purpose so that westerners buy his ideas? Or is this simply a meme?

>> No.15369634

>He's had a few phases like the nazbol one but he has surpassed those and his worldview is internally coherent.
Even during his nazbol phase he was using Limonov and others to propel 4pt. I don't think Dugin was ever fully on board with the degenerate tendencies in NBP
>doubting he's a true Orthodox Christian
Dugin is in with the Edinoverie. They are probably the strictest sect in Orthodoxy. If he was in serious error, his bishop would have corrected or excommunicated him. This idea that one of the most prolific geopolitical thinkers in Russia is a seret satanist who somehow flew under the radar of the entire church is dumb.
its a meme. Some chapters were from the original Fourth Political Theory book were not included but they were included in Rise of the Fourth Political Theory. The translations are fine.

>> No.15369747

What are Duginian writings about Christianity? I will check if he is actually a believer and confirm it to 4channel once and for all.

>> No.15369766

He is considered ultracringe in Russia. He is 100% meme.

t. Russian living in Russia

>> No.15369774

Is Noomakhia worth my time? I read Russian but there are like 30 pieces of this series

>> No.15369786

>people believed in gods - people acted according to those gods even if those "gods" are just idols to you
There is absolutely nothing unchristian in recognizing that

>> No.15369820

If you buy into his worldview sure, if not I can't imagine much good will come of reading about the cybelian analysis of bantu witch doctors or whatever he's writing about in later volumes lmao.
Who cares what Russians think of him. If he has ideas worth discussing, they're worth discussing. Why do you faggots show up in every thread
not just that but if you're a Christian you ought to recognize that the demonic powers behind the idols of pagan peoples are real and can exert influence on the world. They are archetypes but not only archetypes.

>> No.15369914

>Who cares what Russians think of him
OP of this thread.
>Why do you faggots show up in every thread
Not in every thread. In this thread because OP asked for this. Please stop being a smooth brain. Are you American by the way?

>> No.15370050

>OP of this thread.
Op doesn't care what Dugin's reputation is in Russia, he cares about whether Dugin's Russian language texts are worth reading.
>Are you American by the way?
No, thank God

>> No.15371259


>> No.15371535

As a Russian myself, I just listen to his lectures on Youtube. I think that they usually cover the most interesting parts of his writings. Never read his books myself, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgRMHY-CFKk

>> No.15372769

Can any Russians give me sources on Dugin's books on geosophy or sacred geography? I keep coming across this idea not only in political but even in religious works which precede Dugin by a century. Need to find out more

>> No.15373343
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Some dank stuff right there

>> No.15373511

In my country this man is nothing.
He is a meme for stupid degenerate westerners.
Childish baby shit. You would get eaten alive.

>> No.15373551

So who matters in Russia.Can you drop some names?

>> No.15373587

>He is a meme for stupid degenerate westerners

>> No.15373652
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>> No.15373712

Dugin is a retard who think shaving is gay.

>> No.15373732

Based. Slavs are not white.

>> No.15373741

Lol Dugin literally wants to replace Slavs with low iq Turkics and Steppeniggers

>> No.15373802

Uh-oh, Russian liberal nationalists found this thread. These people are completely insane and far removed from Russian cultural context (literally 99% of population dislikes their views), but they form a major chunk of Russians that visit 4chan. They are essentially ethnotationalists, but instead of their nation they idolize 'europeans' and consider most ethnic Russians subhumans/sovoks. I'm not going to argue with them here since they are idiots, but I'd advice any westerner who's interested in Russian culture to avoid contact with them.

>> No.15373936
File: 27 KB, 1333x95, alsodugin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all those quotes, Dugin is obviously talking about 'white' in the sense of westerner and liberal, bascially shorthand for deracinated american. The guy literally wrote a book called The Hyperborean Theory which makes the case for a nordic origin of the Russian people lmao. They're so scared of Dugin becoming well known among intelligent nationalists that the glowies have deployed the "he's not racist" tactic for the first time haha. cope harder

>> No.15373952

I’m not even Russian you schizo. I’m sick of faggots in the west shilling this anti white charlatan.

>> No.15373980

>Dugin: openly supports the displacement of whites and anti white racism
>dude he’s not anti white! He’s totally based dude see he wrote some we wuz vikangs book!
Shut the fuck up you asiatic nigger

>> No.15373989

>Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (7 January 1962) is the Russian political scientist and Satanist behind the National Bolshevik (Nazbol) movement
So wrong right off the bat

>> No.15374020

Wrong, watch the entirety of this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp19_tJlXTN8kXoHJx7mIXQ

>> No.15374031

>>Dugin: openly supports the displacement of whites and anti white racism
source? If you read Eurasian Mission, he has a chapter which explicitly supports American white nationalists as long as it's not violent toward non-whites Seems pretty reasonable to me.

>> No.15374038

No, his US translator has a youtube channel where he covers the differences between the Russian version and the US version.

>> No.15374048

>writings are taught to Russian military officers
>100% a meme

>> No.15374061

please leave, @readlinkola. Actually read Dugin before replying

>> No.15374080

Have you even read a single book by Dugin?

>> No.15374240

No one can, and Dugin is an advisor to Putin. Hardly a nobody.

>> No.15374244

>[The West] will revive only when he is settled by Cossacks, Tajiks, and Kazakhs
Having a hard time seeing a double meaning in this

>> No.15374338

>consider most ethnic Russians subhumans/sovoks.

>> No.15374354 [DELETED] 

Tiamat is the mother goddess of ancient Mesopotamia. Not unlike Gaia, though she was slayed though.

>> No.15374359

Tiamat is the mother goddess of ancient Mesopotamia. Not unlike Gaia, though she was slayed

>> No.15374377

putting a meme arrow in front of a sentence doesn't make it a source. I need to know where it came from so I can read it in context and explain it to you, smoothbrain.

>> No.15374471

>He's a devout Orthodox Christian.
BLATANT LIE. stop spreading lies. dugin wants to force twilight of history as the ragnarok in wagner's der ring




dugin is a follower of the left hand path, he practices chaos magic and uses sigils

>> No.15374534
File: 8 KB, 1445x42, duginreligion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal white Muslim lecturing an Orthodox Christian on Orthodox Christianity.
no thanks faggot.
Dugin is a member of an edinoverie parish in good-standing. If he were a heretic, his bishop would correct him or excommunicate him. He is sufficiently high-profile that the bishops obviously know what his view are.

>> No.15374572

>dugin is a follower of the left hand path, he practices chaos magic and uses sigils
Go take your pills.

>> No.15374573

>dugin wants to force twilight of history as the ragnarok in wagner's der ring
Read Berdyaev's The Beginning and the End and the Meaning of History before speculating on Dugin's eschatology

>> No.15374575

>dude hes an old believer just like he says he is even though he's all in for a total destruction
you are very naive. upton and whoever wrote that article on spencer gate use dugin's own writings. olavo de carvalho also unmasked dugin if you read his debate. you are the one who thinks this 'new rasputin, putin's guru' is anything but a mere charlatan

>> No.15374576
File: 128 KB, 1080x810, A6585B0D-C132-492C-B7D2-75169CEC75B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hobbit

>> No.15374590

>there's no correlation between the eurasian/4pt symbol and the chaos wheel

>> No.15374607

Oh yeah that's deliberate, but you're still an idiot to interpret Dugin's talk of chaos and the Dark Logos as some retarded esoteric satanist beliefs.

>> No.15374622

>upton and whoever wrote that article on spencer gate use dugin's own writings
misinterpretation is not valid usage of someone's writings
>olavo de carvalho also unmasked dugin if you read his debate.
absolute dogshit take on the debate. Dugin was in no way 'unmasked'
>you are the one who thinks this 'new rasputin, putin's guru' is anything but a mere charlatan
the rasputin analogy is made by dumb scared Glen Beck-tier neocons, I don't make it.

Dugin is an interesting philosopher and sociologist and people like you who take the time to write and compile blog posts unmasking videos are pathetic. Funny how you didn't address the fact that he's a member of a canonical church in good standing with his bishop though.

>> No.15374642

Dugin is ultimately a Satanist. Read what he says about Heidegger and the "metaphysics of chaos."

>> No.15374647

incredible how all duginists had a faulty upbringing due to which they lack good manners. it's almost like most of them have very juvenile minds. you are probably unaware of the death threats by some crazy duginists, all good devout christians like their master of course

how about you refute anything by spencegate, gornahoor, upton or olavo. get out of here with your dugin shilling

>> No.15374655
File: 556 KB, 1200x280, Schizogate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the work of true intellectuals.

>> No.15374664

>Funny how you didn't address the fact that he's a member of a canonical church in good standing with his bishop though.
ACCORDING TO WHOM? funny how despite contrary claims his only defense is his own words. "i'm an old believer" dugin says. naive is he who believes in what he says despite EVERY SINGLE EVIDENCE pointing to the contrary

"dudeee he's totally a devout orthodox trust me"

nice argument
just like
>literal white Muslim lecturing an Orthodox Christian on Orthodox Christianity.

duginists are delusional. probably lack a good father figure

>> No.15374689

Don't need an argument when the material denies itself legitimacy.

>> No.15374714

refute this

>Actually, it is not the Greek chaos at all that is hinted at in this concept of “chaos”, but a product of the dispersion and disintegration of the Logos. This is so because we have not yet left the bounds of the Logos: the chaos that modern science deals with is integrated into the Logos, it splashes around within its inner space (albeit at the most extreme orbit), as far away as possible from the logocentric axis, in the furthest borderland of the conceptual Platonic cosmos, in the world of the Titans [4]. Therefore, we must, strictly speaking, call this reality a “very remote copy” that has nearly lost its link to the original; we must not in any case, however, call it “chaos”. Here, either the term “mixing” (Guénon’s “la confusion”) is most appropriate or the postmodern concept of the “simulacrum”, which J. Baudrillard interprets as a “copy without an original”. This is an intralogical zone (albeit at a maximum distance from the centre) that has nothing in common with the initial image of Greek chaos, which, according to myth, precedes the Logos, precedes order, i.e. the cosmos. True chaos is pre-cosmic, pre-ontological. The “mixing” or “chaos” of modern science is post-cosmic, and although almost nothing of being remains within it, it still is, which means that it is in some sense ontological. Here, Zeno’s aporia on the quick Achilles and the turtle is entirely relevant. No matter how much the “mixing” might try to run from ontology, it is analytically incapable of doing so; as René Guénon shows, a line x moving towards 0 will never be equal to 0, but will only continually approach 0 while always remaining at an ever diminishing but still infinitely great (although it is infinitely small) distance from it.

Faggots are faggots and we're on a kazakh saddle-making forum. Don't be so offended by anons when they are mean.
Goornahoor is absolutely full of occultists and their opinion on Dugin is irrelevant
Spencergate is dumb and cringe and run by neonazis who are scared of muh commies
Upton is a Guenon sycophant who gets upset when anyone disagrees with daddy guenon, not to mention depiste having and orthodox wife, he makes abysmal errors in Christian theology.
None of them are worth listening to in regards to Dugin.
>"dudeee he's totally a devout orthodox trust me"
Where the episcopal condemnation? This guy's work was being distributed around the russian military strategists, he's well known. Why haven't the bishops distanced themselves from him like they have with many other groups they don't like (Orthodox Banner-Bearers etc). If he hasn't been condemned and he remains in good standing with his bishop, he is Christian.

>> No.15374718

so upton, olavo, gornahoor's writer and moarpheus are all wrong because dugin says he is an orthodox christian while he writes explicitly satanic ideas. yeah whatever you choose to believe. i have concluded he isn't what he says he is based on my own experience. truth always prevail in the end, trust in whatever you want

>> No.15374727

russian church is run by kgb so i heard

>> No.15374738

Go take your pills then go back to /pol/

>> No.15374752

i dont go to pol. thats precisely the place for your dugin shilling

>> No.15374756
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>> No.15374760

>literal guenon muslim white larper who can't even speak arabic

>> No.15374769

not an argument again. keep trying, one day it'll come

>> No.15374780

>Goornahoor is a mix-up of occultists, perennialists, Traditionalists etc
>Upton is a Muslim
>Olavo is a child-abuser
>Moarpheus is a schizo patriotard
none of these people are in any position to call an Orthodox Christian's religious sincerity into question

So the church itself is subject to non-Christians approval? Get fucked you absolute mongoloid

>> No.15374786

it is an argument. i do not trust a muzzie larping bugman to condemn people as heretics. a literal servant of the devil has no such power or even the necessary clarity of mind to do so, since he can't see past his religion being an invention of demons.
if you show me an actual Christian refutation of his views, I'm willing to listen.

>> No.15374808

this. Not one condemnation from an official (or even unofficial afaik) Orthodox source. Just internet anons who curiously quote everyone except for Orthodox Christians

>> No.15374841

>Olavo is a child-abuser
another grave lie

>So the church itself is subject to non-Christians approval? Get fucked you absolute mongoloid
what church? tell me: when was the russian church even created? it was never part of the pentarchy. keep larping, it's just a schismatic sect that goes as far as creating more schisms (ukrainian-russian schism). your own proof is dugin's words and you are full of lies

needless to point out how pious are these russian orthodox christians. your posts are an example of piety and your faith... why do ask for a christian criticism when dugin's ideas are explicitly written in his books and you don't even behave like a christian?

>> No.15374854

>he's an assmad C*tholic
It all makes sense.

>> No.15374857

begone ortho larper

>> No.15374865

your own posts are a testimony of your insincere faith

>> No.15374867

>what church? tell me: when was the russian church even created? it was never part of the pentarchy. keep larping, it's just a schismatic sect that goes as far as creating more schisms (ukrainian-russian schism). your own proof is dugin's words and you are full of lies
And the mask slips

>> No.15374877

>being an online Catholic
>calling other people larpers

>> No.15374878

>another grave lie
Nope. It is a claim made by his daughter, so you are calling her a liar, not me. Even if it is inaccurate, it is far more substantiated that the idea that Dugin is a satanist whose proponents include Glen Beck, lutheran priests, and scared wignats

>> No.15374896

that's right. she's a literal borderline mad woman, his other sons denied all of her claims.
you are inferring too much. ask and i'll answer. point where lies my incoherency if you can --- oh no, you believe dugin is an orthodox christian, how could one trust your judgement

>> No.15374903


>> No.15374912

>you believe dugin is an orthodox christian
Not him, but I don't believe either way. I just deny the testimony of a larping worshipper of someone deluded by a fallen angel claiming to be archangel Gabriel.

>> No.15374919

Yeah, it was the ecclesiastical structure of the Church for the first millennium until the Latins schismed.

>> No.15374934

the problem of islam is not on the table. i do believe upton is sincere and is right on all of his points against dugin, none have to do with islam

>> No.15374946

A Muslim can not seriously accuse an orthodox Christian of heresy while being, from the perspective of Orthodox Christianity, in prelest in following the demoniac Muhammad

>> No.15374953

truth is truth regardless of who says it and upton speaks the truth despite being part of a false religion

>> No.15374957

>the problem of islam is not on the table.
his mind is rotten by demonic delusion though, how could that not impair his ability to discern heresy? i could trust him to tell me what the weather was, but not anything metaphysical.

>> No.15374961

between upton and dugin i'm totally on upton's side

>> No.15374964

Christ is the Truth and all Muslims blaspheme Him. They cannot tell a Christian who has truly partaken of the Truth in the mysteries, what is true or false

>> No.15374971

I pretend to like dugin although he's definitely a freak clown

>> No.15374990

>Christ is the Truth and all Muslims blaspheme Him
i agree and you speak the truth. does dugin follow christ though? why does he advocate for ww3 and the genocide of some people??

>> No.15375014

He doesn't want genocide, he wants Ukrainians to stop pretending they're not Russian and rejoin with their traditional countrymen. He wants to genocide the idea of 'Ukrainian' because it was invented by the Polish- Lithuanian commonwealth and isn't a real nation historically.

>> No.15375309
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>> No.15375329
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What a brainlet take

>> No.15375352

>He's a devout Orthodox Christian
>They are probably the strictest sect in Orthodoxy. If he was in serious error, his bishop would have corrected or excommunicated him.

>He is a meme for stupid degenerate westerners.
Kirill is a KGB Cold Warrior with all the expectations that entails; Dugin's non-heretic status is a political convenience.

>> No.15375431
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Are puritan christfags the worst people on the internet? Seriously, I see more and more people acting like complete fucking old women, complaining about satanism and spooky demons and the occult.

When did this side of the internet become so afraid of its own shadow?

>> No.15375439

Not yet, but I will read him once I have finished with my current course of reading.


>> No.15375902

Millerman is definitely the best English source in Dugin given that he translated much of his work.

>> No.15376020

>dugin wants to force twilight of history as the ragnarok in wagner's der ring

If this were in any way true that would be based.
Disregard anyone who links to spencergate. Never read a single book in their lives. Maybe MUH BIBLE.

>> No.15376030

no that would be cringe. dugin is the type of person who poses with an RPG for a photo and blocks people on facebook for confronting him. in his debate with olavo he played the victim too
"boo you are attacking me" --- says the warmonger dugin

>> No.15376106

That's what I figured too.

>> No.15376871

The source is in the pic with quotes, is >>15373936 this
not you?

>> No.15377098

Russian speakers if you can help me.
I don't speak at a high enough level to correctly translate, but I was listening to Dugin's music.

Listening to the first song, it sounds like he's worshipping the demon Astaroth? At least from what I can make out of the lyrics, I can't find lyrics on the internet


>> No.15377105
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Doogie is a true post-modernist for whom any ideology is equally viable and holds exactly the same objective value. His subjective choice is Orthodox Christianity. He isn't that interesting.

>> No.15377215

t. listened to one interview and stopped there
ngmi kys

>> No.15377224

it is for roman heretics and transvestites

>> No.15377229

>in my country
as if russia doesn't have shitlib retards who would lie about his prominence
he is in your university system, your government, and represents you internationally
he is something in your country and out

>> No.15377249

Isn't Dugin within Russia an absolute meme hardly anyones takes serious anymore outside of some fringe far-right circles?

>> No.15377253

This is my impression as well.

>> No.15377277

Why do Christians think that everyone is a demon?

>> No.15377299

>>15377253 (me)
Just found the article I was looking for:

>> No.15377318

They are sensitive to the foul and unclean spirits because they know what true beauty looks like.

>> No.15377365

If you read the thread, you'd know that in the English translation it is split into two volumes: The Fourth Political Theory, and Rise of the Fourth Political Theory. All the missing chapters plus more are included in volume 2

>> No.15377422

Haha, fuck that schizo

>> No.15377426

Regardless of that, Dugin's writings read like hardly more lunatic rambling.
Might as well talk with the schizo homeless dude down the street about political philosophy.

>> No.15377442

Maybe because


>> No.15377620


Dugin is like schizo posting as an entire political career.

>> No.15377755

I don't know about his current status but I think he's still an advisor to Putin which is hardly a meme. His book The Foundations of Geopolitics is also taught to Russian staff officers.

>> No.15377764

Fourth Political Theory is far from schizo posting.

>> No.15377820

You're unironically a brainlet.

>> No.15378439
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, noooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT seething libshits and racist libshits

What a sight to behold

>> No.15378468
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>> No.15378638

This >>15377299 isn't schizoposting?

>> No.15378679

This sounds incredible based though

>> No.15379088
File: 40 KB, 706x482, Dugin BMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The liberal fears the Dugin

>> No.15379323

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15379572

>The liberal fears the Dugin
The liberals laugh at* the Dugin.