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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.19 MB, 850x1100, 1448200250799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15321036 No.15321036 [Reply] [Original]


Come write in the isolation book. Come write anything. There's already over 200 pages written.

Book, the first:

>> No.15321059

why doesn't oob have its own section?

>> No.15321068

oob do

>> No.15321087

I couldn't be bothered (dw, Ooby 2 coming tmrw)

>> No.15321092
File: 33 KB, 680x544, compooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am this anon from the previous thread:
>I am a developer of web applications. I think this is a great idea that could be better supported by a bespoke application, something tailored to this exact exercise.
>What features would you like to see that might be an improvement over a Google Doc?

I will try to use this tripcode but I may forget because I am new to trips.

Feel free to (you) me ITT or to leave notes in the sections titled "Towards a Dedicated Tool for the Coronameron Project"

>> No.15321103

I think what youre doing is very important, not just for this shit website. It could be useful anywhere

>> No.15321105

just a backup in case one on doc gets griefed

>> No.15321106

how much longer will this one be going on for?

>> No.15321108

until we hit 900 pages

>> No.15321126

has the file gone read only?

>> No.15321130

seems to start causing problems at around 250-300~ pages. If there's still interest after that I dont see a reason to stop until people get sick of it

>> No.15321139

The first one did, the second one is live

>> No.15321144

imo we should just do 3 parts, then a dedicated team should go through and edit/format it nicely.

>> No.15321215

thank you based anon

>> No.15321334

Wont that be a bit expensive to print

>> No.15321358

not if YOU believe

>> No.15321385

You might want to think about how content is loaded, we ran into issues at 250-300 pages, maybe only a few sections should load at a time so it's still usable, even when it grows in size.

>> No.15321390

anon i hate to break it to you, but i don't think it'll get printed, but Totalitarianism In The Tundra was printed, so who knows.
the first document was at 200, so once we get to that with this one, I think we should finish.

>> No.15321410

hypersphere was printed, and that was over 700 pages

>> No.15321425


As long as a purchase covers the printing cost Amazon is ok with everything, so offering there is always an option. Hypersphere did exactly that, altough that made it quite expensive.

>> No.15321441

how much were hypersphere/TITT?
it'd be cheaper the smaller it is though

>> No.15321448

30 bucks or so

>> No.15321459

He's right, you can buy TITT for 30$, Hypersphere is more expensive due to its length, but still was under 40$ last I checked

>> No.15321473

OP, can we get a link to the corresponding threads in the doc? Would make it easy to find the currently relevant discussion

>> No.15321553

Alone we are merely autistic, but together we have formed a mighty faggot. I did my part, now lets see if it survives.

>> No.15321616

what's the status on pictures fonts, and colours if this were to hypothetically get printed?

>> No.15321622

should worry about it after its all said and done. For now just have fun

>> No.15321659
File: 54 KB, 430x600, Blessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f "Jew"
>Only 6 results come up
>three of them are about catbois and the other three are in a manifesto no one asked for

Im not sure if I should be proud of or disappointed in you all

>> No.15321664

I wrote a lot about Jews in the previous doc if that's what you want

>> No.15321680

How's everyone feeling about my Kinslayer sub-plot and the dream journals

>> No.15321774

For sure. There are some strategies for lazy loading that don't make sense for GDocs, as it's not really meant for so many editors at once on such a large document. But we would be able to leverage those in a more specialized tool.

If anyone is a webdev I'm thinking of about virtual scroll and dynamic imports.

>> No.15321778

its real fun. could be longer but I love what it is now

>> No.15321926

What do you anons think of 'Tales from the Internet'

>> No.15321938

Jesus why is the font so tiny that's painful to read

>> No.15321970

So who's gonna write a Cetology chapter

>> No.15322001

whats that

>> No.15322034
File: 29 KB, 552x151, Screenshot from 2020-05-09 23-01-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322082

Use ctrl+ and ctrl- to adjust base font size on a website
In google docs you can also use the % dropdown which defaults to 100%

>> No.15322198

btw to the people claiming that anyone can see version history and revert, that does not seem to be the case for those who are not logged in

>> No.15322270
File: 3.02 MB, 5312x2988, 20170516_183444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to write like a 60 page story w me

>> No.15322287

Thank you anon for the unusually civil response in this beautiful Indonesian rock collecting website. That's true, but I really wish there were some uniformity in the document. It would be nice if most entries had a bigger font, as a general rule. However, I can see some arguing that this would interfere with the authorial intent of our dear anons. In the end, it will be what anons wish it to be. I would unironically like to read this from beginning to end like a proper book. The formatting can make that a pain.

>> No.15322375

I posted some erotica.

>> No.15322479

Post more

>> No.15322811

I am very pleased with the project as a whole but a second wave of editing should be employed to order it into a semi-cohesive whole. How to do this without mucking up the individual pieces however is another question. It's just as easy for an intelligent collaborator to improve upon a decent work as it is for some dummy anon (me) to ruin it.

>> No.15322847

I think whats most important at this stage is organizing writing segments that need to be cleaned up, so that the entire thing could be edited once all is said and done. Its about having modular bit-sized texts to drag and drop around as needed, I feel

>> No.15322985

i think it should be closed now, just let the people still working finish up. but what do i know?

>> No.15322991


>> No.15323281

I don't think it can be closed, I think OP is asleep

>> No.15323288

im awake, about to be alseep. Do you guys really want it closed?

>> No.15323291


>> No.15323306

I have no opinion, I was just remembering a comment from the previous thread where you said you were going to bed. At least I thought it was you. Might be a good idea to use a tripcode next thread.

>> No.15323309

that post was from yesterday

>> No.15323311

you in EU?

>> No.15323317

Referring to this comment: >>15320664

>> No.15323344
File: 19 KB, 447x387, Giffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. I just saved a copy of the doc, I'll leave it open over the night. Try to save as much of your own writing as possible just in case. If thread dies and the doc's dead I'll make a thread about editing the two or whatever, but if people are still interested and but the doc is beginning to lag too much, here's a link to a fresh overflow doc to keeo going in: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x-3ZJQ8TWO-4BNPxZD_5KFugTfssC0jxVVNdAv5Hf70/edit?usp=sharing

thats not me, I'll just fucking trip

>> No.15323349

AH! daddad! ty for correcting my pervy mall ninja's 40k jargon

>> No.15323352

Bumping for more authors.

>> No.15323402

Be good like I know you can be and everything will be perfect. Just keep writing what comes naturally. I'll be back in like 12 or 16 hours

>> No.15323486

Maybe it could be organized by themes, like Decameron. For instance Book 1 - The Jews, Book 2 - Tranny Erotica etc.
That way all the pieces could fit in without getting edited, just placed differently. And when all is finished we can add a "cornice" that would tie it all together in the prologue and epilogue and there we have it. Coronameron.

>> No.15323515

Last time I participated in one of these I wrote some very gay erotica and kinda killed the whole vibe. People very quickly stopped working on it. Ooops

>> No.15323524

yeah but at the same time there's some stuff that would definitely benefit from peer modification, like that political essay. I get what the author was going for but it's long and reeks of someone rediscovering common sense after a lifetime of being indoctrinated by cottonbrains. I don't want it to be removed ofc but a few people ought to somehow make it more interesting.

>> No.15323628

Thank you, tousan.

>> No.15323639

I would like to group forwards, afterwords, and appendices

>> No.15323657

Rate please

I read books. From time to time, I feel like I am wasting my time. The sun watches me from above. The toilet bowl watches me from below. I laugh in the darkness of my basement at funny frog posts. I never post. I only lurk. I do not know what to write about in this novel, as you have already guessed my dear per·spi·ca·cious reader. I had no idea that word existed in english. Thanks American Heritage Dictionary, you are always helpful.

I guess I can write about a book I read lately. Does that sound good, highly esteemed reader? I read Pantagruel. This giant is the son of the giant Gargantua, who is the male heir of Grandgousier. I don’t why he befriended that mean human named Panurge. He wanted to form a beast with two backs with a woman with a higher status in Paris. She refused his advances and he did not take her rejection lightly. What did Panurge do about this situation? He perfumed her with a strong stench and all the dogs of Paris started to urinate with violent passion on her. They ruined her! That was very mean. Poor woman, she did not deserve that. Panurge is also funny sometimes. He said that a woman going bananas at mass meant she is downy in her fanny. Pfft hahaha! He also said that the best way to defend Paris was to build huge walls made of stenchy kallbistrises (an old way to express the female’s sexual genital) with gonorrhea.

I urinate on Paris. Well I am sure I once urinated in Paris. Gargantua did use his gargantuesque tail to do so. It was torrential. An almost biblical deluge. Anyway, the book covers a lot of urinary and fecal matter.

My bladder is holding tightly urine
For the moment it is in
I release the internal gate
The torrent pushes its weight
What a bliss
I am urinating on Paris!

By François Rabelais, age 41 or 52

Gargantua had to choose between happiness and grief when his son was born and his wife had died due to complications. He made the right choice. Why should he be sad when God blessed him with a healthy son. He will meet her in heaven afterwards. Gargantua is a good father and Pantagruel is a good son.

I did not read anything before this part and I will not do so. Thank you for reading. Lastly, Sneed.

>> No.15323661

I would like to see this solved in this prospective web app I'm pondering.
Let people write what they're gonna write, invite collaborators in a configurable manner but ultimately they own it, then let people riff on the final product (using copies, not editing the original) and let the group as a whole decide what's best.

With the political essay for example, I would love to see a rendition with snarky notes on top of it. I'd choose that over the original. But with our current setup we have to treat the essay like sacred space and leave it untouched, or be a dick and edit something that isn't ours. Not good options for a pleasant final product.

Maybe a happy in-between for now is let anons submit their edits in standalone documents and we vote on each piece one at a time. Rather than voting for editors and everyone else having no say in the process, which would seem self-defeating.

>> No.15323770
File: 1.12 MB, 800x1100, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlie was here.

>> No.15323811


Just woke up and checked this, very disappointed to be honest.

>Find in page:
>Anything contiguous to the first part

Nothing. The second part is absolute trash, more like a standalone. If you're going to shitpost, at least purposefully run some themes through it that make it continuous rather than spamming images and half-baked /r9k/ autism

>> No.15323820

I wrote Hucklefuck. I'm not sure where I could take it from where I left it. I gave it a clear, and imo good ending. Maybe you could do a prequel, but the story is unambiguously ended in chapter 3.

>> No.15323829

EB Garamond is the nicest font available on docs and would do well for printing too; regular size (so a bit bigger or smaller where intentional) maybe 10 or 11 pt. (depending on the page size)? Probably just keep colors even if prints in gray.

>> No.15323884


Sorry I didn't word my bitchy comment very well - I just meant it would be good to see small allusions here and there to earlier parts in other anon's work, in a way of making it all thematic. Your piece is grand, one of the best imo.

>> No.15324026

You're absolutely right, but it didn't fall off with the beginning of Volume 2, a laaarge chunk of Volume 1 has the same problem towards the end. The issue is the sheer size of it and people focussing on their own little shitposts.
The Coronameron is so big at this point that for individual writers making sense of and integrating finer details is a somewhat voluminous task. Pair this with the general rejection of cohesion and naturally great ideas from the first couple hours get left behind.
If I had to come up with a solution I would suggest a second wave of editing in which creativity and large additions are encouraged, but the creation of new sections/chapters prohibited.
Probably wouldn't help much, would almost definitely be a disaster, but it's an idea.

>> No.15324075


Oh fuck I just looked at part 1 again and yes, you are correct. You can literally see the falloff and the /TV/ invasion. The last time I looked at it was just after the Invocation or thereabouts and it was still pretty solid up to that point.
There are some pockets of real creativity, but the lazy shitposting does stand out.
Definitely agree with you on the second wave edit - at some point we'll probably have to lock the text and 'employ' a group of trustworthy veterans to edit the thing proper.

>> No.15324107

>'employ' a group of trustworthy veterans to edit the thing proper.
I really don't think that's in the spirit of the exercise. Obviously there needs to be some editing, but I think the right thing to do is to still find a way for anyone who wants to be involved to be able to do so. Otherwise, from the community's perspective, the total work is simply the work of these "trustworthy veterans."

>> No.15324159


I merely meant getting rid of the anime cancer and pedophilia, but whatever.

>> No.15324186


>> No.15324190

Check out how these guys are handling this problem:

>> No.15324191

why would you do that? the stories are funny

>> No.15324343


fuck off pedos. I'm not being associate with a work that has degenerate pedo trash in it, so either I delete my stuff (which I'm not going to do) or we purge it of this degeneracy. I understand that a work by 4chan isn't going to be taken that seriously in the public eye, but even if there is a shred of a possibility it can be published on amazon and be a coherent piece of art at least, it would be an embarrassment to keep even entertain those individuals who (un)ironically post shit about children. I draw the line there. Post as much nigger as you want, and as much tranny shit as you want, but something actually illegal has no place in it. Go make a book on /a/ or /r9k/ if you want to do that crap.

>> No.15324403

ooby 2 coming now :)

- manlikebigp

>> No.15324462

ooby 2 done :)

>> No.15324465

why are there two anime essays?

>> No.15324468

pretentious and retarded as fuck
you are everything wrong with a project like this
I hope you purge your faggy writing, and yourself, from this place

>> No.15324536

>I draw the line there. Post as much nigger as you want, and as much tranny shit as you want, but something actually illegal has no place in it.
Pathetic moralist.

>> No.15324725


Hating pedos is hardly moralism. Cope more.

>> No.15324864


Starting on my Corona themed rendition of Leviathan, wish me luck

>> No.15324942

It'd be nice of docs wasn't such a piece of shit. I use it for my own writing but I have to split stuff into like 4 different documents just so it doesn't lag like it does when it gets around 100 pages.

>> No.15325009
File: 60 KB, 644x720, 1587931108520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to everyone complaining about shit in this thread:
If you want something done, you are the only one who will do it. If you feel like we need more stories about x or nobody has written about y yet, it is up to you to make an effort to make that a reality.
If you don't feel up for the task alone, ask for some help, but fucking start working and write some shit before you complain and hope someone else will write it for you.

>> No.15325202

There any word count limits here or something?

>> No.15325206

On that note, If anyone is interested They can continue the Kinslayer or Dreaming narratives. I've already written a lot, and I haven't slept in over 36 hours now (afraid of the dreams, you see). So I'm fairly conked out right now

>> No.15325229

someone continue building neuromancer

>> No.15325445

Why not?

>> No.15325519

There should be more

>> No.15325526
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, gandalf_and_stuff-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> would unironically like to read this from beginning to end like a proper book. The formatting can make that a pain.
>I am very pleased with the project as a whole but a second wave of editing should be employed to order it into a semi-cohesive whole
>If I had to come up with a solution I would suggest a second wave of editing in which creativity and large additions are encouraged, but the creation of new sections/chapters prohibited. Probably wouldn't help much, would almost definitely be a disaster, but it's an idea

Why don't we just lock the docs after we reach the desired word count, but then when we have the anons go through and edit it, they only decide what stories to select and what to throw out, they wouldn't actually edit the stories, only choose which ones to keep. They would re-format the stories unless it was the author's intent to have them formatted a certain way, maybe we can vote on what stories to keep in and what to throw out. Right now, the Coronameron vol. 1 and 2 are highly unreadable, and need to be cleaned up if we want to make this anything other than a collection of /lit/ shitposts.

As I see it, we are literally writting our own /lit/ bible - a series of poems and short stories written by several different authors over a long period of time and compiled into one volume to be read and studied. The key word here is compiled - maybe we can have two versions of the Coronameron, one original version where very little is edited and everything is left in, and the revised Coronameron, a version that actually is made up of only select stories and poems and is edited for readability.

>> No.15325534

how many are there? I’m too lazy to look

>> No.15325535


I already have a list of poems and stuff from the vol. 1 and 2 that I would like to see in a seperate work, maybe with some transitional pieces to make it flow better, but i'm interested to hear what other anons have to say

>> No.15325593

nobody post moby dick this time

>> No.15325616
File: 69 KB, 400x617, Jonah_Hex_Two-Gun_Mojo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contributed a shitty story about a cursed gun that I wrote in under an hour, I hope people don't mind.

>> No.15325632

i wrote a story with just the word "oob" (and variations) so i'm sure yours is fine lol

>> No.15325642

Haven't counted, but I'm sure it's not enough

>> No.15325645

Do we just stick what we write at the bottom or just put it anywhere?

>> No.15325655

Nah, mine was written in an hour or so, I'll look out for yours later

>> No.15325663

please enjoy my contribution, the rosewood inn

>> No.15325766

put it at the bottom to be nice

>> No.15325769


Reading it now - slowly though, as Levirusthan is really taking a toll on my head

>> No.15325776
File: 26 KB, 500x281, Tonegawa Yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arigato gozaimasu!

>> No.15325914

There’s two so far. Someone is going really in depth about jojo

>> No.15326054

contributed a shitty castle description I shat out in 3 mins. critique appreciated but keep in mind I did it in 3 mins lol

>> No.15326190

Anywhere babe

>> No.15326400


>> No.15326401

pls revert someone deleted it again

>> No.15326409

did some fag delete again

>> No.15326548


>> No.15326631

Sorry guys the last save was from 6:30 am. I hope you all backed up your writting

so if
have their stuff saved please re-add it. Im sorry, I was away, it was the best I could do.

>> No.15326635


Thanks for restoring but there's a tonne of stuff missing. Did it revert to an earlier version? My Levirusthan is gone..

>> No.15326642

yeah the last version save was from hours ago, I feel awful.

>> No.15326653


Oh my fuuuuuuuck. I didn't back up Levirusthan... What an idiot I am. That took so long

>> No.15326663


Not your fault, it's partly mine, mostly the fag who deleted... God damn.

>> No.15326668

blame blame yourself :(

>> No.15326674

dont think there's anything I can do, Im sorry. I'll see if there isn't a way to automate restoration states so this doesn't happen again.

>> No.15326695

RIP. I just checked the backup I made a couple hours ago, it's not in there either.

>> No.15326703


Okay I'm even more of an idiot - it's somehow there, not sure how that is possible though. I was sweating.

>> No.15326798


I don't know how, but I have it. Well, the last two parts are missing but it's mostly there, Ive just copied it into a separate doc now. Might have been because I left the window open on my computer and it hadn't refreshed? No clue..

>> No.15327559


>> No.15327858
File: 136 KB, 720x1106, 20200510_164453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tasteful and patrician

>> No.15327997

My internet disconnected at some point and I think I have a cached version of the doc? It has Levirusthan chapter 1 and the first paragraph of part 2.

Making a copy in case it's needed eventually.

>> No.15328062

Moby dick just got pasted again

>> No.15328095

fucking thing is frozen again; some retard pasted Moby Dick

>> No.15328185


Glad you like it desu, still working on it on a separate doc to stave off the crashings

>> No.15328225

it good now?

>> No.15328226

did someone just copypaste 300 pages into it

>> No.15328234
File: 87 KB, 400x411, F43B2C92-E9B3-415F-BEFA-FD62F5C3E9B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15328237

I froze the doc and Im gonna delete it one sec

>> No.15328239

Was just about to start typing, book three coming?

>> No.15328243


>> No.15328255

yes just let me fix it real quick Im on the phone with some dumb chick she wont let me write 4chan books

>> No.15328265

I deleted it but now I don't have edit acces
Anon I already deleted it, at least from what I can see. Then again the docs being wonky so I wouldn't be surprised if the change didn't sync

>> No.15328292

alright its back open

>> No.15328314
File: 2.02 MB, 1162x984, C738F2D1-3822-4D9E-AB84-4F9951D59833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based dada. it is now time to justify the attempted sexual assault of a teenage girl

>> No.15328333

really living the lit life, anon

>> No.15328895
File: 274 KB, 1094x477, e54f9972949c683ca75369896047092a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15328989

they're actually doing it

>> No.15329078

beyond based and redpilled

>> No.15329235


This is fantastic

>> No.15329242

Who or what shall we dedicate this text to?

>> No.15329262

>Who or what shall we dedicate this text to?
The Dodo race, of course.

>> No.15329270

Who's that on the bottom right?

>> No.15329288


>> No.15329297

someone deleted pls revert

>> No.15329302


Welp, RIP DAS RITE, DAS KAPITAL.... doubt that got saved before the deletion

>> No.15329305

please revert, owner chan

>> No.15329307

OP it happened again ;(

>> No.15329316

nah we were saving it as we wrote it

>> No.15329329

I have a backup of it from 20 mins ago. I wasn't about to let my and my other niggas work go to waste.
Here's my backup in case yours was less recent

>> No.15329344

Please tell me you saved it all

>> No.15329350

arigatou, anon-kun

>> No.15329354

This guy, >>15329329, has a better save of Das Kapital than me. He pretty much got all of it except for like the last few minutes

>> No.15329369

I've added it back in

>> No.15329380



>> No.15329497

I gotta take a break from DAS KAPITAL. Dat shit better not be deleted when I get back

>> No.15329505

finished death throes of abernanit. sorry if its shit.

>> No.15329561


It's not, I really enjoyed it anon. I'm tired from writing and stared at the cursed bit at the end for a while and saw some ungodly things. 8.5/10

>> No.15329743

I just finished my section of Das Kapital.

>> No.15329806

just finished my funny valentine essay :)

>> No.15329850

Finished up my bit of Das Kapital, was fun. Also just finished up my piece about the virtues of birds. I think the last paragraph about Grebes is a bit forced, but overall happy with it, always nice to be sincere. God bless you anons, this has been a much better day than my usual of videogames and a bit of reading.

>> No.15329863

Calling all (willing) anons to take part in filling the last section, titled 'In this Section: we rate every entry submitted so far '

>> No.15329879

Including part 1?

>> No.15329897

I’m sorry if the Dad’s Story submission is a bit subpar. I thought the concept would be funny but i don’t think I got the voice right. Might edit it more later. Crits welcome

>> No.15330188

I hope that the Iconology of Evil Otto is okay to include in the text. I wanted to produce something for this historic compilation, and the idea of doing a sarcastic study on the notoriously simple smiley face was the only thing that stood out to me when I was brainstorming. If it sucks too much you guys can delete it.

>> No.15330339

I hope Steven's chapter's parallels with Joyce's Portrait aren't too on the nose.

>> No.15330348

After we rate all the entries, I say we get rid of everything that's 'meh' tier or under and compile the stuff from both #1 and #2 that are actually good

>> No.15330374

I don't really think we should get rid of anything without a serious clear and objective vote to delete it.

>> No.15330388

Don't get rid of anything, that's antithetical to the whole idea

>> No.15330398

Agreed. Only stuff that should be removed is stuff like conversations or non-original copypasta

>> No.15330424

I'm of the opinion that conversations should stay in, but if the people having them choose to delete them it's alright. If everyone would prefer them removed I wouldn't hinder ir

>> No.15330491

delet nothing!

>> No.15330820


>> No.15330863

How are we going to rate all the stories?

>> No.15330869


>> No.15330873


>> No.15330881


>> No.15330885

we could just not rate them, each reader will have their own opinion anyway

>> No.15330896

I've started a copy of Volume One to be edited into the final format. I've gone ahead and standardized fonts and titles in most cases (without taking away from any unique formatting). Feel free to make comments or suggestions and I'll make any changes needed.
Also, if you have a text that is unfinished on this doc and you wish to complete it, finish your work in your own doc and link it in a comment. I will add the finished version to the doc.


once the second doc is locked, I'll go ahead and do the same for that one.

>> No.15330969

>tfw burgerpunk project died

Have a bump in its memory.

>> No.15330999

This one hopefully wont die. I am determined to get a finished PDF out at very least.

Someone should edit and release the burgerpunk project as it stands. I'm not sure how much there is but it would be worth finishing.

>> No.15331023

OP can you please lock this doc and make a third (and final) one?
We have hit 200 pages.

>> No.15331028

One sec, I posted one above
We'll see

>> No.15331132

Combined word count is already well over 130,000. With another section we are looking at probably 200,000 words.
I'm just worried if it gets much longer, and we wish to take it to print like TLTT, then it may end up being very expensive once printing costs are factored in.

>> No.15331162

Doc get locked? I was in the middle of a sentence

>> No.15331178
File: 1.25 MB, 2546x3698, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc


>Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc Dont miss the new doc dont miss the new doc



>> No.15331186

I'm the first anon you quoted. I support the idea you expressed in your post, though you could probably guess I would agree with you. I especially like the suggestion of having both an original and a revised Coronameron. It's the best of both worlds.

>> No.15331187

I'll unlock it just for you, let me know when youre done

>> No.15331213

Thanks man, i’ll just take a second

>> No.15331214

This is a massive anthology of community works during the coronavirus lockdown.
Sure, rearrange the sections and collect similar works into distinct chapters, but what is this nonsense about throwing things out?

Editorial decisions beyond simple formatting seems like a hell of an overreach here, for what this is supposed to be.

>> No.15331238

I’m done

>> No.15331242

This is a great idea, I don't know why /lit/ doesn't make better use of collaboration

>> No.15331261

This was fun. My section really took off.

>> No.15331278

Wow took me a stupid amount of time to realize that the yellow highlights were comments. Now i’ll never know what an anon had to say about my limerick :,(

>> No.15331290

totalitarianism in a tundra, hypersphere, and l'anomie are the only one's I remember I'd call a success. We've done it before though.

>> No.15331292

Are we gonna get a part three? I just came back on here to check that poetry anthology and it was locked. Also if anybody actively advocates the deletion of anything on this, go fuck yourself.

>> No.15331299

Didn't mean to tag >>15331242; general question.

>> No.15331303


>> No.15331376

How dare you tag (me)

>> No.15331399

There's always the option of putting it in separate volumes, if people stay interested to produce that much. Its not an ideal situation, but so long as everything is available digitally, it allows people to have an easier time grabbing up the whole thing. I always prefer quantity, especially so when its something like this, like a malformed anthology. I wouldn't want to prevent people writing more if they want. If it gets people on lit writing its unilaterally a good thing

>> No.15331408

More volumes would probably be more expensive, because each one would need covers etc.

>> No.15331419

it might keep the cost down over all. It just depends on the pricing, which is something I dont know about. But two 400~ page books might be cheaper than 1 1000 pager, if less impressive

>> No.15331421

this third doc is terrible

>> No.15331429

Whatever is cheapest is probably best. I think I would prefer a single volume. Regardless of what happens it will probably be very expensive to get a copy because shipping to my country from the states is ridiculously expensive. A copy of TLTT is like 60 USD when you account for shipping.

>> No.15331438
File: 85 KB, 626x592, [redacted].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd beg to differ, good sir

>> No.15331441

I thought it was fine until quality patrol deleted shit and caused a shitpost war. It's supposed to be free-flow, should just delete spam and decide afterwards if anything goes.

>> No.15331442

>A copy of TLTT is like 60 USD when you account for shipping.
get into bookbinding son, youre getting robbed

>> No.15331448

honestly not a terrible option.

>> No.15331450

this, I wish I had a way of preventing deletions

>> No.15331458

I think it's funny that the only time these self-appointed editors started going nazi mode is when china was brought up LMAO.

>> No.15331528

>18 pages


>> No.15331543

>419 pages

>> No.15331550

not on the 3rd doc fag

>> No.15331554

its been up for less than an hour

>> No.15331559 [DELETED] 

a third document seems unnecessary.
we already had a bunch of contributions on the first two, and progress now seems dismal. save what is here and add it to the previous, is what i say we do. But don't listen to me

>> No.15331581

Yeah, I say we get some people to try to compose the first two into something readable. Good luck to whoever those poor souls might be.
No need to write more standalone stuff

>> No.15331618

Anything worth saving so far from the 3rd doc?

>> No.15331649

I would say anything that looks like it had effort put into it, but how to quantify that, i'm not sure, you might as well save it all.

>> No.15331653

It's called deconstruction, you wouldn't get it

>> No.15331662

the shitposting would be better if there were more people in doc rn but its burried half way through this thread

>> No.15331677

Whoever wrote a condensed history of the world at the end, you're an absolute goat

One of the best sections in the entire book

>> No.15331738


>> No.15331814

The table of contents is a bit fucked, there's some stuff missing from it

>> No.15331817

Thank you, anon. I feel very flattered.

>> No.15331845

Can somebody get that CCP poster off the document? He's been wrecking one Anon's poem.

>> No.15331849

I added a critique in the footnotes a couple of hours ago.

>> No.15331864 [DELETED] 

are you talking about poem 7? i wrote the first three lines and another anon added a punchline which i was fine with.

>> No.15331883

dont post in come write III, wait til this one hits its bump limit

fucking retards i swear

>> No.15331893

Just looking at Amazon publishing, it will probably be quite expensive if we want to publish this in color. If we hit 600 pages, the cost of a printed color copy will be over 70 USD. If we print in black and white, 600 pages comes to about 13 USD.
Personally, I would not be able to afford a copy at 70 USD (+probably 30 USD for shipping). I think it may be necessary to make the sacrifice and print b/w when it comes to that.

>> No.15331894

blame the one who posted it then

>> No.15331898

no Im sure black and white is fine. We'll just have to be selective about the images, maybe alter them so they work with the color palate. It would fuck some of the colored passages over but Im sure we could figure out a way to preserve the intention through other means

>> No.15331901

Yeah don't fuck with other peoples stuff

Especially not for dumb spam

>> No.15331909

Use Lulu. It would be cheaper to print plus Amazon doesn't allow erotic incest stories and we have a few of those

>> No.15331913

Right now, there's two people spamming Long live the CCP on one poem and posting Winnie the Pooh r34. Nobody else is writing. I think it was worth posting.

>> No.15331920

Anon, it should be known that your history is gone. Please repost it. Thanks.

>> No.15331933

then dont fucking write until next thread and dont take this too too seriously. But dont be a fag and fill up the front page with two of the same threads

>> No.15332465

Suppose it's limited to the EXACT word count of Decameron [in the OG tongue] and page #, with the same applied to follow up volumes in the series based on whatever the OG work the title is riffing off of

>> No.15332500


God damn I'm really out of sync with this whole project, are most of you based in the states? I'm the angloid working on Levirusthan and I've been asleep, guessing that doc 2 is locked now?..

>> No.15332545

Interesting. Which is?

>> No.15332773

Shout out to all my homies we wrote Das Kapital with me

>> No.15332827

Thanks for writing with me anon, you inspired me to be a better black man (did the paragraph starting with "Listen up whitey"). At first I was thinking it would be a bit odd with different people writing each paragraph, but I think it's ended up better for it, each has an enjoyable style of it's own.

>> No.15333139

Das Rite

>> No.15333890

this pepys-phytoplankton arc is something to behold indeed

>> No.15333988

>You need to log in to edit this document
Lick my hairy, stretchmarked ass, you boldly luminescent africanoid

>> No.15334098

theres a new thread bro

>> No.15334107

I love you homies, I wrote the third section and proposed the original idea. That was fun shit

>> No.15335295


I'm about to finish it all now with 'Pepys Rides Out', in VOL.3 ive been busy with home stuff.