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15305344 No.15305344 [Reply] [Original]

STEMChads are doing stuff so interesting IRL that I have a hard time getting inspiration from literature

>> No.15305347

All that retard is doing is accelerating the destruction of humanity

>> No.15305350

Sounds like a pretty good endorsement of OPs statement.

>> No.15305356

He sold all his physical posessions and all his companies are going bankrupt. He married an /x/-tier nutjob and spends his time larping as Deus Ex while smoking DMT.

He could have just read Plato and save time.

>> No.15305380

Space is literally the stupidest thing there is. I cant even fathom giving a shit about space. To do what? Eat, shit, fuck the same way you do here, but in Mars? Be clinically depressed and eat doritos while watching anime, but in the moon? Space, like sex, is just another promise of the pleasure, of release, but when we get there, like when your coom into a woman, we’re just going to find precisely what we’ve known was there all along: nothing. Just the same dread and disappointment that follows us everywhere. Stop externalizing life to objects or ideas, OP. You’ll be the same loser in Jupiter that you are here.

>> No.15305389

Reminder Judaism, Christianity, and Islam defined the world and continued
to define the world far more than any shitty science discover. Literature is far more op and influential than science.

>> No.15305390

"STEMChads" mostly aspire to either optimize digital advertising or figure out how to get nonzero returns on the money that someone else gets loaned at zero interest from the government.

>> No.15305406

The same old thing in a different environment is something humans really like doing it seems like. We could easily throw in the towel at any point and settle for what we have but people would get bored. I think it's kind of fun to see the times go by and culture/technology evolve even though I hate most of it

>> No.15305416

yeah just become the next elon musk 4Head

>> No.15305425

It’s like travel. The benefit of travel is best kept when done for a short amount of time. The longer you stay were you vacation the more you realize it’s the same shit just a different toilet. Space is all cool and mysterious now, but once we get to it for any considerable time, it will become another mundanity, like everything else.

>> No.15305436

The truth the 'I Fucking Love Science!' crowd doesn't want to hear.

>> No.15305467

incredibly based

>> No.15305477

imagine having this feminine outlook on the world

>> No.15305494

Nice comeback, kid. How many times did you coom today?

>> No.15305497

>Having a child with a nutjob 17 years his junior
>Naming the kid X Æ A-12
sounds pretty based to me

>> No.15305511

Travelling to foreign third world countries and experiencing their culture is not really on par with anything else. It's like going back in time 300 years in some instances, extremely fun. The "I hate travel" meme is unironically a stem dork quality

>> No.15305521

What are you going to do in space that you can't do here? Space only promises isolation and distance from "normal" life, which if enough people go, will just follow suit. The only thing we're going to do in space is make more cities and do precisely the same thing we're doing here.

Yes, but you don't live there. You're there to escape your routine and your normal for a fixed duration. Stay there long enough and it becomes mundane.

>> No.15305529

>not liking grimes
You guys fucking 40 or something?

>> No.15305533

Going to Mars is useless. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15305534

You're too influenced by reddit

>> No.15305545

Experiencing what is completely unknown is extremely thrilling. Whenever I talk with females about space, they always have the same outlook as you do. I assume you are a very unimaginative and close minded individual in most aspects of your life.

>> No.15305571
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>Experiencing what is completely unknown is extremely thrilling. Whenever I talk with females about space, they always have the same outlook as you do. I assume you are a very unimaginative and close minded individual in most aspects of your life.

>> No.15305585
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>> No.15305594
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>> No.15305597
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>> No.15305598

The only people I’ve known irl who were big into le space travel maymay were girls

>> No.15305603
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>> No.15305607
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>> No.15305613

Tell me, then? Realistically, what do you expect from space? You personally? The reason women will be more likely to share this outlook is because they're not sold on galavanting stories of space conquest and aline cowboys or whatever like geeks are. They're sold on romcoms and humansofny or whatever. There is nothing in space that will make life any more exciting for you. I have plenty of imagination, that's why I don't get off on prepackaged meaningless ideals like Space™. Find respite in life, not in things or places. I assure you, the first thing that will be placed on a space colony will be a bank.

>> No.15305616

Going to Mars is peak r*ddit female goal. Think about it logically.

>> No.15305619
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>> No.15305622

based and tedpilled

>> No.15305631

Except this planet will eventually not exist and if we don't get off it we will go extinct. If you care about humanity you would be pro-space exploration, but you're just another unknowing anti-natalist shill. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15305632
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>> No.15305633

>Find respite in life, not in things or places. I assure you, the first thing that will be placed on a space colony will be a bank.
This so much

>> No.15305637

Reminder that Elon already had like 4 kids before the most recent one.
He looked incredibly low energy in his Joe Rogan interview. The guy is clearly unhappy with something. Guarantee a divorce will be coming in the next few years.

>> No.15305639

Imagine finding another earth like planet with natives on it we can wipe out like our ancestors. How would that not be peek entertainment? I envy our forefathers who got to sail across the planet and experience what was completely unknown to them

>> No.15305641

Conservatards everyone

>> No.15305644

Every planet will eventually not exist dummy

>> No.15305650

Im gonna fuck an alien

>> No.15305653

Except this planet will eventually not exist and if we don't get off it we will go extinct.
Is this not an extremely boring utilitarian justification? "We have to go to space because we made Earth unlivable". Im not arguing agains this, but this doesn't make sound like an exciting or enriching experience, but one of necessity, like taking a shit.

>> No.15305654
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Elon has 6 kids now (plus one who died in infancy)

>> No.15305661

Grimes and Elon aren't married

>> No.15305664
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the future is vr, it's the only way we can escape from this existence by plugging in ourselves into a better reality.

we don't need space or to go out externally we need to go deeper in internally.

>> No.15305666

I'm sure the guy has absolutely no time at all.
> married to a tumblr-tier girl
> 6 kids
> CEO of Tesla
He is gonna unironically die from exhaustion

>> No.15305668

The majority of them simply oversaw plantations and constructions. Also, nothing is more telling of having taken the ideological kool-aid than really looking forward or wanting to engage in war.

>> No.15305669

He's had 7 kids now. Minus the one he offered for sacrifice back in the day

>> No.15305679
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>We shouldn't progress technologically or explore or strive for anything past what gives me pleasure right in this exact moment
>Just like our based african ancestors

>> No.15305681
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There are much, MUCH better IRL girls than Grimes. She's such a shitty IRL girl that she has to pretend to be an anime girl, but unfortunately for her she'll never measure up to actual anime girls. So she fails on BOTH fronts.

>> No.15305691
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>> No.15305700

>don't even try because an outcome that's not entirely certain might happen!
+there may be other universes we could go into or something that's currently incomprehensible to us that's accidentally discovered that could ensure our permanent survival
Well I was talking about the fact that the sun will literally engulf the Earth in a billion years, although it will probably become uninhabitable to humans long before that
Also I don't care about how uninteresting the justification is, if people want humanity to survive they should be pro-space exploration, if you don't, then you're just anti-human and therefore evil.

>> No.15305706

who gives about muh Mars you stupid faggot bugman lmao

>> No.15305709

>We shouldn't progress technologically or explore or strive for anything past what gives me pleasure right in this exact moment
I dont think you understand the basedboy or numale concept if you really dont realize how this is the opposite of what hey believe and want. Material and technological progress only has one justification, that some Other has more powerful weapons than you. Besides that, there is in fact no point.

All this technology around you and here you are still wanting 'something else'. There is no better argument against the notion that technology brings us pleasure than your insistence on space travel, it shows that all of this cars, computers, airplanes, microwaves, television, vr porn, vidya, sound systems, all of this is not enough, and it will never be enough. Progress is another God that never delivers.

>> No.15305715

>there may be other universes we could go into or something that's currently incomprehensible to us that's accidentally discovered that could ensure our permanent survival
lel. Just convert to Christianity you bugman retard, it’ll save you time and be far less cringe

>> No.15305717

and just like that, based Anon BTFO the bugmen menace forever

>> No.15305725

I never said im anti-space exploration. i just think it's stupid. I also think most people are stupid but Im not anti-people. Explore space all you want, im just saying its stupid and there's nothing there but empty promises dropped on your head by tv and hollywood.

>> No.15305728


>> No.15305731
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>that all of this cars, computers, airplanes, microwaves, television, vr porn, vidya, sound systems, all of this is not enough, and it will never be enough. Progress is another God that never delivers.
>vr porn never delivers
idk about that one chief.

>> No.15305735

Musk is such a bad example, lol, but I’m sympathetic to what you’re saying, OP. In many ways, the arts ruled the 20th century. Look at what was published before the Second World War alone. We’re pretty obviously in a time of science and the tech industry has capitalized on that. In many ways, I think the 20th century set an impasse for us mow. That’s not to say that art and literature is not worthwhile, but it’s shocking how many writers fail to write about the time they’re living in (it’s worse with music; film can sort of play around with this, but more so in a genre context). Anyway, we have the recent works of the past and those before it which will always remain relevant—remember Pound’s dictum: “Literature is news that stays news.” We’re probably boggling a lot of our findings now anyway, but people will be reading Kafka, Beckett, Borges, whoever, after you and I are gone.

>> No.15305739

Ehh could have been said better but I agree a little in a different way. We can't have the approach toward space of escaping Earth. Literally page one of Arendt's Human Condition.

>> No.15305750
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>So we should just curl up under our mud huts and pick bugs off the floor we can eat and to distract us from ever even having to contemplate doing something that may be interesting or even practical with our lives

You should go back to africa my man

>> No.15305762

>but it’s shocking how many writers fail to write about the time they’re living in (it’s worse with music; film can sort of play around with this, but more so in a genre context)
I've noticed this too. No one likes these times as far as fiction setting is concerned. There was a video on YouTube that sort of analyzed why cell phones are seldom used in modern films. Modern times are just too soulless to make profound fiction of any kind. Just look at artists who actually deal with our times like Houellebecq. Most depressing shit there is. The Hindus were right. Spengler was right.

>> No.15305768
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>implying going to Mars is interesting or practical

>> No.15305771

Thanks anon for confirming my suspicion that space nerds are intellectually inept and incapable of self-reflection. For a moment I thought I was talking to a being with consciousness.

>> No.15305777
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him going back to Africa, is an insult to Africans, even Africans strive for improvement.

>> No.15305780

And when that gets old we move on to the next thing, and so on and so forth, space is not going to be the only shiny new thing in the future, there's also fully human-like robots, perfected virtual simulation, immortality, there's just no end to it until everything's been done and that's going to take a while assuming we even survive which I doubt

>> No.15305791
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>Thanks anon for confirming my suspicion that space nerds are intellectually inept and incapable of self-reflection. For a moment I thought I was talking to a being with consciousness.

>> No.15305793

>distract us from ever even having to contemplate doing something that may be interesting or even practical with our lives
This is literally what space exploration is, pure distraction from the meaningless void at the center of our lives.
"Let's look at rocks inside our cool flying heaps of metal" instead of searching for the fundamental truths of life and existence through science and philosophy.

>> No.15305802

The truth is that everyone wants to escape the "traditional" (as in, pre-industrial) way of life because it's nasty, hard and painful. People might have many problems with modern life (and there are many serious problems with modern life) the truth is that it contains the promise, the seeds for something better.

>> No.15305805


>> No.15305808

Tell me the practical improvements of going to Mars right now. One, two, three, go.

>> No.15305817

imagine unironically typing this like there's exactly no connection between space exploration "searching for the fundamental truths of life and existence"

>> No.15305818

>there's also fully human-like robots, perfected virtual simulation, immortality,
aaaaaany day now, right? one of these days science will figure it out and then you won’t have to die!

>> No.15305820

>the fundamental truths of life and existence through science and philosophy.

How do you plan to find the fundamental truth of life, existence and science without exploring the universe? and if space is distraction then why would earth be any less of a distraction you simpleton...

>> No.15305822

Also earth flat and space doesnt exist based

>> No.15305826

Tell me what was the practical improvement of Smith, Nelson, Arnold, and Harding aerial circumnavigation right now. One, two, three, go.

>> No.15305831

What fundamental truths of existence will mars rocks unlock?

>> No.15305843


One can always count on Wokaj posters being retards 100% of the time. Kys.

>> No.15305851

if it's proven that life on Mars arose independently of life on Earth, the chance that we're alone in the universe is drastically reduced. If we find no life on any kind then we have evidence that there is something unique about Earth conducive to life and it may aid in our search for other intelligent life.

>> No.15305852

bugmen are self-destroying attempting to even deal with this truth. BASED.

>> No.15305861

>moving goal posts
It's okay if you don't have an answer. Just admit there's no practical improvements in going to Mars right now. It's literally just a billionaires dick-measuring contest.

>> No.15305866

Beta testing and progression towards more significant space expeditions. I dont get why you think you have a say in this? A lot of people much more intelligent and influential than you and I are actively working towards this goal, the good news is you dont have to participate. Just close the window on your mud hut man and let the humans explore the galaxy you monkey.

>> No.15305867

How do you plan to find the fundamental truth of life and existence by exploring the universe?

>> No.15305874

The answer to the two questions is the same brainlet.

>> No.15305875

Material progress is nothing bad in and of itself. The issue is turning it into an ideology. As if material progress justifies itself. To make this /lit/ for a moment I recommend you read The Railway Journey. An iold book written around the time the Train became a fact of life. The author goes through great detail showing how railways promised to make life easier, but only adapted life to its own contours. Take the example of the man who, pre-railway, had to ride his donkey for an hour from town to get to the mines to work. The railway offered the possibility of reaching in 10 minutes or less. Great! That must mean that now he could sleep in for 40 or so more mins in the morning, right? No, now his employer expects him to get there earlier because he can. Technological progress adapts the world and its expectations. Technological progress doesn’t improve life if it is rationally and self-reflectively organized. If you’re a weeb loser now, you’ll remain one in Mars.

>> No.15305880
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>One can always count on Wokaj posters being retards 100% of the time. Kys.

>> No.15305895

If some Other has more powerful weapons than you it's already too late and you are at their mercy. The justification of material and technological process is to secure your own freedom by having weapons over them

>will never be enough
if you want to have enough turn to spirituality, that's not what technology is for, contrary to the insistence of all the posters on here. "Same shit, different space" means you can't even conceive of a positive vision of your life on earth outside of your addiction to the endless cheap novelty that you call ""technology""

If you can imagine life might be worth preserving and being improved upon, going to space is an absolutely necessary insurance policy against the fucked politics of earth.

Maybe the issue is with the cult of personality he's trying his best to encourage among the fucking-love-science crowd, But his work and vision of future are definitely far more admirable than most of the other influential players like google/fb

>> No.15305899

>if it isn’t*

>> No.15305898

The problem is capitalism (aka spiritual over-the-top jewry) then, not technical advancement

>> No.15305900

No, probably none of those things will happen in our lifetime lol. The last big thing has been the internet and it doesn't look like anything like that is on the horizon any time soon, only prototypes for things that take forever to go anywhere and shitty tech toys for yuppies to amuse themselves. Why the fuck do you need an internet refrigerator? Lmao

>> No.15305909

Continued accumulation of knowledge? Imagine if the greeks never ventured outside of europe to the deserts of mesopotamia, almost all of modern philosophy, science and art would not exist. Are you seriously this dense my man?

>> No.15305910

I never said I "had a say" in this, bugman. I said there weren't any real practical reasons to do it. You're acting like I give a shit they're wasting money. I don't. But going to Mars is literally useless. Barren nothingland full of fairy dust and faggot rocks. They could be building a space Torus ring for future mankind instead of squandering cash on fucking Mars. Bunch of retards.

>> No.15305917

I mean there were people in Mesopotamia, kind of a different situation

>> No.15305918

>If you’re a weeb loser now, you’ll remain one in Mars
why are you stuck on space exploration as a form of escapism? I'm getting shades of pregrad doomer like someone who considers all forms of wonder and excitement to be fundamentally derived from self-disgust. Maybe you are stuck in a place of despair from which self improvement seems like the most important thing in the universe, but don't project that on other people. Some people are comfortable and wish to put their efforts to something productive and with forward momentum instead of navel gazing and doomer posting on the internet.

>> No.15305919
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> If you’re a weeb loser now, you’ll remain one in Mars.
not if you escape into vr, in vr you can be anything.

>> No.15305920

I like Houellebecq well enough, but most of his writing already feels dated to me. The tone of “The Elementary Particles” is stuck in the 90’s / early 00’s, as is much of what happens. Not to say that people don’t work at office parks (I’m being reductive, but you get my point), it’s just that I don’t think he has the possibility for posterity we ascribe to Kafka for managing to eerily look ahead to the Holocaust or Dante for writing in a way of imagining the world that’s in conversation with Einstein more so than most scientists were. I don’t know...there are good writers now, but the culture industry is so hegemonized that a truly worthwhile writer bubbling up for future interest seems more unlikely. It’s the same with films, though. You have to almost look country by country to see what’s worthwhile.

>> No.15305929

No one intelligent is trying to get to fucking Mars you dumb söyboy faggot

>> No.15305935

You can't even grow crops on Mars, bugman. No intelligent life, not even wild life. Mars is a nothingburger.

>> No.15305941

>Some people are comfortable and wish to put their efforts to something productive
and other people have delusional fantasies about escaping to mars

>> No.15305942

Who says space will solve all your personal problems? That’s not the reason why we go

>> No.15305952

and those people write science fiction
what's your point?

>> No.15305956

>The justification of material and technological process is to secure your own freedom by having weapons over them
So it’s just animalistic fear? You look at Athens and Sparta and prefer being Sparta? Im not arguing against you here, only pointing out that in this logic material progress is a necessity, not a good by its own means at all. The nuclear weapon buys us a sense of security, not happiness. Is it freedom if we’re bound to it against our authentic desires?
>If you can imagine life might be worth preserving and being improved upon, going to space is an absolutely necessary insurance policy against the fucked politics of earth.
In what scenario do our “fucked politics” not follow us out of earth?

>> No.15305959

Why yes building a torus ring around earth is a much more practical goal than a trip to mars... The fact you think mars is humanities final goal just shows how limited your imagination is. You would seriously fit in among natives in the amazon who never bothered to leave the 5 square kilometres surrounding their village because they couldn't work out how to cross a river.

>> No.15305961

what "fundamental truth" are you even looking for? If you mean the laws of physics, obviously you'd be aided by having a larger presence in the universe you're trying to understand. if you mean understanding consciousness, it's still as accessible today as it's ever been throughout history when all the great spiritual texts were written, and it looks to remain at that level of accessibility into the future.

Space can prolong human survival and maybe lead to more insights into the former "fundamental truth", so why complain about its pursuit? What would you have them do instead? Maybe solve your own "meaningless void" before expecting daddy elon to do it for you

>> No.15305966

>what's your point?
getting you guys to stop shilling your shitty sci-fi

>> No.15305970

True, but the vast majority of us are a part of that.

>> No.15305976
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>Theres no people in space

How could you possibly know that?
Mars isn't the final goal you cognitive chimpanzee. It's very obviously a stepping stone goal toward continued space exploration.
>No one intelligent is trying to get to fucking Mars you dumb söyboy faggot

>> No.15305980

>How could you possibly know that?
I looked

>> No.15305983

Lol. Imagine if any of the great conquerors of history thought this way. Evolution would have never progressed, let alone civilization. The fact that the only use you can think for space-travel is "watching anime and eating doritos" just betrays where your own interests lie. You are just projecting your own failures and pessimisms on the rest of humanity. I believe Nietzsche called this "chandala syndrome", in that, because you played the game and lost, you now have ressentiment towards it, and so take revenge in slandering it.

>> No.15305995

Effeminate materialists itt...
Reducing space to a materialist pursuit rather than seeing the spiritual value of LEAVING THE PLANET. This world needs MEN who will test the limits of the human condition, not WORMS that are comfortable in their warm, oxygen rich GaiaWomb. FUCK MATERIALISTS

>> No.15305996

>Some people are comfortable and wish to put their efforts to something productive and with forward momentum instead of navel gazing and doomer posting on the internet.
Being productive is a spook, anon. Productive how? Why? To who? Is it productive to spend 1/3rd of your life working to make someone else rich? Is it productive to go to space to set up camps under the flags of whatever nation you were borned to? So that more people can be born and earn capital in other planets instead of this one? It’s clear you need a dream to stay afloat. Space is a dream. I hope that we start space exploration soon so that dream can be dragged to mundane reality and you wake up sooner and you can start focusing on yourself. I hope this for your benefit.

>> No.15305997

As a STEMlord I can tell you that going to space is indeed a stupid idea, whereas simulation offers us a better scenario for future inquiries and exploration.

>> No.15306001

>Why yes building a torus ring around earth is a much more practical goal than a trip to mars...
It doesn't need to be "around earth", bugman. That's how limited your imagination is. It could be used to travel as well as to be the home for humanity once earth is destroyed. It also doens't have to be a Torus ring. Just a station/means of travel for mankind.
>The fact you think mars is humanities final goal just shows how limited your imagination is.
I never said Mars was "humanity's final goal" but I guess everyone sounds right when they're fighting a straw man. They will realize how useless exploring Mars is only after spending hundreds of billions of dollars (some even from the public's taxes).
>You would seriously fit in among natives in the amazon who never bothered to leave the 5 square kilometres surrounding their village because they couldn't work out how to cross a river.
And you seriously fit with the cocksucking R*dditor crowd who think Elon Musk is Rocket Jesus. Join them and have fun.

>> No.15306002

There's nothing in space to conquer. This isn’t Star Trek.

>> No.15306012

>Mars isn't the final goal you cognitive chimpanzee. It's very obviously a stepping stone goal toward continued space exploration.
A very limited goal then. It's not even hospitable.

>> No.15306013

>I cant see it with the naked eye so it doesn't exist

>> No.15306015

Would you deny the engineers who design the rockets and the engines their craft? Would you deny the scientists who want to study the universe their sincere enthusiasm? Would you deny the explorers and test pilots and risk takers their genuine thrill in stepping where no human has ever stepped?
Productive towards the same worthwhile goals I'm sure you'd argue about in favor of religion or philosophy, but for whatever autistic reason can't apply to this.

>> No.15306016

Fuck materialists, indeed. Us idealists must realise the importance on the continued progression of the theoretical disciplines of physics and biology, even if it results in sacrificing a few scientists to mental illness (aka materialism), in the pursuit and release of power, and bringing civilization as a whole to it's next epoch of greatness.

>> No.15306022
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the only thing we then need to worry about is finding a way to upload our consciousness and protect the main computer when the sun eventually explodes.

>> No.15306024

Would you rather the first try being some planet around proxima centauri than mars? Learning to walk before running and all that...

>> No.15306028

>Imagine if any of the great conquerors of history thought this way.
Many lives would’ve been saved.
>You are just projecting your own failures and pessimisms on the rest of humanity.
>Where are we headed? Are we not endlessly plunging —backwards, sideways, forwards, in all directions? Is there an up and a down anymore? Do we not wander as if through an endless nothingness? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Hasn’t it grown colder?

>> No.15306036

It's quite literally science-fiction. Even a faggot like Hawking we should never try to contact extraterrestrial life forms because it's fucking dangerous and irresponsible.

>> No.15306039

>dude we need to go to mars to conquer the space ghost empire
This is what bugmen have been reduced to

>> No.15306040

It doesn't matter if there is "nothing" there. We will put things there, just like our ancestors did when they found fresh land. What matters and interests people is bringing civilization to the next level. The fact that you can't see this insofar as you don't want it just goes to show that you are an ambitionless loser.

>> No.15306045

Man will depart to the afterlife. Nevertheless, signed with the image of God, we shall prove it through VIRTUE and DOMINATION, galactic domination to be precise. Do not be like the Gnostics, who despite everything about this universe. The COSMOS were designed by God, and the COSMOS were designed as GOOD and BEAUTIFUL.

>> No.15306048

>Many lives would’ve been saved.
And civilization would stay on the level of wooden hut communes.

>> No.15306050

None of that is wrong. Isolated acts of creativity and accomplishment are wonderful and truly what life is about. But that’s not the dream of Space. The dream of Space is Progress and Human Achivement. These are the things you should be wary of not to get to caught up in.

>> No.15306053

Man will depart to the afterlife. Nevertheless, signed with the image of God, we shall prove it through VIRTUE and DOMINATION, galactic domination to be precise. Do not be like the Gnostics, who despise everything about this universe as if created by an evil demiurge.The COSMOS were designed by God, and the COSMOS were designed as GOOD and BEAUTIFUL.
Science vs religion is a false dichotomy artificially engineered. Be ye Catholics, see that there is no discord, that it is humanity’s Job to learn about our creator. ONWARD TO THE STARS

>> No.15306056

>It doesn't matter if there is "nothing" there.
Yes, it does. You may be stupid and myopic enough to equate unsettled fertile land to barren space rock, but normal, intelligent people aren’t.

>> No.15306062

I do agree that the cosmos were designed good and beautiful, but I see it that the world and god are one.

>> No.15306069

The fact you say that as a bad thing means clearly that whatever Neechee you read, it went over you head. You have a God, it’s name is the State.

>> No.15306071

I would rather focus on looking for an earth-like planet. The only reason Mars wouldn't be a waste of time is if there are tons of resources to build our Torus. But one can only dream. It's essentially science-fiction.

>> No.15306074

If space isn't a goal worth humanities time, how do you think we should spend our time here on earth?

>> No.15306075

>You may be stupid and myopic enough to equate unsettled fertile land to barren space rock, but normal, intelligent people aren’t.

>> No.15306083

>You really think this will stump civilization?
Yes, obviously. There’s a reason that space colonization has been relegated to the fevered dreams of autistics.

>> No.15306084

You seen to me the man who, upon having a necrosed finger, would rather cut off his entire arm.

>> No.15306085

Bezos wants to do the Torus, it's basically just Musk that wants Mars.

>> No.15306086

Faggot, there's a reason why people barely even exist in the Arctic and the Antarctic. There's fucking nothing there, just like there's fucking nothing in Mars.

>> No.15306091

>conquer Americas
>Americas converted to Catholicism

>conquer space

Yeah, I don’t know what, but based on the first outcome, I’m certainly excited for the second one

>> No.15306095

No, you didn't go far enough INTO Nietzsche, that is, late Nietzsche, where he wants to construct a state over the peoples heads for the production of the overman/god so that it can create the eternal recurrence and Nietzsche can live his amor fati life an infinite number of times.

>> No.15306104

>conquer space
>get assraped by aliens

>> No.15306110

>there's a reason why people barely even exist in the Arctic and the Antarctic
yes, it's called the Antarctic Treaty System that stops people from doing exactly that.
>There's fucking nothing there
there's oil there that people would exploit if they were allowed

>> No.15306116

I doubt Earth-like planets are anything but a pipe-dream. If we ever find one capable of bearing human life (and finding such a planet and being assured of it's life-bearing potential would entail immense difficulties) it would probably be so far as to be impossible to reach in person. At this point you're probably sending some kind of automatized cloning/artificial insemination lab to create the colonizers.

>> No.15306129

Helping each other? Making sure eveyone is fed? Stopping wars? Stopping climate change? Designing a society that allows individuals to self-fulfill? But these are loftier dreams, because it’ll be easier for humanity to travel the universe and back than to achieve these things. Meanwhile we’ll continue our same track record of selfishness under a new banner like >>15306048 who is fine with genocide and death inaslong as there is some abstract societal “evolution” to justify it.

>> No.15306133

>Faggot, there's a reason why people barely even exist in the Arctic and the Antarctic
But people do exist in the arctic. You are trying to make a false equivalency of people "barely even existing" (when they are), and people not existing.

>> No.15306138

>Helping each other? Making sure eveyone is fed? Stopping wars? Stopping climate change? Designing a society that allows individuals to self-fulfill?
that shit’s all way gayer than space travel

>> No.15306139

People go to Antarctica. There are no large populations living there because that would be fucking stupid. An eventual landfall on Mars would be similar.
Nobody actually sane wants to create some kind of massive martian colony

>> No.15306140

What a curious thing to say

>> No.15306150

>We should feed the niggers instead

>> No.15306153

>Nobody actually sane wants to create some kind of massive martian colony
There are numerous spergs in this thread advocating for much more far-fetched ideas than a mars colony.

>> No.15306155

Yes of course it's necessity, just look at all of human history. A rat race that gets more shit for everyone as technology becomes more powerful. The only sustainable outcomes are a totalitarian world-empire surveillance state (equally plausible under the US or china), or an uncle Ted-esque perpetually medieval post-nuclear war post-fossil fuel world

>Is it freedom if we’re bound to it against our authentic desires?
It's a privilege to be momentarily free from darwinian processes and be able to pursue our "authentic desires" , but I wouldn't expect the nuclear MAD stalemate to continue in perpetuity. And that's without considering cyberattacks, bio-weapons (which we're now previewing)

>In what scenario do our “fucked politics” not follow us out of earth?
You're just buying you and your tribe some distance. Increasing your moat with a bit of outer space instead of two oceans so you don't have to be subject to the same nuclear winter as everyone on earth. Maybe it's futile but it's better than nothing

>> No.15306157

>I doubt Earth-like planets are anything but a pipe-dream.
There are 34 found so far. But they aren't exactly right around the corner. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nearest_terrestrial_exoplanet_candidates
>At this point you're probably sending some kind of automatized cloning/artificial insemination lab to create the colonizers.
Isn't this the ending of Interstellar?

>> No.15306171

>yes, it's called the Antarctic Treaty System that stops people from doing exactly that.
And it's fucking hard and deadly to live there.
>there's oil there that people would exploit if they were allowed
I wonder if the transportation costs would make it cost-effective.

>> No.15306175

>Helping each other?
vague and gay
>Making sure eveyone is fed?
diversity of property is a necessity
>Stopping wars?
we have literally stopped all international conflict on planet Earth. Next.
>Stopping climate change?
space exploration is literally, unironically the first step in stopping climate change
>Designing a society that allows individuals to self-fulfill?
this is literally what capitalism is designed to do

There WERE actual problems in the world 100 years ago and they have all been fixed. Everything people worry about today is trivial and blown out of proportion because they lack perspective.

>> No.15306181

Of those 34, how many are astronomers sure could support human life right now (as in, without the humans needing a lot of technology). I barely remember Interstellar, but I do think you're right.

>> No.15306187


>> No.15306188

> There are no large populations living there because that would be fucking stupid
Kinda like Mars?
>There are numerous spergs in this thread advocating for much more far-fetched ideas than a mars colony.
There aren't any more far-fetched ideas than a Mars colony. It's quite literally the most retarded idea in action right now by matters of size and scope.

>> No.15306197

Go ahead, then, live like an inuit on space.

>> No.15306198

>Helping each other?
How do you know there isn't a planet of wounded space-army veterans that needs our help? How do you know there aren't billions of them that we could be saving if we invented space travel?
>Making sure eveyone is fed?
How do you know there isn't some "food planet" which is fully fertillized and has vegetation across it's entire surface?
>Stopping wars?
Won't space colonization be a goal humanity can work on together to divert itself from that?
>Stopping climate change?
Won't space-travel make stopping climate change irrelivent, in that we can camp on a new planet ("we" being the colony selected to travel there)?
>Designing a society that allows individuals to self-fulfill?
What about the increased number of jobs that will be made because of space-travel as a goal? Isn't going to space, being responsible for that in some way, "fulfilling"?
>Meanwhile we’ll continue our same track record of selfishness under a new banner like >>15306048 (You) who is fine with genocide and death inaslong as there is some abstract societal “evolution” to justify it.
You are correct, I was being entirely selfish, and to be honest, I only want this evolution because it seems cool to me, and am willing to face and manipulate anyone necessary in my lifetime to make it happen.

>> No.15306199

The fact that a large amount of people won't love there does not discard the possibility of scientific expeditions and even tourism.

>> No.15306211

Alienating yourself from loftier sentiments in this manner is a way coping. It’s a kind of hyperrealism. Yes, life is a struggle for survival, but not all of it. Material progress is useful as a mere fact, not as an ideology to pursue endlessly out of necesisty or fear. Such a life, at a certain point is not worth living. People are depressed at unprecedented levels and they’ll continue to become more and more disillusioned. Why is anti-natalism a thing? Why are anti-depressants and drugs so pervasive? Why does every other young adult joke about killing themselves? For humanity to be saved it’s going to need loftier ideals than this kind of darwinism. And I mean saved from its self, not from any external threat.

This is exactly the kind of intellectual heavyweights I expect to glorify Space travel. Keep at it, im sure calling things gay is the way they solve disputes in stem.

>> No.15306217

While I agree a mars colony would at present be a stupid goal, that is not what the conversation is about. It is about space travel.

>> No.15306219
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>romanticizing imperialism
latin america, mid east, sea, india, bangladesh, will remain poor as shit for all eternity

go suck a dick familia

>> No.15306220

Yea, let's have tourism when our planet is fucking dying and we have no home. OR we build a Torus ring which could serve as both a home station and a means of travel meanwhile we look for the closest earth-like planet.

>> No.15306232

Space stations are even more of a pipe dream than actually dealing with the eminent environmental collapse

>> No.15306236

>latin america
Literally poor because of the US. Cuba is poor as fuck not because of communism but because embargo shit. Essentially the US doesn't let anyone do business with Cuba.

>> No.15306238

>atin america, mid east, sea, india, bangladesh, will remain poor as shit for all eternity
I hope they do. Why would I give a fuck about any of those places? They are culturally irrelivent, outside of hinduism in india. I have no idea what your point is in responding to me though.

>> No.15306241

>Essentially the US doesn't let anyone do business with Cuba
Yeah, they are assholes.

>> No.15306243

Strange way of agreeing with him about imperialism

>> No.15306246

>not caring about Latin America
Hey, that's where I live, asshole. Not our problem you have a burgerized taste. There's culture of worth here.

>> No.15306247

There already are space stations, idiot.

>> No.15306250
File: 2.02 MB, 3614x5149, Green Orange Ad v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. 100x

>> No.15306251

Nowhere near the scale you want you disingenuous fuck

>> No.15306256

I wasn't disagreeing, though. It was more of a comment.

>> No.15306261

>How do you know there isn't a planet of wounded space-army veterans that needs our help? How do you know there aren't billions of them that we could be saving if we invented space travel?
How do you know there arent invisible monekys making you blink? Yes, these things are possible, but they are not based on anything. They are made up dreams to justify what in reality will be an economic process overseen by countries and corporations in the coming future.
>Won't space colonization be a goal humanity can work on together to divert itself from that?
No? Wont Space travel be accessible only to the richer more powerful nations? Will space travel and colonization not be a source of dispute and a cause of war between the world powers? Will people from poorer nations not be faced with even greater inequality resulting from a lack of access to the burgeoning space economy?
>Won't space-travel make stopping climate change irrelivent, in that we can camp on a new planet ("we" being the colony selected to travel there)?
This is fair.
>What about the increased number of jobs that will be made because of space-travel as a goal? Isn't going to space, being responsible for that in some way, "fulfilling"?
Not what I mean by fulfilling. I mean it in the Maslow way. Having a job is definitely not fulfilling in this way, on its own at least.

>> No.15306260

Conversations, like technology, evolve. You must know that, pal.

>> No.15306263

I cannot recall one artistic, architectural, or philosophical triumph from latin america. Though the women there are hot, so you got that one. Inferior to swedish women, but you still get second.

>> No.15306274

Yeah, and you wanted it to evolve in a direction, which is why you replied mischeviously like that >>15306086
to steer and misdirect it in that direction.

>> No.15306279

Borges alone trumps all European and American literature in the 20th century and the only people who disagree are monolinguals.

>> No.15306291

>I cannot recall one artistic, architectural, or philosophical triumph from latin america.
I wouldn't be proud of living in an ignorance bubble but to each his own.

>> No.15306297


>> No.15306304

>there's nothing there but empty promises dropped on your head by tv and hollywood
Except more mass energy and space than the Earth could ever provide. Things necessary for continuously sustaining humanity.

>> No.15306310

>Wont Space travel be accessible only to the richer more powerful nations?
Yes, that is exactly my point. The "poorer" and weaker nations will certainly disagree with the progression, but they aren't gonna start a war with every world power on earth over it, and risk obliterating their entire culture.
>Will space travel and colonization not be a source of dispute and a cause of war between the world powers?
Not on the scale I am talking, which will require an alliance of sorts to accomplish this massive goal. Such an alliance will need to be furnished sooner or later, since the last thing the world powers want is an actual war with nukes flying around. Deterrence will make it necessary.
>Having a job is definitely not fulfilling in this way, on its own at least.
That's what money is for.

>> No.15306313

Stop being this much of a retard. You only believe this planet will cease to exist. Stop sucking scientist cock, onions loving cuck

>> No.15306315

So you want earthlings to become space parasites?

>> No.15306325

>outside of hinduism in india
So it's you who makes those fucking threads. Asshole.

>> No.15306328

I'll take Steinbeck and Nabakov, thanks.

>> No.15306331
File: 304 KB, 1002x1500, restaurant-creates-special-world-cup-curry-menu-birmingham-west-midlands-britain-shutterstock-editorial-1197375c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India is culturally irrelevant

>> No.15306333
File: 45 KB, 321x450, 74320502-CE10-4C2E-9C09-13C2B465A29E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re not going to space and we won’t live forever and that’s a good thing. Society as it exists now will never occur again on this earth.

>> No.15306337

>Except this planet will eventually not exist
Yeah, in millions of years you moron. So let's focus on problems here right now instead of jacking off in space.

>> No.15306339

They already are, such is the nature of entropy that we might only get less than whay originally was there, and so we need more and more and more.

>> No.15306341

If space is just a big empty of rocks and "stupid shit not worth our time" how is that parasitic?

>> No.15306343

He's Russian, but nice try.

>> No.15306344

Do you honestly think humanity will be alive by the time the sun starts ruining the earth? lmao

>> No.15306353

based but don't ever post that useless faggot on here again.

>> No.15306358

Bro, we'll be taking an alien civ's summer house and they'll assrape us when they realize it. All worthy space is already occupied by a mega civ.

>> No.15306360

Or if you want to listen to this goof we're all universal parasites anyway simply by virtue of using energy.
Better kill yourself

>> No.15306368

suck my dick you fucking faggot lmao

>> No.15306369

I go to Caltech. I'm literally smarter than this entire board and I don't feel the need to tussle with the monkeys on here since I'm not insecure.

>> No.15306371

Oh so you're a schizo

>> No.15306374

European russia.

>> No.15306380

Education != Intelligence, you would know that if you had either intelligence or educational

>> No.15306384

Yes, if we have space travel.

>> No.15306392

Fermi Paradox

>> No.15306397
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1587788980228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feels the need to mention his supposedly prestigious credentials
>" I'm not insecure"

>> No.15306398

More like he’s one of the few thinkers who’s actually useful

>> No.15306409

Well just nuke each other out or die from an even worse pandemic. Humanity is very frail. Over light-speed travel is phisically impossible. Just let it go.

>> No.15306410

Isn't that millions of years away?

>> No.15306414

Billions actually

>> No.15306422


>> No.15306426

>Education != Intelligence
For Caltech? Yes. I am quite simply better than you. Almost every single one of my peers is twice-exceptional or was part of a gifted education program, same story with me, of course. IQ is everything.

Shitting on public school peasants and genetic trash is a guilty pleasure of mine. If I were insecure, I'd post my ID.

>> No.15306428

Wouldn't be a paradox if there was a mega civ with summer homes everywhere. You're not very bright are you pal.

>> No.15306436

Solar sail ships could actually get to relativistic speeds. Of course, actually building the needed infrastructure is incredible far-fetched

>> No.15306437

>I'm t-totally not insecure bro hehe
have sex

>> No.15306442

>I’m not insecure guys look how not insecure I am I swear are you looking?
lel caltech spergs are even cringier than MIT dorks

>> No.15306447
File: 235 KB, 852x450, ta2hPIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I was telling the truth, I'd post my ID.

>> No.15306450

No, because even if humanity managed to continue its reproductive chain for that long we would almost certainly be an entirely different unrecognizable species.

>> No.15306458

I have autism and schizophrenia, pal. Just go with the flow with me, alright? All worthy spaces up there are owned by a mega civ which is omnipresent in all the physical universe. They know when a single hair of yours moves. They don't attack us now simply because we are so irrelavant and weak that is simply not worth it. We are ants. But the moment we start with our silly "conquering space" plans, they'll put another civ our size/level against us. They love putting creatures against creatures. It's their pleasure.

>> No.15306459

>because embargo shit.
People still believe this meme? They sided with the URSS and ended being on the losing side. Other countries on what once was the Soviet sphere of influence are doing alright. Cuba shot itself in the foot with the revolution. They would’ve failed either way, embargo or not, because centralized economy doesn’t work. Look at Venezuela or pre-economic reform China.

>> No.15306460
File: 666 KB, 1500x1122, ashtray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread reads like getting drunk off shit beers and arguing with your friends in bad faith about an inconsequential subject that none of you know that much about anyway while smoking cigarettes until you get a headache

>> No.15306469

Ah yes, the revolution to remove the American puppet ruler was a terrible thing.

>> No.15306484

Stopped reading there, MIT reject. I'm Class of 2016 for MIT and I'm a demigod in my friend group.
you'll never know how it feels to be the smartest person in the room

>> No.15306491

why are STEMcels so obsessed with ranking and status

>> No.15306499

they all have small cocks, so meme degrees is the next tie breaker.

>> No.15306501


>> No.15306503

It was. Look at Cuba now, retard. Last time I checked, banana boats were coming from Cuba and not to Cuba.

>> No.15306510

Your head is so far up your own ass you can't stop to consider what it is that allows these "loftier sentiments" to occupy your mind and to occupy the minds of future generations. It's material progress. Do you ever wonder why it took humanity thousands of years to almost collectively agree slavery is immoral? It's material progress that allows and affords the masses, of which you're undoubtedly a part, to conside these "loftier sentiments" you speak of. When you imply material progress for the sake of material progress is a meaningless pursuit while simultaneously lamenting someone divorcing himself from "lofty sentiments" you're pointing out how ignorant you are to how relentlessly integrated material progress is with whatever it is you think is "more important."

>> No.15306516

I'm just trying to call it like I see it. Coping would be denying reality in favour of loftier sentiments.

>Material progress is useful as a mere fact, not as an ideology to pursue endlessly out of necesisty or fear.
This is the ideal, but you need to secure it in the first place before you take it for granted. Which means being able to stop people from creating new technology that invalidates your "mere fact" present level of material progress. Not easy in a multi-polar world, hence the world-empire surveillance state I mentioned earlier.

Our instinct to engage in competitive material progress for natural selection is like the defining feature of being homo sapiens, and I don't see it stopping without a lot of effort.

>For humanity to be saved it’s going to need loftier ideals than this kind of darwinism.
That's precisely why elon is trying to run away to mars, because it's hard to see how we can be saved. Who's gonna install these lofty ideals into people whose functioning ego naturally drives them to be darwinists? I'm up for dosing the world population with psychedelics, but that might just teach the bitter new ways to be cruel.

>Such a life, at a certain point is not worth living. People are depressed at unprecedented levels and they’ll continue to become more and more disillusioned.
IPeople in WW2 were less depressed and disillusioned than today and their lives were nothing but a struggle for survival. The difference is they had solidarity and community, whereas people today struggle alone

>> No.15306526

That's race to the bottom for you.

>> No.15306532

When your degree is worth more than the paper it’s printed on, people care about where you got it from

>> No.15306540

This lol. The notion that STEMchads are all engineering methods to Mars is the biggest meme.

>> No.15306541

MIT is a total meme, though. Uzbekistan National Engineering School is where it's at, American.

>> No.15306553

if you don't have a faustian spirit you are not allowed to post in here

>> No.15306556

In a certain sense you are right, we're being manipulated by God and it's pointless to care. But for your lack of loyalty to your fellow humans I'd nominate you to be shot

>> No.15306562

suck my dick with your faustian mouth you colossal faggot lmao

>> No.15306613

>The issue is turning it into an ideology.
Such an ideology would be nothing more than practical.

If you want to keep the spirit of idealism alive into the future you have to conceive of something attainable that you can hitch to the wagon of material progress.

Male, land-owner party democracy instead of monarchy was fine for its time but it's ossified into the same thing. Companies lobbying to buy monopoly licenses (disguised as regulation) from a party-sponsored actor instead of a monarch

Fix your gay corruption so material progress serves the state and is not limited to private interests

>> No.15306672

True except our destiny lies in the stars under the leadership of AI and God, our duty is to rule the universe with the perfect genetic stock, giant human beings the size of planets who swim about the galaxies and coom space dust

>> No.15306688


>> No.15306700

He was speaking slowly as he was afraid of being misquoted about the virus

>> No.15306712

Because life doesn't run on fucking rails like some kind of toy train, at least not for you. Everything you call life is the work of ancestors who ran into fog so they could fuck, you can either see it as barbaric or supreme, but it is not whatever you are implying. What does joy in life even mean? I'm not against it but life isn't a product, its a phenomenon like time (If I am understanding you right) Nobody wants to go to space because of aliens, mankind has the drive for life and creation, directed with enough intention we can create something good, I believe.

>> No.15306718

nice argument

>> No.15307008

But I think OP is talking about achievements in one's own life and not over history

>> No.15307025

except, by your own definition of following the precedent of our ancestors into the unknown, life does run on rails.

>> No.15307034

>nitpicking a metaphor

>> No.15307047

he cute
you can tell he found out about NRx/acc recently

>> No.15307048

Musk is a conservatard idiot. He's not trying to save humanity, he's trying to put capitalism on life support because he's a narcissist and money is how he gets his supply.

>> No.15307069

Maybe post an actual stemchad instead of this reddit monkey

>> No.15307071

>They sided with the URSS and ended being on the losing side.
When they were under the US they were turned into a cross between how Americans treat Thailand and Las Vegas, so I think they did alright.

>> No.15307072

t.contrarian """esoteric""" right wing twitterniggers

Conquering space is faustian. We already mapped everything on earth. That is why the Mediterraneans went from being a great accomplished race to jobless 30 year olds playing soccer with their unemployed friends and waiting for Nonna to make them spaghetti. We get motivated by travelling to undiscovered lands. Maybe to you it doesn't matter because all you do is jerk off to PAWGs and feederism comics and making contrarian memes for the sake of being contrarian but for an actual white person, the faustian spirit wants to have it's thirst quenched.

>> No.15307073

He's a rich white South African. He came out of the womb quoting Steve Sailer.

>> No.15307105

While you're at it, get me a Faustian bitch.

>> No.15307131

Jesus the seething in this thread towards us STEMChads, you don't see this shit in reverse on /sci/, no in fact we actually discuss our board topic, you should try it.

>> No.15307136

I work on this regarding literature. I recently started trying to make videos touching on various points of this but I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. But the content is exciting. It gets into a lot of genre elements, but Infinite Detail from last year was a really good novel touching on this.

>> No.15307137

its literally the opposite of femine outlook tho
if anyone its females that only devour

>> No.15307146

You've just shown the issue with expansionism, because even if the whole galaxy was mapped and colonised then all that would eventually happen is that we would be sat, jobless, playing soccer in larger leagues and you will still be shitposting. Expansionism has and always will be the deferral and displacement meaning to the next object of interest. It's gross capitalistic desire and pursuit played out on a cosmic scale.

>> No.15307178

your consciousness is always uploaded dude
do stemniggers take memory and personality to be consciousness?

>> No.15307187

Lmao nobody replied to you because you're right.

>> No.15307191

god, I hope these people are trolls

>> No.15307196

no u

>> No.15307214

>>Naming the kid X Æ A-12
>pretty based
anon i..
i've been a hardcore stem enthusiast since childhood but even i prefer to name things elegantly nvm people

>> No.15307225

>that shit’s all way gayer than space travel
unironically the best reason to go to space. because every other option is way too gay

>> No.15307229

You're right, but at least what I derived from your post judging by your jabs at physical dreams of conquest and placing a literal bank on a colony, I assume you are talking about some kind of nice peaceful life on earth, which I disagree with, since that kind of life doesn't run on rails, Its just a nice little image we have made for ourselves. But, I believe following the path of life as a phenomenon like time, which (you are right) does run on rails, is inevitable. We can enjoy life as a phenomenon, as a principle, but not as a commodified bracketed standard of living type thing.

>> No.15307234

Why are humanitiescucks so insecure?

>> No.15307261
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>dude why don't you like space? maybe there's life in other planets wouldn't that be awesome!

>> No.15307288

Everything that rises must converge

>> No.15307300

It would be pretty awesome

>> No.15307303

don't worry. the average STEMbug isn't doing anything interesting

>> No.15307345
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There's a lot of untraveled people in here it seems. Much of the "anti-expansionist" mentality, that is, the mentality which goes against what would manifest itself today as a desire to partake in colonizing space and beyond, it seems like a pitiful cope for having an extremely sedentary and unaccomplished life. On the contrary, when America was being colonized, what a time it must've been to be alive, venturing out and claiming the wild lands and starting a new life, a new family. Have people really lost all meaning and potential for the pioneer's spirit? It shouldn't surprise me, since they feed into the basement dweller stereotype that 4chan has always carried. Do you people even know what it is to have dreams anymore?

>> No.15307396

This. Humans (apart from backwards primitive tribal people) have always had the desire to explore, accrue more knowledge, progress technologically, and conquer. Space exploration is a fundamentally human notion.

>> No.15307401

>doing modern science research is interesting
kek, it's just office work sremcells, maybe once in a while you go to a lab with a technician to get more data, than back to your desk and kissing your bosses ass. But the hard fact is you're not worth anymore than that, so have fun!

>> No.15307434

LMAO Musk is an archetype of the successful nerd trying to compensate for his blighted youth. He's actually a poster boy for the kind of personality deformity that might develop in later life if you never read literature.

>> No.15307501

Either go full Varg or full Musk, they are both better paths than staying where we are now, an overpopulated cesspool of weaklings imprisoned by Earth's gravity in this compressed paradigm of power as slaves to the overlords (jews) of the western world.
To stay on topic: The moment human civilization expands beyond Earth, the powers-that-be will become like what Spain and Britain became, something miniscule. For humans to avoid this outcome is for them to be fucking cucked by our current overlords.

>> No.15307598

expansionism is gay
one should travel but always return back to their roots unless it happens by accident

>> No.15307602

Hey man it's still a comfy job that pays bank. I feel bad for my boss, he does work in middle management ;)

>> No.15307664

an aspiration of mine i had since childhood/adolescence has been to create a computer suite where people could re-create virtual worlds inspired by their night dreams.
the engine would give the person all sorts of premade items and asset. then the people could share in multiplayer their dream location with others. maybe even visit them with virtual realities.

i never had the courage to pursue this and went into psychology as a career instead.
any other anons put aside their visions for more safe careers?

>> No.15307668

We don't have to live in global Weimar.

>> No.15307672

Top one is a pasta and the bottom one is something to think about, even if you would see science as more permanent.

>> No.15307679

People will refute this but there is literally nothing in space. We will never go. It is retarded amounts of fuel and travel time for pretty much nothing. Hilarious that it’s so hard to accept, the human condition is wild

>> No.15307745
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I'd like to be a fly on the wall for a conversation between Kaczynski and Musk. I wonder if their analysis of the ills of humanity isn't quite the same, only with a different prescription. They both point out that technological advancement (and socialization) are natural human tendencies. Ted argues that human psychology is not compatible with this and stops there; Elon agrees that technology creates conflicts, but wants to push through, finding reconciliation through advancement. This reconciliation may change human psychology itself. If there is no power process to fulfill, might the structural pressures technology creates become irrelevant? (This also means that 'saving humanity' effectively means humans must evolve symbiotically with technology until we are no longer human).

Both also agree that technological advancement destroys the planet, but again Musk wants to push through with sustainable technologies for the present and in becoming an interstellar species (whatever species we evolve into) in the future.

I did laugh during the Rogan podcast when he said neurolink will be "optional." Pic related.

Me? I think I'll just laugh and watch it all play out while sipping whiskey in front of my campfire.

>> No.15307823

>He believes in a generic progress
>He believes in evolution
>He believes he evolves from a black guy

>> No.15307922

>there is literally nothing in space.
Objectively wrong. There is an awesome abundance of mineral wealth in space. The amount of platinum alone would make someone a trillionaire for several lifetimes.
Also, there is the possibility of different isotopes of periodic elements being found only outside of Earth because of various conditions and environments not found on Earth.
>It is retarded amounts of fuel and travel time
The problem is that no one with the money has a plan yet.
Much of the fuel consumption is in the phase of sending mass out of Earth's atmosphere.
All we need to do is build on a better method of getting mass out of the atmosphere.
Establishing a space elevator is one of the most economically viable ways. There are others, but I personally don't prefer them.
Next, artificial gravity can be produced with the construction of habitats.
Mars isn't the answer. At least not in the beginning.
We need to build 'stepping stones' before we can hope to cross a river.
Like the vikings, we need an Iceland and a Greenland before we can hope to reach Newfoundland.

>> No.15307937
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STEMbro with successful business here, imagine doing your PhD like a bitch studying shit I read before bed time.

>> No.15307939

I worked at a university processing study leave applications for late-career academics and it made me feel so fucking inadequate.

>> No.15307943

Didn't need racial categories back then, blackness is a social construct.

>> No.15308198

/sci/ thinks Musk and space travel are full of shit as well. this board is retarded.

>> No.15308280

He knows his technocrat dream will never happen. Spirituality is the future, baby.

>> No.15308292

Unfaustian and untermenschpilled

>> No.15308294

>all you do is jerk off to PAWGs and feederism comics
Suspiciously specific insult there, anon. Anything to share with the rest of the class?

>> No.15308299

STEMchad here, it's mostly actually boring, tedious bullshit I wish I were an artfag instead.
Or like a pure Mathchad.

>> No.15308316

Expansionism is what happens when you're high test. Your post is a low test cope.

>> No.15308334

While exploration can be spiritual, we would first have to become a spiritual people to make it so, and that is an internal process. That anon was quite wise when he said a bank would be one of the first things built on Mars.

>> No.15308341
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It's because there is nothing left to do other than science and technology. Everything else has been exhausted. Art and philosophy are just regurgitating and refashioning the dead ends that they reached decades ago. Nothing new is being made or thought.

>> No.15308354

Neuralink would be pretty neat though. Imagine enlightened sages and monks spreading their illumination around. It would be the end of technocracy.

>> No.15308367

Spirituality/God/the Dao is inexhaustible. Reshaping the world is a satanic pursuit, though I suppose man will have to learn that the hard way (see Cloud Atlas).

>> No.15308373

> It's gross capitalistic desire and pursuit played out on a cosmic scale
Right, because expansionism didnt exist before capitalism did.
ALso commies always keep jacking off over going into space, so i dont see how this is going to end with capitalism, either.

>> No.15308414

>if people want humanity to survive they should be pro-space exploration, if you don't, then you're just anti-human and therefore evil.
What a hysterical thing to say. Let me ask you, what have you done that is "pro-space exploration"? What objective part of your behavior in life is supporting space exploration?

>> No.15308416

That guy is such a fraud.

>> No.15308418

i once spoke to the neuroscientist Jaak Pankseep, 4 years before he died. i was a psychology freshman. i asked him what psychology was for now that neuroscience and medicine, and science in general took over the field. he told me "psychotherapy will always be around in a form or another, as long as humans are around."

maybe he referred to the fact that humans will always have needs that technology can't fulfill. the humanities at large will always be around, because although we can explain how, there will always be those who ask why.

>> No.15308446

>psychotherapy answers the why
I laughed.

>> No.15308470

nothing answers the why, psychotherapy is just the modern place to bring the question

>> No.15308486

>implying the Why can ever be answered without God
>implying Western philosophy has anywhere to go after they abandoned God
Im this guy >>15308341 , and im not really gloating about "Science fuck yeah!", but it's more an unfortunate reality that philosophy cant go anywhere anymore. There have even been attempts (by Anglos of course) to make philosophy more like science, which is just disgusting

>> No.15308490

>I feel existential dread about my place in the universe
>Take these pills until your brain feels cloudy enough that you dont worry about it anymore
thanks psychotherapy

>> No.15308501

>psychotherapy will always be around as long as humans are around
>wasn’t even around for 99.9% of history up until now
sounds like he was coping hard

>> No.15308517

Well he's right, the question is what makes someone human. That's the question for the rest of this century once things like cybernetics, gene editing and cloning come around.

>> No.15308526
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Reminder. We will never get off this planet. There is nothing out there but the cold and the dark. Humanity will die in its mother's arms as it should be.

>> No.15308549
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>> No.15308560

Didn’t Spengler suggest that we devote ourselves to Technics? I think I can understand that given his time but what would he say if he were alive today to see that we are not building railroads but rather VR Porn.

>> No.15308571

That's psychiatry, but yes, psychotherapy is a poor facsimile of spirituality.

>> No.15308576

>>implying the Why can ever be answered without God
secular humanism and existentialists are a thing

>>I feel existential dread about my place in the universe
>>Take these pills until your brain feels cloudy enough that you dont worry about it anymore
ever heard of phenomenologists? Husserls, Heidegger, Jaspers, Rogers, Frankl?
or Becker and the Terror management guys for a different take

>in some form or another
you missed this

>Well he's right, the question is what makes someone human.
depends how you approach that question. still it doesnt answer the question of subjective meaning

>> No.15308585

>>in some form or another
>you missed this
no I didn’t, that’s the biggest cope of all

>> No.15308594

>He looked incredibly low energy in his Joe Rogan interview. The guy is clearly unhappy with something.
Probably being that much smarter then everyone esle gets kind of boring after a while.

>> No.15308695
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Every single person ITT that used the word “faustian” looks like this.

>We have to expand, we have to expand so that we’re cool, and when people look at us we seem cool and focused. God, I wish stacey would fuck me.
Spenglerian philosophy is pure cope. A way to ideologize history to “chads” and “virgins”. It’s concerned with nothing but the image, the quite pervasive voices of the big Other, judging whether your “faustian” or not. It’s pure cope. Not a single line of critical thought.

>> No.15308710

>Do you honestly think humanity will be alive by the time the sun starts ruining the earth? lmao
biome destroying comets arrive every few 10,000 years. volcanos have done the same.
it's very unlikely this civilization will survive long enough to colonize another planet. we will die here. so of your hard work and efforts were for naught. every author, every struggle. all will be erased and nobody will remember

>> No.15308713

>The moment human civilization expands beyond Earth
Do you even really see this happening though? It seems like somewhere along the way we moved from industrial warfare, flight, railroads, and space exploration - upward and outward to basically a bombardment of technological lobotomization. It seems to me that effort and technology has been diverted to profit and entertainment. I don’t see blazing toward horizons on the horizon.

>> No.15308721

Show me you understand Spengler and answer my question please >>15308560

>> No.15308756

He has a whooe book in that subject called Man and Technics. Western civil would be destroyed by materialism and our achievements will be nothing but artefacts like roman statues.

>> No.15308770

Yeah he did. While he personally didnt really 'enjoy' Technics, he did realize that the cultural and philosophical parts of the West had been exhausted, mostly with Marx. In the foreword of Decline, he says that he hopes future generations will consider themselves with science and mathematics, rather than philosophy and art.

>> No.15308806

In other words, he just wanted to focus on brute materialism since it was the only place where he could live his spiritual superiority since in the moral plane, philosophy and art, it was clear that westerners are a savage, blood lusting lot.

>> No.15308807

Yeah, would he say the same though if he saw our modern technics? Not to sound too cringe but I personally can’t help but be disinterested when I consider modern achievements in engineering, technology, and science. I just see people who who use science at mathematics to create consumerist slaves more than anything else.

>> No.15308852

Kind of stupid of him when you think of it. This is why dialectic materialism will always be the more rational apporach to history. How is current western ideology not the direct result of material achievement and comfort? Do you really think western-style “tolerance” is something that would occur if the average westerner didn’t live a pampered life, away from any threat or danger? Current scientific consensus and materialized thought would be the first thing to contradict any of Spengler’s anthropological theories. The only realm where his ideas can even corculate or be entertained is within the far more flexible methodologies and approaches of philosophy and art. Spengler was low iq.

>> No.15308973

>How is current western ideology not the direct result of material achievement and comfort?
I think he agreed that it is.

> Do you really think western-style “tolerance” is something that would occur if the average westerner didn’t live a pampered life, away from any threat or danger?
I don’t think he would disagree with this either. I don’t think anyone disagree with these.

>> No.15309391
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this. He talks about neuro-chip, implanting it into people's skulls. There is absolutely no doubt that the corporations and governments are going to use this for nefarious ends. It would be the death of the individual. We would all gradually become drooling idiots with chips connected directly to our pleasure centres.

The only way forward is to unironically be a luddite, and live in the woods, get off grid. Fuck globohomo corporations controlling my thoughts. That's a cyberpunk future I don't want to live in.

>> No.15309416

Space is the logical place to go after having explored the earth. We're also exploring under the sea and into the deepest caves.

Faggots like you were sitting on the shore at home while Columbus conquered the new world.

>> No.15309443

Is mapping sea caves the same as colonizing the new world though? Also, who is this we?

>> No.15309464

we is humanity (white people mostly)

>> No.15309487

That’s retarded though. Humanity isn’t doing that. There’s a select few highly specialized people doing things which ultimately have no real tangible impact on anyone. Comparing some climate change organization observing polar bears to colonizing the new world or space is a bit ridiculous and really, the proof is in the pudding. This corporate space race has been a failure.

>> No.15309633

my basic point was that humans have an urge to discover new shit. That's all. You wouldn't have the technology to post on this site if humans didn't have the desire and capacity to exceed themselves. Sage.

>> No.15309754

Same guy you replied to, here.
You're right, most people do not give a fuck. This is because the powers-that-be do not wish for the current power paradigm to change. They know that they want to contain their slaves on this planet. Just think: Let's say humans started colonizing Europa or some decently profitable part of the asteroid belt that lies between the Mars and Jupiter solar range, it would promote wealth and progress outside of Earth's containment, Earth's gravity well. Do you think this would sit well with today's power-hungry elite, knowing that they could be fomenting an American Revolution-type scenario, but between Earth and the rest of the solar system? Earth is a cage, and it would be against the interest of our current overlords to have the masses being inspired enough to vote in politicians that would push for space colonization. Things like poverty and social disputes, the Distractions that keep us from focusing on a future of progress, are mere tools used to keep current commoners down. If you want to keep a slave, you make sure you feed him, but don't teach him how to survive outside of your property.

>> No.15309820

Yeah, I agree. So what do we do in light of this? And I don’t necessarily mean just in regard to space exploration, but where are we supposed to focus our efforts while we are here. I unironically struggle with this. I can’t just live to accumulate wealth for myself for no reason.

>> No.15309823

>people who care about space in the capacity of wish-fulfillment and idle speculation are faustian
jesus dude stfu

>> No.15309879

> secular humanism and existentialists

BRO, just give up your lived experience for my arbitrary axioms.

>> No.15309884


agreed, space is the eternal nothing. It's like going into a desert because it seems cool. It's a bourgeois fantasy which denies human christlike goodness in the pursuit of an ever-larger kingdom.

>> No.15309894

>Space is the logical place to go after having explored the earth. We're also exploring under the sea and into the deepest caves.
In search for daddy's approval, and some other hole to stick your dick in. It's just an endless rat race to satisfy some primordial Lack. You're just an obsessive who needs to stay constantly distracted because enough free time will force you to face the Lack that drives your actions. And that is much scarier than the vast empty void of space.
> Faggots like you were sitting on the shore at home while Columbus conquered the new world.
So you mean content and living life, and not pillaging and destroying the world in search of gold and land like greedy, spiritually debased animals?

>> No.15309897

>secular humanism and existentialists
