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File: 61 KB, 634x435, 4E405F0800000578-5954757-Despite_his_lifetime_sentence_in_maximum_security_prison_Kaczyns-m-22_1531607956495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15299378 No.15299378 [Reply] [Original]

>Kaczynski was a brainle...
After testing scored his IQ at 167,[11] he skipped the sixth grade.[...]Throughout high school, Kaczynski was ahead of his classmates academically. Placed in a more advanced mathematics class, he soon mastered the material. He skipped the eleventh grade, and by attending summer school he graduated at age 15. He was one of his school's five National Merit finalists, and was encouraged to apply to Harvard College.[17] He entered Harvard on a scholarship in 1958 at the age of 16.[19][...]In 1967, Kaczynski's dissertation Boundary Functions[36] won the Sumner B. Myers Prize for Michigan's best mathematics dissertation of the year.[8] Allen Shields, his doctoral advisor, called it "the best I have ever directed",[23] and Maxwell Reade, a member of his dissertation committee, said "I would guess that maybe 10 or 12 men in the country understood or appreciated it."[35][8]
>Kaczynski was a socialis...
Throughout the document, Kaczynski addresses left-wing politics as a movement. He defines leftists as "mainly socialists, collectivists, 'politically correct' types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like",[79] states that leftism is driven primarily by "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization",[75] and derides leftism as "one of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world".[79]
>Kaczynski was an irreligious bugma...
""This is kind of personal," he begins by saying, and I ask if he wants me to turn off the tape. He says "no, I can tell you about it. While I was living in the woods I sort of invented some gods for myself" and he laughs. "Not that I believed in these things intellectually, but they were ideas that sort of corresponded with some of the feelings I had. I think the first one I invented was Grandfather Rabbit.[...]Every time I shot a snowshoe rabbit, I would always say 'thank you Grandfather Rabbit.'"
>Kaczynski was a schizo and a victim of MK-Ultr...
In his 2010 book Technological Slavery, Kaczynski said that two prison psychologists who visited him frequently for four years told him they saw no indication that he suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and the diagnosis was "ridiculous" and a "political diagnosis".[126]

>> No.15299387

>kayczynski was a tranny
No comment.

>> No.15299393

I didn't call him a brainlet, I called him a retard.

>> No.15299402
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Daily reminder he fucked at least one male dog to death with a knife that we know of...

>> No.15299423

> "no, I can tell you about it. While I was living in the woods I sort of invented some gods for myself" and he laughs. "Not that I believed in these things intellectually, but they were ideas that sort of corresponded with some of the feelings I had. I think the first one I invented was Grandfather Rabbit.[...]Every time I shot a snowshoe rabbit, I would always say 'thank you Grandfather Rabbit
he was the new plato and we jailed him
he was the jesus christ of our age
what have we done

>> No.15299446

you can always repent and pledge to destroy the technoindustrial system in the name of Grandfather Rabbit and his prophet Ted Kaczynski (pbuh), anon

>> No.15299482

it's time. we should release him

>> No.15299507

Howe can I reconcile the fact that I'm a programmer?

>> No.15299524

quit your job

>> No.15299526

It takes a high IQ to rot in prison.

>> No.15299534 [DELETED] 
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discord . gg/ukt4Reg

>> No.15299536

I don't have a job.

>> No.15299595

well then you're not a member of the technoindustrial system, you should be proud

>> No.15299602

Why can't I be that smart? I used to be a little smart, but the lethargy, ill diet, and sleep apnea have really killed me.

>> No.15299653
File: 92 KB, 728x710, TnTMRBTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly genetics, anon, but you can still improve your intelligence by following Uncle Ted's advice regarding self-discipline

>> No.15299665

It's to late.

>> No.15299692

where can I read all of Uncle Ted's letters?

>> No.15299726

you know he addresses them to actual people, right? so you won't read them unless someone decides to break the silence and publish his letter somewhere on the Internet, quite a few have been posted here and on /sci/

>> No.15299729

Why did he had to send letter bombs? He could've achieved more.

>> No.15299746


>> No.15299788

> and you make no exception
stern but just

>> No.15299808

Are you implying he fucked a dog, or killed one with a knife?

>> No.15299828

I wasn't aware he received, let alone replied to letters. Does he still?

>> No.15300005

false. you have no evidence whatsoever. maybe you have some irresponsible asshole who wrote something like that, but you have zero proof, and it contradicts everything else we know of the man.

>> No.15300040
File: 2.02 MB, 3614x5149, Kaczynski Orange Green Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, or course, when the government isn't trying to silence him by placing all sorts of stupid restrictions on his mail.

>> No.15300053

The Feds have taken away his communication privileges because they're afraid of him. Terrorists keep namedropping him like fucking retards for street cred.

>> No.15300059

>extremely inteligent
>starts rambling about The System that controls everyone
>starts displaying anti-social behaviour
>bombs people for 16 years while living is a forrest
>not schizophrenic

>> No.15300066
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Just looked up the MK Ultra thing. That's absolutely some absurd shit, whater it is.

>> No.15300107


>> No.15300125


>> No.15300138


oh the woes of this great empire of means

>> No.15300155

Americans are obsessed with working.

>> No.15300192

higher intelect have a positive correlation to schizophrenia, that's why the absence of it surprised me

>> No.15300202

Diogenes would be a stretch. A prophet rejected by his homeland, stop me if you've heard this before, oh!

>> No.15300210

>>Kaczynski was a schizo and a victim of MK-Ultr...
you know you could just post that letter he wrote himself in which he explained that the only """experiments"""" he went through at harvard were him filling out multiple choice quizzes.

>> No.15300218



>> No.15300220

>can't even decide if he killed the dog or raped it
better luck next time, I recommend CIA declassified paper to sharpen up your disinfo skills

>> No.15300224

wow xD smart peopl r krazy!!!! n quirky too xD

kill yourself anglo scum, one hundred percent institutionalized. psychiatry is a scam through and through.

>> No.15300239
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His words alone should speak for themselves instead of having been spoken by someone who is "smart" or "morally just".
Does the color of the calculator you hold dictate the truthfulness of the equations it calculates?

>> No.15300244

wow you seem really stupid. good luck living with ourself

>> No.15300290

Knowing who wrote something helps to read between the lines.

>> No.15300367
File: 3.21 MB, 4944x7416, Anti-Tech Revolution Tech Hell Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15300398

He definitely tortured animals, you piece of shit brainlet. Just read his letter to the Turkish anarchist. He doesn't like domesticated animals because they represent all he hates in "oversocialization". Piece of shit.
The style of Ted Kaczynski's prose fools brainlets. It has a kind of "booming" style and smug certainty. I once wrote something similar which fooled a dick-sucker of Kaczkynski's ideology. It's not hard to imitate Kaczynski's autistic prose.
The blind worship of Ted Kaczynski needs to stop. Also, IQ doesn't have that much predictive power. It's only good at showing if someone has mental deficiencies and how fast they learn complex topics. Someone with 130 IQ will pick up on convoluted topics faster than someone with 120 IQ, but it's just a different in speed. Moreover, the 130 IQ man may lose nuance due to conceitedness.
His criticism of leftism is correct though, but his obsession with rugged individualism is bugmen like. What about tradition and harmonious communities? If anything, the loss of genuine belief in tradition is the biggest problem in this age, and I wouldn't be surprised if Kaczynski were a materialist.
I agree with Ted Kacyznski that self-reliance skills, energy-independence, and self-sustainability are important. I also agree many leftists are oversocialized. I disagree with his obsession with rugged individualism, and I think tradition should override the individual's power process.
Also, animal welfare is important. Jesus Christ was also a piece of shit and he's burning in hell along with Muhammad.
Any country that abandons technology will also be overrun by those that didn't. It's impossible to get rid of technology worldwide, even though it is preferable. I'm not interested in quixotic arguments that try to prove otherwise.

>> No.15300407

>different in speed
difference in speed*

>> No.15300414

>animal welfare is important

>> No.15300420

Imagine being as intelligent as Ted.

>> No.15300428

Being an amoral, quixotic, and pretentious rugged individualist who lives in the woods is important though, right? Anyways, in my opinion, you should all be forced to follow a superior tradition or slaughtered. I absolutely detest Islam, and I wish it were another group of religious people imposing their religion on you. You're amor fati, nihilistic edgelord shit needs to die, and I would gladly crush your skulls myself.

>> No.15300435

>You're amor fati,
Your amor fati*

>> No.15300439

I would have to shoot myself before I imagined that, I cannot imagine being retarded.

>> No.15300460

I agree with you though, honestly.

Ted Kaczynski is a hopelessly idiotic individual who hates technology for no good reason, even if he did kill some infidels. :3

>> No.15300488
File: 88 KB, 730x548, 37497072836_1e02e947e3_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaczynski is a retard, the machine is running at full speed already. you cannot stop it, the Utilitarian Singularity is near, marginal utility takes off and total utility rapidly escapes into infinity as (e^x)' = e^x - symmetry of the exponential function (invariance under differentiation) is the language of Bentham (pbuh)

>> No.15300499

Singularitarians are fucking idiots. Any unironic Singularitarian should kill himself immediately. I doubt most Singularitarians even majored in any STEM field.

>> No.15300859


He's still alive you retarded shit

>> No.15301961
File: 118 KB, 671x900, kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ted was a victim of MKUltra

>> No.15302438

amerifags, i have a question: how common is cursive handwriting there? is it even trained or it's all printscript?

>> No.15302453

Your based terrorist bro is eating shit in prison because some psychologist sophomore BTFO him in university.

>> No.15302471

I wonder if Ted has a nice bunk mate.
Together toward a white natsoc future, one prolapsed anus at a time!

>> No.15302750

he's in super-max, that means he's alone in his cell and can leave it for like 10 minutes every day.

>> No.15302818

>He doesn't like domesticated animals because they represent all he hates in "oversocialization".
So this is the only "evidence" you have to support your claim that he hurt animals? Seethe harder, faggot.

>> No.15302969

kek. this.

>> No.15302983

I'm fairly sure that American teachers aren't allowed or simply don't know how to hand write. One older kindergarten teacher taught us how, but just one and she was Anglo-Canadian. Can anyone take a philosopher who prints seriously?

>> No.15302999

but muh epic prisoners raping people i dont like meme

>> No.15303022

Of course it's much easier to hand write with a fountain pen than with a ballpoint monstrosity

>> No.15303070

Actually pretty sound advice. Basic, but good.

>> No.15303130

I was trained to write cursive in elementary school. This was in the early 2000s, at a private school. Until recently, I've only ever used it to sign my name. Now, I write my diary exclusively in cursive. It's good for impressing the relatives with handwritten notes.

>> No.15304281

the same applies dumbass