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15269617 No.15269617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

damn we better donate guys, he might be on the street soon

>> No.15269622


>> No.15269793

Capitalist pwned by capitalism. When will they learn.

>> No.15269799

He's not even a capitalist, he's an "anarcho" capitalist, whatever that means LMAO.
Get fucked retard.

>> No.15269805

This is why you should not express any politically incorrect opinions online

>> No.15270056

>"anarcho" capitalist
the autistics of capitalism, much similar to libertarians

>> No.15270075

Express politically incorrect opinions while showing your name or face*

>> No.15270080

You solve the google captcha to post here, they're always watching.

>> No.15270153
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I vaguely remember watching a video of his back when I was into his videos and and I remember he was ungrateful that someone donated 1 dollar and made a it a big part of one of his videos and thats when I remember I started to lose interest in this hack.

>> No.15270161


He should learn to code

>> No.15270206

Employers don't check all your posts before hiring you (yet). Just social media, Youtube and all stuff like that. When social credit comes to west, then I'm screwed.

>> No.15270221

Why doesn't he go pick fruit or something? The people who need cheap labor can't be arsed about your background as long as you work hard and don't complain. Or he could learn a trade. No one cares what the self-employed plumber thinks.
But I guess Molyneux isn't the kind of guy to pull himself up by the bootstraps and would rather live off the dimes people throw him for running his mouth and being an internet meme.

>> No.15270271

You are so stupid. Read Crito. We should not care what the majority think, no matter how much power they have over us, but should always seek to spread truth and virtue. If Socrates thought like you, he might not have been killed, but then he would have been an absolute nobody in history. But that's irrelevant too. Even if expressing the truth and being virtuous leads to nothing but destruction, even if it doesn't lead to you getting recognised in history, you should always seek to do it, because it is good in and of itself.

>> No.15270292

>corporate world

>> No.15270300

Unironically based. This anon has actually read something and undersood it, incredibly impressive for this board

>> No.15270598

He's probably a millionaire. I think he has meme opinions but he's clearly very intelligent.

>> No.15270606

He is the one from the prophecy.

>> No.15270665

He's probably in massive debt

>> No.15270680

So would you agree with the statement "it is right to achieve your goald by any means possible"? If you wouldn't, you'd contradict your belief that one should live as virtuous a life as they can, because you're essentially ignoring criticism (the means) to be virtuous (your goal).
So what if your goal involved "succeeding in life"? Wouldn't abiding by societal norms be part of your means? Why should you sabotage yourself if it means you'll fail your goal? It is right to put aside your values for a while if it's for a greater purpose.

>> No.15270719

wait, does this mean Molyneux (not a fan, never watched) has been banned from youtube?

>> No.15270729

Just say that you like saying nigger lol

>> No.15270734

it means literally nobody gives a shit about what happens to random internet guy

>> No.15271220

everyone is random u dumb faggot

>> No.15271251


Molyneux eavesdropped on his wife's psychiatric sessions with clients and peddles race science you fat dumb fuck. He's not "spreading truth," he's pandering to a misogynistic and sexually frustrated base of beta males who think they're entitled to pussy by virtue of being white

>> No.15271265
File: 96 KB, 895x928, 7tzm0Lu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this absolute gem of comment exists.

>> No.15271270

Doesn't this fucking asshole have millions of dollars in bitcoin donations? He doesn't need a job, he just likes playing pretend philosopher.

>> No.15271279

why do you say that?

>> No.15271280

Ethnikcel spotted

>> No.15271294

It's very common. I also feel like the more vocal someone is about losing a source of revenue the more they need that source of revenue to survive, he wouldn't be so bothered about being banned if he had options.

>> No.15271298

Love it.

>> No.15271301

lmao Socrates got killed for seeking the """the truth""" that wasn't the truth after all, so much for truthseekers go read Nietzsche

>> No.15271303

>thinking you can have freedom of speech without financial independence

Fucking communist.

>> No.15271312

It's just as truthful and far less socially harmful than all the nonsense peddled in ever cultural studies program in existence. Simple harm reduction indicates that the former should be allowed to speak with impunity while practitioners of the latter should be made to rot in prison, and so that we don't accidentally produce another Gramsci, be rendered physically incapable of writing.

>> No.15271319

makes sense. I've heard people say "bro he has millions in bitcoin profits hes secretly rich" but i doubt thats true. maybe he is, but like you said rich people don't beg for money on the internet.

>> No.15271321
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>> No.15271335

I hate niggers and cunts, and I still think Molymeme is a brain dead faggot.

>> No.15271401


If you can't argue with the substance of a debate, start swinging for the fences with ad hominems and straw men. What a great website.

"All races should be subservient to the one that can't be in sunlight for more than four hours without baking like a cheap souffle" is definitely less "socially harmful" (whatever that means) than "maybe people with different skin colors are still human beings of worth"

For sure

>> No.15271404
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>> No.15271443


where is that sentiment anywhere in that guy's post?