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15268848 No.15268848 [Reply] [Original]

Recently watched this movie, apparently retards who unschool their kids look at this movie as a reinforcement of their philosophy

>> No.15268945

it's a very subjective matter if you ask me and also varies on the school system in different parts of the world or even cities and specific schools
I want my child to have a proper education and if anyhow until then I don't move out of here or make ends meet so I can get my child into a quality school, I won't ever fucking let it go to the school where I went to
It'd be a tl;dr to write all the reasons why my school sucked ass and still does even more so, so I'm just gonna say that in the 12 years of "education" and "social interaction" I had there, I have learned more, be it actual life lessons or shit you'd usually learn in formal education and made more meaningful friendships in the next two years after that that I had spent with a group of alcoholics drinking every single day

>> No.15269034
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It all depends on the the educators. The US school system is abysmal, but some parents are less than perfect too. I would have been far better off with the Cash family

>> No.15269047

>Books on the failures of homeschooling?
My diary desu.

>> No.15269070

I wish I had born in some sort of homeschooling community. The public education system had a huge negative effect on my life. It felt like a prison. Forced to be with a bunch of people all day for years that I had nothing in common with. Forced to adapt to a false environment and develop an ego that will sustain the emotional damage.

>> No.15269089

Sending your kids to an American public school is literally child abuse and I’m not memeing

>> No.15269100
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>mfw all the friends who left me behind to be cool and do cocaine all fucked up their lives and dropped out of college
get fucked faggots

>> No.15269167

big agree

>> No.15269209
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College is a whole other world from grade school. Especially if you have money. And no one’s advocating dropping out to do drugs

>> No.15269237

JS Mill's autobiography is all about his struggles with unlearning the autistic utilitarian education that he received from his father and Jeremy Bentham.

>> No.15269254

You are completly right. Otherwise you will turn in a art collage failure. Like this>>15269209 #

>> No.15269302

this movie was dumb as shit, couldn't even finish it

>> No.15269314
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>Kids readin books?
>whud deh wanna do that fer?
Gimme a break

>> No.15269327

What a great argument butterfly.

>> No.15269343
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Implying that was an in depth movie review.

>> No.15269359

I'm not willing to waste my time trying to convince people who are stupid enough not to realize how dumb this movie was. It would be like casting pearls before swine

>> No.15269386

two wrongs don't make a right

>> No.15269413

Homeschool is based, made me realize the importance of friendship, made me less of an asshole, and led me to my friend group and what I want to do with my life
t. Had multiple years of public school, private school, and homeschool

>> No.15269421


>> No.15269474

>made up names for children

>> No.15269690
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>Books on the failures of homeschooling?
I wouldn't know LOL

Sorry you all had to carry a permission slip to take a piss.

>> No.15270092

This. public school is literally a tool of the industrialization machine. Your kid will not learn anything of value in school they will learn dogmatic subservience and will not read the greats but a bunch of niggers and women

>> No.15270137

homeschooling made me maladapted as fuck but it also caused me to read kant and go to college a few years early and be on 4chan and be incapable of empathy with normies. take those things as you will
i wasn't unschooled though. it was pretty strict

>> No.15270317

>a art collage

>> No.15270341

and he turned out based as fuck

>> No.15270388

I went through the public school system. I came out:
>No Greek
>No latin
>Monolingual (I got good grades in French but this means nothing)
>No music theory
>Play no instruments
>Ignorant of the foundations of philosophy
>Ignorant of the great works of literature (except the very shallow understanding of Shakespeare given to me by high school)
>Ignorant of history (True history, not high school level)
>Ignorant of mathematics (True mathematics, not easy high school level stuff)
>Ignorant of physics (True physics...)
>Ignorant of sociology
>Ignorant of psychology
>Ignorant of psychoanalysis
>Ignorant of linguistics
>Ignorant of grammar
>Ignorant of theology/religion
>Ignorant of art
>Socially inept due to bullying
>Brain fried from smoking weed due to peer pressure
>Habitually cursing
>Inarticulate (except when writing, but this is due to my own natural talent, not schooling)
The public schooling system DOES NOTHING for you. If you are smart and have the dedication to teach your kid skills (Latin, Greek, French, piano, literature, painting, philosophy, maths, health and fitness, etc.) then you should ABSOLUTELY homeschool. If you value TRUE EDUCATION over INDUCTION INTO THE ZOMBIE-STATE and PREPARATION FOR DOCILE WAGESLAVERY, homeschooling is the way to go.
If you don't really care about developing your virtues or your kids' virtues then you are likely a genetic maggot whose kids will not benefit from homeschooling anyway.

>> No.15270421

>homeschooling made me maladapted as fuck
>be on 4chan
>be incapable of empathy with normies
None of this was caused by homeschooling, as I a thousands of other 4channers are proof of, and statistically you're better off for having been homeschooled, as only like 5% of homeschooled children receive an educated worse than that of the best public school education.

Public school is an industry, it doesn't like its profits being tampered with, legally parenthood is bestowed by the government and they don't give a shit about education. Some people get butthurt when public school is brought up because they went to public school and they take it as a personal insult when people say public school sucks, despite the fact that they themselves hated public school. I have absolutely no idea why they do this.

>b-b-but if you dont let the state literally brainwash your children, how will they make friends?!?!?
Literally every homeschooling guide, manual, and system includes grouping homeschooled children together so that they're not alone. Actually look into the subject, homeschooling (when done properly) isn't just "dad tells kid what to think", dumbfuck.

>> No.15270440

Do you honestly think that the majority of parents are going to be able to teach their children all these concepts?

>> No.15270452

someone redpill me on weed smoking
why do people simultaneously claim that it fries your brain and makes you lucid

>> No.15270462

No, which is why parents should group together so that all of these topics have been covered, as every homeschooling system (barring a few based around educating children in remote environments) recommends. In the early days of public schooling, parents were encouraged to take part in their children's education to help educators. In this sense, public school was effectively mass tutoring. We not longer do that, however, for a variety of reasons, so ironically you're actually closer to getting the "point" of a public school education via private school or homeschooling.

>> No.15270476

Not the majority because the majority were themselves brought up in public school where they learned no skills or education and came out useless human beings. That's why I qualified at the bottom that homeschooling isn't for ever kid, only for those kids whose parents strive for virtue and have good genetics (these two travel in tandem).

>> No.15270486

i dont think you understood my post..... or statistics... or what "caused" means. i thought i made it clear, for example, that i received an excellent education. i also did not say that homeschooling necessarily leads to autism. in my case it did. it is one of many causes for my autism. although, i know many other homsechooled people and few are well adapted

>> No.15270503

Homeschool community sounds alot like public school, what would be the difference between them?

>> No.15270512

I'm the poster you're responding to.

From what I've read, weed is safe after your brain has fully developed, but because I smoked it as a teenager it damaged my short term memory.
As for it making you lucid, it does that when you're high, yes. You see everything more deeply, the absurdity of the world is more clear, music rings through your soul, you are extremely self-conscious, every social interaction is strange and significant, and you get to take a glimpse into the utter depravity and moral wretchedness of your soul (this usually happens when you do it alone. I've broken down in guilt many times as I reflected on who I am and what I've done).
It affects every differently though, I've never thought it was 'mellow' as some people describe it.

>> No.15270528

>why do people simultaneously claim that it fries your brain and makes you lucid
the latter are high

>> No.15270534
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I liked this movie. It asks good questions about what it means to be a well rounded person in the modern world. I probably won't have kids but I often worry that if I did how do I prevent them becoming useless at critical thinking and self-reflection.

>> No.15270550

The purpose of homeschooling is to educate students. That's... really it. That's not, however, the purpose of public school. The purpose of public school is to move kids into government sanctioned economically viable positions. This is largely the result of FDR era policies, although the US had been moving towards this this since before that. This fundamental difference shapes the outcome of education, however, because they're completely opposing goals.

Because quality of education can only really be decided by the parents (because anyone else will care about some goal external to education), and because government whims are by nature decided by the government, who gets to actually decide what kids learn varies between the parents and government bureaucrats and systems. Historically, public schools were run in a far more decentralized manner, with education being run by city and county level systems. This is the "golden age" of public schooling, and when public school advocates (who aren't being completely disingenuous) advocate public school, this period is what they're referring to. As >>15270440 pointed out, most parents can't cover everything, BUT, as long as EVERY subject has just one parent making sure their child is being educated properly in that one subject means that EVERY child is being educated properly in EVERY subject. So really, that list of subjects only requires 21 parents at maximum. That's not a lot, and many of these can be doubled up (psychology and psychoanalysis are both on there?).

Because the purpose of public school today isn't education, however, there's zero parent involvement (it's actually discouraged at every level, because it interferes with the actual goals of public school).

>> No.15270572


the only one with the zombie brain is you, my friend.

>> No.15270595

Read The Dialogue Between Hylas and Philonious

>> No.15270700

Depends on the level of THC and CBD. More of the latter is "lucid". More of the former is "mongy".

Any habitual smoking will turn you into a mong with shitty cognitive function over the years. But occasional smoking can be good for helping to generate ideas, countering writers block by loosening your inhibitions. I find it much easier to write without stalling when high, because I'm not second guessing every other word. And even if it's shit, I can always go back sober and edit it afterwards.

>> No.15270728

>Books on the failures of homeschooling
There probably are some, the problem is that as with any other phenomena encountered in nature, homeschooling results are going to yield results distributed across the bell curve, and for anti-homeschoolers the problem was forever that homeschooled kids on average receive education on par(quality wise) with private schools. Public of course is way below the two. Now the thing here is, homeschooling isn't the solution for education, it's just that people who homeschool their kids are likely to be more intelligent than people who send them to public school(may be life history question), so the child benefits from more attention of parent or tutor as well as having to face the fact that the communication between him and his parent or tutor is much more direct than that on school-child-parent line(which for example means you can't skip a class and you have to do your homework).

>> No.15270752

weed predisposes you to depression and schizophrenia

look up dr. gernez

>> No.15270761

I think you should premier genuine feeling and sentiment. I can actually pinpoint moments where I "learned" stuff based on how my parents reacted to me doing something or saying something, stuff I had to go back and reconsider. It wasn't about what they said but how they said it

>> No.15270938

I liked seeing Viggo Mortensen's massive flaccid cock. That thing was HUGE

>> No.15271135

>Books on the failures of homeschooling
Mosquito Coast

>> No.15271157

>Latin, Greek, French, piano, literature, painting, philosophy, maths, health and fitness, etc.
You would be as much a failure as a parent as you are at everything else. Quit fantasizing about being upper class, loser

>> No.15271408

Smoking marijuana places consciousness into a new context. When high, intentionality (philosophy of mind term for "what it's like") changes despite your surroundings not changing. You see things in a new light. My own experience of this phenomenon facilitated overcoming my oneitis as well as creating distance between my ego and my emotions. Perhaps it's a meme, but smoking weed made feeling different and isolated from my community be ok rather than a reflection of personal failure. The caveat to this is the "too much of a good thing" paradigm: chronic smoking dope justifies your life on the outside and can lead to an inability to progress. No shit being high all the time affects short term memory, but it can break barriers in your thought (e.g. writer's block). But once you've exhausted the alternative perspective weed enhances, it has little to offer.

tldr smoke weed for one or two months out of the entire year

>> No.15271417

This but unironically.

>> No.15271441

I was homeschooled on and off, during 11th and 12th grade I started school online, never logged in and eventually just dropped out to get my GED. Homeschooling is NEET training, and autism maxing

>> No.15271448

>Homeschooling is NEET training
Well, better than wageslave training.

>> No.15271485

I was unschooled. Being completely un-socialized makes you a very different person. You think differently. People who are well-socialized are able to pull off neat tricks, like instantly determining political truths based on party-lines. Unsocialized people can't do that, and people just get mad at you for it because if you're not a part of their team already you're clearly an idiotic villain. But overall I think this made me stronger, mentally. Not being educated, I was rather stupid, but around the age of 15-16 my mind really started to go. I self-taught, and I'm currently in college, doing well - not that I have even the slightest bit of respect for college, the entire education system is pure garbage made (1) to provide a daycare, and (2) to indoctrinate the lowest-common-denominator into the current zeitgeist.

The lack of education for being unschooled isn't an issue, simply because the public schools have no education to refrain from! The non-education factors are where things start getting bleak. I never got to have hobbies, even though I was interested in things like martial arts and fishing. I never had any friends. I've hardly even spoken to women, to the point that I sometimes seem to forget that they even exist, and that they make up half the human population. But if you're the sort of parents whose love of their children is what makes them want to unschool, instead of the sort who do it out of neglect (like mine), you can probably get your son some pussy and judo.

>> No.15271487
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>You can’t just make up names!

>> No.15271514

Black children have been scientifically proven to perform better on standardized tests from homeschooled backgrounds than when following public education. I think a big part that is involved with this is the fact that small classes have more care for the individual because of flexibility and that tutors beat teachers anyhow. If you're a white, middle class suburban parent sending your kids to school is probably the smarter thing to do but if you are in a held back community, it's smarter to keep the kids at home for schoolwork and send them to sport clubs or other outside activities for their share of socialization.

>> No.15271538

Okay, Hunter.
Look after Raqueesha and make sure xhe doesn't put any of my benzos in their mouth.

>> No.15271552

>trying this hard to be interesting

>> No.15271570

I'll be having a child soon and though I'm no genius myself, I worry about sending my kids to public school.

It's pretty clear that public school is about child care, conformity, and destroying intellectual interest. It achieves the latter, in my opinion, by turning everything into work. I want my children to want to read because they enjoy it, instead of flipping through cliffnotes to get a book report done.

>> No.15271578

>imagine getting married and having kids
lmaoo have fun submitting your wageslave to little fucking leeches and pussy

>> No.15271634

>making you lucid
That's the dopamine release. Once you become a regular user, it stops working like that. You have limited amounts of dopamine, and those big releases stop working after so much abuse.

>> No.15271669

Home schooling isn't just "unschooling". That's just one "method" backed by a very libertarian ideology.

>The purpose of public school is to move kids into government sanctioned economically viable positions. This is largely the result of FDR era policies
That's the only utility education will have for most, if education fails to move kids into anything practical than it's going to really just be a big waste of time for those that can't justify wasting all that time for noting in the end.
I don't know exactly what you're referring to by the FDR administration but one of the important things they were doing that's not done now is they were trying to provide jobs right out of high school to kids.
Anything like that would be way better than telling kids to learn to code and hope the market forces work out for them.

>Because quality of education can only really be decided by the parents (because anyone else will care about some goal external to education)
Parents have their own ulterior motives, there's no reason economic motives are worse than religious or any other.

>> No.15271676

They didnt know star trek and shit but sweet child of mine a highly commercialized song?

>> No.15271711

Why would you leave college to do drugs? Get a teaching degree and stay there doing drugs till you die.

>> No.15272118

Approximately 10% of people get the effects you describe, an often unpleasant intensifying heading towards a schizophrenia-like state, most people just get happy stupid. Considering marijuana may possibly lead to full schizophrenic breaks in some people, I’d be careful with it if I were you.

Unschooling isn’t the same as neglect, see also “The teenage liberation handbook”. It also isn’t probably as good as other styles of homeschooling, but >>15271514
it still better than public school even for rich white kids.

>> No.15272159


>> No.15272181
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>> No.15272370

Private Schooling > Home Schooling > Public Schooling

>> No.15272407

Public education is totalitarian mind-shaping and largely a waste of time, and is increasingly concerned with pumping out STEM nonsense than actually having any higher humanitarian concerns.

>> No.15272846

Even the best private schools are prevented from adopting the best pedagogical practices by inertia and the expectations of the parents. Thus the scale should be:
Private tutor > homeschool > private school > no school (if intelligent) > public school (inclusive of abuse by peers) > abuse by guardians.

>> No.15272888

have sex incel

>> No.15272897

For me, it's kratom. Pot makes everything empty of any kind of pleasure for me. Sure, it makes me enjoy food more and I laugh a lot. But usually I feel like my head is going to explode or else I feel absolutely nothing at all, even less than when I'm sober. Kratom really makes feel all the things, including music. An old hobby of mine is dosing kratom, drinking coffee, listening to Tim Hecker or WIlliam Basinski, and reading poetry.

>> No.15272907

My mental health has improved significantly since I graduated high school

>> No.15272924

>pumping out STEM nonsense
The point is to send students to college so they take on student debt. STEM is only involved in as much as people can make more money as chemists or engineers than as literature professors or privilege checkers or whatever. It's really irrelevant, because the transfer of wealth from student's futures to financial institution's presents is all that matters.