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15235910 No.15235910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15235921

I've watched her rim a black man before.

>> No.15235932
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Porn use has ruined the lives of more men than all hard drugs combined.

>> No.15235936

There's a lot of money to be made by making porn acting not look like servitude and exploitation.

>> No.15235937

Keep posting this. I love watching the coomers seethe.

>> No.15235946
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>Why did sex workers start getting treated like intellectuals?

Don't pretend like you don't know the answer.

>> No.15235949
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licking toilets is the prerequisite of being a true intellectual

>> No.15235966


based beyond belief

>> No.15235978


But people like Byron and Jung kinda prove this to be incorrect

>> No.15235983

You know Foucault about this ;^)

>> No.15235989

Even if I wasnt a moderate coomer i wouldnt amount to much

>> No.15236004

Why do these bitches love to presuppose that we all want the same thing and we are just repressing ourselves with ideology or social stigmas to not partake in giant orgies, be "open" about our sexuality and other shit?

I kinda dislike this universal take that these people normally have that takes other people's preferences as merely products of artificial social conditions and "lies" while their views are the enlightened ones, free of ideology and not the products of social stigmas and conditions.
This treatment of social codes as something always oppressive that must be done with while also implementing the social codes(masked as "universaly" correct) they enjoy will probably even open even bigger doors for people to go agaisnt their principles the moment reactionaries understand that their ideas are just as dogmatic.

>> No.15236016

It's not worth it being virgin your whole life desu. Imagine never experiencing sex

>> No.15236020

Because a certain group is doing everything possible to subvert and destroy all that is good and right with the world.

>> No.15236040

Right wing Baptists?

>> No.15236075

>gender studies

>> No.15236092

it's hugely overrated

>> No.15236107

>/pol/shit tourists again
>le joos, le joooooos

>> No.15236120

>On September 30, 2013, Snow posted an article on The Daily Beast titled "A Porn Star's Letter to Her Unborn Son" in which she announced she was pregnant with her first child and stated how she would explain her choice to work in the porn industry to her son once he is older.

>> No.15236123

You can't know that without experiencing it yourself

>> No.15236125

>ctrl + f
>0 results
Mind telling me why you're buttmad?

>> No.15236128

i did and it was

>> No.15236145

The elevation of prostitution is the ultimate realization of the liberal project. What could be more "individualist" than a woman taking control of her own life and selling her soul for pretty trinkets?

>> No.15236158

Pythagoras suggested sex for procreation only. So long as spooks like pleasure are the end, you're deluded.

>> No.15236162

>In 2010, White ran as a political candidate for the Australian Sex Party in the Victorian state election,[18] where she fought for the rights of sex workers.[22] She gained exposure during the election when she sent copies of her DVDs to Attorney General Rob Hulls in her bid to reduce regulations for X-rated films.[23]

In 2013, White and fellow Australian Sex Party candidate Zahra Stardust became the first political candidates to film a pornographic scene together.[24]

>The Australian Sex Party was an Australian political party founded in 2009 in response to concerns over the increasing influence of religion in Australian politics.[1][2] The party was born out of an adult-industry lobby group, the Eros Association. Its leader, Fiona Patten, was formerly the association's CEO.[3] Patten described the party as a "civil libertarian alternative".[4] Patten is a veteran campaigner on issues such as censorship, equality, and discrimination.[5][6] Patten was elected to the Victorian Legislative Council at the 2014 state election.

>The party was briefly federally deregistered by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 5 May 2015, after an audit found that it could not demonstrate that it met the statutory requirement of 500 members, but was re-registered in July.[7][8] The Sex Party was registered at state level in Victoria, where it had parliamentary representation, as well as in the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. In 2017, the party merged with the Australian Cyclists Party to form the Reason Party.

>Fiona Heather Patten (born 1964) is an Australian politician. She is the leader of the Reason Party and has a seat in the Victorian Legislative Council, representing the Northern Metropolitan Region.

>Patten established the Australian Sex Party in 2009 to focus on personal freedoms after deep frustration with stagnation on censorship, freedom, marriage equality and drug law reform. On 22 August 2017, it was announced that the Australian Sex Party would be changing its name to the Reason Party.[1][2][3]

>Before entering politics, Patten was the CEO of Australia's national adult industry association, Eros Association. She championed sexual rights and health movements for more than 20 years, particularly on HIV/AIDS, after initially starting out as a small businesses owner with her own fashion label.

>> No.15236169

no a virgin is likely to overrate it because his only understanding is that given to him by culture/media, which heavily overrates it.

>> No.15236177
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>Imagine never having sex.
Imagine never having to interact with women your whole life.

>> No.15236201

Bataille tho

>> No.15236211


>> No.15236212

Thread should've ended here

>> No.15236222

A nonentity to me. Means absolutely nothing.

>> No.15236248

Wasn't talking about you specifically
Sure, but they still can't know that until they experience it.

>> No.15236274

Byron died in his 30s

>> No.15236284

Because porn is a massive industry constantly looking for mainstream legitimacy to further increase its profits. Advertising some of the performers as intellectuals is one way of doing it, but they typically just try to work with people who are somehow involved with the mainstream entertainment industry.

>> No.15236295

ok, well how you can you know anything isn't good until your experience it? you extrapolate from the available data.

especially as those performers get older, have children, and look for ways to legitimize their terrible life choices to be able to look them in the eye

>> No.15236305

This makes coomers absolutely seethe

>> No.15236311

who is saying it's overrated without experiencing it? i see virgins, coomers, and incels constantly obsess about sex to the point of emotional and social dysfunction. most of this is fuelled by porn and culture.

>> No.15236313

A shit writer and a degenerate, elevated only to pervert educated minds

>> No.15236322

Imagine how powerful a man who had never coomed could be

>> No.15236325

There was no pornography/degeneracy in Communist and fascist countries. I am starting to sympathise with National Bolshevism unironically.

>> No.15236331

Why did whores start to be called sex workers? A whore is a whore.

>> No.15236336

at least they are more convincing intellectuals than all those middle aged female members of parliament (you know what I'm talking about)

>> No.15236343

Why does this text contain so many mistakes?

>> No.15236347


>> No.15236361
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>> No.15236363

I haven't had sex for a year and I miss it. It is so fulfilling in several ways. It is not such a big deal as media presents it, but it is still great

>> No.15236375

You're just a bugman who substitutes masturbation in its absence so you operate in a very confined parameter.

>> No.15236377

The west flip flopped and now having sex is our bigger virtue. Its why incels are free to be shamed, they are nearly more reviled than mass murderers.

>> No.15236382
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Female virginity is important, but not male. Women have a very small time window of relationship value, if they waste it being sluts they waste what chance of real happiness they have. The will die alone, and if White they will be tortured by negro nursing home workers getting their reparashuns...

>> No.15236395

They didn't do anything wrong. The old people probably had fun duking it out. That's how it was in the old days.

>> No.15236453

she has a bachelors degree and they are calling her an 'academic'

>> No.15236479
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>> No.15236484


>> No.15236488
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>In 2017, the party merged with the Australian Cyclists Party

>> No.15236511

I think he's referring to this: >>15236020

>> No.15236523

Cervantes was prob getting assfucked in prison so he doesnt count desu

>> No.15236545

Would not have been tolerated and itself was an enormous crime. If he went to jail in 20th and 21st century america, yes.

>> No.15236562

confirmation bias

>> No.15236564

Intellectuals don't treat them like intellectuals. You're talking about the mouth-breathing masses, who NEVER knew what they were doing. The masses of the past weren't any better just because the established aristocracy guided them towards greater subjects. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. The masses are hopeless.

>> No.15236579

>midwit copout
doesn't make sexual activity suddenly harmless

>> No.15236618

>wasting fluids
is it masturbation or sex?

>> No.15236625

>[T]o me.
To (you).

>> No.15236631

>muh Lecithin
>muh precious bodily fluids
Lmao. Go have a poached egg, coomer.

>> No.15236635

both are very harmful

>> No.15236671

So the whole "white genocide" thing is just a ruse to trick whites into cooming?

>> No.15236680

Non sequitur.

>> No.15236685

Isnt sex good for you?

>> No.15236708

According to pop-sci from questionnaires (does coom feel good?) , yes.
According to hard science, no. There are deleterious neurological and hormonal consequences to sexual activity.

>> No.15236721

>There are deleterious neurological and hormonal consequences
Like what? Seems like sex is really just a life force sap.

>> No.15236732

Define harmful, and define the frequency threshold required for it to reach a harmful state.

>> No.15236747

Good luck. All the stores have been sold out. Haven't been able to buy eggs the last half dozen times I went.

>> No.15236753

How does one argue soundly against hedonism / sex

>> No.15236759

how do I stop
As much as I hate the dependency, I can't stop coming here, its all I've got. But usually the process begins after seeing a pic or something here

>> No.15236761

nice literature, faggot

>> No.15236769

Association of motivational dopaminergic pathways to what the body considers to be the most important action, leading to a maladaptive habituation. Arousal leads to hypofrontality impairing reason. Sexual activity results in a net increase in stress hormones like cortisol and proinflammatory cytokines. Orgasm creates sudden surge of oxytocin and vasopressin which disrupts their homeostasis leading to poor memory and heightened anxiety. Post orgasm raises prolactin. There are many adverse effects to all of these especially when habitual and done multiple times a day.

>> No.15236773

Is sex harmful or not? Make up your mind.

>> No.15236781

Garbage pseudo-science.

>> No.15236787

It is harmful for the individual and without purpose in any case other than procreation.

>> No.15236789

>Arousal leads to hypofrontality impairing reason.
lmao what
>every time you have an erection you get brain damage

>> No.15236793

Yes, procreation of enjoyment is what sex is for. Bad sex you shouldn't bother with, git gud.

>> No.15236804

That would be a cool story premise, every time the protag got an erection he’d get more and more retarded

>> No.15236805

Sounds like a whole lotta correlation vs. causation.

>> No.15236817

Real science. Pseudoscience is from people who say sex and masturbation are harmless. They aren't.

Other physiological changes:


Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

Other studies:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12768259 (important because of AVP is crucial for cognition)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27657309 (proof the sex drive is subject to behavioral inputs and can be reinforced)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8388070 (responsible for post-sex anxiogenesis)

>> No.15236821

Cope. A lot of things in this world harm your health directly or indirectly, but you can still live a long and happy life doing them. Don't live in fear.

>> No.15236829

You sound like a midwit who just confused experimental mechanistic studies with soft statistical population sampling garbage.

>> No.15236851

You haven’t read any of those, and it shows

>> No.15236864

You haven't clicked any of those, let alone read them, and it shows.

>> No.15236865

Those mostly document brain changes that occur during sexual arousal -- not permanent changes in brain function.

>> No.15236871

If it becomes a habit where you are doing it 3x a day, or get aroused even more frequently than that, then it becomes very worrisome.

>> No.15236872

>sex worker
Are they attempting to forget the word prostitute?

>> No.15236877

Anything can be bad in excess.

>> No.15236880

cope is just exactly what you posted retard. lurk more.

>> No.15236887

>You sound like a midwit
Says the guy saying that masturbation and sex "are harmful" without specifying any relevant factors like frequency threshold and what age, health, wage level etc. these samples are from.

>> No.15236902

You obviously can't conduct many of these studies on people without slicing them open and even the ones you can conduct, the very nature of a controlled sexual experiment makes it taboo and likely not going to get through any ethics committee.

>> No.15236903

you just confirmed his point. you're truly stupid.

>> No.15236912


>> No.15236921

>nooooooooooo stop looking at confounding factors you midwiterino just believe everything you read on the internet nooooooooo

>> No.15236925

The studies don't conclude that masturbation and sex are harmful then. Any kind of impairment or increase / change in hormones can be induced by high prolonged stress levels resulting from being on or close to the poverty level, for example.

>> No.15236966

>still doesn't know the difference between experimental and statistical studies
>doubles down on applying principles from the latter onto the former
based retard

>> No.15236976

If you understood the difference, you wouldn't be asserting that these studies are conclusive on the matter.

>> No.15236979

Hyper based.

>> No.15236983

have sex

>> No.15236989

have you forgotten the word whore?

>> No.15236992

>91 replies
Ha ha ha
Funny how pornography always gets clicks, no matter how many people whinge about its morality.

Pornography is so overripe for deeper academic study, it stuns me that people don't flock to it. They want to protect their careers because (for some reason...) it's still a hot potato and nobody wants to get burned.

Only makes sense that someone who works in the industry (as star, director, and company manager, not just "sex worker") could bring relevant perspective to the field


>> No.15237012

Prayer is the only answer friend. You can't do this without God's help. Believe me, I tried everything else first.

>> No.15237024

The sudden obsession with sex worker glorification is strange. A few years ago all the feminists I knew hated porn and sex work, now anyone who crticizes either is considered patriarchal/internalized misogynist.

>> No.15237025

>the difference between experimental and statistical studies
lmao dumbass

>> No.15237032

>physiological actions have ramifications
Truly shocking.

>> No.15237041


>> No.15237054

Oh the ironing
Not that guy by the way

>> No.15237056

Absolutely fucking rekt

>> No.15237071


>> No.15237112

How old were they? The free love movement came to a screaming halt when the first generation of female participants started getting turned down for younger girls.

>> No.15237116

Pseud post of the year

>Thinking sexual arousal = masturbation
>Not understanding the difference between habitual masturbation and normal sexual desire

I'll put this in language your pea brain can understand:

Masturbating because you're horny = good
Using pornography to masturbate when you're horny = good

Using pornography to make yourself horny so you can masturbate to get a dopamine release to alleviate pain/depression/boredom = addiction = habitual = bad

Learn how to read

>> No.15237149

DESU sounds like a fun way to spend retirement

>> No.15237197

Reddit /r/nofap tier bioscience post.

>> No.15237215

samefag cops

>> No.15237217

>doesn't properly define the actions, the actors, or the ramifications
>keeps asserting conclusions based on inconclusive data
I sincerely hope you don't actually think that sexual desire and release are inherently bad for mammals, though.

>> No.15237265

Bad for the individual, good for the species. Fruit flies, worms and rodents show a trade off between reproductive frequency and lifespan by the way.