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File: 187 KB, 733x685, skittles last supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15228138 No.15228138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this type of practice acceptable from a technical and open-minded Christian point of view?

Theological literature explaining the deeper symbolism behind using skittles and arizona tea for the eucharist?

>> No.15228143

It's just a political statement, not a Eucharist.

>> No.15228155

It seems to me that they're consuming the metaphorical blood and flesh of Trayvon Martin rather than Jesus Christ.

>> No.15228157
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>Trayvon Martin's last supper before his crucifixion.

>> No.15228164

lmao one time I was in a really poor mormon church and we didn't have any bread for the mormon eucharist (sacrament) so we ran downstairs to where a potluck was getting set up and took a loaf of garlic bread to break up.
Later this kid was like "the bread was way better this time" hahaha

>> No.15228171
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Would it still be valid if the proper form was observed?

>> No.15228188

Honestly the attempts at black canonization of trayvon martin has been fucking creepy.
The point is that he was a normal kid who got murdered doing normal shit. He wasn't a saint, nor did he have to be to have a right to be left alone and unmurdered.
This is not an honor to his memory, it's transforming his image into some kind of religious icon. Talk about the person that he was- like any teenage boy, a dipshit. And talk about how to prevent psychopaths from taking advantage of the law to get away with their Gacy-esque murders.
The fact that someone hasn't hunted down and tortured George Zimmerman to death but these fucking people are having skittles and arizona in their church shows a massive inversion of priorities.
In the old days that fat old fuck would have been tarred, feathered, hung,and burnt.

>> No.15228197

A dipshit like all teenage boys, I mean. If some creepy old fuck followed 17 year old me around a neighborhood I would also fail to perfectly de-escalate that situation.

>> No.15228201

literal idolatry. The day will come when such will be burnt with fire from heaven

>> No.15228207
File: 100 KB, 512x433, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arizona iced tea
Purple drank is the true blood of Trayvon Martin.

>> No.15228209

he wasn't murdered lol he assaulted someone and was killed for it

>> No.15228216

Haha. That’s pretty funny.

When I was really young I told my mom the bread would be better with some cheese.

>> No.15228224
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American's worship of the self is so great, the view religion as a tool that bend to suit the desires of the individual. Take the Church of Coltrane in San Fransisco, for example. Someone out there liked jazz, liked worship, and decided it might be good fun to combine the two. Theology can come later, I need something that I enjoy, that confirms my established worldview and tells me I'm a good person and gratifies my immediate desires. In this context, Skittles and Arizona Tea is the highest form of worship imaginable because it strips away all pretext. This is honesty

>> No.15228232

>Theology can come later, I need something that I enjoy, that confirms my established worldview and tells me I'm a good person and gratifies my immediate desires.
that's how any religion works

>> No.15228242
File: 48 KB, 992x558, Zimmerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy the boomer narcissist's trembling testimony? You think Martin was the aggressor and not this fuckin guy? Look at his face.
No, I don't think you actually buy it, I think you're cynically rationalizing the murder of a teen because of his race.

>> No.15228244

>Liturgy and social justice
>Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Ph.D. Uses Theology as a Healing Force

>“Not only is the liturgy about the God story, it’s also about the world story. One of the texts I preach is the Bible, and the other text I preach is the world. When you get to Middle Church, you’re getting God, you’re getting people, you’re getting love,” said Lewis. “If we are people of faith, our faiths demand our participation in what the Jewish people call tikkun olam: in healing the world. Our faith demands it. It is part of being created in the image of God.”

I wonder what her Christology looks like.

>> No.15228249

American detected

>> No.15228307
File: 177 KB, 1280x960, 17g443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6
>have first communion
>expect it to taste like bread cus y'know everyone calls it bread
>it's a fucking tasteless wafer
>instantly spit it out
>life has been a series of disasters ever since
bros what did I do, I think God hates me?

>> No.15228335

In the old days Trayvon Martin would probably be stringed up on a tree for "raping" someone. But I guess it depends on what old days you're talking about.

>> No.15228343

God doesn't care about that stuff.

>> No.15228360

Why would you spit out something tasteless?

>> No.15228369

>God doesn't care about the desecration of the host
Begone heathen.

>> No.15228382

lmao b-b-but muh rituals
two things you should focus on bud:
1) Acts
2) Faith

>> No.15228390

Because I was expecting it to taste like something else so it was a shock. It's like when somebody hands you a drink and you think it's milk when it's actually orange juice. Plus, putting tasteless things in your mouth is disgusting anyway.

>> No.15228404

This guy’s wrong, God saw him spit the wafer out and took it extremely personally. His life will never improve
>t. angel

>> No.15228416
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>he thinks rituals aren't acts

>> No.15228421

if God would really send people to hell for doing something silly but well meaning like this, is he really a God worth worshiping?

>> No.15228434

Well meaning is a human term, based off human understanding. Not saying that God would for this per se, but look at the scriptures and ask yourself this, when someone does "well-meaning" acts, is it for the glory of God or the glory of their ego?

>> No.15228438

>He thinks god is some kind of pagan animal spirit, responding to the proper incantations and burnt sacrifices carried out by medicine men
You're just filling a space with the words, culture, and objects of man. The history of the papacy is the history of a worldly institution. Obviously God doesn't have much to do with it, look at their subservience to ideology in the 21st century.
It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.15228440

>Is this type of practice acceptable from a technical and open-minded Christian point of view?

Non-Catholic eucharist is invalid so it doesn't matter, other than being sacreligious

>Theological literature explaining the deeper symbolism behind using skittles and arizona tea for the eucharist?

Contra Haereses by Irenaeus

>> No.15228443

damn well do you think you can talk to him or something?

>> No.15228445

Also reverence. Reverence is important. Trivializing acts designed to honor and glorify God by using it to glorify man is blasphemous.

>> No.15228447

God’s ego seems pretty big

>> No.15228455

god doesn't have an ego

>> No.15228460

They can't do that because Zimmerman is white or something. The cops would start a holocaust

>> No.15228472

i'm just sure God will give them a pass on this one, since he gets enough worship and reverence already

>> No.15228474

Why would you find it unlikely that a 17 year old assaulted someone who he was offended by?

>> No.15228480

Nah, it's more complicated than that. Cops wouldn't do anything, they're not as much of a unified front as the american leftist propaganda would have you believe.

>> No.15228497

>It's like when somebody hands you a drink and you think it's milk when it's actually orange juice.
Orange juice isn't tasteless. Water would be a better analogy.

>Plus, putting tasteless things in your mouth is disgusting anyway.

>> No.15228531

>Orange juice isn't tasteless. Water would be a better analogy.
So? No need to be autistic, the point was the contrast between the expectation and the reality.
You like eating tasteless things?

>> No.15228544

why would that be the point you decide to focus on? It's a technicality. The old guy escalated a situation, the 17 year old likely responded in some way as any 17 year old would, the old guy murdered the kid. Highly doubtful the 17 year old "assaulted" the old guy to the fullest extent of the word, probably pushed him around after being stalked around a neighborhood for hours by someone who was threatening and insulting him. Is it on the 17 year old to make the adult decision and deescalate? Would you expect a white 17 year old to deescalate? I'm white, when I was 17 I got in fights I would easily avoid now. Never got shot, but if I had gotten shot, the guy who shot me would be doing time. The issue is the fact that he got away with it after he clearly caused and escalated the situation.
This isn't a normal adult response. Most adults do not strategically put themselves into a situation with a child so they can justify deadly force. You're defending a sick evil man.
All this while I don't support the deification or use of the boy's memory as this creepy holy-ish icon of a struggle which is long neutered and steeped in american-style cuckolded identitarianism. Afro-pessimism and afro-exceptionalism can suck my big fat white dick.

>> No.15228547

>look at his face
very compelling

>> No.15228551

>what her Christology looks like
That Christ has a dual nature of both fully human and fully african-american.

>> No.15228562


That's a rat face if I ever saw one

>> No.15228564

God doesn't have an ego, but all things that we do should be to glorify Him

>> No.15228570

lmao it actually is

>> No.15228571


Did he tell you personally?

>> No.15228575

No. Bread and wine are the only valid material for consecration. Just as a Baptism requires water to be imposed simultaneously with the words of consecration, so too does the consecration of body and blood require bread and wine. So, the proper form cannot be observed if you have changed the host.

>> No.15228574

Good job thinking of God in terms of man. God is not man, nor should you trivialize him as such

>> No.15228577


>> No.15228582

Didn't have to lmao

>> No.15228589

Zimmerman wasn't acquitted for being a good person, he was acquitted for not, as far as the court could tell, murdering someone. Whether or not Trayvon Martin was a typical 17 year old teen, and whether or not Zimmerman was a "creepy guy", is beside the point. The general moral character of either Martin or Zimmerman are irrelevant to the question of whether or not Zimmerman committed legal murder in killing Martin -- and the court came to the conclusion that no, he wasn't. Why? Because as far as they could tell, the evidence suggested that Zimmerman killed Martin in justifiable self-defence, out of genuine fear for his life. Your conjecture is just that, conjecture. It may or may not be true. The point is that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman of murder, and so acquitting Zimmerman was the legally and morally correct thing to do.

>> No.15228590

Why would something without an ego require constant glorification?

>> No.15228592

>You buy the boomer narcissist's trembling testimony?
Yeah, the evidence clearly supported it.

>> No.15228597


>Reading this thread

Do christfags really believe in transubstantiation? I thought it was a literal meme, holy fuck.

>> No.15228598

He doesn't, that's a human construction.

>> No.15228603
File: 513 KB, 920x933, 1555708269126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really care for black people or as I call them, the blax, or whatever they think their problems are. Figure it out yourselves, idiots.

>> No.15228608
File: 261 KB, 1181x1080, 85865841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger hate thread under the thin guise of a christcuck thread
kinda based, kinda cringe

>> No.15228618
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1549138768472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you not believe in it?

>> No.15228626

If it’s a human construction, and he doesn’t need it, then why are we required to do it?

>> No.15228637

Why do the hot takes always come from people with no clue what they’re talking about?

>> No.15228639
File: 69 KB, 629x711, 1577302722447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is every single black person African American? Every one in the entire world?

>> No.15228641

adult escalated and manipulated a situation to kill a kid and got away with it, the jury was able to believe that because they were southerners who justify the killing of black kids as "self defense" as a matter of tradition. The legal outcome of the trial means nothing, the region and population have demonstrated time and time again that their legal decisions are meaningless and have nothing to do with reality. This is the issue at hand, not anyone's morality. I think the 17 year old boy probably acted as any 17 year old boy would, which is why I have an issue with the political movement's use of him as an icon. Your apologia for ratfaced zimmerman is flimsy, you're talking about technicalities when you know that isn't the issue at hand, and it says a lot about your character. Leaving the thread, don't want to bother trying to reason with a bunch of selective intermittent down syndrome patients.

>> No.15228646

show skin color

>> No.15228647

by Jesus, everything is possible, so yes.

>> No.15228650

you're not lmao

>> No.15228665

Settle down.

>> No.15228666

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

>> No.15228668
File: 90 KB, 471x258, 5DB507EF-5E74-41DD-AAB1-AED0EFA227D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ok

>> No.15228672

1 Corinthians 11
>What shall I say to you? Do I praise you? In this I praise you not. [23] For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. [24] And giving thanks, broke, and said: Take ye, and eat: this is my body, which shall be delivered for you: this do for the commemoration of me. [25] In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me.

>[26] For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. [27] Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. [28] But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. [29] For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. [30] Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you, and many sleep.

Hebrews 11
>[1] Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not. [2] For by this the ancients obtained a testimony. [3] By faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God; that from invisible things visible things might be made. [4] By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice exceeding that of Cain, by which he obtained a testimony that he was just, God giving testimony to his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

>> No.15228680

>You like eating tasteless things?
There's a difference between not preferring something and being disgusted by something. I prefer wine over water, but I am not "disgusted" by a small sip of water to the point where I have to spit it out. Eating a small piece of cracker may not be a euphoric experience, but it shouldn't be a cause for gagging.

>> No.15228694
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x1276, 20200429_092503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek alright

>> No.15228700

The anon you speak to is a serpent to you. Do not listen to what he says. How absurd his logic is in appearance--scripture demands worship, prayer, sacrifice, and testimony; this anon says none of it is necessary. How can any accept his teaching?

>> No.15228707

>Eating a small piece of cracker may not be a euphoric experience, but it shouldn't be a cause for gagging.
It is when you think it's chicken.

>> No.15228709
File: 470 KB, 600x726, 87016D5D-CEC7-465C-838D-52FE2A7381B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re with Doctors Without Borders? Very nice anon

>> No.15228710

nice pecs, very gentle and subtle.

>> No.15228714

You are telling a lot of just-so stories, inventing "plausible" explanations out of thin air (Martin was "probably" just pushing Zimmerman around, the jury "probably" just acquitted him because they're racist southerners) that really have no reference to any solid data. What I am talking about is not a "technicality" but the moral basis of the entire legal system, namely, the presumption of innocence and the criterion of reasonable doubt. It's fine if you dispute the findings of the case, but please do so on more solid grounds than just prejudice and preconception.

>> No.15228740

Anon, by your argument, you attempt to defend Christ, but you profane him. The eucharist is sacred. How do you go about in lukewarm criticism of the flesh of God? That it has little taste is for our benefit; why do you act like it is some fault or something that must be suffered? It is this way precisely so that people do not do as you and the other anon are doing; the host is made with little taste so that when we eat the body of Christ we are less likely to dwell on the accidents of its appearance than to contemplate its substance and therefore dispose ourselves to receive the grace of the real presence of God. It's is a mercy and wisdom of Holy Mother Church that they have made it so for our edification.

>> No.15228750

I don’t know dude, a being that doesn’t have an ego and requires sacrifice and adoration doesn’t seem very logical to me.

>> No.15228754

Do you know how often black kids get killed by other blacks in ghettos over this type of dispute? Literally constantly. The only difference here is that it happened in a nicer neighborhood by a non-criminal who the media at first erroneously labeled as a white republican.

>> No.15228758

you're doing the same but pretending that the findings of an illegitimate court are evidence. My explanation is much more plausible.
Your whole narrative depends on the findings of the court, which are the exact point in question.

>> No.15228776

I've got that T-shirt too.

>> No.15228778

What is an ego? Why would anyone trust Frued over St. Thomas?

>> No.15228783

The findings of the court are more legitimate than your completely baseless speculation

>> No.15228786

>nigger acts out violently
>gets shot
What am I missing here?

>> No.15228794

He's not using the freudian definition I don't think.

>> No.15228797

the spic kept following him around, which prompted the nigger into chimping out

>> No.15228804

I'm not assuming that Zimmerman's account of what transpired is true, I'm only assuming that there was not enough available evidence against that narrative to convict Zimmerman. Why is the result of an "illegitimate" court less plausible than your random uninformed conjecture -- and your obvious taste for mob justice, probably borne from latent sadistic tendencies (that is a plausible explanation for your rhetoric, right? I guess it must be true).

>> No.15228809

Southern courts have proven themselves time and time again to be the opposite of legitimate in cases like this, and the decision contradicts what we can conclude from what we know of the case and what we know of the people involved.
Are you aware of zimmerman's statements and actions after the case?

>> No.15228811

Not him but your explanation is total conjecture and not plausible in the slightest when the actual evidence is taken into account.

>> No.15228817

What is his definition, then? Where does it come form? Why should it be accepted? What is it that it has any meaning in theology?

>> No.15228819

>Anon, by your argument, you attempt to defend Christ, but you profane him.
Who said anything about Christ?

>> No.15228822

you look fat.

>> No.15228851

Do you accept the findings of the autopsy and of the crime-scene reports? Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, and there is no physical evidence to suggest that Zimmerman attacked Martin prior.

>> No.15228868

The eucharist is the real presence of Christ. Do you say otherwise? If so, how?

>> No.15228888

If Zimmerman wasn’t there the nig would have chimped out over something else
It’s in their nature

>> No.15228924

the crime scene reports support that zimmerman got out of his car chased martin after the police told him to stop, was in an agitated state, and accosted him as he retreated to the townhouse where he was staying. There was some kind of scuffle, a gun shot, and zimmerman knelt over martin after the gunshot supposedly beating him. Autopsy reports a close range shot and the possibility of some marijuana.

>> No.15228931

I'm just here to address the wafer angle.

>> No.15228961

What is the taste of a thing next to its substance? Why do you feel the need to a correct a man about his tastes, but not about his relationship with God?

>> No.15229056

You don't present the crime scene report accurately. It does not use the word chase, which communicates active pursuit, as opposed to follow, which means observation. Further, agitated state is hardly a meaningful descriptor, and Zimmerman's attitude prior to making contact with Martin and after the shooting are not necessarily indicative of his presence of mind during the altercation. ZImmerman had a significant injury to the back of the head, and his blood was on the sidewalk where he said Martin had smashed his head. Further, a single close-range shot corresponds exactly with Zimmerman's account, and does not correspond to a reasonable speculation on what you seem to suppose; how could Zimmerman have shot Martin close range in the location he was shot if Zimmerman were actively pursuing Martin, unless the shot were like an execution? There is nothing to support that version of events. That Zimmerman was hot-headed and rash in no way changes the essential facts of the case which strongly demonstrate that the shooting itself was an act of legitimate self-defense. Likewise, that Zimmerman acted in self-defense when shooting Martin is in no way exculpatory for any other part of Zimmerman's behavior or choices. This case should be a sobering example for all Americans first to be more aware and involved in who we choose to protect us, but also as a lesson that law enforcement officers should be seen through a more human lens, and therefore children should be taught to treat them like any other person with a gun. We cannot expect super-human restraint when life and death are on the line.

>> No.15229152

>the court is illegitimate because I don’t like its findings
lol niggers

>> No.15229167

>In the old days that fat old fuck would have been tarred, feathered, hung,and burnt.
Surely in the old days nobody would have given a fuck it you shot some blackie?

>> No.15229180

Theological questions are above my pay-grade. The guy was just plain wrong with regard to wafers.

>> No.15229191

No man is beneath theology. Your tastes will pass like the flesh from your bones and God will stand in judgement. I strongly encourage you not to pass over what is greater for what is lesser.

>> No.15229209

>if someone follows you its okay to bash their head into the pavement
nigger tier logic

>> No.15229221
File: 78 KB, 640x462, George-Zimmermans-head-injuries-on-the-night-that-he-shot-and-killed-Trayvon-Martin-courtesy-Fox-News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger Traygone deserved it

>> No.15229226

>pass like the flesh from your bones

>> No.15229230
File: 206 KB, 650x870, George_Zimmerman_front_of_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15229243

I can guarantee you that such disgust is not even the beginning of hell.

>> No.15229251

In comparison to which a mere wafer would be heaven.

>> No.15229256

Making a political statement with communion is undeniably heretical by 1 Corinthians.

>open-minded Christian
Read the entire bible, and then carefully re-evaluate every theological belief you have exegetically.

>> No.15229261

No. There is no consolation for the damned.

>> No.15229272

It's not a communion. The person offering it is not a priest, and can never be a priest. Not a single part of the essential form was respected. It is a sacrilege to call such a thing communion.

>> No.15229274

Flame-broiled wafers add just the 'kick' needed to be palatable.

>> No.15229313

if man was created in God's image it only should make sense for me to think of God in human emotions. also he wouldn't have sent Jesus if he didn't want you to think of him as a man

>> No.15229316

Why do you take eternal separation from God to be a joke?

>> No.15229322

>separation from God
Which one?

>> No.15229332


>> No.15229351


>> No.15229358

>only priests can give communion
Cringe catholic. Go study the entire Bible.

>> No.15229365

>Uh that doesnt count thats not REEL CHRISTIANITY!!!!!!
Like clockwork, every fucking time

>> No.15229366

yeah I'd lay hands on her, if you know what I mean

>> No.15229375

>you're unfairly judging Travyon Martin based on how he looks
>just look at this boomer, that's all you need to do to know he murdered in cold blood.

Good bait, got me to respond.

>> No.15229381

>>only priests can give communion
>Cringe catholic.
but I thought all of us were priests?

>> No.15229432
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>> No.15229448

>when you give up all independent thought, objectivity, intellectual honesty, sense of justice and self-awareness because my team good other team bad!
many such cases

>> No.15229473

Just read this post >>15228603 and yes, it is based.

>> No.15229589
File: 78 KB, 710x473, 25-trayvon-martin-arizona.w710.h473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this ice tea bullshit
Do you know what my favorite thing about the Trayvon Martin ordeal was? How the media was so determined to paint one particular picture that they went out of their way to lie about what his drink was. It wasn't a tea. It was fucking watermelon juice. It's in the crime scene photos, it's specified in all the news initial reports, but surely enough it quickly went from Arizona Watermelon Drink to Arizona Iced Tea. You can rationalize not covering this or that on a busy news day, but it's the little details that show where their true intentions lie.

>> No.15229720

How can there by any but the one?

>> No.15229743

People call all the Arizona beverages tea

>> No.15229751

>/lit/ is unrionically a Christian board now
Fuck me, this website has gone to garbage

>> No.15229827

>contrarian websites shifts views to be contrarian

>> No.15229901

This is idolatry, we don't worship Trayvon Martin.

>> No.15229937

Does not Jesus say, in the Gospel of John:
>[1] I am the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman. [2] Every branch in me, that beareth not fruit, he will take away: and every one that beareth fruit, he will purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit. [3] Now you are clean by reason of the word, which I have spoken to you. [4] Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me. [5] I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.
So I ask you--how is it that since time immemorial, consecrated priests and bishops have given communion under the species of bread and wine as the real presence of God? This teaching and this practice are found in all the ancient Churches. It is in the Roman Church, the Church of Constantinople, the Church of Alexandria, the Church of Moscow, and all Apostolic Churches. Of these, Rome thrives, and the others limp. But what of the protestant churches? They whither and are scattered. Every year they divide. Every year they must invent new doctrines and new customs to hold even a part of their numbers. And no Church but the Catholic Church has born any good fruit. How do you say that the Catholic Church has fallen short? When could this have been? For 2000 years the Church in Rome has stood, amidst all violence and persecution. The first break occurred some 400 years after its birth, and of the two Churches, it is the Catholic Church that thrives. After 1000, there seemed two churches, but it is the Catholic Church that thrives. After Luther, there was great violence, but where is the Lutheran Church now? Where is the Church of England now? Where is Calvin? Everyone of the world says that the Catholic Church is always behind the times, slow to change. But they are of the world, and so they believe change and death to be a glory. The Catholic Church is not slow, but ahead of all. The Catholic Church changes little, for it is of the eternal vine and so bears fruit in all seasons. Where do you find any scripture except in the store-room of the Catholic Church?

>> No.15230016

I'm not suggesting there is more than one. But there are a lot of purported gods out there. Which one are you referring to?

>> No.15230077

That's a dishonest way of approaching the question. Logically, just as the laws of physics are independent from our understanding of those laws, so must theological truth be independent of our understanding of theology. And just as it would be absurd to hold all conjectures of physics equal, regardless of experimental practice, it is even more absurd to hold all theological claims as of equivalent weight and merit, ignoring all realities of practice. Further, you clearly understand the general set of claims these arguments exist within, and so it is supremely disengenous to introduce a superficial appeal to comparative theology, especially when your understanding of obscure and extinct religions are certainly poorer than your understanding of the claims at hand. You know what's being discussed, and while it might make you feel superior to act as thought the relevant claims are as one among a sea of indiscernible equals, there can be no honest motivation for feigning ignorance.

>> No.15230116

>implying there aren't any orthodox Lutherans and Anglicans

>> No.15230124

What I'm inferring from your post is that Chemosh is the one true god. How'd I do?

>> No.15230147

You're probably just trolling, but I'll respond anyway because I see enough people who genuinely think this way.

Zimmerman was found innocent because his injuries were consistent with his story and there were no witnesses or counter evidence. Any good jury would have found him innocent and it has nothing to do with races of the two parties(see OJ Simpson, see Casey Anthony).

You're effectively advocating for a justice system where people are guilty until proven innocent, which is of course what all leftist want(see rape).

>> No.15230152

There literally aren't. Though Aquinas presents good arguments for suggesting the seed of schism is not actually heresy but contention, it must be admitted that schism itself creates a heterodoxy, even if its substance is nothing else but the insistence upon separation.

>> No.15230157

Protestantism was a mistake

>> No.15230159

>There literally aren't.
Explain LCMS and ACNA then.

>> No.15230162

And how do you suppose that?

>> No.15230171

I already did.

>> No.15230199

No, you didn't. LCMS and ACNA or orthodox Lutherans and Anglicans respectively.

>> No.15230209

>Using church history to prove theological points
oh nonononono

>> No.15230302

Well, let me put it this way. In college they called me Sherlock. They gave me that nickname for a reason! Cheers.

>> No.15230313

How did the Apostles know whether Barsabas or Matthias was to replace Judas? God is the Author of Life. Therefore, life gives clear evidence of God's will. Would a river be recognized by where its branches fail, or by where its water continually flows?

>> No.15230328

I'm sorry anon, but someday you're going to find suffering and salvation are not so funny as you think. I hope for your sake it is sooner rather than later.

>> No.15230337

I'm pretty sure I did. But in case I didn't, could you give my arguments back to me so to show where I have failed to account for your claimed exceptions?

>> No.15230353

Fuck it, I'll bite. Explain, specifically, how you know Chemosh will enact that prophecy of yours. Take your time.

>> No.15230405

LCMS and ACNA hold to their original confessional standards of the Lutheran church and the 39 Articles of the Church of England. To say they are not orthodox Lutherans and Anglicans makes you a retard.

>> No.15230408

“Christians” on 4chan never fail to make me laugh, I’m pretty sure posting on here gives you a ticket straight to hell

>> No.15230652

The apostles had many more supernatural abilities than you and I, not to mention that they were given the ability to write the canon, so what they said literally was from God.

Catholicism is wrong on the basic paradigms of Christianity. The lowest possible level one can understand the church's function to be, they get wrong. Its pointless to argue with you because you and I disagree on a fundamental level. Read Calvin and Luther.

>> No.15230767

we glory in god for our benefit. god, being complete in and of himself, has no "use" for our praise, but he knows that instructing us to worship a higher power outside of ourselves is the best way for us to leave behind ego and get closer to the divine

>> No.15230776
File: 55 KB, 479x592, 1489840569996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The apostles had many more supernatural abilities

>> No.15230809

It is a contradiction to say that one is heterodox in an orthodox way. Lutheranism and Anglicanism are heterodoxies, and therefore that one holds it more firmly and more in keeping with the original contentions or heresies only increases the heterodoxy. Christianity is one religion, and the Catholic Church is the only true church. It is possible for any person to baptize any other person and thereby receive sanctifying Grace, there are validly ordained priests who perform valid consecrations in other churches, but only the Catholic Church possesses the fullness of the deposit of faith.

>> No.15230818

Who said anything about Chemosh? Only you. Why have you brought him up? If you took life seriously, you would argue seriously.

>> No.15230831

It wasn't a matter of deescalation, but of staying home and not actively seek out a fight. Trayvon was almost home and decided to turn around and look for the George, and then decided to attack him on top of that. It's not like George was on his ass, breathing down his neck either. There were multiples points where George completely lost track of Trayvon.

This whole affair is a testament to how stupid and uninformed the left is.

>> No.15230857

>you're doing the same but pretending that the findings of an illegitimate court are evidence.
Did you even watch the trial? The judge was a major cunt who was biased towards the prosecution. It was so bad that even the lawyers commentating on the case were talking about how there's definite room for appeal if George is convicted.

>> No.15230870

>he doesn't browse text-only

>> No.15230894

Your mistake is thinking the Roman Catholic church is THE catholic church.

>> No.15230904

Why would it be a ticket to hell?

>> No.15230915

No Church can trace any teaching back to the Apostles except through the Catholic Church. No teaching which is outside the Catholic Church can be traced, by transmission, back to the Apostles. The basic paradigm of the universe is that God created all things; he did not leave it to things to create themselves. We call God Father, and Christ Brother, but in this we recognize God as Lord of All. Being itself has a fundamental hierarchy which is monarchical. Always has God given his graces through the hands of one to many. While the mana in the desert was spread on the ground for all to eat, nothing else could they eat; when the water poured forth in the desert, it did not come form many rocks, but only one. A spring does not move. A river may change course, but it's source and its destination always remain the same.

>> No.15230925

What other Church could it be?

>> No.15230964


>> No.15230965

>he was a normal kid who got murdered doing normal shit.
He was a niglet thug who was killed by a rent-a-cop (a fat, hispanic, retarded rent-a-cop) because he jumped said rent-a-cop.
So yeah, a totally normal niglet thug.

>> No.15231069

Why do you present Catholic teaching as though it somehow is against the Catholic Church. No one has ever said that all those who confess the Catholic faith and belong to the earthly institution will be saved. It is often understood that Augustine put forward the first clear defense of this teaching, and he gave it to defend against the Donatists who insisted that Priests must be perfect to be valid. But where in Scripture does it teach there there is only to be an invisible Church, and no visible Church? And how can you use a Catholic teaching put forward by a Catholic doctor in defense of a visible Catholic Church which remains true and valid despite seeming corruption as any argument against that very same body?