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File: 74 KB, 1000x541, 1078829246_0_209_2000_1291_1000x541_80_0_0_ee4f1dff4d32991af8e2f8cf89decb1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15208245 No.15208245 [Reply] [Original]

>Here's a sneak peak from Jordan Peterson's new book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.

>Rule 1: Recognize that you are responsible for your emotions.

>We all live in a way that makes us happy, sad, and angry. We can do something about these emotions. We have the capacity to be happier.

>This isn't just about getting rid of our biases, it is about changing ourselves. We are the only creatures on the planet that have free will and are ultimately responsible for our happiness.

>Rule 2: Always, always use the whole of reality.

>If we use the mind as our only measure of truth, we will base our relationships entirely on what we feel. This will prevent us from becoming emotionally open and allowing our heart to guide us.

>Rule 3: Do not pretend to have a monopoly on truth
>Rule 4: It is not necessary to be right to be rational
>Rule 5: To decide that something is potentially bad or bad for you, you must choose to act on it.
>Rule 6: You must respect yourself NOW.

>> No.15208261

What a hack. Incels will defend this.

>> No.15208267
File: 263 KB, 1589x1960, bertrandr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the only creatures on the planet that have free will

>> No.15208295

>we have free will
what a retard kek

>> No.15208335

Appreciate it OP now I know the rules I don't have to read the book. Thanks for saving me a whole bunch of time.

>> No.15208350

The postmodernists will win. Even the incels are siding with Dugin/Land over this hack now

>> No.15208360

Sounds based desu. The lefty tranny dilettantes seethe at such notions. Needing to trounce such youthful vigor in stifled rehearsed abstractions of slavish structures.

>> No.15208362

Peterson needs to debate Land

>> No.15208369

great argument you really refuted him well

>> No.15208377

humans have absolutely no free will. They are completely determined by the way that their bodies react to stimuli and causes, and their characters react to motives.

>> No.15208408
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>What is free will? It's the capability to choose for yourself what actions to take, free of moral constraints imposed by others. This is even more striking when you consider that we humans are the only species that make moral judgments and interpretations with our minds. If we have free will, then we also have a feeling of freedom, of choice, of freedom of speech, of mind, and of life itself.

>We are endowed with free will because that's what it means to be human. However, we are not really free. Since we are so far removed from ourselves, we can be lazy. We can be gullible. We can be simple-minded and ignorant. If we accept that we are in charge of our own life, we cannot be free from that. Once you realize that your laziness is a form of desire, not willpower, then you can transcend it.

(In: Rule 1: Recognize that you are responsible for your emotions.)

>> No.15208422

When do we get to the part where you take benzos and turn into a vegetable in Russia

>> No.15208431

>Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life.
I can't believe this is real. What's next, Order Strikes Back: 12 Extra Rules You Can't Possibly Live Without!

>> No.15208449

>folloe these 12 simple rules
>chaos hates it!

>> No.15208452

Incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels incels

>> No.15208470

> It's the capability to choose for yourself what actions to take, free of moral constraints imposed by others.
>by others
>implying you are not the product of your genetics, environment, and education.

>> No.15208484

Incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel

>> No.15208528

Isn't he dead?
No vids since his daughter posted about him recovering in russia

>> No.15208561
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No, he is fine, check his twitter.

>> No.15208568

redpill me on this guy, why is he a meme (i'm from the reddit)

>> No.15208569
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>Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.15208851

>Recognize that you are responsible for your emotions
This is shaky ground for an avowed Jungian. Most men suppress their emotions, which buries them in the unconscious. This means "you" (the ego) are not responsible for them at all. They have a life of their own independent from the ego.

>> No.15208896

he's done talks on ultra conservative platforms and so he's more political now and cucks the left whenever he can.

>> No.15209392

/dancing pepe

>> No.15209454

Are these rules supposed to be "new" or radical?
>you're not happy? do something about it man
>you're not always in the right

>> No.15209488
File: 873 KB, 750x975, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond the Wage Cage: 13 Rules for Letting Your Tiger Out

>> No.15209504

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.15209524
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Chaos is reading 12 Simpler Rules.

>> No.15209539
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Uh huh

>> No.15209542

Does reddit still follow him? And does our bias here make it seem like he's fallen out while normies still treat him like a god?

>> No.15209555

The esoteric Peter Sonism, or Crédiserism, incorporates aspects of Druze's Whitehead and Renégenon's materialism (in the French / European tradition of semiotics) and makes them a powerful Wagnerian / Georgia to the construction of new forms and content. Combine with the contribution of the principle. This point is repeatedly mentioned in the 12 rules.

>> No.15209565

Was this written after he went full-retard?

>> No.15209582

> Denying free will

Look, I have no choice but to call you a mouth breathing retard, it's all predestined maaaan

>> No.15209623

Your point is? Everything that happens, happens necessarily. Denial of necessity leads one back to the idea of absolute randomness, which can hardly be thought of; the world without universal causation would be "randomness with no sense in it".


>> No.15209634

The universe with universal necessity is "sense with no purpose." Your idea is as repulsive as the other.

>> No.15209683

>>Rule 1: Recognize that you are responsible for your emotions.
Isn't the basis of psychoanalysis the exact opposite of this? How can someone working from his school of thought make this claim?

>> No.15209689

Because hes a benzo addicted money hungry kike.

>> No.15209694

The universe doesn't care what "purposes" you ascribe to things.

>> No.15209705

It is an error to think that abstract motives do not have necessary effects because they are mere thoughts. This error results in the delusion that we can be conscious of having free will. In reality, the most powerful abstract motive necessarily determines concrete action. Man does at all times only what he wills, and yet he does this necessarily. But this is because he already is what he wills.

>> No.15209721

the title and idea are already so lousy that I cannot defend it

>> No.15209731

Rule 7: Pop a pill.

>> No.15209741
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You can control your emotions anon

>> No.15209791

Reddit hates him, they hate anyone who can be seen as right wing.

>> No.15209804
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>blame yourself bro, other people who caused your problem aren't at fault

>> No.15209838

Sounds like a paradox, which is a clue we're dealing with something beyond the grasp of reason.

>> No.15209887

That just means one is free to ascribe any purpose, the same way a painter is never as free as when facing a blank canvas.

>> No.15209931
File: 33 KB, 850x400, efb01959515adfbf8ddb4f61649f9501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont believe in free will you're a brainlet

>> No.15209966

Go back you no brained single cell parasite

>> No.15209997

Not an argument, try again. Protip: You can't.

>> No.15210398


>Rule 2: Always, always use the whole of reality.

>If we use the mind as our only measure of truth, we will base our relationships entirely on what we feel. This will prevent us from becoming emotionally open and allowing our heart to guide us.

Oh my god that’s naive, objectivist-tier self-help crap.

>> No.15210439

>>Rule 6: You must respect yourself NOW

Go home, Dr. Phil.

>> No.15210457

>Do not pretend to have a monopoly on truth
Sounding dangerously postmodern there.

>> No.15210473


>Here's a sneak peak from Jordan Peterson's new book

How do we know he wrote it? Peterson can't even talk right now. For all we know Mikhaila reworked his unfinished manuscript to fit her own ideas.

>> No.15210480

reddit hate him for not accepting the wage gap, /pol/ hate him for not blaming jews.

>> No.15210488

I wonder when he will discover pluralism.

>> No.15210509
File: 205 KB, 844x1024, AA8B0089-08BB-4D21-A428-DC6329F3C50A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Prepare for the invasion

>> No.15210527

stop shilling this three year old bait, you fucking redditsexual fagmeister

>> No.15210809

He's pop, but that doesn't mean he's wrong. Both his worship and absolute denouncement are retarded. The reason everyone on this board hates him the way they do is because he's a) popular and b) "midwit". As much as I hate the phrase, it's part of /lit/'s vocabulary, and that's obviously the only way I can communicate. Yes, there are figures which /lit/ figures folks ought to read instead, but the authoritarian attitude of this board is honestly do terrible and obnoxious, but to mention toxic, doesn't help a thing. I want to quit this board so fucking badly, but I can't keep myself from coming back.

Jesus, I went off the rails there. I will never be a writer.