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File: 15 KB, 220x220, 220px-Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15177861 No.15177861 [Reply] [Original]

other than his manifesto any good books from other authors that deal with the same issues?

>> No.15177878

His manifesto is literally his shittiest work, read technological slavery, anti tech revolution, and against anarchoprimitivism
All by him

>> No.15177895

John micheal greer

>> No.15177902

>his manifesto

>> No.15178969

Just look up Techno-pessimism or techno-skepticism. Definitely read Ellul

>> No.15179006

Daily reminder that he assfucked a male dog with a knife.

>> No.15179174

Im a litlet but i just ordered Ernst Junger's Storm of Steel, and saw that he had made a book called The Forest Passage which, judging by the description in my mothertongue, has something to do with nature and society

>> No.15179440

i read that in technological slavery he says leftist social justice warriors are the ones that will be most likely to save us from big tech...

please tell me that was written a looooong time ago.

>> No.15179471

I have not read all of Technological Slavery but based on what else he's written about leftist psychology I can almost guarantee that isn't true.

>> No.15179481

its somewhere in the first few pages

>> No.15180361

if you're old enough to remember, there once was a time when the anarchist left were the only people fighting the WTO in the streets and it was the right who never saw a free trade deal they didn't like

>> No.15180384

Read Ellul’s The Technological Society, it’s basically the unabridged version of ISAIF. Better too.
>I read that
It’s bullshit, I read that book less than six months ago and never read anything even resembling that.

>> No.15180408

Man and Technics by Spengler. It’s short too. Ellul is absolutely essential though. Read The Technological Society, Propaganda and The Political Illusion. Ellul is much more blackpilling from my experience though but you can’t miss him. Be sure to check out Ted’s Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How and maybe Chad A. Haag on youtube

>> No.15180448

Lol, what. No. He dedicates a section to those types in the "System's Greatest Trick". He does not like those types and for good reason, they destroy movements:


>> No.15180722


Must I screenshot it?

>> No.15180745


>> No.15180751

Divide et impera

>> No.15180783

Derrick Jensen's first few books

>> No.15180794

>Derrick Jensen
— (2000). A language older than words. New York: Context Books. ISBN 1-893956-03-2. OCLC 44078542. Republished by Chelsea Green in 2004 with ISBN 978-1-931498-55-5.
— (2002). The culture of make believe. New York: Context Books. ISBN 1-893956-28-8. OCLC 48761707. Republished by Chelsea Green in 2004 with ISBN 978-1-931498-57-9.

>> No.15181135

Yes. Because its bullshit.

>> No.15182523

Scott Alexander's meditations on moloch is a long assay and it's extremely on point.

>> No.15182852

Alrighty guess I’ll have to. Give me a few hours I’ll post it

Hope I didnt take it out of context because I’m going to look like such a fool. I only flipped through to check the condition when I received it. If this thread dies by the time I’m able to get back to it I’ll make a new thread

>> No.15184024
File: 644 B, 312x35, 2020-04-24_20-09-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15184654

LOL. give me a break. that guy is a quack. barely any research, barely any citation of sources. completely fails to address the problem of technology. offers no revolutionary values. thus, he is safely ignored by the people in power. they don't make any propaganda against him because he has nothing serious to say.

>> No.15184680
File: 2.02 MB, 3614x5149, Kaczynski Orange Green Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete BS. you're either lying or you have the shitiest memory. he says the exact opposite: the left is the systems first line of defense against a revolution to destroy the technosystem. the left supports technological values. he writes about this everywhere, but this is straight from the first 6 pages of Technological Slavery:

"The political left is technological society’s first line of defense
against revolution. In fact, the left today serves as a kind of fire extinguisher
that douses and quenches any nascent revolutionary movement.
What do I mean by “the left”? If you think that racism, sexism, gay rights,
animal rights, indigenous people’s rights, and “social justice” in general
are among the most important issues that the world currently faces, then
you are a leftist as I use that term. If you don’t like this application of the
word “leftist,” then you are free to designate the people I’m referring to
by some other term. But, whatever you call them, the people who extinguish
revolutionary movements are the people who are drawn indiscriminately
to causes: racism, sexism, gay rights, animal rights, the environment,
poverty, sweatshops, neocolonialism… it’s all the same to them.
These people constitute a subculture that has been labeled “the adversary
culture.”5 Whenever a movement of resistance begins to emerge, these leftists (or whatever you choose to call them) come swarming to it like flies
to honey until they outnumber the original members of the movement,
take it over, and turn it into just another leftist faction, thereby emasculating
it. The history of “Earth First!” provides an elegant example of this

--Kaczynski, Technological Slavery (2019), p. 6.

>> No.15184737

Anarchists are retarded. Breaking shit and starting fights because you’re bored isn’t the same thing as trying organize labor to gain negotiating power.

>> No.15184749
File: 766 KB, 2016x1512, Tech Slavery page 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat you to it. there are many many many more pages where he details why the left must be opposed because they are in reality friends of the technosystem. their whole ideology and worldview is based on large scale, collective ordered society that requires high tech and high efficiency. deep down they are techno-utopians who want to control tech to make the world "better." which is impossible and crazy according to Kaczynski.

>> No.15184752
File: 876 KB, 759x759, 474C82F6-938E-4813-AF74-620559469E26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Life Prevail

>> No.15184753

or trying to organize a vanguard organization to smash key industrial systems at critical moments to force industrial collapse.

>> No.15184761

based down-syndrome Finn

>> No.15184892
File: 9 KB, 210x240, F0E1D34A-A67D-4336-A10A-274DF94EB292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collapse industry of your nation
>Get taken over by the industrialized nation next door.

>> No.15184899

Thank you, That was the exact paragraph in question. I was hoping I’d be wrong. Had a feeling I was. I re read it and I surely misread the first time around. Like I said before I just quickly flipped through the book to check the condition of it and skimmed that paragraph.

>> No.15185029

it's meant to be world-wide. and even if collapse can only happen in one area, the system is so tightly coupled and complex, collapse in one location can lead to collapse globally.

>> No.15185098

"Nihilism & Technology" by Nolan Gertz

>> No.15185202

Read Ted’s newest book, he talks about this stuff