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15145790 No.15145790 [Reply] [Original]

When will you realize nonduality is the highest philosophy, the end all metaphysics ,the last spiritual stage. Abandon all mental masturbation philosophies which do not lead to liberation as they are nothing more then entertainment for the mind.Sages who wrote after they reached the ultimate truth not before it .

"Ramakrishna practiced meditation with yogis, and he said that all these were progressive steps and did not condemn them. Yet with Vivekananda he taught that religion and yoga were not the end, for they can never directly lead to Brahma-gnana. Teachings other than Vedanta are for beginners only. There are stages in comprehending truth. Hence Sri Ramakrishna taught Vedanta--the highest truth--only to Vivekananda. All his other disciples were taught Yoga, mysticism or theology. He kept a Vedanta treatise (Ashtavakra Gita) hidden under his pillow when others came to talk, but when he was alone with Vivekananda he brought the book out and taught him from it."
Most are filtered and not ready this , only refined souls reaching a critical point of evolution.

Imagine being free of problems of the body and mind, of all social conditioning Realizing how unreal your desires are, emotions that arise ,the changing states of mind ... all unstable and changing ,the only real unchanging self is the witnessing awareness .That which is playing the role not the role itself( identity gender,race,nationality... etc all part of randomized character creation) the stage observer.
Awareness that is non-separate but makes distinctions so one can still function in this reality ,as zen saying goes '' rivers become rivers and mountains become mountains again''
Being able to rest in wellspring of eternal self liberated in nondual blissful awareness.
Realization beyond all appearances and forms.
"This self was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself only as "I am Brahman." Therefore it became all. And whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became That Brahman. It is the same with the seers (rishis), the same with men. The seer Vamadeva, having realized this self as That, came to know: "I was Manu and the sun." And to this day, whoever in a like manner knows the self as "I am Brahman," becomes all this universe. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. Now, if a man worships another deity, thinking: "He is one and I am another," he does not know. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this."

- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10.

>> No.15145802
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Visitor: "Honored sage, should we take the way of monastic renunciation after our social and family responsibilities are completed?"

Ramakrishna: "The path of monastic discipline is not necessary for everyone who longs to awaken. The passion for external renunciation is like a bolt of lightning. It may strike at any time. It is not a reasoned choice. But why not renounce all sense of limitation, even the limitation of monastic forms? Why not enjoy all possible dimensions of human experience as already merged in God? Can one get completely inebriated on just a few pennies’ worth of wine? Fill up the whole pitcher!"

>inb4 its cryptobuddhist autist

>> No.15145877
File: 2.21 MB, 1450x5947, crypto-buddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you say crypto-buddhism? Did you know Advaita is considered to be mostly a ripoff of Mahayana Buddhism by virtually all scholars, and has been called "crypto-buddhism" for a thousand years by Hindus themselves, right from its very inception?

>> No.15145902
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Buddhism is crypto upanishads
scholars are not awakened therefore opinion easily dismissed

>> No.15145969

Non-dualism is the supreme realisation to which all humanity must progress. Read Vivekananda's books for more.

>> No.15145980

I'm a Hindu and believe in Advaita. I don't see what the problem is with this picture? Basically, its conclusion is that Shankara learned from Buddhism and applied some Buddhist knowledge for Hindu revival. This is common knowledge, and no Hindu should have a problem with this.

>> No.15146135


>> No.15146520
File: 272 KB, 1000x1300, krishna3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramakrishna said:

“When I think of the Supreme Being as inactive, neither creating, nor preserving, nor destroying, I call him Brahman, or Purusha, the impersonal God. When I think of Him as active, creating, preserving, destroying, I call Him Shakti or Maya or Prakriti, the impersonal God. But the distinction between them does not mean a difference. The personal and the impersonal are the same Being, in the same way as milk and its whiteness, or the diamond and its lustre, or the serpent and its undulations. It is impossible to conceive of the one without the other. The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.”

>> No.15146536


aka dualism

>> No.15146583

Yes that's right dualism is the most pure thing possible when you are in non-dualism. It's great entertainment. I love when you don't know who you are.

>> No.15146603

> "think of"
he thinks of them as active and inactive, and says it makes no difference what he thinks. Bouth thoughts of active and inactive are forms, and therefore, an illusion.

>> No.15146639

Ive been interested in philosophies like these that promise a realization of some sort that will free you but i have read very little.

Eckhart Tolle says that the ultimate liberation that you can find is to not indulge in the thoughts created by the ego that always thinks in terms of what can be achieved in the future, to simply live in the present moment.

Does the philosophy or religion described in this post entail a different, more profound realization or is it simply a ploy of the ego?

>> No.15146653

they are two distinct modalities, saying "they're just illusions" doesn't magic away the fact that they are being given metaphysical status

another duality, congrats on your dualism

>> No.15146730
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Tolle is very based but many dont understand what presence entails, its more of active attention like zen rather than passive , you're not lost in the moment but actively alive not separated from it.
It is good practice since there is no seeking in future as it can be a trap of the mind.
You're conscious awareness undisturbed by changing mind and emotions.
There is a moment tho for me it was before i engaged with any material where there is shift from head to heart consciousness , an awakening experience ,death and rebirth. But engaging with such material will deepen in or induce it eventually .

Semantics and limitation of language , the ultimate state reflects that there is no sepration -not two

>> No.15147002

you're right, now read MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra by Nagarjuna

>> No.15147227


>> No.15148389

If you want to get more into vedanta

This swami is good

>> No.15148705

I dont understand what you mean by non-dualism.
The only form of non-dualism that works at this point is ontological materialism, which has been falsified. Idealistic non-dualist theories do not work given the overwhelming evidence of the existence of material and its behaviors.
Material exists AND it is proven to not be the only thing that exists. Thus some form of dualism must be the truth.

>> No.15148822

Its only due to illusion in we are in that it appears so as it is part of conditional reality which is non separate from absolute hence not two-advaita

>> No.15148861

You mean being a charlatan? Cringe chad logic

>> No.15148931

>has abandoned all mental masturbation
>still shills his shit-tier philosophy on 4chan

>> No.15148939

True nondualism is when you realize that mind and body are inseperable on both material and ideal levels.

>> No.15149205
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Oh, here we go again. Why are you not meditating or doing something in order to reach union with Brahman instead of wasting your time and energy LARPing on this pseudo-Japanese shithole board? Why can't I get a straight answer to this question? You are just here shitposting and "refuting" each other, what the actual fuck? How can you expect to be taken seriously?
>inb4 just playing the game of worldly enjoyment
>inb4 my nature compels me to post on 4chan
>inb4 now reality has just become another game to me
It's all so tiresome, really. Why would you want ANY of that? According to Advaita Vedanta this is fucking pointless and you know it. Just fucking admit that you are LARPing, it is not that hard, then continue with your Orientalist circlejerk if you want.
I know, right? Jeez.

>> No.15149391
File: 210 KB, 812x972, krishna5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The deluded jiva thinks
''I am this body''
The self has no attachment
to his carriage
Foolish is just ignorance

“Let my idle chatter be the muttering of prayer, my every manual movement the execution of ritual gesture, my walking a ceremonial circumambulation, my eating and other acts the rite of sacrifice, my lying down prostration in worship, my every pleasure enjoyed with dedication of myself, let whatever activity is mine be some form of worship of you.”
― Adi Shankaracarya
>Let my shitposting be highest expression of brahman
To save the lost souls from suffering
Meditation should not be separate from life, buddhism was a mistake

truth is one and universal
Brahman is the absolute chad,all is brahman


>> No.15150369

They have been proven?

>> No.15150789
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>Let my shitposting be highest expression of brahman
>To save the lost souls from suffering
Just despicable. I don't think you want that in the slightest. If you really want to help someone the very last thing you ever would do is come to this shithole website to shitpost.

>> No.15150946

Projecting much?

>> No.15151062
File: 12 KB, 292x173, krishna4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One helps those who needed it the most.

Your spirit has been crushed under the weight of this board , the key of your prison lies at your feet.