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File: 197 KB, 900x725, occ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15138448 No.15138448 [Reply] [Original]

''We observe this effect in the stadiums. Usually people with the similar perception of the world are going there as they are with the similar parameters of consciousness. All fans are divided into two camps and feel similar emotions during the match. There is a powerful united thoughtform created as a result, which starts to operate each separate consciousness. And sometimes it’s enough to start to behave like a hooligan for several especially zealous fans – and all crowd rushes to break and destroy all that will get under a hand. At the same time, the separately taken person would never do that alone.

Here we have an example when the collective consciousness (the united thoughtform) suppresses the individual consciousness of man and starts to operate this person

The behavior of man is none other than the execution of the operating signal from egregor. Various algorithms of behavior are caused by various egregors to which the human consciousness can be connected. Each egregor possesses its own specific energy-informational characteristics and “hooks” only those human consciousnesses, which possess corresponding qualities.

If the density of energy-information in egregor is above than in human consciousness, the egregor will affect man, and the information from egregor will be rewritten in the consciousness of man, reconstructing his structure and defining his behavior.

As people are included in egregors with various levels of both energy and consciousness, people with the higher level of energy “feed” the egregor and people with the lower level of energy “are fed” from egregor. When an aged man goes to a religious temple – then he receives energy (as a rule). Young and healthy usually gives energy...

Similar occurs with the consciousness too. People with the more developed consciousness (the fourth caste, as a rule) operate an egregor (priesthood in religion), and people with the lower consciousness are cope with the egregor (parishioners in religion).

The political parties and movements are usually created by people with the developed consciousness and with an idea, which is supported by masses. Only after that they capture people with the less developed consciousness, but who are supporting the idea as the followers. Therefore it turns out, that people with the more developed consciousnesses operate masses through the egregor.''
Religion is a meme

>> No.15138623



>> No.15138930

>sporting event demonstrate particular features of group dynamics, particular leaders and followers
>political movements and religion have leaders and followers
>sporting events are artificial and meaningless
>therefore religion is artificial and meaningless
Is this not your argument?

>> No.15139010

This doesn't kill anything. Religion warns against attaching oneself to egregores, and especially feelings of enlightenment or ecstasy. Its known to be ensnarement.

>> No.15139024

they absolutely do not , look at the history of killings in name of religion , just lower castes being manipulated by higher caste.

>> No.15139169


>> No.15139186

>look mom i read crap on the internet it is the truth!1111!
>religion is a meme!1111
>what is truth is this shady esoteric website

>> No.15139195
File: 80 KB, 848x800, christsojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. retarded christcucks
face it you're just mindless adherents of an egregore at least mystic christian can see beyond the dogma

>> No.15139200

there is no such thing as collective consciousness

>> No.15139230

the most ignorant christian has a richer spiritual life than you do and i mean it in the most sincere way. what do you do besides shitpost on lit with your pathetic meme pic collection and pick as truth whatever caters to your feelings?

>> No.15139234

this thread was made by the same guy who spams on lit with

it's the same guy who posts:

Meister Eckhart
images (51).jpg

he's a black guy with inferiority complex and profound resentment against the west

>> No.15139243
File: 100 KB, 800x1106, goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich spiritual life

>> No.15139250

yeah the irony is that the most ignorant peasant has a richer spiritual life than you, a mere shitposter who reads /x/ tier shit and spends his time shilling against the west with eastern shit

>> No.15139253 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 599x289, goy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black guy
kek the 30IQ retarded christcuck shouting 'demonic' 'satanic' projecting this hard
try harder

>> No.15139268

go fix your inferiority complex instead of ruining my board

>> No.15139437

Who can can say they understand any mysteries who does not love the Mystical Rose? What fruit will a man bear if he has not planted a mustard seed? How can a man be more cunning than the Serpent if he is not more innocent than the Lamb? How will a man keep his treasures if he does not have a strongman to bar the door? How will any man be clean of sin who does not have two turtledoves?

>> No.15139499
File: 883 KB, 358x314, pepespirit10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mindless drone carbon copies of social indoctrination, the collective ego identity providing artificial sense of security . its babies first entry into spirituality just to step in a bear trap and remain ever fore incapacitated .

I had direct insight now i can blissfully shitpost in nondual awareness rested in wellspring of being beyond mere appearance of many manifested forms of this conditional reality.
>tldr seethe and cope.

>> No.15139706


>> No.15140302

That’s the worst thing ive read all day.

>> No.15140426

It's just a term for when a lot of brainlets huddle close together.

>> No.15140549
File: 333 KB, 1347x766, brainle1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keked so hard for good 2-4minutes

>> No.15141690
File: 120 KB, 900x551, 1587006062038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this a bad thing? Furthermore, why are all these things that you speak of real? "Wellspring of being" and other Eastern ideas? Why should I abandon one myth for another?

>> No.15141782
File: 40 KB, 246x246, pepespirit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

''myth'' kek
Because it can be confirmed in realization in this lifetime, chrictcuckery offers no burden of proof except muh afterlife neetbux

>> No.15141830
File: 314 KB, 1200x630, Pološko_Monastery_of_Saint_George_Communion_of_the_Apostles_with_bread_Fresco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chrictcuckery offers no burden of proof except muh afterlife neetbux
False. You can experience Christ directly and in this life if you humble yourself and drop your silly relativist and subjective beliefs.

>> No.15141851

Why are christian methods dollar store eastern techniques

>> No.15141871

What can be "confirmed in realization in this lifetime?" Why should I want to realize it, even if it can be confirmed? There are also many loose ends and things that don't seem self-evident. How does an aged man "receive energy" from a temple (as a rule). How can you measure this "energy?" If something is an egregor or meme, does this mean it is untrue? Similarly, isn't this belief just a meme spawned by gurus or some other authors?

>> No.15141940
File: 119 KB, 700x473, 1587323411897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eastern techniques
No Eastern "techniques" can turn bread into the body of the Living God. They're all diabolical magic systems designed to merely give you delusional ecstatic experiences.

>> No.15142029

It sounds right to me yes.
I don't see how this kills religion.
Especially Christianity, which is already lucid about the divine nature of men.