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/lit/ - Literature

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15132894 No.15132894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some /lit/ that makes fun of Fascism for being a goofy ideology.

>> No.15132912

lit is a fascist board fag

>> No.15132920

No it isn't bootlicker scum

>> No.15132985

Fascism is not an ideology, it is the absence of ideology.

>> No.15133002
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Anything that makes fun of socialism by extension also makes fun of fascism

>> No.15133005

That's not true, it's larping through and through. An absence of ideology would look more like local communitarianism

>> No.15133015


>> No.15133050

The tin drum
Is funny that the author won a nobel and was later criticized for being part of the nazi youth

>> No.15133065

It is true for the fascist (he is powerful enough, to be aware of the non-ideological state), but not for the masses, controlled by the fascist (they're too powerless, to be aware of the non-ideological state). Fascism is the natural state of the industrial society. Ideologies, like e.g. national-socialism, capitalism or even soviet communism, are nothing but instruments of the fascist, designed to control the masses. Mussolini was aware of this, he was a fascist.

>> No.15133075

no it's you scum

>> No.15133109

It's goofy to create a power vacuum that psychopaths will flock to, that's what I'm getting at. We all know that psychopaths exist, all centralized authoritarian modes of governance will attract mentally ill psychopaths and create the environment for them to flourish in. In an optimal society, psychopaths would be humiliated by the community as defective people, not put in positions of absolute authority

>> No.15133167
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>It is true for the fascist (he is powerful enough, to be aware of the non-ideological state), but not for the masses, controlled by the fascist (they're too powerless, to be aware of the non-ideological state). Fascism is the natural state of the industrial society. Ideologies, like e.g. national-socialism, capitalism or even soviet communism, are nothing but instruments of the fascist, designed to control the masses. Mussolini was aware of this, he was a fascist.

>> No.15133200

Foucault’s Pendulum

>> No.15133271

First of all, psychopathy is not pathological, or "mentally ill". Secondly, the reason, why "psychopaths" are controlling societies, is that they're the best at and for controlling societies. If it weren't so, then societies, lead by non-psychopathic people, would exist and be better than "normal" societies (meaning, societies, lead by psychopathic people, would not exist and this conversation would be redundant). Because of that, "normal" societies - societies, controlled by "psychopaths" - are optimal societies, until the opposite is proven (; an opposite, which hasn't been proven since the existence of man). To the powerful, fascism is the concession to reality; to the powerless, fascism is a failed ideology of 20th century, equated with Germany's national-socialism. Objectively, fascism is the political synopsis of the enlightenment.

>> No.15133367

you have to go back redditor

>> No.15133639

go lick some jewish boots, slavemind

>> No.15133748

>it's a babby learns about applying darwinism to society and commits the naturalistic fallacy episode

>> No.15133809

>Freedom is slavery

>> No.15133851

Fascism is Jewish 4d chess, all centralization gives the Jew the means of attaining power, the more globalized centralization becomes the more damage that can be inflicted.

>> No.15133893

Based and redpilled

>> No.15133903

>a fascist calling someone a boot licker
You want to be a pawn for the state lmao

>> No.15133906

I'm not arguing in terms of morality. The perceived relation to Darwin's ideas was not intentional.

Freedom doesn't exist and slavery is the (morally) negatively connoted description of the natural "master - slave" relationship. Both words are moralistic terms, i.e. they're significance is purely metaphysical (psychological).

>> No.15133925

Fascism as an ideology doesn't exist

>> No.15133930

Sirens Of Titan perhaps

>> No.15133932

lol imagine being this retarded

>> No.15133937

And thats a good thing!

>> No.15133941

it's irrefutable unless you are an anarchist

>> No.15133946

The only good white nationalist is a dead one.

>> No.15133949
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heck yea!

>> No.15133951

Communist are unironically the joke though. This is projecting.

>> No.15133958

Even in dreams we cannot escape I D E O L O G Y

>> No.15133968

>goofy ideology
What's goofy about it?

>> No.15133971

FUCK I never see serious looking extremists anymore, left or right they always have some stupid little embarrassed smirk on their face. What a joke

>> No.15133999

like pretending to be socialist

>> No.15134002

Accidental Death of an Anarchist

>> No.15134020

I thought Hitler hated socialists?

>> No.15134023

The strong can, the weak can't. The ideological radicals are always the weak.

>> No.15134027
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>heels off ground squats

>> No.15134035

ay dem feet tho

>> No.15134060
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Don’t forget “revolutionaries” vote blue no matter who!

>> No.15134075

We've only had 3 recs so far, so I'll say The Code of the Woosters by P. G. Wodehouse. It's a specific pisstake of Oswald Mosley.

>> No.15134083

FYI if your interested in fascist economics Adam Toozes Wages of Destruction. If you want a book on fascist Italy then Richard Bosworths'
Mussolini's Italy: Life Under the Dictatorship, 1915-1945. A new book coming out about fascism is John Goochs' Mussolini's War: Fascist Italy from Triumph to Collapse. Now let me be back to /his/.

>> No.15134139
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Fascism is just Racism+Authoritarianism+Syndicalism.
It's absolutely I D E O L O G Y but it's one of the better ones imo

>> No.15134154

holy cringe

>> No.15134163

Holy Cringity

>> No.15134176

/lit/ is a traditionalist monarchist board

>> No.15134185

/lit/ is gay lol

>> No.15134188

The protagonist of Berlin Alexanderplatz joins the brownshirts because he's bored and they have good drinking songs.

>> No.15134194

any history book
same for comunism

>> No.15134201
File: 112 KB, 822x671, 3745210A-E1A5-4226-B0D5-06204DC3972A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a Trans rights board.

>> No.15134206

Nihilist homos

>> No.15134213

communism is a foot licker?

>> No.15134307
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/lit/ is a UG Krishnamurti board

>> No.15134559

I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.15134575

Good answer

>> No.15134629

This is top-tier bait, well done

>> No.15134640

He has a point. In fascism, the ideology is to just follow whatever the dictator believes.

>> No.15134706

Is this a real question? Literally just pick up any book on WW2 history or on Nazi Germany that is printed by a mainstream publisher.

>> No.15134754

Everythings I've read that tries to mock fascism only succeed at making it look fucking rad, like Starship Troopers or Warhammer 40K. There's just something innately sexy about that hyper militarism and raw expression of masculine power.

>> No.15134902
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15134913

Fascism believes we're all better as a bunch of faggots

>> No.15134924

Nah he was socialist to the core, just not a degenerate international stoodge

>> No.15135480

>the state is incompetent, evil, and run by shadowjewlizards
>let's give the state 100% power in totalitarian authoritarianism

>> No.15135684

>the state is incompetent, evil, and run by shadowjewlizards
>let's kick out the shadowjewlizards and put our people in power

>> No.15135705

Would-be fascists tend to be scoially illiberal and would condemn public displays of faggotry, spousal status for fags, normalization, etc. If you're actually opposed to faggotry and the general feminization of our societies, then fascism should be appealing to you.

It's pretty simple, the state doesn't have to be run by shadowjewlizards — they can be expunged. The state is necessary. Some corruption is unavoidable, but an ideology which subordinates capitalism to higher values (like fascism) is more likely to safeguard the interests of the nation's people.

>> No.15135707

>let's put GOOD people in positions of absolute power and then only GOOD people will rule forever

>> No.15135721

Kick out the kikes and put aryans in power

>> No.15135723

The only way to put your people in power is to not rely on an abstract centralized authorities. Whatever the centralized authority is will itself be self serving against you and your peoples interests. The only thing that's real is the microcosm, the state doesn't care about you, your family and friends, as the state itself is it's own microcosm of psychopaths. The shadowjewlizard problem is a creation of the state and centralization over localism. Every social problem can be solved locally

>> No.15135730

What a feasible and brilliant philosophy, I'm sure a ragtag group of 4chan retards will overthrow the global order

>> No.15135733

Nothing lasts forever, doesn't mean you don't make an effort.

Do share your alternative so we can laugh at your stupidity.

>> No.15135743

>**cryptoshadowjewlizards masquerading as our people
ftfy. they've been fucking you for over 105 years and counting, but you think you can outsmart them? lmao

>> No.15135747

Your time is coming soon Moshe
This time you're all going in the oven

>> No.15135786

It's unavoidable with large populations and modern militaries. You can aim for minarchism, but first you're going to have to do something about the mass immigration of foreign populations that don't share such libertarian tendencies. There's also a problem wherein if you don't restrain capitalism, then successful economic players will de facto consolidate and centralize power. There's no way around it... Your best bet is an authoritarian state that explicitly prioritizes certain values (ethnos, family, autarky) so that there can be no confusion about its purpose (making betrayal of that purpose obvious).

>> No.15135855

The aryans who ended up in power would be the kikiest ones, though, and within a generation they'd be 100% full kike mode once again.
At some point you have to ask why the system so perfectly selects for kikery, why it elevates specifically the worst behavior into dizzying heights of power. It is because that kikery is the end-goal of capitalism, and the eternal Jew is our apex predator. Even if they go extinct, that same niche will be waiting to be filled by some as-yet-undeveloped genus of greedy, backstabbing cunts, because that's what our selection pressures reward.

>> No.15135889


>> No.15135891

i don't like living in this era

>> No.15135936

Look at these Oompa Loompas.
That one on the right literally has downs.

>> No.15135958
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The one in the far right looks like a down syndrome

>> No.15135969


>> No.15136093

hello scandinavian lads from /int/

>> No.15136108
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>hurr durr Fascism bad
>durr hurr daz rite

>> No.15137512

Unironically gas yourselves, or better yet stop being a bunch of complete fucking pussies and start some shit so the rest of us normal, not-fashtatos can identify and shoot you while you're trying to kill a bunch of high schoolers or something. Nothing makes me happier than when one of you trashy, fashy fuckwits gets a close-quarters meeting with the consequences of your actions and ends up losing a shootout with the cops.

If you're gonna keep being pussies though, go be pussies in your safe space in /pol/ and stop smearing the walls everywhere else with your shit.