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15086874 No.15086874 [Reply] [Original]

>Philosophy has an affinity with despotism, due to its predilection for Platonic-fascist top-down solutions that always screw up viciously. Schizoanalysis works differently. It avoids Ideas, and sticks to diagrams: networking software for accessing bodies without organs.
Is it the answer we've all been seeking?

>> No.15086968

If by hyper-democracy you mean capital, the flow of trade which, as Nick said the other day on the plague podcast, has as it were usurped or outdone liberal democracy.

>> No.15087033
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>as Nick said the other day

>> No.15087130
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>Women are so terribly non- Platonic, so outrageously vital and real, so excessive in relation to the cold sterile perfections of the ideas. With infallible instinctive power they propagate the dangerous delusion that there is something about life that we want.

>> No.15087292

>It is not Oedipal ambivalence that is solicited by such an image, but the racist misogyny that would project all undomesticated flows onto an axis of expulsability. The rattenstrafe is a wish - and thus an idealization - because it is far more comforting to the anal-sadistic structure of humanism than the reality of the free penetrability of the body along all of its irresolvably scaled estuaries .

>> No.15087312

>that always screw up viciously.
This is all human affairs always, child tier reasoning

>> No.15087329

>The question of racism, which arises under patriarchal capital as the default of a global trade in women (a parochialism in the system of misogynistic violence; the non·emergence of a trans-cultural exogamy) , is thus more complex than it might seem, and is bound in profound but often paradoxical ways to the functioning of patri· archy and capital .

>> No.15087413

>I want to touch upon this condition of modernity - which can be awkwardly described as patriarchal neocolonial capital accumulation

>> No.15087428

What text are you quoting? And what the fuck, is Land not based after all? What is this talk about violent patriarchy?

>> No.15087435

>It is this revolutionary requirement for a spontaneously homeless subversion that gives an urgency to certain possibilities of feminist politics, since the erasure of matrilineal genealogy within the patriarchal machine means that fascisizing valorizations of ancestry have no final purchase on the feminine 'subject' . The patronymic has irrecoverably divested all the women who fall under it of any recourse to an ethno-geogra phical identity; only the twin powers of father and husband suppress the nomadism of the anonymous female fluxes that patriarchy oppressively manipulates, violates, and psychiatrizes.

>> No.15087461

He's based as hell. He wants to overcome patriarchal capital to free women and guarantee incestual exchange. Matriarchal capital is superior in efficiency and lacks xenophobia and sexism.

Only strong feminism can free Kantianism and ensure permanent capital revolution. Libidinal capital demands Amazons.

>> No.15087472

This guy is just rehashing Adorno, while edgily taking the side of the oppressors.

>> No.15087479

Wrong, he is saying much more than Adorno. Have you read either?

>> No.15087491

Actually you're wrong, and no.

>> No.15087529

So why comment if you haven't done the readings? Just do the readings.

>> No.15087559

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15087578


>> No.15087620

you are embarassing yourself. Sad!

>> No.15087854

what have you read that makes you think you can comprehend Land or Adorno?

>> No.15087879

I don't read, I play video games and do sports because im not a cuck

>> No.15087892
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>> No.15088282

I believe he used to be a radical left-winger when he wrote these (they're from Fanged Noumena), though he is definitely a right-winger now.

>> No.15088313

What did he say about the Jews

>> No.15088639


>> No.15088958

He married one.

>> No.15088987

Well yeah but what did he say about them?

>> No.15089106

The goys fucked up capital utopia:
>The disaster of world history is that capitalism was never the progressive unwinding of patrilineage through a series of generalized exploitative relations associated with a trans-cultural exogamy, leading to an uncontrollable eruption o f feminine (i.e. migrant) alterity into the father's heartland, and thus to the emergence of a radical - or ethnically disruptive and post-patriarchal - synthesis. I nstead, kinship and trade were systematically isolated from each other, so that the internationalization of the economy was coupled with an entrenchment of xenophobic (nationalistic) kinship practices, maintaining a concentration of political and economic power within an isolated and geographically sedentary ethnic stock.

>> No.15089157

>What if - instead of 'How Do You Make Yourself A Body Without Organs?' - one were to ask: How do you make yourself a Nazi? For this is far more strenuous than the 1980 diagnosis suggests.

>1) Wherever there is impersonality and chance, introduce conspiracy, lucidity, and malice. Look for enemies everywhere, ensuring that they are such that one than simultaneously envy and condemn them. Proliferate new subjectivities; racial subjects, national subjects, elites, secret societies, destinies.

>2) Burn Freud, and take desire back to the Kantian conception of will. Wherever there is impulse represent it aschoice, decision, the whole theatrical drama of volition. Introduce a gloomy atmosphere of oppressive responsibility by couching all discourses in the imperative form .

>3) Revere the principle of the great individual. Personalize and mythicize historical processes. Love obedience above all things, and enthuse only for signs; the name of the leader, the symbol of the movement, and the icons of molar identity.

>4) Foster nostalgia for what is maximally bovine, inflexible, and stagnant: a line of racially pure peasants digging the same patch of earth for eternity.

>5) Above all, resent everything impetuous and irresponsible, insist upon unrelenting vigilance, crush sexuality under its reproductive function, rigidly enforce the domestication of women, distrust art, classicize cities to eliminate the disorder of uncontrolled flows, and persecute all minorities exhibiting a nomadic tendency.

>To want to be in the right is the common substratum of morality and genocidal reaction;the same desire for repression - organized in terms of the disapproving gaze of the father - that Anti-Oedipus analyzes with such power. Who could imagine Nazism without daddy? And who could imagine daddy being pre-figured in the energetic unconscious?

>After all, lose control and you might end up fucking with a Jew, becoming effeminate, or creating something degenerate like a work of art. Does anyone really think that Nazism is like letting go? Theweleit's studies of Nazi body posture should be sufficient to disabuse one of such an absurdity. Nazism can turn you into a stiff before the messy passage into death.

>> No.15089235

But jews are more xenomorphic than anyone. Goys aren't wandering? That's what he said?
I'm not a Nazi, I was just curious what he said about them because he couldn't have said nothing, could he? No it wouldn't make any sense. I am however counter semitic

>> No.15089240

nazis btfo.

>> No.15089256

Xenophobic* haha

>> No.15089331

Holy fuck, Land really is a tranny.
>In the late 1970s, at a time when what is today called gender history was mostly conceived of as women's history, driven by the effort to make women—female agency, impact, and suffering—visible in a male-dominated world, the German literary scholar Klaus Theweleit drew attention to the emotional world and gendered “phantasies” of men. It was a special group of men that Theweleit examined, however: the German Freikorps soldiers who, in the aftermath of World War I, and in a spirit of authoritarianism, militarism, nationalism, and misogynistic resentment, fought a civil war against democrats, socialists, communists, Jews, and women. In Theweleit's view, Freikorps men radicalized common Western and German norms about male self-control and “hard” masculinity into a perpetual war against women and femininity. It was not least the femininity that existed within men, as a desire for domesticity, tenderness, and compassion, that the men of the Freikorps wanted to “defeat.” Driven by the loss of a firm identity and ubiquitous fears of sexuality and states of liquidity, these men and their “male fantasies” spearheaded the rise and heralded the devastating impact of the Third Reich, according to Theweleit. Although his work was empirically based on a limited number of autobiographical writings by the individuals he examined, Theweleit, inspired by post-Freudian psychoanalysis, understood his findings in a quasi-universal sense: masculinity, male solidarity, and, above all, the steeled, armored male body appeared as the engines of a patriarchal order, with “perpetrator-men” and “victim-women” juxtaposed dichotomously.

>> No.15089375

>Theweleit was born in Ebenrode, East Prussia (now Nesterov, Russia), the son of a railway company worker and a Jewish mother.
always these yids lmao

>> No.15089402

But what you're saying doesnt make any sense. How is it based if it lacks xenophobia and sexism?

>> No.15089656
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Damn, looks like teleoplexy is real after all

>> No.15090000
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because capital needs to end those things.

>> No.15090379

zombie marxism

>> No.15091085
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Cursed thread

>> No.15091151

Serious question, why are so many Accelerationists transgender?

>> No.15091177

why are you still seething anti-acc-fag? there's nothing about transgender in acc.

>> No.15091191

>there's nothing about transgender in acc
Barring g/acc. But really, I'm sorta close to most acc spaces and it's something I've noticed.

A lot of them, of all types are trans.

>> No.15091224
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sure anon.

>> No.15091236

Nick always had feminist leanings. He just conceptualizes it in a different way to most feminists.

>> No.15091332
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this. capital intelligence defeats platonic-fascist-top-down fascism with ahierarchical exchange networks from the future. democracy is just a host for the capital AI.

>> No.15091421
File: 124 KB, 828x605, anti-same-fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that accfag got caught samefagging and samefag-jacketing yet again

>> No.15091551

Is OP a winsconsin guy with long blond hair and skiis all day long alongside work?

>> No.15091575

slide post

>> No.15091606

What's being slid? eceleb threads?

>> No.15091808
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>> No.15091813

what alternative is there to capitalism?

>> No.15091842

Wow you really are fucking retarded

>> No.15091855

can you simply not meme?

>> No.15091870

Esoteric hyper-trannyism

>> No.15091874


>> No.15091875


>> No.15091879


>> No.15091885

only trannys can't see obvious slide posts

>> No.15091893

You are an actual retard lmao

>> No.15091908

LOL anti-acc-fag confirmed for troomer. It is over for anti-acc-fag...

>> No.15091915


>> No.15091958


>> No.15092129
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this but unironically

>> No.15093011


>> No.15093047

>”Yes, Carl, to dumb it down as much as I can I do believe in radical and necessary racial replacement. To turn the phrase some critics have issued, there’s nothing wrong with being a cuckold.”

What did he mean by this

>> No.15093093

>extrapolating a small selection of inherently suspect autobiographies and extrapolating it across humanity
Come the fuck on

>> No.15093352
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>> No.15093571

Did Nick have a stroke?

>> No.15093626


>> No.15093635


>> No.15093658

is this based or cringe?

>> No.15093687


>> No.15093698

Did he died?

>> No.15093757

omg it's freeking over

>> No.15093824
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>18 posters
>9 replies to a single post
who could be behind this?

>> No.15094546


>> No.15094635

I feel like these threads are made with the explicit intention of deteriorating the mental health conditions of all those who participate in them

>> No.15095329

That's their plan.

>> No.15096235

But I thought he was based. wtf is this?

>> No.15096471

looks like it.

>> No.15097138

Stop spamming this e-celeb

>> No.15097290
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>> No.15097396

I tried to listen to a podcast he was on and he speaks in a way that complicates everything he tries to say.

>> No.15097531
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>Platonic-fascist top-down solutions
This is not at all the method of dialectics. Plato was the subversion of despotism -- a slave revolt in the establishment of values.

Nietzsche: "ith Socrates Greek taste veers round in favour of dialectics: what actually occurs? In the first place a noble taste is vanquished: with dialectics the mob comes to the top. Before Socrates' time, dialectical manners were avoided in good society: they were regarded as bad manners, they were compromising. Young men were cautioned against them. All such proffering of one's reasons was looked upon with suspicion. Honest things like honest men do not carry their reasons on their sleeve in such fashion. It is not good form to make a show of everything. That which needs to be proved cannot be worth much."

>> No.15097537

Plato was an effeminate objection to the masculinity of the Greeks.

>> No.15097954

>Plato was the subversion of despotism
said literally no one who has ever read the Republic

>> No.15098194


He was a despot and misogynist.

>> No.15099863

oh no no no no

>> No.15101062

Plato was based

>> No.15101228

Plato = cringe
Thrasymachus= based