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15080695 No.15080695 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good eco-fascism literature.

>> No.15080715

It's bretty stupid. Also Linkola isn't *technically* an ecofascist, he just says things which the ecological movement are thinking but noone has the guts to admit.

>> No.15080763

Wby do you find it stupid? Also, eco-facists wouldn't exist if the left wasn't so cucked.

>> No.15080854

Maintaining all that traditional fascism stands for will not facilitate ecology. It has always been just authoritarian capitalism.
The lefts problem is the same as their attack dog, fascism’s problem. Division.
The left dicker over Marxism and libertarianism etc. The fascists just want some Platonic form of the past carved out in their mythical motherland ideals.
So what’s their motto? “Save the environment by genociding the X. Disgusting. Try being serious about.

>> No.15080865

I mean my biggest issue with it is that its usually a way to smuggle the particular teleology of fascism into an ecological movement with the aim of normalising many of the negative aspects of fascism under the pretence of ecognosis. The term is also itself a pejorative often used to discredit deep ecology, which is not necessarily fascist in its ambitions. This is the reason why I would not call Linkola an ecofascist.

>> No.15080879

Linkola was leftist. Why do you think he was such a big fan of communist regimes

>> No.15080887

The difference with him is that he was fascist treehugger, a radical supporter of environmentalism. He wasn't a nazi who also likes plants. Therefore the word fascism is too loaded to be descriptive of his stance.

>> No.15080901

Thanks for asking. I'm against it.

>> No.15080907

In other words a fanatical devotion to a cause is all he shares with fascism. Even if the view has some basic commonalities with fascism like genocidal population control; the motives and ideological basis are incompatible and associating with racism or ultranationalism or the joos is a corruption and bastarization.

>> No.15080917
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cringe post

>> No.15080939

Instead of earth bending to Man’s will, Man will once again listen to Earth’s will

>> No.15080953

>Linkola was leftist
>he was fascist treehugger,

hmmmm i think there is some confusion here

>> No.15081037

Let me elaborate, he was fascist about treehugging. Not about other things associated with the ideology. The characteristics of extreme government intervention, authoritarian control, devaluing of and calculated expendability of human life, these are shared with him and traditional fascists. Read the rest of my post.

>> No.15081051

>The fascists just want some Platonic form of the past carved out in their mythical motherland ideals.
Okay, I’m convinced. Where do I sign up?

>> No.15081114

He didn't ask, actually.

>> No.15081137

He was anti-capitalism. That is pretty leftist

>> No.15081155
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OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

>> No.15081673

>he thinks fascists aren't totally opposed to the capitalist oligarchies that rule a nation where the state should rightly do so.

>> No.15081748
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It is fucking based. Liberalism has individualism at its heart and individualism will always value freesom to highly. The freedom to own as much land as you can buy, live in as bigger house as you can afford, drive an SUV, hook up any gadget to your self or home you desire all of which use fossil fuels to power this decadent infrastructure. Individualistic Liberalism shrieks in horror at the idea of some authoritarians limiting this freedom, and it is incapable of living up to the task. Eco fascism is not so cowardly. It has the iron will to break down such silly man made mental boundaries as freedom to destroy the Earth for mere entertainment and demand of people better behaviour. At the point of severe punishment or death too, the only way you will get people to act properly. It is a reality based ideology and perfectly moral. Based, in a word.

>> No.15081843

I think whether I support it or not, we will see it grow in the coming years. Perhaps it won’t gain a lot of prominence but I think normies will becomes aware of it on the fringes of politics at least.

>> No.15082301

Are you denying Jews are running our country? Has Epstein, them stealing uranium, or any other scandal taught you nothing?

>> No.15082312

As if fascists are pro-capitalism, lol.

>> No.15082327


here you nigger, it's the only thing I can come up with regarding that topic

>> No.15082346



>> No.15082359

It's actually an interesting topic. I'll read upon it once I enter my hippie phase.

>> No.15082366

Than you, passive-aggresive anon.

>> No.15082375

Better be quick. The corporations are about to kill the entire planet.

>> No.15082421

I actually have a degree that allows me to work inside enviromental protection. Can't find a job (yet) and have to make ends meet with web development, but once that day comes, I'll have my hippie literature stack ready to go.

>> No.15082588

Fuck off to /pol/ with your politics
This has nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.15082618

>Is there any good eco-fascism literature.

>> No.15082624
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Eco fascism is fucking based

>> No.15082640

Jews arent primordial. They're definitely a shitty culture but nothing social engineering couldnt solve

>> No.15082690
File: 107 KB, 640x756, 7BC5AA4D-9745-49A6-A461-8279CD2127EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascism is authoritarian capitalism

This is your brain on Bookchin.

Fascist economics follow corporatism and are directly opposed to capitalism. Fascists hate capitalists and are a third position mixed economic system.

The second part of your post is a string of disjointed sentence fragments, and are below the minimum level of literacy you’d expect on a literature board. Try again.

>> No.15082708

According to Marx himself, opposition to capitalism existed before the left existed.

Learn your own fucking theory brainlet.

>> No.15082728

Their neuroticism and subversive nature are the result of genetic bottlenecking. Read The Culture of Critique.

>> No.15082775
File: 333 KB, 1439x523, E53366D6-0C79-4D12-8B36-98F0C96E7161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascist economics follow corporatism
Exactly. That’s capitalism. “Late stage”. This IS what your “free markets” leads to. It isn’t a static system. Nothing is.
> Fascists hate capitalists
The subjugate them to their state power, but are just the flipside of oligarchy where the capitalists rule the government. “Third position” is a joke.

Shouldn’t expect you to understand simple Plato references