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15079242 No.15079242 [Reply] [Original]

Fascism is often said to be lacking the theoretical rigor that marxism is backed by. However, in the world of the arts, marxist art seems to be lacking compared to the work of the artists who were fascists or those who heavily flirted with it, such as Pound, Yeats, Hamsun, or Céline. Why is it that marxists seem to be intellectually superior but artistically inferior, while fascists seem to be artistically superior but intellectually inferior?

>> No.15079275

Pound is a fraud and Celine is second rate so those are pretty bad examples.

>> No.15079276

I guess you don’t know James Joyce had socialist sympathies..Tolstoy was an anarchist. Mayakovsky... shit, are you even trying?


>> No.15079308


Not true really, gentile’s actualism and his conception of philosophical fascism are highly intellectual and have a strong foundation in Hegelianism. The only difference between Marxism and fascism is that the fascist does not seek to remove the spiritualist elements of Hegel but amplifies their spiritualist and constructivist aspects utilizing the analysis of mind as the bedrock for the conception of a totalitarian State. (Read mind as pure act) from there our fascist thought is then enhanced by heidegger’s conceptions of technology and das man as an advancement of the synthetic ego project of fascism, which gives us the entire phenomenological tradition. Now add to our thinkers such as Carl Schmit and we have a fully practical political theory and critique of culture which is still largely applied today, now add to this the conceptions of fascism created by deleuze and baudrillard and you’ll see fascism has a wealth of material on its theory, whether by its proponents or people philosophizing against its cultural dominance via the arms of capitalism. Even folks like Zizek understand that The fascist project is so far the winning force in history.

I mean the actual fascist project, not the ever flexible political arrangements which gentile was clear were always flexible, the core of it being the concept of the unification of man through a constructed group Ego. By all regards we’re winning.

>> No.15079324

To be fair literally every ideology says they're winning

>> No.15079366


Sure but post modernism says we’re winning, The left says Techno-Capital is winning, the right backs Techno-Capital which results in our project and largely is right now creating the constructed group identities key to fascism. Like any person who’s honestly examining the globe can tell you that the dominant force is the blend of techno-state-capitalism that produces the cultural construct which blends men into its matrix.

As the blending of man into a singular unity is the entire project of Fascism, I do not see how people can say we are not winning. You could argue say a racialist argument or a nationalist but neither of these two are inherently required in the core project of Giovanni Gentile. And again you cannot say there isn’t an intellectual tradition backing this since basically the entirety of post modern philosophy is people reacting to the construct of ego synthesis occurring via capitalism.

>> No.15079388

>the left is defined by theoretical rigor
>almost every prediction made by leftists is either false or self-fulfilling
What did they mean by this?

>> No.15079449

The popular conception of fascism today is so broadly and nebulously defined that many more authors and artists have retroactively earned the label "fascist" than "marxist." Anyone who ever said anything remotely positive about Mussolini, either on or off the record, is now a dyed-in-the-wool fascist or cryptofascist, whereas "marxist" only gets applied to the most overtly political writing.

>> No.15079464

>what is the frankfurt school
Read theory, inc*l.

>> No.15079468

>muh theoretical rigor
It doesn’t need theoretical rigor because it’s a simple doctrine (which isn’t bad) – it’s simply the rejection of liberal egalitarianism, democracy and purposeless intellectualism. Fascism relies on the unity of thought and action, and unlike with Marxists, is not opposed to culture and art. Check out Giovanni Gentile for someone decent

>> No.15079475
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>read theory

>> No.15079483
File: 130 KB, 785x964, B91A999A-EE3C-4025-9D6C-4B7B82CBB0A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read theory
Unapplied theory is useless, have fun with your intellectual masturbation and Marxist word-salads

>> No.15079498

>Check out Giovanni Gentile

Will stern-looking men in black suits come to my house if I buy his works? Isn't his stuff simply banned like Mein Kampf is?

>> No.15079509
File: 180 KB, 251x374, 6A40B363-2E61-4563-8CFA-28DB04F948A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't his stuff simply banned like Mein Kampf is?
Only if you live in a cucked country. Honestly compared to Mein Kampf it’s very mild. Book related is mostly philosophical and talks about the unitary character of thought and action, the fascist conception of the state, fascist violence and much more. It’s been a while since I read it though

>> No.15079522

>implying government employees even know who Giovanni Gentile is
If you live in an Anglosphere country, Communism = niceness, good mustache man, Fascism = meanness, bad mustache man.

>> No.15079539

Why is genocide based on class supposedly a lesser evil compared to genocide based on genes?

>> No.15079552

Class isn't an ascriptive group, race is. Also, the natural egalitarianism of the Anglosphere tends more towards sympathies with Communism than Fascism (even if "Communism is just a synonym for niceness).

>> No.15079568

>implying fascism is inherently gene-centered

>> No.15079580

Fascism is coopting and diverting class warfare.

When capitalism reaches a boiling point, where class solidifies, and workers unite against capital holders - fascists arise.
They seek to steer workers away and harness that revolutionary spirit against something or one else.

>> No.15079588

>Fascism is coopting and diverting class warfare.
Why foster social conflict and warfare between groups rather than seek to reconcile them and create a harmonious society?

inb4 abolish class instead – this is a fantasy

>> No.15079609

Something iv been curious about, how do communists deal with the fact that class distinctions trend towards also being race distinction? Not even necessarily one race ruling over an other. Im sure that if genetics tests where done on the aristocracy vs the peasantry their would be distinct markers in each due breeding between classes being rare. Starting to get that now too, with people tending to marry people of a similar wealth/status level, or just straight up marring someone in the same profession.

>> No.15079685

Genocides are fake and gay and crammed into your head in your early education so you worship liberalism.

>> No.15079697

>James Joyce

>> No.15079706

>the right backs Techno-Capital

>> No.15079707

It is so funny to see people talking about how Fascism doesn’t have any theory behind it. It does, and saying otherwise is just signaling that you are talking about something you’ve never researched.

>> No.15079749

I don't think people actually think that it has no theory behind it - it has plenty - but that it's just half-baked pseudoscience and crypto-homosexual power fantasies for the most part, unlike marxism and dialectical materialism, both of which are an actual science.

>> No.15079774

>The stuff I don't like is gay and dumb
>My reddit politics are le ebin of course

>> No.15079820

See? This is what I mean. It's a typical fascist tactic to fall back on childish insults and strawmen - in all likelihood because you know, either consciously or unconsciously, that you would get laughed out of any university worth its salt if you tried to present your flimsy excuses for theory as something legitimate.

>> No.15079870

More telling the is craven manner with which your kind pursue this clapping of academic tongues. Universities have deplatformed and silenced fascist thought. You conflate the clandestine sabotage of philosophy as being a testament to your ideologies superiority, ironically exposing your own obsequious cowardice.

>> No.15079890


What have I said here that is more pseudo than your average Hegelian, where’s the Homo power fantasy in heidegger, Schmit and the post modern theories of fascism? >>15079308

>> No.15079891

>It's a typical fascist tactic to fall back on childish insults and strawmen
Didn't realize you are a fascist

>> No.15079898


what are you talking about, the post moderns literally read Gentile and still grapple with the ramifications of Hegel. Whether America or Asia people like Schmitt are still relevant.

>> No.15079903

>Greentext made me lose my temper
>I am become eternally btfo
Read gitas

>> No.15079933

explain why my cliché opinion is fact, the thread

>> No.15079995

Neither side is artistically superior to the third option, liberal democracy. I'm not even a huge fan of liberal democracy but it's plain to see. Having to conform art to a strict ideological standard and politicizing it is always a recipe for stagnation. When an artist is free to express whatever, you may get more trash and works of poor taste (because they don't have a blueprint to follow and their vision may suck) but you will also allow for the expression of individual genius.

>> No.15080031


>> No.15080048

lmfao how is class genocide even real?? just stop being a landlord nigga lmfaoo nigga just stop hoarding wealth hahahahaha

>> No.15080116
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funny pic, ich hab Mal versucht bissi besser die Reclam Gerne hin zu bekommen

>> No.15080533
File: 19 KB, 800x450, image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill yourself, neoliberal scum. You should be burned together with trash you call "art".

>> No.15081780
File: 134 KB, 1200x781, 1200px-Sacrario_redipuglia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean it's not hard to understand.

Fascism's primary concern is aesthetic in nature.

>> No.15081796


'Material' is not beautiful. Marxists have compulsive obsession with bland and ugly theory rather than art, beauty, goodness.

>> No.15081863

Because Fascism by nature has to be anti-intellectual. It is a diversion of truth (in this case the diversion that those in power aren't the reason you live in a straw hut, and have bad medical care, and instead those in the mud huts and have no medical care are the reason for your state of malady).
The reason Marxism lacks any artistic/aesthetic power is due to a couple things. First off that claim in itself is dubious at best (Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China are actually incredibly well known for their aesthetic flare). But if you don't agree with that I provide another outlet, which would be the focus on labor, which inherently doesn't lend itself to popping visuals and style. One could also discuss the idea of stratification of Marxist Ideology throughout various forms of media, and while not directly Marxist should still be recognized. Also it is a relatively new idea.

>> No.15081890

>intellectual masturbation
Nigga what? Marxist theory is incredibly useful in the workplace with recognizing various alms and issues that normally you wouldn't think about.

>> No.15081904

>Stalin is seen as good

>> No.15081910


>> No.15081974

>Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China are actually incredibly well known for their aesthetic flare
based retard

>> No.15081986

>marxoids having a workplace to use their theory in

>> No.15081998

Soviet Union anthem is one of the most well known anthems.
Soviet Art is an aesthetic reused ad infinitum.
Fuck even that little bitch,Ayn Rand, was a product of communist Russia, and Liberals love her. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, nigga.

>> No.15082093

>(Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China are actually incredibly well known for their aesthetic flare).

Socialist realism is the most turgid and hackneyed garbage ever. There is a reason why no great literature was created in Soviet Russia.

>> No.15082146
File: 196 KB, 745x965, EUhHXS8XsAEGvUh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Celine is second rate
t. non-francophone

This too.

>> No.15082277

There is nothing about any political or economic theory that is science.

>> No.15083366

>Soviet Union anthem is one of the most well known anthems.
>Soviet Art is an aesthetic reused ad infinitum.
Where? In gaudy pop-art?
>Fuck even that little bitch,Ayn Rand, was a product of communist Russia, and Liberals love her. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, nigga.
>trusting liberal in matters of taste

>> No.15084904

>Stalinist Russia, and Maoist China are actually incredibly well known for their aesthetic flare
Thanks man, it has been some time since a 4chan post made me burst into uncontrollable laughter.