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15069071 No.15069071 [Reply] [Original]

Did Brutus do the right thing by killing Caesar?

>> No.15069100

no, because brutus didn't realize that actions like the one he was undertaking were what killed the republic. caesar was just a symptom

>> No.15069139

It would be so interesting to see a world where Caesar doesn't get killed. Everything would be different. Christianity, the history of the Roman Empire. The whole of Europe would be different and so the rest of the world would be too

>> No.15069323

Yes, but unknowingly. His actions led to the death of the Republic and the rise of Augustus. Couldn't think of a better outcome

>> No.15069533

He delayed the inevitable by a few years. The only difference is the first "real" emperor being Augustus and not Caesar

>> No.15069554

Yes, Caesar was a shit

>> No.15069589

If killing is wrong in all circumstances then no by definition

>> No.15069601

What if the Romans had discovered America, bros?

I always dream of going back to early imperial Rome and convincing people to build extremely large ships and send 50 of them to explore the unknown. At least one would have to come back.

>> No.15069620

This. He only confirmed popular suspicions of Deep State mischief.

>> No.15069751

There was a law at the time that said that you had to kill anyone who wanted to restore the monarchy. You have to understand that the Brutus name meant something, Brutus literally means retard and yet it was a glorious name. Rome was originally a monarchy. The first kings were good, but then came the Tarquins, who took the power by force and were cruel tyrans. The worst of them was the last king Tarquin the Proud. He killed all of the other suitors to the thrones, except his nephew, a retarded boy, nickname "Brutus" (aka the retard). But a few years later, after more villainy and the rape of a woman by Tarquin, Brutus started a revolution. Brutus had only pretended to be retarded for many years to avoid being killed by his uncle. He overthrew Tarquin and had Rome become a republic. Several years later Tarquin came back to Rome with an army, determined to get his throne back. But Brutus headed the Roman army and died a hero, saving Rome from the kings for eternity.
Caesar adopted son was the direct descendent of this hero and enemy of kings. And yet, every day, he could see Caesar trying to become a king. Caesar wore a red toge, a crown of laurel, his face was graved on coins, only kings of the old times did that. Serments are sworn on his name, and not on Jupiter's name. He added his statue next to the ones of the seven kings. Brutus knew the law and the story of his ancestor. He knew that he couldn't let Caesar become king. Brutus did the only thing that he could, he killed Caesar. And Caesar only got what he deserved.

>> No.15069762

Didn't they only kill Caesar because they disagreed with him? I think that's what we all understood from it anyways, who knows whose wife he was fucking in the end

>> No.15069763

based brutus

>> No.15069769

You should write a history book.

>> No.15069942

Roman boats were found in Brazil.

>> No.15070004

Yes. Always kill tyrants, especially if its your boss.

>> No.15070006

The Romans are first to set foot in the New World, planting the Holy flag of the SPQR into the sand. The Emperor would make the decision to conquer them just like they did with all of Europe and Northern Africa. They would implant their gods into their own pantheon. Sadly, a large number of Natives would still die due to the European diseases wrought upon them. The rest of them could trade gold for some levels of independence, but a large number of them would be used as slaves.

Just imagine it bros, no Ottoman Empire, no Huns. Romans would conquer the Arabs and use them to get what they want from India.
Cristoforus Colombus is a merchant who travels between India and Rome.

>> No.15070017

Thank you. I think all who are properly educated know of the monarchy, but the explanation of the name Brutus is good.

>> No.15070497

Then they conquer sub-saharan Africa and all the niggers move to Rome for gibsmedat.

>> No.15071070

Nothing would have changed.

>> No.15071211

The death of ceasar led directly to the rise of augustus which birthed the roman empire. A ceasar that lives changes everything

>> No.15071360

>muh great man of history

>> No.15071604

I'm not qualified to say and I doubt anyone else on /lit/ is.

>> No.15071638

Ceasar warped the course of history, this is indisputable
>b-but muh professor sai--
Fuck off

>> No.15072016

My theory on this is that Marc Antony set Cassius up to take Cezare out with the rest of the Senate and then had Cassius killed so his secret would be safe, a no loose ends dillio. What the last line of the play hits, he's not saying Brutus was a man in a flattering way, he's saying he betrayed Caesar and wasn't a god

>> No.15072130

Better question: did augustus actually care for antony, or was he just a passionless bugman?

>> No.15072177

No, both Brutus and Caesar were under the delusion there is something to be done in the world. Where there was only one fool, Brutus made two. Never interrupt the Adversary when they're making a mistake.

>> No.15073034


Such a good post beside such a bad one
Duality of Lit

>> No.15073046

>did augustus actually care for antony

>> No.15073187

you're right it was actually the empowered african womyn erased from the pages of classical history who fomented the roman republic's transformation to an empire

fucking uni cuck

>> No.15073197

No Rome was an Empire before it was one. Expansionism and the reform of the roman legions meant that greater power transferred to the military in the late republic and so the republican values were replaced slowly with those of the empire,his actions were just the last nail in the coffin for the republic and also there was dictators before Caesar,Sulla for example.The republics end was inevitable once it left the borders of Italy and went way beyond.

>> No.15073237

By perpetuating the cycle of civil violence that began with the assassination of the Gracchi, Brutus helped opened the door for anyone who had a strong enough military backing to just muscle their way into power. This facilitated the rise of Octavius to the emperor.

>> No.15073265

>Brutus had only pretended to be retarded
/ourguy/ confirmed?

>> No.15073273

Retarded take

You extrapolated from an insane assumption with no basis whatsoever

>> No.15073374

The most interesting thing would be if Cato the Younger really was like Cato the Elder.

If he had the same abilities of his great grandfather (political and military) he would likely be able to stop Caesar and Anthony. But would the Republic last more generations after that?

>> No.15073386

>Caesar gets rekt by Parthians just like Antony and that rich guy
>Augustus still heir

Only difference is maybe Augustus would have less bullshit to deal with before becoming Emperor, sorry "first citizen"

>> No.15073510

Retard, you're forgetting about all the reforms ceasar would have made to cement his rule. That alone would change fucking everything. I fucking hate military bugmen god damn

>> No.15073521

Didn't matter
Republic died when Rome conquered Italy
Absolute brainlet take

>> No.15073544

Based and tyrannicidepilled

>> No.15073555

Not really, Caesar planned invasions and conquests of Germania and Parthia. God knows how they would've turned out. A more interesting scenario is what would have happened if Aurelian or Julian """""the Apostate"""" had lived.

>> No.15073572

Look at how shit turned out. Caesar would have stepped down after being a dictator and stabilizing Rome.

>> No.15073579

>Caesar would have stepped down
sure kiddo

>> No.15073584
File: 399 KB, 839x768, pepe seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caesar would have stepped down

>> No.15073649

>purposefully merciful to his detractors to avoid a repeat of sulla

>> No.15073701

>There was a law at the time that said that you had to kill anyone who wanted to restore the monarchy.
More info? I'm really curious

>> No.15073702
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 258BAE61-BE92-4EBD-8BDB-D8D3F510F6D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Men of History is BS
>tabula rasa bro

>> No.15073706

Law of unintended consequences.

By killing Caesar he paved the way for the rise of Caesarism.

>> No.15073719

Republics and democracies always be one tyrannies. It’s the iron law of oligarchies.

>> No.15073728

Anyone else think that the Spartacus uprising was an inside job to get him at the top? I can't be the only one.

>> No.15073730

You’re thinking of Crassus, the Parthians pored molten gold down his throat to sate his thirst for money. That obese fellow who writes Gnome of Scones ripped off the scene.

>> No.15073748

>I-I could be the n-next Newton, I swear!

>> No.15074590

How is that a brainlet take. The emergence of civil bloodshed is said to have marked the decline of the republic and by partaking in this, Brutus played a part in the republic's demise