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15061632 No.15061632 [Reply] [Original]

Coronavirus pandemic from Buddhist point of view


Guenonians and Hindus can get fucked.

>> No.15061646
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>> No.15061652
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>mother nature itself

>> No.15061686
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>> No.15062306

>Hindus can get fucked
where does he say that
btw that chick is muslim

>> No.15062486

Tibet's aesthetics are sublime.



>> No.15062514

the religious groups present in current times always get me, some more than others. that smugness of 'doing the right thing' because you chose a couple of weird looking clothes and a bald head. you see no individual, not one opinion of his own. he's simply a 'buddhist'. an ordinary mindless follower of religion. it seems more accentuated with oriental religions, christians (surprinsingly, perhaps) seem to have more individuality to them.

>> No.15062526
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Buddhist perspective on corona?

In short, it's an illusion.

>> No.15062529
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Since we're kind of in a religion thread, can I ask Christians a question that sort of bugs me? I mean this with no malice or anything, it's just a question.

Suicide is forbidden in Christianity and some other religions, because it is murder of the self and thus a spurning of the gift of life or whatever.

But what if you're being executed for a crime, real or imagined, and the form that the execution takes is poisoning by hemlock like Socrates? If the court places a cup of poison in front of you, and says "drink it, or we'll make you drink it," is it considered suicide to drink it of your own volition, since they're just going to force you to drink it anyway? I've often wondered whether or not this "counts" as suicide for the purposes of the soul.

I feel as though because you are left with no choice except death, accepting death is a very Christian sort of thing to do, almost martyr-like. But on the other hand, I feel as though Christians are never supposed to take their own lives. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

>> No.15062533

You mean China's

>> No.15062560

If original Christian thought has been utterly warped via various schism, power grabs, and charismatic movements, just wait until you get a whiff of contemporary Buddhism.

>> No.15062582

Not a Christian but I think those questions based on language are stupid. Having been sentenced to death by poisoning, do you really think God is some logical circuit that will specifically choose something if you take the drink yourself or it will be forced on you?
Terms may always lose their original meaning? One may have originally defined suicide as 'killing oneself while wishing to die/not wanting to live anymore".

>> No.15062622
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It depends. A flaccid contemporary priest or protestant preach might hand-wave the issue saying "God forgives you, knowing your circumstances."

Pre Vatican Council, adherents made no bones about taking on torture/suffering to maximally fulfill the life of their Christian conscience even onto the moment of horrendous death. Martyrdom was basically worshiped by the early and middle-aged Catholic Church. The persecution and torturous deaths of such individuals are chronicled in a number of Catholic writings from the middle ages.

So it depends who you ask and what degree the respondent comprehends their doctrine. IMO it would be suicide if you undertook poison under your own volition, even if that volition is under duress.

>> No.15062625

I disagree. The main difference between these two religious traditions is that Christianity from a very early period developed the necessity for a sole truth. Schisms and the like are serious, existential threats to the core of the religion because they represent different truths from the same event - the revelation of Christ.
In the formation of Mahayana a very brilliant thinking came about, namely the idea of skillful means. That is, that the Buddha taught to the level of his students. This means that all branches of Buddhism are different perspectives on the same eternal truth, as long as they are skillfully argued with proper sutra verses. A difference in sect in Buddhism is not the existential crisis as it is in Christianity.

>> No.15062649

Calvinism says you were simply never elect, so it is fine in that circumstance because nothing would have prevented you from not burning for all eternity as God rightfully punishes your depravity.

>> No.15062774

so there are gods in buddhism?

>> No.15062778

Gods are beings in Buddhism. The good ones usually act to protect the buddhist teachings.
Of course, unless they are manifestations of Buddhas they are not considered enlightened beings.
Buddhists usually direct prayers to a Buddha or Bodhisattva. The specifics vary from tradition to tradition.

>> No.15062791

Lmao at how these Tibetans keep mentioning that the virus started in China

>> No.15062855

Yes, people that say Buddhism is purely atheist are misrepresenting it though the Gods act more as spirits here.

>> No.15062865

same goes for theravada buddhism too?

>> No.15062875

I am not overly familiar with theravada to comment with on it with any authority.

>> No.15062880

theravada has many levels of devas, which are equivalent to gods except they are unenlightened and rely on the teachings of the buddha

>> No.15062928

It's a Buddhist thread, not a Christian thread. And it's also not /lit/ related, so Saged. Come on jannies, what are you not being paid for?

>> No.15063032
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He says that the pandemic exists because of bad karma. Clearly Guenonposter's stupidity has attracted so much bad karma that it triggered a worldwide pandemic.

>> No.15063039

Holy CRINGE...………

>> No.15063059
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vs reality

>> No.15063315

>bro coronavirus sucks but just be compassionate and mindful
NPCs eat this shit right up

There is a history of the forceful suppression of certain Buddhist sects and the destruction of texts before in Tibet

>> No.15063512

>Guenonians and Hindus can get fucked.
What's the matter? Are you afraid that someone might point out that there is no basis for any of Buddhism being true and that it's all just speculation?
or that if all views lead to contradictions as sunyatards believe them there is no reason to believe in Buddhism anymore which has all these unverifiable metaphysical claims about rebirth and karma?
or that Mahayanists use fake scriptures that dont come from Buddha and are considered by Theravadins to be retards with fake heretical teachings?
or that Buddha acts like a conman trying to fool people into his cult in the Pali Canon when he claims to have a bunch of absurd super-powers?
or that the bugman portrayal of Buddhism as being empiricism and scientific that you cucks love to present is totally incompatible with Buddha's claims of supernatural powers and having seen heavenly realms and hells?

>> No.15063533

Buddhism is even more degenerate than Christianity in many aspects of the world, it's amazing really

>> No.15063578

>or that the bugman portrayal of Buddhism as being empiricism and scientific that you cucks love to present is totally incompatible with Buddha's claims of supernatural powers and having seen heavenly realms and hells?

Buddhism being purely atheist is more of a Reddit thing. Buddhists here do not deny the spiritual aspects.

>> No.15063622

It's not a Reddit thing, you retards all just follow the /lit/ memes and it happens to have sprung forth from Evola who is a metaphysical looney. There are Buddhist sects who believe in this, but they're a joke. Talk to a genuine monk from Tibet or Japan or whereever Buddhism is actually orthodox, and you will see that devas are not literal Gods, but e.g. analogies for fortunate people, that spiritual powers are nothing more than magic tricks charlatans claim for themselves and so on and so forth. The Redditors are memes for different reasons

>> No.15063654

>that spiritual powers are nothing more than magic tricks charlatans claim for themselves and so on and so forth
so uh.... does that make Buddha a charlatan because he claims to have a lot of them in the Pali Canon?

>> No.15063667

Tibetan Book of the Dead translates it as "Gods."

>uhh uh it says Gods but it's really about the symbolism uhhh

I eagerly await your academic reviewed Buddhist theology book.

>> No.15063701

It's bullshit that mostly arose out of the Indian culture at the time which saw it as necessary to ascribe many weird symbolic transformations and powers to the Buddha to denote him holy. There are -- probably more historical -- suttas too which describe the historical Buddha as just an ordinary man.

I eagerly await your descent into psychosis/spiritual heteronomy and eventual renunciation of Buddhism

>> No.15063720

>guenonfag enters the chat
about time you reared your ugly head

>> No.15063726

So if those suttas ascribing all sorts of silly powers to him could be added to the Pali Canon without anyone noticing that fake additions had been added, then how you do know that other sections of the Pali Canon are not also falsified? The Pali Canon or the earlier parts of it minus the Abhidhamma are supposed to be the one authentic record of his teachings, if parts of it are falsified it kinda throws the whole thing into question.

>> No.15063744

A shitton of the Pali Canon has been falsified or perhaps more accurately "revised" and there's lots of scholarly study into it. Obviously it throws the whole thing into question (apart from some core doctrines and teachings) and except for Theravada schools Buddhists generally do not place much emphasis on the canon

>> No.15063817


hell most texts have been revised from their original form like the vedas when they added purushasuktam to justify the caste system, or the quran when they burned all non-uthmanic versions to support caliph dogmatism.

authoritative tampering is just par for the course when it comes to organized religion pre-20th century

>> No.15063835
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Don't forget to mention how the Brahmins interpolated the Upanishads to compete with the Shramana movement.

>> No.15063843

is the caste system in hinduism a later addition?

>> No.15063870

Absolutely unenlightened
Love how you're decrying smugness while making this post. Delicious.

>> No.15063924

This is why zen is the only valid school of buddhism. These categories like "humanity" or "nature" runs exactly counter to Buddha nature or the dao.

Daoists and zen practitioners are able to see clearly and act in the name of those we love.

>> No.15064044
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>*raises finger behind you*

>> No.15064132

chinkoid fears the indo-tibetian BVLL

>> No.15064198

who is this guy

>> No.15064211


>> No.15064259

As far as 'caste' is concerned, yes. Hindu society was, like other IE-based groups, divided by class or social function (priestly, martial, economic) and this is reflected in their texts too. However south Indian racial admixture over the course of the Vedic period prompted the Brahmin priests to introduce the caste system in order to preserve racial purity, thereby embedding it into Vedic oral records so that they are divinely sanctioned.

We know this was an interpolation of a later period because 'caste' is only mentioned once in the Rig Veda, in the latest chapter, in a verse that uses metre and diction not found in any other hymn (but found in later time periods). Furthermore, A 2001 study found that the genetic affinity of Indians to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans whereas lower castes are more like Asians.

Some people think the caste system was a British invention during the Raj, others think the verse on caste isn't an interpolation and castes were always a thing in Hinduism.

>> No.15064267

Idk but he looks like the guy who delivered my pizza yesterday

>> No.15064314

The Pizza man