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File: 6 KB, 180x280, licksand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15057727 No.15057727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one become "hyper-racist"?

>> No.15057747

Give me two energy drinks

>> No.15057748

You see everyone as a Platonist
No need for multiple Land threads

>> No.15057749

uh, become a hitler i guess

>> No.15057755

Live close to niggers or spics. Pretty fucking easy desu

>> No.15057758

Identity politics are a distraction from a mind of clarity. Regardless of race humans have sentience.

>> No.15057759

He's not even a racist you faggot. He'd take an high IQ chink over an white inbred anytime

>> No.15057763

Being based and/or taking a redpill usually does the trick

>> No.15057774

This, his 'hyper-racism' is just more economic class struggle horseshit

>> No.15057781

>His later work has become increasingly focused on advocating for scientific racism and eugenics, or what he calls "hyper-racism."[7][8]

>> No.15057794

how is that not racist lmao

>> No.15057817
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Only slavceleration can work
Fuck trannytwitter

>> No.15057908
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it's not racist in the traditional understanding, "hyper-racism" to land is just his cute way of theorizing that genetic engineering within the elites will produce a vastly superior race to normal humans. It has nothing to do with actual white vs. black racism. If you read the dark enlightenment you'd see that land actually sympathizes with systematic racism.

>> No.15057919

but I thought he was against humans

>> No.15057933


Land basically wants humanity to "speciate."

>> No.15057959
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Is that when the entire species dilates? Does this refute Darwin from the future?

>> No.15057963

hyperracism is the type of discrimination racists are too dull to understand. as biogenetics falls further and further under the purview of the market, the superior "races" will emerge along class lines, those who can afford to evolve
don't quote wikipedia, it's unbecoming

>> No.15057968

I don't understand why people think being illiterate is some sort of own to Nick Land... Speciate is a real word...

>> No.15057978
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>> No.15057981

he is but in order for capitalism to accelerate to a point in which it becomes the apocalyptic cybergothic fantasy he wants it to be humans first have to be smart enough to create the technology that would ensure their destruction. It's also why these days he hangs out in right-wing NRx circles, because they're basically libertarians who want prioritize capitalism's existence over everything.

>> No.15057988
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>> No.15058007
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There's nothing more dull than class economics.

>> No.15058027

Don’t entertain the anti-acc posters, they aren’t capable of the sentience that they perpetually meme about captialism. Just ignore them

>> No.15058060

read lovecraft

>> No.15058068
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>> No.15058088
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>> No.15058144

Robin are you Jewish by any chance?

>> No.15058167

Yeah this is basically it. As to what Land thinks about actual racism, most of his thoughts can be quite easily summarised from his Jacobite essay on disintegration.

>Preservation of human diversity is a staple of dissident ethnopolitics, with “Beige world” increasingly perceived as a coercive ideal. A typically inchoate resistance to racial entropy is the central mobilising factor in such cases, though one regrettable afflicted by an immoderate fetishisation off mandatory racial purity. At worst - and not uncommonly - this reaction against monohumanism has come to see all contributions to human genetic diversity through racial crossing as an avatar of coercive homogenisation. The balanced response, to repeat the lesson of the dogs, is that a world of tendential speculation or increasing genetic diversity is by no compelling necessity a world hostile to mutts.

>> No.15058199

Yeah, repeating a pol meme really shows how economics is superior to racism.
Fucking idiots

>> No.15058211
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Every Single Time.

>> No.15058219

lmao he really is fucking retarded isn't he

>> No.15058229

What the fuck are you even talking about, you schizo? Land is speaking against notions of ethnic purity in that passage. Do you not know how to read?

>> No.15058231

is this a bot? I see literally the exact same posts every thread

>> No.15058248

The post count never goes up, so it’s either a bot, or literally just one schizo spamming the same shit in every thread.

>> No.15058249

>is this a bot? I see literally the exact same posts every thread

>> No.15058252


>> No.15058263

>look I posted it again

>> No.15058268

Based on the seething greentext I guess it's just one schizo spamming

>> No.15058269


>> No.15058285

He’s in any and every Land/acc-related thread. That’s why you will see the same images and posts over and over again. Just don’t give him the dignity of a (you), you’re only encouraging his mental illness

>> No.15058290
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>> No.15058312

>no one could oppose trannies shitting up the board

>> No.15058325


>> No.15058343
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Holy fuck
But have accfags ever said anything relevant or even attempted discussion here? WHy do you continue to post?

>> No.15058356

I thought you loved schizos

>> No.15058389


>> No.15058401
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Nice try

>> No.15058408
File: 503 KB, 1016x832, accelerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a genuine question to accelerationists. Take a look at pic related. From what I gather from these threads, it seems that accelerationism is not related to trannies, but the thing is whenever I browse anything accelerationist related, inevitably I encounter tons of trannies. My intuitions is that this can't all just be a coincidence, some explanation must exist, is it the edgy goth aesthetic which attracts the trannies? Is it the theory feminizing those who read it? This is a genuine question, I don't claim to understand accelerationism, I am just interested in how self-described accelerationists here explain it

>> No.15058411


Do you really believe this is a good way to react to someone who is doing no harm?I'll take any argument that doesn't involve 1. Reddit jokes, or 2. Something about decadence and ideological degredation.

>> No.15058414

strangely potent bitterness


>> No.15058417

Any attempts at discussion inevitably gets derailed by dialation shitposting. There used to be actual discussions, especially in giardfag’s space Taoism threads, but that was a while ago.

Please, I really don’t understand or care about your schizoprenic screengrabs, just stop.

>> No.15058423
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Schopenhauer says that only the will can resolve Kantianism. For Land it is the Amazons.
Obviously this leaves accelerationist men with only one categorical imperative.

>> No.15058428

girardfag autistically spamming and samefagging doesn't count as discussion retard

>> No.15058441
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>accuses of samefagging without evidence
>p-please d-d-don't post c-c-c-counter-evidence

>> No.15058448

I don't like trannies, they disgust me

>> No.15058460
File: 2.85 MB, 320x580, d e t e r r i t o r i a l i z e d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyper-Platonist despotism intensifies

>> No.15058469

Does this answer the question?

>> No.15058481
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>He posts any and every Land/acc-related thread. That’s why you will see the same images and posts over and over again without any gets. Just don’t give him the dignity of a (you), you’re only encouraging his autism

>> No.15058486

>Doing no harm
If poisoning your children's minds and enforcing your wretched perverted existence onto normal people isnt harmful then i dont know what is.

Reminder these people are the ones who go around toating how dangerous they are and how they want to force themselves on your kids.

>> No.15058487

why even ask this? it has no bearing on acc.

>> No.15058490

If trannies like accelerationism it probably can safely be discarded

>> No.15058494
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You're responding to ancaps. Only refusal of capital and judaism is considered violence

>> No.15058496

what's going on here? a burst pipe?

>> No.15058502

The wonders of Chinese Hyperhospital construction

>> No.15058521
File: 184 KB, 1080x845, 1576616971089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called g/acc, and it literally only exists on twitter. just stop going on twitter like close your eyes.

>> No.15058523
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>63 posts
>still only two posters
How many threads has it been stuck at 2 posters? Five threads? Ten threads? Fifteen threads?

>> No.15058524

I just realized I may be the first alt-righter. I supported Hitler, Mussolini and Ian Smith and browsed Stormfront like a decade before Charlottesville. Does that make me based?

>> No.15058532

Really cannot

>> No.15058571

Accfags must have thought all their bullies in high school were just one person

>> No.15058581
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>> No.15058587

Figures. The only damage these fucks consider is the one that hurts their profits.

>> No.15058603

>a man standing in a public street wearing prostitute high heels and tights
>doing no harm

>> No.15058659
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>> No.15058728


>> No.15058743
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The accfag is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a slowfag, parasite, twittershit, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off an autist. But call him a tranny and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

>> No.15059001


>> No.15059004


>> No.15059031

trannies in my very presence within my eyesite is detrimental to my psychological wellness

>> No.15059040

Good to know that you’re so cognitively weak that even the mere presence of trannies is enough to turn you gay. Sissification really is real, but only if you’re retarded.

>> No.15059050

>blatant male prostitution
>doing no harm

Imagine being this brainwashed by (((((them)))))

>> No.15059065

So don’t buy his twink ass. No one is forcing you to.

>> No.15059073

Be born non-white and become white through sheer self-hatred.

>> No.15059080

Why not they stop being degenerates? No ones forcing them to be

>> No.15059081

Self-hatred causes vitiligo?

>> No.15059085
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You actually think its okay to allow this kind of shit in your society?

The West is beyond fucked...

>> No.15059088

Why not you use correct grammar? No ones forcing you to

>> No.15059094

become so racist that even racists cringe at it

>> No.15059103

I hate Nick Land. Nick Land is responsible for all my juvenile mistakes. Me and Nick land are among the few individuals to fully understand the implications of Deleuzean thought and achieve the BwO. It is no coincidence that we both went insane soon after. Six visits to the psych ward later after deterritorializing myself with hardcore psychedelics, I have now returned to the fold of Platonism. The ethics of difference, it would seem, end only in a padded cell or a coffin. For my mother's sake, I now adhere to virtue ethics. Kinda miss fucking bipolar scene sluts but then again that's probably how I ended up with tertiary syphilis. I only hope my future wife can forgive me my immature philosophical infatuation...

Anyway, as a Platonist I am now a hyper-racist. Oddly, I like the new Nick Land now that I am medicated. Neorat = HBD. I believe the enlightenment was a mistake because they misdated the hermetic corpus and need a white woman to carry my seed.

Any willing neoplatonic gfs (cis) can leave their emails in the replies.

>> No.15059105

If you’re worried it’s gonna sway your children, raise them with better morals. If you’re worried it’s gonna sway you, blame your parents for not beating the gay out of you. Values come from the home, not from authoritarian policing of behaviour. If your kids want to fuck a tranny, you only have yourself to blame for not inoculating them against the brain rot.

>> No.15059119

It's genetic brah. And mutations mean sometimes even normies have retard children.

It's us. We are the retard children posting on chans

>> No.15059126

Yes. Michael Jackson hated niggers so much he turned himself white through sheer force of will.
He also lost his nose because it reminded him too much of Jews.

>> No.15059132

Speak for yourself. My seed is rich, virile aryan stock. Nothing but warrior-poets firing out of my bellend.

>> No.15059140


Does that mean I can cure my homosexuality through pure self-hatred also?

>> No.15059149

Of course, you can! Why do you think /pol/ immigrants are all faggots in denial ie enlightened?

>> No.15059252

and into a tissue, how sad

>> No.15059259

hating on gays doesn't mean you're in the closet, that is so debunked.

>> No.15059277
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>It has nothing to do with actual white vs. black racism.
>land actually sympathizes with systematic racism.

>> No.15059293


>> No.15059296

This. I am by no means marxist but it is obvious that any form of division within the system of capitalism - along any line - is necessarily contrivance and irrelevant. Any change in the power dynamics of another division must necessarily succeed a class based struggle. Within any liberal economic system, it is impossible to change first the racial lines and then the class lines or to change the racial lines without changing the class lines

>> No.15059298

This is so fucking stupid. You are looking at factory farmed Chickens and saying the species is in decline because of Bird Flu instead of the proximity and density of feces in your living environment. Literally shit up to your ears blind ideology.

>> No.15059323

You’ll have to open the door a little wider than that, my friend. All those fabulous hanging coats are muffling your words.

>> No.15059332

You might want to ask your wife as to why your children are already more muscular and intelligent than you. Just a thought.

>> No.15059362


>> No.15059407

Basado y rojopillado

>> No.15059418

>t. archnophobics want to fuck spiders
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15059435

>dated meme means my faggotry is “debunked”
Keep coping, homo.

>> No.15059445
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and of course the most important

>> No.15059456

Gays are usually psuedo people without any personality and are the ultimate consoomer. Or they're pedophiles. first fags were all pedophile groomers, no surprise there

>> No.15059467
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>> No.15059469

Class struggle is a myth. Nobody sane fights for "their class" but most gladly die for their kin if need be.

>> No.15059472

>g-gays are usually a-a-anyone b-but me, I swuh-s-swear!

>> No.15059481

Shut up faggot this is the worst bait you could have pulled out of your gaped ass.

>> No.15059500

I’m not pulling bait out of my ass myself, it’s you who can’t help reaching on in there and rummaging around. I wonder why...

>> No.15059517

I don't like coke, guess I want to snort lines off toilet seats.
I don't like fast food, guess I want to plough cheeseburgers down my maw.
I don't like jannies, they do it for free - guess I want to become the biggest jannie faggot on the whole god damn website.

Yeah your logic is about as retarded as Sigmund Freud that old Jewish quack and hack who destroyed psychology as a respected discipline and poisoned the well. Sometimes, people just don't like fags.

>> No.15059552
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And “some people” also don’t need to obsessively defend their heterosexuality to a troll online. Those people are undoubtedly straight. But let’s be real here, who are you trying to convince: me or you?

>> No.15059564
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I'm not "defending" anything. Fags are consoomers and have been radicalized to destroy social harmony, all the more reason to find them annoying. Nice try with the Freudian shit though. That only works on young children, the only target group that Freud can even appeal to anymore because you have to be completely indoctrinated to believe anything that leper wrote.

>> No.15059595

>Nice try with the Freudian shit though
What “Freudian shit”? I have done no such thing. You are the one bringing up Freud, so he is evidently on your mind. If you are seeing something in my posts that is reminding you of your own anal fixation, then that is your own gay projection. It has nothing to do with me. It’s not my fault when you look at my posts all you can imagine is a plump, malleable twink booty wafting it’s alluring stink in your direction. You are only mentioning Freud because you see me as a Rorschach test for your innate gay desire.

>> No.15059603
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>> No.15059846

Your faggotry IS debunked though. GET FLEXED ON HAHAHAHAHAHAH. But really though, don't be so cocky.

>> No.15060284


>> No.15060302

Hol up, deterritorialization is suddenly bad when a tranny is involved?

>> No.15060328


>> No.15060371


I'm not a filthy ancap, and the fact you need to categorise and label people all the time is indicative of a slavish, systemic mind. I was asking the question as an individual who sees nothing harmful about the person in the video existing in that spot at that time. You're a hypocrite if you believe in any sort of judicial system and also think that unprovoked violence is acceptable.

>> No.15060406

What are your beliefs anon? And why do you think just and individual action are mutually exclusive?

>> No.15060516



Cherry picking deleuzian terminology doesn't make you smart anon. Also the video is a clear example of REterritorialization, i.e a redefining or concreting of preexisting social strata, in this case through physical force.

>> No.15060536


>> No.15060638

One takes the Terry A. Davis pill

>> No.15060671
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Move to a 'diverse' area.

>> No.15060738

nick land never rejected the whole
>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.

>> No.15060808

What do you mean rejected? Nick Land didn't write that line thinking people would be for it, Meltdown describes a literal dystopia. Besides, that passage is a direct reference to Neuromancer, not some crypto-tranny dog whistling.

>> No.15060825


>> No.15060920

can someone give me a brief summary of Land's philosophy? All I see is nonsense about trannies.

>> No.15060955

That's because it's his philosophy.
Trannies dilate Kant intelligence systems for maximum technocapital hyperprofit. All guaranteed by the ultimate Boomer: AI from the future.