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15041124 No.15041124 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that explore the idea of anarcho-communism? Especially regarding real life larg scale implementation?

I will be reading Orwells Homage to Catalonia, what should be next? Thanks.

>> No.15041128


>> No.15041204
File: 166 KB, 1024x789, 1024px-Hieronymus_Bosch_-_Triptych_of_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_(detail)_-_WGA2526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explore the idea of anarcho-communism
looking at a hellscape in a Bosch painting should give you a good idea of what the ideology stands for

>> No.15041267
File: 180 KB, 880x697, forgotten-housing-paris-memories-future-laurent-kronental-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on its constituency.

It could either look like Hong Kong and Shenzhen or like some modernist concrete dream.

Or maybe some pastoral pictoresque small town landscape.

how would it function, i dont know. I think it would be less productive and powerful than capitalism, and i think Marx would agree.

But i think it would give humans a kind of freedom never before realised.

>> No.15041443

mine were the trouble

>> No.15041463


>> No.15041487

homage to catalonia is not a work about anarcho-communism. it was a bunch of communists and braindead anarchists side by side against a common enemy

large scale implementation of a hierarchy-free anarchist structure is fundamentally impossible. and it's not compatible with communism, which is predicated on the dictatorship of the proletariat. how are we going to overthrow the bourgeoisie without enforcing anything against them? anarchists have no real theoretical understanding of society, formulation of their future or strategy on how to get there. they're just slacker activists.

all the "anarcho-communists" I've encountered are juvenile, who don't want to do any structured work or be accountable for their actions

>> No.15042072

Heya anon, what other anarchocommunist books have you read so far? Are you only looking for literary accounts of anarchism or theory as well?

>> No.15043195
File: 89 KB, 664x1000, 826B9FE9-B2EA-4CE4-8170-5BAA6D77AD04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, Malatesta, Rocker.
And Bookchin.

>> No.15043273

There's a book by Bookchin critiquing cnt fai. For large scale implementation except Spain check Ukraine. A similar idea though in fiction is explored in Cities of the Red Night by Burroughs(which is taken by the probably real case of pirate port Libertatia)