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15031114 No.15031114 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your take? Whats the practical take away?
Should I just be a Buddhist?

>> No.15031378
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If a homeowner goes outside of his own house and looks in to say nobody lives there, what did it prove? How you answer this simple question determines how much of a fucking idiot you are.

>> No.15031395

For the Hindus, people have the knowledge that they have a true nature, but people are misguided on what they take as their true nature. This is why the Hindus say that people are already enlightened, they just do not know about it... The true nature of people is not the 5 senses or their objects, it is the mind, the cosmos, or later their deification of this, ie their Brahma or their Buddha, and when people realize this they are enlightened. The way to realize this is by relying on material objects which purify their minds, like sounds, logic, mantras, little beads, amulets.

Then people ask the usual question ''why the cosmos produce things which do not know that they are the cosmos?'' ie ''why are people not born directly enlightened? instead of being born unenlightened which produces lots of suffering?''
So far the Hindus have no answer to this ''question of evil''. The Hindus keep replying ''people do not know their true nature'' and that's their answer...

Mahayana is hinduism where they replaced brahma with their new idea of buddhanature. Things have a true nature this nature is just the primordial mind or the mind of a buddha.

in Buddhism, people do not have a true nature, people are not the cosmos, people are not Brahma, people are not Buddha, people are not their mind, people are not born already enlightened. In Buddhism there is only craving for pretty things and pretty ideas [ie the idea of having ''a true nature''] and lack of craving for pretty things and pretty ideas. People get enlightened when they stop craving for those. The way to get enlightened is to purify the mind, however not with objects like the Hindus do, but with the mind itself, ie all the time checking [with the mind] the behavior of the mind and then viewing the mind as it really is, ie is anicca, dukkha anatta, which triggers dispassion, which triggers liberation which triggers knowledge that dukkha is ended.

>> No.15031429

>Should I just be a Buddhist?

>> No.15031439

Advaita vedanta is superior purely because both buddhists and hindus hate it as its superior and actually amounts to spiritual insight

>> No.15031575

Ahh. Thanks for that.

>> No.15032630

So, what's your answer? If it's anything like >>15031395 I have a low opinion of you.

>> No.15032939

Well, imo, Siddhartha is the homeowner. When the atman leaves its repose in Brahman its like the homeowner, the house would be Brahman I guess. Its subtle but i see how it operates as quite an effective criticism of anatta.
I like the pic btw. Any story there?