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15024644 No.15024644 [Reply] [Original]

What is the actual reason to live? I don't see why I should be doing anything.

>> No.15024665

Passion. It makes everything more fun

>> No.15024677

Ah, you've discovered nihilism. It goes both ways, read some Camus and then you'll see the point in pointlessness.

>> No.15024689


>> No.15024976

Have you tried having sex?

>> No.15025006

Flip it.
There is also no reason why you shouldn't do everything.

>> No.15025174

There is none, do what you like without impeding other's ability to do the same.

>> No.15025186
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1806549171-John-Calvin-Quotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's enough to seek God and eventually you will come to know.

>> No.15025275

The reason to live should be to move out of the city and contemplate the beautiful. Then you can gather some buddies to destroy modernity.

>> No.15025329

Read theology and metaphysics

>> No.15025570

Pretty good take from one of modernity’s more under-appreciated philosophers:

>> No.15025586

why are all boards infested with cringe teens like this now?

>> No.15025591

This is the only response to the pointlessness of everything. You have nothing to lose.

>> No.15025602

Read some Alan Watts and find out

>> No.15025610

Literally nothing he said was wrong

>> No.15025630

There is none, if you don't make any. Pick something and do it until you get bored, change topics until you find something that doesn't bore you. Try and do some interesting stuff like fucking the neighbour's daughter in the process.

>> No.15025706

You don't need a reason to live you fucking retard. It's going to happen whether you want it to or not.

What you actually need is a reason to kill yourself. And there isn't one that you can articulate that doesn't sound pathetic even to your fucking self.

>> No.15025726
File: 121 KB, 1024x928, EUp2x58XQAYLoXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the actual reason to live?
there is none
rope or cope
your choice

>> No.15025750

What is the actual reason to die?

>> No.15025783

Nice contraction retard

>> No.15026075


>> No.15026087

cause its fun bby

>> No.15026176
File: 236 KB, 800x1097, Sistine Madonna (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Schopenhauer, Wagner certainly thought it as a representation of the innermost aspect of the Christian religion to be the most perfect of all philosophies in regards to his ethics and aesthetics. To "turn the misguided will".

>Who would gain an idea of the confusion of modern thought, the maiming of the intellect of to-day, let him consider the untold difficulty that impedes a proper understanding of the most lucid of all philosophical systems—that of Schopenhauer. The reason is simple enough,. when we recognise that the perfect understanding of this. [257] philosophy would effect as radical a revolution in our hitherto established modes of thought, as that demanded of the heathen by their conversion to Christianity. Nevertheless it is quite appalling to find this philosophy, based as it is on the most perfect of ethics, described as shorn of hope; from which it follows, that we wish to be of good hope without the consciousness of true morality. That upon this very depravation of men's hearts rests Schopenhauer's relentless condemnation of the world—in its only aspect shewn to us by history,—affrights all those who take no pains to track the paths so plainly traced by Schopenhauer for turning the misguided Will. Yet these paths, which well may lead to hope, are clearly and distinctly pointed out by our philosopher, and it is not his fault if he was so fully occupied with the correct portrayal of the only world that lay before him, that he was compelled to leave their actual exploration to our own selves; for they brook no journeying save on foot.
>In this sense, and as guide to an independent treading of the path of surest hope, nothing better can be recommended in our present state than to make Schopenhauer's philosophy, in its every bearing, the basis. of all further mental and moral culture; and at nothing else have we to labour, than to get the necessity of this acknowledged in every walk of life. Should that succeed, the beneficial, the truly regenerative result were then immeasurable; for on the contrary we see to what mental and moral unfitness the lack of a right, all-permeating knowledge of the world's root-essence has now debased us.
>The surest, nay, in our opinion almost the only thing to lead to this, would be a wise employment of the Schopenhauerian philosophy, whose outcome, to the shame of every earlier philosophic system, is the recognition of a moral meaning of the world; which crown of all Knowledge might then be practically realised [260] through Schopenhauer's Ethics. Only the love that springs from pity, and carries its compassion to the utmost breaking of self-will, is the redeeming Christian Love, in which Faith and Hope are both included of a—Faith as the unwavering consciousness of that moral meaning of the world, confirmed by the most divine exemplar; Hope as the blessed sense of the impossibility of any cheating of this consciousness.

Perhaps his praise goes a little too strong.

>> No.15026185

Stop posting frogs than

>> No.15026190

"The beautiful" exists everywhere. Moving to the country won't fix your life, it won't make you less jaded. You may, for a time, be more aware of the beauty around you, but eventually the novelty wears off and you once again grow cynical. I wish some of these people would actually leave the cities, just so they can see that their unhappiness has little to do with geography

>> No.15026207

Why don't you just become an antisemite Christian that rejects the jewish old testament like Wagner did?

>> No.15026211


>> No.15026235
File: 377 KB, 1700x850, deathism chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason to live is the possibility that you might get to make it to the Singularity and get to live in a transhumanist utopia. If you don't think you'll make it to longevity escape velocity, or believe in the feasibility of cryonics-type tech and AI alignment, there is no point in staying alive.

>> No.15026248
File: 122 KB, 400x400, suicide honkler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To avoid suffering

>> No.15026266

>the point of life is its indefinite extension

>> No.15026267

than?????????????????? than what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? fukin fagit

>> No.15026278
File: 40 KB, 452x386, types of euphoria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't. Life is just a means to an end. If wireheading is possible, this life is a small price to pay for eternal paradise.


>> No.15026295

>Life is just a means to an end
Which is?

>> No.15026309
File: 26 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally it's reproduction. Any chad who fucks a ton of qt's knows more about life's purpose than the virgins on this board, without ever needing to touch a book. What has spending countless of hours on your own reading philosophical texts done for you guys, except for dullening your social edge consequently moving you further from the only divine purpose there truly is in life?

>> No.15026318
File: 79 KB, 762x458, 1567979296449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15026553

Imagine dubs being wasted like this. Nihilism doesn't work both ways you fucking pseud.

you get it

>> No.15026573

>baby's first existential breakdown
Welcome to reality, faggot. Nobody has a grasp on "meaning" in any objective sense and you either have to deal with that and create your own happiness to be proud of, or stop thinking about it entirely. "muh nihilism" is just an excuse, don't go that route. Honest to shit, not even memeing, hedonism is the closest ideology to the human condition than anything else, especially if you take into account how technology has advanced more in the last few years then in the last century. It's going to come to a head where all labor is taken out of the equation and we're left with our own devices, hobbies, passions, interests to make the TOTAL of our time.

Just go fap and you're feel better.

>> No.15026576

>Transhumanist utopia
The whole purpose of transhumanism is to escape nature’s brutality and cruelty

>> No.15026582

i've never felt a crisis of meaning, only an intense fear of death. i only feel aimless when i'm dehydrated

>> No.15026587

Read this OP
start reading meister eckhart after

>> No.15026597

miserable coooooooooomer and cooooonsooooomer push that mindset till insanity and craving for death and you will make it a better paradigm or take a shortcut now and realize how retarded it is

>> No.15026600

fuck off, christcuck.

>> No.15026610

>miserable coooooooooomer and cooooonsooooomer
That's not even remotely what I said...? Are you illiterate or something? People like you are insufferable "no fun"ers who think I'm not supposed to fucking enjoy things.
Thanks for the epistemological lesson you fucking nutter.

>> No.15026629

if you think there is no reason to live, your life is useless and you should end it as soon as possible

>> No.15026631

Why do you say this? Is this bait?

>> No.15026639

>posts paragraphs about Christian philosophy
>"woah man, are you calling me a Christcuck?"

>> No.15026646


>> No.15026661

Rise above the occassion, take risks and overcome obstacles

>> No.15026662

Meditate more coomer plebian.
Enjoy material reality but only in karma yoga, god awareness.

>> No.15026673

>like, don't be present in the real world bro! Fill the gaps in your pathetic loneliness with magical beings and deities and basically Marvel-tier heroes in your brain!
I haven't had imaginary friends since I was 5, retard. No thanks. I prefer the endorphins that get released in my brain when I'm cumming in your wife.

>> No.15026682

Are you calling Wagner a "christcuck"?

>> No.15026690

There is unironcially nothing else available to me besides a material reality, no matter how hard you wish and beg that you can connect to something no other human being has the power to. You're delusional.

>> No.15026692
File: 16 KB, 353x450, 78675-004-7BF4C463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront. Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for the act. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite. But if it comes to clear ideas and the intelligent meaning of things, then there is much more rational and philosophic truth in the burial at the cross-roads and the stake driven through the body… There is a meaning in burying the suicide apart. The man’s crime is different from other crimes — for it makes even crimes impossible.

>> No.15026702

That's for you to decide :)

>> No.15026703

No, I'm calling YOU a Christcuck.

>> No.15026708

So you don't disagree with Wagner?

Sorry, I don't speak RETARD.

>> No.15026719

>doesn't deny that he's a low IQ christcuck

>> No.15026731

a simple question from a simple man

>> No.15026738

>what is active nihilism

>> No.15026747

Imagine wanting to live as long as possible in the most boring and meaningless era of humanity ever

>> No.15026758


>> No.15026768

It is true that one can find beauty anywhere; however, in my experience I find being in the country/mountains way better for contemplation than being stuck in a room.

>> No.15026771

it's not bait? Christian philosophy is stupid beyond belief, it requires that you retrofit everything in the world to FIT the meme.

>> No.15026807
File: 379 KB, 725x945, occultpepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel compassion for your miserable hylic experience as you're bought in materialism meme.When things get hard you can find no refuge from suffering nowhere to refill your being with life. Im not saying you should believe because there will be doubt but rather raise your consciousness enough to meet the truths of reality .
You might think you're right in your worldview but it you explored spiritual path a few insights would shake your worldview completely and uproot you from dead materialism. .
I was in your shoes before what seems so real isint and what seems unreal quite is .

>> No.15026814

Nihilism works only on itself and everything your stubbornness sacrifices to it.

>> No.15026831

>don't enjoy literally anything because you bad for enjoying things and stuff
>worship the occult and Marvel superheroes in your fantasy universe!
Do you wear a diaper too?

>> No.15026854

This is how I see it:
You're thinking life is pointless and meaningless so you don't feel like doing anything. But you're forgetting one important thing: it's real. this is reality, and we're lucky enough for it to be relatively comfy. Even if the world was another way, it would still be meaningless, there is no quest in this universe except maybe to avoid suffering. Be alive and be glad of the life you've got, in the end it's still better than nothing. It's your choice to so something great with it or to waste it away, I for one think life's shortness gives meaning to happiness and doing something great, use your time while you have it because whether you want it or not, the clock's ticking.

>> No.15026976

No brainlet i take the middle ground respect the tree as well its fruit but the key is to have awareness (karma yoga,zen) when engaging in material reality complete non attachment both spiritual and ordinary life integrated.
Try some practical occult one experience with an angel is enough to change your worldview forever.

>> No.15026983

>Be alive and be glad of the life you've got, in the end it's still better than nothing
i was raped several time in my childhood and teen. the trauma still haunt every night. i never consented to be born. so fuck off with your delusions of fulfillment, "happy life" and how we are "lucky to born".

>> No.15026989

To check this 5

>> No.15027004

Boy that's a retarded statement

>> No.15027024

Fucking is not reproducing. Also reproducing on it's own wouldn't difference us from animals.

>> No.15027031

>it is better than nothing
I rather take nothing instead of pain and suffering. If one didnt exsist one wouldnt know it anyway.

Any way you can get revenge?

>> No.15027216

You're the perfect person to answer me then.
Why do women want rapists in Western countries by the millions?

>> No.15027251

We are but slightly higher evolved animals

>> No.15027255

I feel bad for anyone who calls themselves a nihilist and who adopted that low IQ ideology. They are so convinced that they are intelligent and that they are holding the truth but literally they are just the 4chan version of Protestants who are unable to think for themselves.

>> No.15027315

I had a nihilistic phase, and it was an emotional one in the deepest pits of my depression, while all my time was taken by the state due to conscription.
I ranked the highest IQ member of the entire Battalion, of multiple generations.

Didn't feel aligned with the ideology, but everything felt so futile it may as well not have happened.

>> No.15027406

post IQ and worldview
5min or retarded

>> No.15027431

This is the braindead reason to go on, at least if you are speaking of a sensual passion rather than intellectual. In point of fact, the intelligent person will feel captive in capitulating to passion and eventually be reduced to a state of slavery being forced to act on biological whims and urges and being miserable and discontent when apart from them. The end result is a lifetime of even greater net misery.

>> No.15027471

spirituality is a meme for limp-dicked pseuds who can't deal with reality, sorry. There really is no value to it. Maybe /x/ is more your speed? They have low IQ posters there.

>> No.15027483

>you would be miserable if you enjoy things
literal autism.

>> No.15027487

>This is the braindead reason to go on
If mind is a life killer, mind can be sacrificed. If mind has no values to put in the world, and only steals them away, raping it is just fine and dandy.

>> No.15027524

The enjoyment of sensual delights isn't enjoyable if you're beyond a midwit. You realize it's a cheap imitation pleasure that comes at a cost. Even Epicurious felt sexual release was a net negative on hedonism. If this truly was your attitude, sex, porn, masturbation still is the midwit way to go about it and is inferior to psychopharmacological means like opiates.

>> No.15027538

I can smell you from here.

>> No.15027542

not him, but passion isnt limited to sensual delights

>> No.15027545

So what's your big-brained alternative lifestyle then? Abject misery and suicide?

>> No.15027592

Gaining control over the body and mind to pursue higher pleasures such as aesthetic bliss, creative and productive enterprises all of which build on one another and provide a lasting happiness instead of an illusionatory and strictly ephemeral patchwork of highs and lows which just culminate in habit and rob life from you anyways.

>> No.15027615

>higher pleasures such as aesthetic bliss, creative and productive enterprises
I understood those as the main meaning of passion.

>> No.15027618

>you can't be creative or productive if you prefer the realities of a material world over magic and superstition
okay, underage. Whatever you say.

>> No.15027643

You can't achieve greatness if you're a slave to habitual acts like daily or more frequent orgasms. Ultimately you're only as great as what your last end is and if that is a bodily expulsion and a cheap evolutionary reward, you're not much better than being an advanced walking talking animal capable of doing a few neat tricks.

>> No.15027652

then kys retard

>> No.15027691

>What you actually need is a reason to kill yourself
I will never be happy or achieve the things I want to. Is that good enough?

>> No.15027742

>Literally it's reproduction. Any chad who fucks a ton of qt's knows more about life's purpose than the virgins on this board
Fat cope. It's also amazing how you don't see the contradiction that reproduction is supposed to be the end goal of life and yet those Chads go out of their way to make sure they DON'T have kids.

>> No.15027780

>you can't do anything great if you have had an orgasm
OH no no no, he's sexually repressed lol

>> No.15027791

Habitual sexual release is what makes you sexually repressed.

>> No.15027810

No, it doesn't. That's not science at all.

>> No.15027835

>it insults all women

And that's a bad thing?

>> No.15027837

I don't know why you think anyone owes you an explanation. I find my life perfectly meaningful. Sorry if you don't feel the same.

>> No.15027857

Because you can

>> No.15028028

Words can't express it, any more than a letter can prove the existence of an external consciousness.

>> No.15028055

>What is the actual reason to live?
There is none. At best you have your biological drives, but that's it teebeeaitch.

>> No.15028087

>I will never be happy or achieve the things I want to.
Not with that attitude. :^)

>> No.15028922
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None, hence the theories on an omnipotent enigma(s) fabricating sentient beings, the universe being a product of probability, or any other speculation that seeks to bestow existence as a meaningful condition. Eventually, the nihilistic perspective diminishes, so best of luck to you.

>> No.15029008

And do you think that's better than feel nothing?

>> No.15029026

>dude science

>> No.15029039

You live to learn consequences. The dead just don't have that.

>> No.15029367

>dude science

>> No.15029422


That isn't a reason, it's merely something which happens during the course of human life. You're making the same philosophical mistake as dumb normies who say "dude the whole purpose of life is to have sex and reproduce lol Darwin". A scientific description of reality is not the same thing as a metaphysical purpose, because there is no such thing as the latter.

>> No.15029433

life is an end in itself, there is no fixed goal or reason

>> No.15029461

>implying suffering ceases
in spiritism suicidal spirits have a very bad time before reincarnating again

>> No.15029543

Absurdism is the worst cope in human fucking history. I'm appalled people are touting it on this board.

>> No.15029558


>> No.15029586

Well – what is your reason man?
Reason reminds me of Urizen, whose name sounds like Ur Reason or horizon. He is the god of law, newtonian physics, a weaver of systems. A reason doesn’t need to be logical it only has to resonate with you. It is a box. A tomb were you can die alone and comfy for all I care.
This idea of the realm of the dead were they don’t experience consequences works for me, then suffering as a living being acquires meaning, to live is to experience moods, to get possessed by myself and other selves. I think a reason is for suckers, a lot of reasons seems like a better strategy, but not all of us can imagine themselves believing on fairytales or their own guts.

>> No.15029594

There are different levels of reality, the objective neutral landscape, the mental spiritual dialogue, and the subjective political bubbles. Reality simply just is, everything else is just roleplaying, nobody is really in control but some are more blind than others.

>> No.15029603

Because death isn't real. I'd suggest cryonics if you want a way out, otherwise look into reincarnation, religious virtues regarding good and evil (heaven and hell being states) or just become very strong in whatever way you like

>> No.15029671


>> No.15029688

Yes, I've tried to have sex for many, many years. Why do you ask?

>> No.15029700

Based. If the time is going to pass, better do it on something worthwhile.

>> No.15029709

I actually agree with you. If I didn't have something to numb me (food, alcohol, pot, etc) I would probably have killed myself a long time ago. People like us just weren't made to feel good. We have relief, at least, and hell, I don't know, maybe all pleasure is relief. There's this Virginia Woolf quote that helps me:

“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”

>> No.15029723

Find your own reason, however small, however "dumb". It's a not reason to live. It's a reason for YOU to live, so be selfish ya shit.

>> No.15029755

is there a term like midwit for the middling depressed that've never hit true rock bottom?

just pick one that sounds good faggot. make one up if you have to. otherwise just kill yourself. oh you don't wanna die? then you unconsciously already have a reason.

>> No.15029798

to be able to see her smile one more time, that small moment of happiness was enough for a lifetime of blissful ignorance

>> No.15029806

>two words sound alike
>dude weaver of systems
>blithering in the second graph that I didn't bother to finish reading

You're 19, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15029854
File: 57 KB, 667x593, 1561506941840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu the only reason im not killing myself right now is because 1. mom would be sad and 2. I enjoy watching other people be very motivated.
Basically Im extremely bored and hoping that the great happening will come soon so I can feel some excitement.

I need help.

>> No.15029892

I like Camus c:
I like Camus :c

>> No.15029907

Sure your reason to live is being a huge faggot.

>> No.15029918


>tfw you even got the year exactly right and they're this mad and trying so hard to conceal it

>> No.15029937

But... nothing's worthwhile

>> No.15029955
File: 11 KB, 283x178, jijiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fun of it is that you can make up your own reason

>> No.15029957

Shitposting is also one of my reasons to be alive. OP could learn a thing or two from us.

>> No.15031218

Is this brainlet coping against people who used their mind to ponder life and what are the implications of a materialist worldview?

>> No.15031529

The Stranger is in the /lit/ top 100 books

>> No.15031563

Subjective pleasure, find it in a source that doesn't hurt the ones you love as that would be unpleasant.

>> No.15031571


>> No.15031586
File: 381 KB, 1409x2075, Max_Ernst-Lust_for_life-1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bud if you separate passion into sensual and intellectual youve already lost

>> No.15031613

There is no reason, that's why. It's like if you order a donut and it comes with more frosting than you were expecting. Everything that happens in life is just a bonus.

>> No.15032017
File: 311 KB, 1908x1146, my_first_pandemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued living is basically an epiphenomenon born out of your constant striving for bodily maintenance - you feel thirst so drink, you feel hunger so eat, you feel cold so you get a job to pay rent on a house, you feel lonely so form relationships, etc

Nobody lives 'for a reason'. At most, people retrospectively look back on their myriad of actions and choices (all born from a plethora of motivations and reasons) and say something like, "I did it all for x". It's a falsity.

What is the reason to eat? Hunger pangs.
What is the reason to work? Cold, discomfort.
What is the reason to drink? Thirst.
What is the reason to have hobbies and interests? The emptiness inherent in the world, the deficiency of just existing - spare time is something to be filled.

And so you respond to these needs and sufferings, and you live another day as a result. There is no reason to answer this question "what is the reason to live", "why live" etc, because any answer you give isn't actually what sustains your body.

If you literally "don't do anything", you will very quickly suffer immensely - thirst hunger cold body discomfort etc. Your suffering will drive action, and as a byproduct you live on. As if you deal with your hunger today, so that tomorrow you can once again starve.

The real question is what is the reason to die? And the answer is that being alive is just a process of dealing with various needs, desires and pains as they arrive (this takes up the majority of your life - work, chores, eating, sleeping etc). And once you reach some sort of equilibrium, you feel emptiness, boredom, a deficiency - you are given just another task to do, fill time.

But the way I see it, I'm not suffering an unbearable amount, and I'm already dead anyway, my death is assured and soon to come, so what does it even matter. when I die it will be as if I never lived at all anyway, I'm already dead, why lethally harm myself?

>> No.15032019

t. bugman

>> No.15032721
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Good point anon...I'm not really sure, I certainly don't want to live just to work all day. When I was young I wanted to play and have fun! That seemed like a good reason to live. But for some reason I had to worry about surviving instead...

>> No.15032959
File: 819 KB, 988x1416, 1585468498930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll Peasants Don't Even Zest Life

>> No.15033747

The Fall is cool

>> No.15033783

>the imperium has failed
>mankind has become the Eldar

>> No.15034660

It's possible live through this pepe? Embrace a picture as a way of life

>> No.15035010

The reason for every humans existence is to strengthen their DNA through challenges so that they can pass on that DNA to their offspring who will be more capable in facing those challenges than the previous generation.

>> No.15035052
File: 2.92 MB, 614x1076, Charles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting elephant threads on /tv/ and seeing how long you can go before the janny deletes them

>> No.15035081

You can synthesize experience with reason and from there prove God and from there all meaning becomes obvious in terms of what to do.

>> No.15035124
File: 421 KB, 1300x725, 05-ftc-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I made my purpose to wipe out all other humans, do I win a prize if I succeed? that would mean I have a monopoly on meaning and complete german idealism right?

>> No.15035137

You make your own reasons. There's no intrinsic reason, no matter how much you crave it. That is the Absurd.

>> No.15035317
File: 24 KB, 394x458, 150381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make me money