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15018549 No.15018549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to read to know if Varg is right about human evolution and race mixing being bad and all that?
I don't know much about these subjects.

>> No.15018569


>> No.15018580

>Cultural Marxists
Sorry sweaty, cuck philosophy already refuted this concept, rightists are intellectually inferior, watch cuck philosophy and breadtube

>> No.15018669

lmao I wonder how the one that compiled all of those looks IRL

>> No.15018881

One stupid term doesn't make it all illegitimate
I've watched that video, he's probably the only "breadtuber" that isn't a pathetic narcissist loser

>> No.15018901
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>reduces entire compilations of scientific articles to a buzzword he doesn't like
something like pic related I assume

>> No.15018911

You don't need to read a book to understand the truth of it.It's something that we all instinctively understand. We just know it's disgusting. All of the traits that make people special and cultures unique will get wiped out through race mixing. Everyone will just be a disgusting shit colored shade of brown with no culture and no identity. People will be even more depressed and suicide rates will go up about infinity percent.
You like blonde girls? Redheads? Asians? Sorry, that shit won't exist anymore. You get to choose between girl A who is brown nappy hair or girl B with brown nappy hair. Yay multiculturalism!

>> No.15018924
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Leftists don't care because they know they'll never reproduce

>> No.15018951

You like blonde girls? Redheads? Asians? Sorry, you're not allowed to touch them unless you also have those traits.

>> No.15018967

Yeah, that's exactly the point I'm saying. The unique beauty of ethnicities will be gone.

>> No.15018981
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Will you?

>> No.15018985

this nigga thinks Neanderthals looked like 19th century Viking arts

>> No.15018992

De Niro wasn’t working with a+ genes to begin with and the black women he’s gone after we’re unattractive even by those standards. Not that you aren’t right anyway but Eastwood was more handsome than De Niro as well

>> No.15019009
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I tried to make a Varg joke yesterday when talking to a Swedish nationalist and he had no idea who the fuck I was talking about.

That's how irrelevant this edgy retard is.

>> No.15019014

I thought that murder case was pretty famous

>> No.15019018

Why would it matter to you if your philosophy designates everyone with traits other than your own verboten?

>> No.15019025
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probably yes
De Niro was pretty handsome. Imagine if him and Cybill Shepherd had kids instead of a fat sheeboon

>> No.15019050
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Cybill Shepherd for reference
You can look up his sheeboon if you want

>> No.15019097

Post your chin and BMI so I can judge it

>> No.15019103


>> No.15019125

Yeah. Sure. Thirty years ago.

>> No.15019135

bad falseflag attempt

>> No.15019157

>redheads won't exist despite red hair being a recessive gene that doesn't require both or even one parent to have it
Yeah, you definitely sound clued-in when it comes to things like this

>> No.15019158

It was an illustration of a genetic concept.
Why did you ignore the dozens upon dozens of other studies and only mention the beetle one because it sounds funny out of context?

>> No.15019170

imagine being the nerd who compiled this shit like nigga just don't fuck a black lady hahaha just close your legs nigga hahahaha

>> No.15019199
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Yeah, imagine compiling a wide range of scientific studies that produce conclusion that is actively suppressed in the mainstream haha imagine caring about the society you live in hahahah

>> No.15019209

Why would I care if people have retarded/genetically deficient babies? All they're doing is making it easier for my children to succeed. That's their problem, not mine. I only date white women but I don't care if others want to do otherwise.

>> No.15019231

because imagine how your genetically superior children will feel in school surrounded by mutts who are constantly being told that white people are evil incarnate and have been throughout history.
Also, imagine the collective social well-being of a society entirely composed of heritage-less, culture-less, history-less mutts.
You're children may succeed, but what society will they be successful in?

>> No.15019249
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Dude uses a dry toilet because he doesn't think modern plumbing is european enough. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously

>> No.15019299

>imagine how your genetically superior children will feel in school surrounded by mutts who are constantly being told that white people are evil
For one thing, the idea that allowing for race mixing is going to incentivise people to do it is total bullshit– even if hollywood and advertising is pushing it right now, people on the whole are still reproduce within their own race, most interracial couples are outliers even in societies where it is encouraged.

Secondly, the idea that in one single generation, society will suddenly become totally mixed is a massive exaggeration, its going to take so much more time than you're making out, and whatever problems are addressed in those studies are a poor reflection of my own experience with mixed-race people, which is that most are normal, intelligent people. Until I see otherwise, I have no reason to think otherwise.

And finally, unlike you, I will raise my children personally in whatever culture I see fit, and teach them not be fucking pussies that think they should feel guilty or ashamed for the sins of their forefathers. Culture should always begin in the home, so blaming the lack of it on mixed-races or poor schooling is just disingenuous, and refuses to acknowledge your own failures as a parent.

>> No.15019356

Compost toilet doesn't create pollution, doesn't use any water and gives back nutrients to the earth. It doesn't even smell if you manage it properly. Flush toilets are crazy.

>> No.15019371

>not just shitting in the street the way Guenon (pbuh) intended
cringe hylics

>> No.15019418

Oh so that's how these things work. Never seen one in person.

You're right. Compared to modern plumbing that's a lot more utilitarian. I have serious doubts about it not smelling, though.

>> No.15019420

I imagine some of his autistic teenager fans trying to shit in their buckets and having to explain their parents why they shit inside buckets to their grief

>> No.15019431

surely nothing is out of context here

>> No.15019536

My father is Romanian Jewish and my mother Iraqi Jewish. My nose isn't full blown merchant. I have white skin and bright hair and when I travelled in Europe literally anyone I met thought I'm European, and even Israelis I met abroad weren't able to guess if I didn't tell them. Now I live on this half-desert land after 2000 years of exile, surrounded by Muslim nations, having no land connection through generations. All Jews buy the lies of Biblical "history". Thinking Abraham was a real man and don't even know that the ancient Hebrews were polytheists and Judaism came way later.
I hate having been born into this merchant rabbi race.

>> No.15019920

I've used a variety of composting toilets, the majority of them are well managed and have very little smell. The poorly managed ones stink.

>> No.15019942

secular israeli here. first of all, calm your ass down, less than 50% of israeli take the bible literally. secondly, israel is shit. we gotta leave this shithole before it gets even worse.

>> No.15019985

Outliers do not matter.

>> No.15020007

why is israeli tinder more degenerate than norwegian tinder? are not not supposed to be virtuous down there?

>> No.15020717

The bell curve
Race differences in intelligence (he owns this)
At our wits end
Why race matters
4 arguments for the elimination of television
Lord of the rings

>> No.15021167

Varg is a dumbfuck so you should probably disregard everything he says

>> No.15021184

Varg is anything but dumb. Does his views on race make you seethe?

>> No.15021218

Did /lit/ suddenly get more retarded? Is it summer already? Varg is a very nearly braindead pathological liar. Gods music, good wizard, enjoyable Skyrim is for the nords videos, but nonetheless an actual retard and anyone with a brain should be able to identify this immediately after hearing him speak.

>> No.15021226

Verg is definitely a dumbfuck. Just watch his video on homosexuality in ancient Greece where he claims that the ancient historians describing the practice are actually lying and it's just them calling each other gay for shits and giggles. The guy is subhumanly stupid, he never lets facts get in the way of his imaginary pagan utopia.
No idea what his views on race but I would assume they are equally retarded.

>> No.15021228


Why do you assume people just mix indiscriminately? People are wired to search out the best Gene's for their offspring in most cases, race itself is a spook. No everyone won't turn into a bland blob, human features will just shift and shift around in different places. You don't need to actively preserve biological traits, our evolution isn't the one conscious will to power its determined by genetic impulses and I'm happy to trust nature

>> No.15021236

Propaganda exists and is being used for this very goal.

>> No.15021246

Imagine being this fucking retarded, as if letting people marry whoever they want would magically destroy all biological traits. Traditionalism is a mental illness.

>> No.15021256

His opinion is a lenient one, maybe. But I’m 100% certain most people froth at the mouth over this guy and exaggerate his views because they just want to shit on him. I’ve watched many of his videos. He has good wisdom on what Europeans should do for themselves.

>> No.15021261

Pure hatred.

>> No.15021264

>Propaganda exists
Like the gobbledygook you eat up on /pol/? Our genetic pull is stronger than any ideological political abstractions, nobody is being brainwashed to "miseginate". This whole issue isn't a problem, certainly not one which we need a fascist state telling us who we can and cant have sex with

>> No.15021275

Best definition of traditionalism yet?

>> No.15021278

Twisting words to stretch your point doesn't help your case. The only hate is you being called a retard, and its justified

>> No.15021295
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>> No.15021327

You ever watch tv in the past 10 years? >>15021275
I twisted no words. Every race and culture has a natural right to continue and prosper. There is nothing wrong with traditionalism. There are many things wrong with such hatred for individuals who want to remain as they are and have been for many thousands of years.

>> No.15021345

You can marry and have kids with a white woman, you can pass on your culture. What you cant do is force other people to segregate nor can you tell me not to marry a Japanese girl.

>> No.15021363

Birth rates, propaganda, mass immigration.

This isn’t something that can go away by you or me personally, having more than two kids. It’s somehing imminent if drastic change doesn’t happen within 50 years.

>> No.15021366

These walls of text aren't helping your case. Psuedo science can look legitimate, but it's really bs made to push an agenda.

>> No.15021391

We say the same thing about your agenda. Which is correct?

>> No.15021399

I don't support mass immigration, but I also dont want a fascist daddy state enforcing eugenics based on psuedo science

>> No.15021404

You and varg are room temperature IQ, as is anyone who falls for race realism.

>> No.15021407

Traditionalism is literally evil

>> No.15021408

The other anon is right, the majority of people almost inevitably pair up within their own race, this is both statistical and evolutionary fact. the chances of "brown face world" happening are next to none, no amount of propaganda or immigration is going to change that.

>> No.15021419

Also people who are half asian or half hispanic tend to marry white as well, so the point is all the more moot

>> No.15021428
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We already practice eugenics openly. What do you think a sperm clinic is?

Most of them only want you if you graduated college, most women choose danish men’s sperm. White. Tall. Fair haired.
Why do you think so?
Immigration most certainly will. Can you do math? Immigration rates and their birth rates compared to ours.

>> No.15021429


>> No.15021461

>Why do you think so?
Because it entails forcing a way of life on others against their own will, it is inherently oppressive.

>> No.15021474

The biggest increase there is pretty clearly in the population share of "white other". You should be more concerned about poles and romanians than you should be about the mixed population, which is still (as the chart shows) very marginal.

>> No.15021516

But the trend of demographic displacement of the native populations is apparent. Not meantion that this is only a projection for the next 20 years. How about 50 years?

>> No.15021527

What other life than what we’ve been living up until the 1960s?

>> No.15021537

I clearly stated that I don't want state enforced eugenics, I don't care if women like danish men's genes

>> No.15021553

There will be no state enforced eugenics. The only thing that need happen is repatriation. That solves the whole deal.

>> No.15021573


For who though? I know this might sound nuts, but there are nonwhites with deep roots in the states, you can't just throw people out of their home and country

>> No.15021574

Women being able to work, people of different races being able to marry, sexual libertinism being completely normalized, you know the drill. Basically my goal is to orient society in a way that inhibations on individual freedom are as few as possible.

>> No.15021591
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Is three generations “deep roots” to you?
No. That’s not deep roots. They have homelands that need tending to. It’s their duty to return and make it a better place to live. That might sound strange to you.

People like you are throwing this world into chaos.

>> No.15021596

>the trend of demographic displacement of the native populations is apparent
That's a separate issue, we're talking about race mixing, not native displacement. Try to stay on topic.

>How about 50 years?
If the increase in the mixed population occurs at the same rate as the 20 years represented by the graph, then we still won't have reached the kind of racially homogenous society you're describing.

Plus, as ethnic minority populations increase, they will have more choice within their own racial group to reproduce, we already know because of in-group preference that the majority of people lean in that direction anyway. And that's not even taking into account cultural and religious factors, such as muslims only marrying other muslims, jews marrying jews, and so on. I think your fears are a massive exaggeration, and if you have to start speculating about 50 years into the future, I think you don't have much of an argument.

>> No.15021603
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what are some albums with this aesthetic, bros? besides LOTR, obviously

>> No.15021611


There are white people who live in America currently, and are less American than nonwhites who've been here for generations. Why do the same with Eastern European immigrants? What about those who immigrated from Ireland? I'm pretty sure they were considered nonwhite, they're also Catholic

>> No.15021615

Then so be it

>> No.15021633

>that’s not what we’re talking about!!! Stay on topic!!!
>proceeds to write two paragraphs, off topic.

>> No.15021649

Irish? You mean northern Western European? Same culture. Same genetics.
If you need further clarification.
Then so be what? The world in chaos? Is that what you want? Why? We’re you bullied in school or something? Mommy and daddy split up?

>> No.15021653

Those paragraphs were both addressing race mixing, moron. that's literally the topic of the thread.

>> No.15021656

sweaty, just wait for contrapoints to refute this midwit garbage though its so inconsequential that she probably won't bother so you're lucky

>> No.15021666

Would race mixing even be a problem if countries were homogeneous? It’s related, dumbass.

>> No.15021712

>Same culture.

Nope, not all "white" people are a hivemind, the history of western Europe had nothing to do with race, it was religious. White people don't pop out of the womb as modern liberals who are all on the same page

>> No.15021732

You have a very limited understanding. I suggest you watch the video I linked.

>> No.15021747

What are you even talking about? Im arguing why your fears about racemixing are unfounded, and you keep trying to shift the goalposts to native displacement. If native whites are being displaced by non-native whites, that is going to have zero impact on whether or not the face of the future is mulatto brown.

>> No.15021756


Towards the end of the video, the girl said "they would never try to deconstruct a non European ethnicity the same way", that isn't even true what I've state about white people is universal to all people groups. My point is that nobody is a hivemind simply for having similar genetics, Russians are genetically similar to Scandinavians but we have little in common philosophically, and ideologically

>> No.15021777

Stop talking nonsense. What the actual fuck is wrong with you.

Is that all you took in from the video? A single sentence from the very end? I know it’s a short 5 minute video, but damn son. What about literally everything else said?

>> No.15021795

>Stop talking nonsense
see >>15021428
If this was you, then you are an actual braindead idiot who doesn't even know how to correctly read the charts he posts to support his argument. You are literally too stupid to argue with.

>> No.15021800


I'm not going to waste too much time dissecting the video, arguing with race realists is like arm wrestling a squid or arguing with religious people. It's not that you guys have sound arguements, but that you throw so many bullshit dialectics around that it's a waste of energy to respond to everything.

>> No.15021826
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The chart? Were Western Europeans the only other race on there?

>> No.15021830

holy shit this board is dumb

>> No.15021831

I think you need to take a walk through any major city in any western country.

>> No.15021860

What the fuck is a “race realist”?
Don’t tell me you all believe race is a social construct...

>> No.15021879


I live near Los Angeles, and I've walked through the streets all over the city. The shitty areas tend to be poor and black, the nice areas tend to be wealthy. The problem doesn't stem from race in of itself, but lower education, poverty, and culture

>> No.15021892


Race realism is a half truth, race definitely is to a large extent socially constructed, yet I'm not nor are most people denying genetic differences among people. White essentially means fully human, but what most people consider whiteness is not exclusive to people with European DNA. A body is a computer, computers can vary but all computers can usually run the same operating system and programs

>> No.15021902
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That’s been debunked so fucking hard already man

Richest blacks still commit more crime than the poorest whites.

>> No.15021915


Yet you're not taking into account gang culture, and toxic masculinity that's promoted in black culture. Still wealthy blacks have more in common with wealthy whites, than poor whites have in common with wealthy whites. The higher you ascend class wise, the less race actually matters

>> No.15021921

And how exactly is it a social construct?

And don’t tell me British vs Irish relations as example. There are clear identifiable races in the world. In Europe, for example, there’s Mediterranean, Germanic, Slavic. Each with specific gene structures.

>> No.15021924

Do you take into account average IQ?

>> No.15021933

African brains vs European brains are very different. Smaller. Larger. Look into racial biology. James Watson. Richard Lynn. Our operating systems are not the same.

>> No.15021952
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The cognitive dissonance is strong here

>> No.15021955

>And don’t tell me British vs Irish relations as example
Why not? This is a prime example of an ideological and religious divide among people with similar genetics. Substance matters more than mere genes, your genetic makeup is a blank slate, there is variation but what's built upon it is of more importance than the substructure. All people have a foundation, and these substructures aren't as wildly different as racialists would point out, we also can't look at things in a vacuum as eviromental factors play an even larger role in shaping what someone's identity will become. I understand why incel's desperately want to believe in race realism, because it gives them a sense of worth, that they belong to a virtuous race without having to develop as a virtuous individual

>> No.15021965

Would Ireland or Britain be the same if it was entirely populated by Indians? If all the natives died out?

>> No.15021972

>African brains vs European brains are very different
Humans are more similar biologically, than they are different. African brains aren't inherently stupid or violent.
>Our operating systems are not the same
Yep, our operating systems are compatible with different sets of genetics for the most part as well. A white person can act like a nigger, and think like a nigger.

>> No.15021978

No because Indians are originating from a different philosophical and social framework. Could Indian people adapt to a British framework? Absolutely. Your problem is that you're viewing these issues from a one dimensional perspective

>> No.15021981

You are simply wrong and I don’t think you have ever looked into the subject before.

>> No.15021982

>Humans are more similar biologically, than they are different.
What a word salad of literal nonsense. What could you possibly mean by this combination of words? You might as well be saying "Carbon-based lifeforms are more similar biologically than they are different."

>> No.15021984

Could they? Would they?

What’s my one dimension? What others are there? Elaborate.

>> No.15021988

Read my post again, I already explained

>> No.15021991

This guy is fuckin taking pages from dr manhattan

>> No.15021996

I have looked into the subject, I've been exposed to stormfag propaganda for years and I still reject it because it's one dimensional and appeals to room temperature IQs

>> No.15021997

He post I replied to?
? Is this your argument?

>> No.15022003

>Indians are originating from a different philosophical and social framework
Yes and who created that framework? Did it just POOF out of thin air? Did they roll dice with a dnd manual of philosophical and social frameworks to reference and choose their precepts and practices from?

>> No.15022006
File: 144 KB, 1200x1332, 871E425E-2D0B-40CC-94D9-1AF134528DF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you are the one with a room temp IQ

>> No.15022008

>Yes and who created that framework?
Many different factors played a role in shaping the framework, even the British framework was shaped by a variety of influences not excluded Semetic influences from the middle east.

>> No.15022018

Factors like what? Stop making these mysterious generalizations and tell me what factors cause this "philosophical and social framework."

>> No.15022020

Arguing with race realists is like arm wrestling with a Squid, you have to break through their dialectal bullshit before you can begin to dismantle their religious assumptions

>> No.15022027

Reality isn't black and white, humans don't exist in an incubated bubble. Western culture is the amalgamation of many different factors, even Christianity which is at the heart of western thinking originates from a variety of different philosophical and religious beliefs spanning different cultures and peoples.

>> No.15022035

What dialectical bullshit? I am literally asking him what the fuck he meant by his dumbass platitude. What does it mean for something to be more similar to itself than different?

>> No.15022037

Read more carefully, some people are slow, it's ok

>> No.15022040

If you believe the statement "humans are more similar biologically than they are different" has literally any decipherable meaning whatsoever, you might be the retard, anon. Sorry to break the news.

>> No.15022049

>he drunk the globalist koolaid
shame. great shame.

>> No.15022051

Humans are a distinct species, they share more biological similarities than they are different from one another. It might be hard for you to decipher, because you're operating with a double digit IQ as most /pol/fags tend to have

>> No.15022057

Nice refutation, I love buzzwords and dialectical koolaid

>> No.15022058

What a retarded argument.
Dogs are also a single identifiable species, Canis familiaris, and yet we have distinct breeds with distinct characteristics. Try again.

>> No.15022060

race is distinct. all dogs arent one same thing. same goes for humans. or spiders.

>> No.15022069

Race is a social construct, the genetic differences between most humans is not as substantial as ideologues such as yourselves tend to exaggerate.

>> No.15022070

oh shut the fuck up i bet you never used the word dialectic before you played fallout or saw the meme online. i've refuted you for 30 posts and you say the same vague nonsense with literally nothing to back it up. no stats. no studies. no nothing. i've earned the right to call you a massive faggot.

>> No.15022073

>X is a social construct
Does not disprove that the underlying facts leading to a social construct exist.
Rape is a social construct, yet the concept has use to us a society. Are you not a rape realist, either?

>> No.15022075


Bringing up stats that give you confirmation bias is not arguing or refuting anything, you can cherry pick stats to promote anything

>> No.15022076

science disagrees with you wholeheartedly.
you cannot refute this beyond simply stating things that might as well be arguing the color of the sky isnt blue.

>> No.15022080

and you? what have you given?
what confirmation bias shite do you get your "facts" from? tumblr blogs and facebook posts?

>> No.15022082

Rape is more accurately defined than race, and more of a simple issue

>> No.15022097

Nothing you say here refutes my point.
You tried to argue that something being a social construct somehow discredited it, which was a stupid argument (and you just showed it by accepting that rape is a legitimate idea despite being a social construct)

>> No.15022098

Confirmation bias isn't science, just stating something as scientific doesn't make it scientific truth.

>> No.15022108

Race is more of a social construct than rape is, and a much more complicated subject. When someone states that race is a social construct, they're claiming that race as in what what it means sociologically to be white is not biologically inherent to European DNA

>> No.15022115

you did not answer my question. you are dodging everything me and the other anon has been saying. whats the matter?

>> No.15022117


>> No.15022120

This is patently false, and you contradict yourself in your own post. The fact that you even accept something called "European DNA" is inherently a race realist position.

And something being complicated and "more" or "less" of a social construct has no bearing on its validity.

>> No.15022130

Your identity is not your genes, it's the amalgamation of human culture, what is sociologically "white" is not based on a purely genetic foundation.

>> No.15022155

>the amalgamation of human culture
More word salad. Human cultures are produced by humans, who have specific genes that differ from group to group.
>"White" is not based on a purely genetic foundation
It is mostly based on a genetic foundation, and the fact that you'd admit it's based AT ALL on a genetic foundation is ultimately a race realist position. You keep arguing against your own positions.

>> No.15022173

"White" culture didn't spring out of a vacuum. The history of Europe is not self contained from outside influences, Christianity itself is an amalgamation originating in the middle east

>> No.15022189

i read nothing but nonsense, dictated by personal opinion rather than scientific facts, basic biology.

you cant support your own arguments. why even say something in the first place?

>> No.15022196

Nobody claims that white culture sprung from a vacuum.
Do you see how you keep trying to change the argument after you get destroyed on every point? You drop things you decide you have no argument for and then move the discussion in an entirely unrelated direction.

>> No.15022243
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>> No.15022703

Caladan brood, wolves in the throne room.

>> No.15022911

People who aren't scientists are so bad at doing science lmao (also most science is p hacked bullshit anyway)

>> No.15022973

>Western culture is the amalgamation of many different factors
Except genetics.

>> No.15023003

>When someone states that race is a social construct, they're claiming that race as in what what it means sociologically to be white is not biologically inherent to European DNA
Then they're using a definition of race that is entirely distinct from what I'm describing when I use the term.

>> No.15023035

Stop it! He’s already dead!

>> No.15023049


Genetics play a part, but they're autistically over exaggerated by racists. There's a huge difference in acknoledging the diversity of human features, to advocating xyz races are subhumans and need to be stripped of their freedom. Nobody is honest anymore, everyone acts as if they're a part of an internet gangwar, and facts are often twisted and manipulated to push nefarious agendas

>> No.15023053

>Nobody is honest anymore, everyone acts as if they're a part of an internet gangwar, and facts are often twisted and manipulated to push nefarious agendas
welcome to humanity

>> No.15023063

You are fucking retarded no one is saying any of that here.

>> No.15023073

>dude we're just advocated for the preservation of white people haha
>gas the jews lol
>gas the chinese lol
>gas the niggers lol
>gas the mutts lol
>enforce eugenics lol

/pol/acks are the real kikes

>> No.15023082

I don't really care if he's right or not, I just don't like him. He's too fussy and pedantic.

He also behaved like one of those "violent shitskins" that /pol/ hates so much.

>> No.15023085

>but they're autistically over exaggerated by racists
Likewise, they are autistically underestimated by liberals and people of left, to the extent of being outright denied in most instances, and not due to any empirically observation on their part, but simply because they perceive the reality of human biodiversity as a threat to their religious assumptions of egalitarian humanism, which must view all peoples as radically interchangeable.

I don't advocate any view of racial supremacy or any view that would disregard the dignity of any person or group, I don't see anyone as "subhuman", but I totally reject this idea that all human subgroups are universally interchangeable. I don't think that view is scientific.

>> No.15023087

No one but trolls say that shit and NONE of that has been said here in any form.

We only want our homelands back. Homogeneous and safe. Is that so hard to fathom? Am I a Nazi for that?

>> No.15023091

>religious assumptions of egalitarian humanism
>I don't advocate any view of racial supremacy or any view that would disregard the dignity of any person or group

Which one is it? Also human diversity =/= racial hierarchy. Even the most primitive aboriginal is still one of us, shares dna with us, and there's no reason to dehumanize anyone period.

>> No.15023113

You have to share the world with other people who are different than you, regardless of how that makes you feel, hell we even need to share the world with different species of animals. Most immigrants do assimilate, but racialists are doing their best to stop that and alienate them. America isn't a white homeland, you might be European I'm not sure.

>> No.15023115


There’s bound to be one group at the bottom of the totem pole. It’s funny you mention abbos. Their skull structure is...primitive. Missing link among us.

>> No.15023124

Does no one have a right to their homelands? How do you feel about European colonization?
And America was 90% European before the 1960s.

>> No.15023125

Intelligence isn't inherent to specific racial groups, and it's not even primarily genetic. The vast majority of humans possess the capacity for intelligence, many people are held back by poverty and cultural baggage

>> No.15023131

The end goal is the abolition of all borders and top down hierarchy. Mass immigration is the result of capitalism, in a freed world there's no reason for mass immigration, but free immigration and movement is worth fighting for

>> No.15023183

Do you even know what you are talking about? Or do you just -feel- that intelligence isn’t inherent to specific racial groups?

Back up your claim. Go ahead. >>15023131
Then go and freely travel in the middle east and be another dumb liberal decapitated for /gif/s sick enjoyment.

>> No.15023198

Would I be "dehumanizing" someone even on an individual level by acknowledging that they may differ in traits and abilities in relation to their peers due to inherent characteristics? Am I dehumanizing myself by acknowledging that there are people who are smarter, stronger, and better looking than I am?

>> No.15023202

Im sure the whole world is ready for free movement. Every single third worlder will pour straight into Europe like they are already, and it will be chaos. As it is already. You are mentally ill.

>> No.15023224

Sharing the world =/= every nation and every distinct identity needs to melted down into a homogeneous, metropolitan blob. I actually enjoy the genuine diversity this world has to offer. I actually hate the idea of migrants assimilating, because they're essentially shedding the uniqueness of their own cultural identities in favor of this vapid, American consumerism.

>> No.15023225

If you're making various assumptions about somebody due to their genetic heritage, and treating them differently than you otherwise treat somebody based on their racial features you're a racist. Intelligence, good looks, and strong dna aren't exclusive to any racial categorization

>> No.15023231

Even on the individual level, is just an unavoidable reality that intelligence is highly heritable.

>> No.15023278

For the majority of people external environmental factors play a huge role in determining their adult cognitive abilities. Yes some intelligence is inherited, but trauma can stunt a persons development as the brain itself is malleable to a large extent.

>> No.15023302

>Nobody is honest anymore, everyone acts as if they're a part of an internet gangwar, and facts are often twisted and manipulated to push nefarious agendas
I don't think good-faith discussion between moral communities can occur unless they share the same fundamental values, which are ultimately pre-rational and religious in nature. Otherwise, it's just going to be gang-wars fighting over fundemantally incompatible meta-narratives, under the facade that they're arguing over empirical facts.

>> No.15023310

CRISPR will relegate all this talk to the dustbin of history, and if you've dedicated any significant amount of time to thinking about the subject, that's time duly wasted.

>> No.15023328

I don't know, never degraded myself to use tinder.

>> No.15023347

Every African has brain trauma?

Get some sources or fuck off already

>> No.15023356

Most intelligence is heritable. Read the link I provided or otherwise shed the pretense that you're in any way informed on this topic. Intelligence is to some degree plastic, but it's not malleable. Yes, in exceptional cases of trauma or malnutrition, develpment may be stunted, but this does not explain radical variations in the intelligence of people from similar upbringings, education, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

>> No.15023367

>I actually hate the idea of migrants assimilating, because they're essentially shedding the uniqueness of their own cultural identities
Migrating inherently involves assimilating into the culture you're migrating to, it doesn't mean you have to abandon everything unique about your heritage but you should still be able conform to your surroundings. If someone decides to setup home in a new land, they're essentially becoming a part of a larger cultural family, which their future offspring will be a part of

>> No.15023373

CRISPR is most likely going to remain a luxury of the elite, and isn't going to be used to uplift billions of people. It will be about as usual as cosmetic surgeries are today, outside of medical necessity.

>> No.15023374

You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15023381

Elaborate please. Culture doesn't even just apply to nations, even if you move to another city you're going to assimilate into the local culture.

>> No.15023397

read the bible.

>> No.15023399

Robert Putnam study

Muslims in Britain. Or anywhere else at that matter. Pushing for sharia law, Delis and subways can’t have pork. Must have halal. Whole city blocks shut down so they can pray in the streets. There’s a picture of that in this very thread. No go zones? Assimilating? You have zero clue what you are saying. You just want to believe it for some reason.

>> No.15023405

Notice how this got no reply

>> No.15023407

Intelligence isn't the most important trait, you only need a high enough IQ to be able to function socially and contribute to society. The majority of people regardless of race are going to have an average IQ, being black, Hispanic, or Asian doesn't make someone inherently stupid. Regardless I don't believe that Europeans are inherently high IQ, I think that culture plays a role in genetics to an extent as well

>> No.15023412

The very word "assimilation" implies that something is being broken down and absorbed/homogenized into a larger body. Of course, to the rootless metropolitan, this digestive process is something to be celebrated - the flattering of all unique identities into an atomistic, indistinct mass - but to me, it's just something tragic.

>> No.15023414

Let's not forget that the majority of Europeans were living in a stagnant shithole condition before Christianity took root

>> No.15023417

Focus on what’s being said. Intelligence is heritable. Focus. Stop shifting around like a fucking ball of slime

>> No.15023418

based and redpilled

>> No.15023425

It's not so much tragic as much as it's a necessity. You could say the same thing about Christian Europe forcing pagan groups to assimilate into the Catholic narrative. If you want to live in harmony with other people in your surrounding area, you need to conform to some extent to the local culture.

>> No.15023429
File: 711 KB, 529x790, 3AD3DBCE-4ED5-4641-B7AF-CD6B1829253B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting choice of words.

Barbarians had pants and combed themselves, bathed regularly, before anyone else in europe. Before Christendom took over. And slaughtered them.

>> No.15023432

You can't just make a generic claim like "intelligence is heritable", it is to an extent but it's also not to an extent. You can get mad, but it's not helping your case.

>> No.15023433

How did they force them?

>> No.15023438

Read the link provided or silence yourself.

>> No.15023442

I can just make the claim because it’s scientific fact.

Which you conveniently have provided none so far. Thoughts?

>> No.15023443

I hope you don't have kids, I doubt you'll put any effort into raising them, and suddenly wonder when they're adults why they didn't inherit your grandiose intellect

>> No.15023449

>it's a scientific fact
So is my dick in your moms pussy

>> No.15023450

Your doubt is unfounded and now YOU are the one who is mad. Read the link. Or keep bitching.

>> No.15023454
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>> No.15023458

Not all studies are reliable, often they don't take into account important variables and are overtly narrow focused.

>> No.15023461

I dabbed on you, I kekd on you, I owned you noob

>> No.15023504

CRISPR is so revolutionary precisely because it's so cheap and universally applicable. It's the Kalashnikov of gene editing, and if it starts as a tool of the elite, it won't be possible to keep it that way. You'll see articles claiming it costs millions, in reality it costs hundreds. Home CRISPR kits are already available, and they're going to be far too useful to control once the research catches up to the technology.

>> No.15023593

>pumping my slavic gf with my germanic seed
Keep seething

>> No.15023597

das race mixing

>> No.15023646
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>> No.15023689
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Based primitives.
Have infinitely more appreciation to people being able to build houses by themselves from the landscape than uselessly massive palaces and churches.
Imagine what it would be like to actually be raised as a real man and not as civilized sheep

>> No.15023692

Forgot to quote >>15023429

>> No.15023698

My opponents are ugly while I am actually fucking beautiful, how intresting...

>> No.15023731

People don't breed based on intellectual planning, what people find attractive are features that their genes want. Race mixing doesn't need to be promoted, or suppressed, it happens naturally as some novelty is healthy. Having outliers is good for the rest of society, even homosexuals have an evolutionary purpose which advances consciousness. Fascists think that existential evolution is in our control, as if our genetic existence was planned by us in the first place

>> No.15023758

These don't sound quite the same but scratch the same itch for me.
Blut Aus Nord - Fathers of the Icy Age
Borknagar - The olden Domain
Enslaved - Eld

>> No.15023762

Naive midwit who doesn't know anything

>> No.15023785

>People don't breed based on intellectual planning
That only applies to low intelligence, low agency people. It's why stupid women have all the kids while highly educated women have very few and often none at all, because their standards for selection are so prohibitively strict

That said, the kind of "mixing" that arises out of the kind of forcible demographic displacement, like we've been seeing since the 1970s, is hardly what I would describe as a natural process.

>> No.15023821

Varg isn't right, but only pure races seem to be worth anything, except niggers and jews.

>> No.15023829

>even homosexuals have an evolutionary purpose which advances consciousness
I doubt this.
Eugenics merely acknowledges that humans can be selectively bred. Heck, that's how our society still organizes. Schools favor certain types; the types the society wants. Submission and obedience are more important than intelligence or creativity.

>> No.15023832

Ashen Eidolon - Gallowbraid
Burial Shrouds - Sivyj Yar
Crusade from the North - Darkthrone
Dalle rive del curone - Svirnath
The Force of the Ancient Land - Eldamar
Forest Paths - Severoth
Formors - Aes Dana
Hädanfärd - Hermóðr
Mental Illvilja - Grav
Nemesis Divina - Satyricon
Snowland - Sorcier des Glaces
Trollskau, Skrømt Og Kølabrenning - Myrkgrav

Or just any Dungeon Synth album really...

>> No.15024136

Based ignore what the incels say chad