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15004837 No.15004837 [Reply] [Original]

What is some literature about getting your priorities straight, /lit/?

>> No.15004869

Anti-tech revolution, solely written with this idea in mind. The "anti-tech" part is secondary to revolutionary thought, the basis of Kaczynski's framework is preoccupied with the HOW to get your priorities straight. It just happens that the "anti-tech" part is the answer.

>> No.15004963

Can it teach me to stand up to my girlfriend's boyfriend?

>> No.15005008

Yes. TK reontologizes the subject. TK stood up to his girlfriend's (nature) abusive boyfriend (the system) in a quasi nietzschean actualization of the anarchist aristocrat ideal.

>> No.15005059

Why is males on female polygamy acceptable but not females on male?

>> No.15005069

Polygamy and polyamory are not the same thing

>> No.15005072

Will it tell me which road to take in my bright future

>> No.15005078

Get this disgusting technology out of my face

>> No.15005087

how so

>> No.15005128

polygamy is the traditional (at least in some cultures) practise of having several wives. Polyamory is lovers, not marital partners.

>> No.15005137

>Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads...

>> No.15005220

Because one is a woman and one is a man.

>> No.15005324

By that reasoning why can't we impose patriarchy

>> No.15005340

You can't impose something that is already welded into the foundations of civilisation.

>> No.15005375

Then why are women allowed to vote, drive, own property, and choose who they marry? Why do more women enter and graduate college than men? Why do fortune 500 companies, accredited universities, and governmental departments have programs and interest groups designed to cater only to women but not have similar programs and interest groups for men? Why do federal and state governments give preferential treatment to Woman-Owned Businesses? Why are there educational and entrepreneurial grants created solely to fund women but there are not similar grants for men? How is any of this indicative of patriarchy? What physically makes up a civilization if not is states, companies, academies, interest groups, and individuals?

>> No.15006091

Because Allah allows it She knows what should be done

>> No.15006253

Why does a rooster have many chickens and not a chicken have many roosters?

>> No.15006275

You misunderstand me. The patriarch does not need conscious augmentations or revisions in order to assert power, it is already ingrained in the way that civilisation has developed over time. Thus it is very difficult for men to be aware of these advantages, as it is simply the norm for them. It is only recently that the pendulum has begun to swing the other way, and as a result, you are only now paying attention as the luxuries you once enjoyed as an unconscious given are being altered to better accommodate the population as a whole.

>> No.15006363

Imagine not being able to quarantine all on your own for a minimum of 1 year

>> No.15006369

Because we farm them for eggs.

>> No.15006376

Goblin like men gave them permission

>> No.15006392

Ah yes, the most powerful of men.

>> No.15006405

Are you a rooster?

>> No.15006506

>Then why are women allowed to vote, drive, own property, and choose who they marry?

because these are simply rituals mimicking trappings of power and not real power.

women do not have power and most men dont either.


>> No.15006581

Roosters are mean as shit and not as useful

>> No.15006618

>you are only now paying attention as the luxuries you once enjoyed as an unconscious given are being altered to better accommodate the population as a whole
I'm like 20 years old, the world has always been like this for me you stupid fuck. I have no idea what the world was like in the 90s or 80s or 70s or whenever the fuck you think we had actual patriarchy. You can say "well the world was historically been patriarchal" but I don't give a damn about "was", I wasn't alive in "was". We're talking about the present, where all of those things that I've outlined exist. Technically though, I suppose you're agreeing with me. Patriarchy does not exist anymore, as "the pendulum has begun to swing the other way". My entire life has been idiots excusing the way things are by saying "well 50 years ago women had it hard!" Tough shit, now men have it hard and the moral thing to do is to reverse these nonsense trends the dead people 50 years ago put in place.

You're talking about that past, not the present. Who "gave" who what is irrelevant, as things stand now there is no patriarchy.

These terms refer to who society is favoring, obviously we don't live in some gynocracy but things are trending in favor of women.

>> No.15006653

at last I truly see....

>> No.15006690

>you stupid fuck.
lmao and right out of the gates, you are aggressive, seething and confrontational. How is that even necessary? I have done nothing to offend you, but somehow the mere idea that society is historically structured to affirm men's identity at the expense of women is enough to send you into a fit of rage. Calm down man, have a civil discourse for once, jesus christ.

>We're talking about the present, where all of those things that I've outlined exist. Technically though, I suppose you're agreeing with me. Patriarchy does not exist anymore
"begun to swing" does not mean "fully swung". The examples you gave are entirely minimal concessions, like a bandaid on a flesh wound. Do you think domestic violence is no longer a problem? What about rape? reproductive rights? What about FGM? What about child brides? what about sex trafficking?

I'm curious. What is so difficult for you now that is purely the result of affirmative action for women? What happened in your life that made you so bitterly resentful?

>> No.15006914

>lmao and right out of the gates, you are aggressive, seething and confrontational. How is that even necessary?
>I'm curious. What is so difficult for you now that is purely the result of affirmative action for women? What happened in your life that made you so bitterly resentful?
>How is that even necessary?
>What happened in your life that made you so bitterly resentful?
>How is that even necessary?

>> No.15007015
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lol you almost got me with this b8

>> No.15007038

Al last I see the wisdom in Islam's teaching...

>> No.15007047
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intellectual cowards won't even rise to the challenge. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.15007057

You're whining that someone called you a mean word why would anybody take you seriously? Where do you think you are?

>> No.15007069

TK (pbuh) destroyed tech

>> No.15007078

Because it didn't even make sense. How am I a "stupid fuck" for not knowing he was a 20-year old brat? The rest of his post was pure irrational anger. Are you telling me I shouldn't scold a toddler for having a temper-tantrum?

>> No.15007085

David Parker Ray's Audio Tape Transcript


>> No.15007098

His first post btfo your entire argument and after that it was basically just word salad from you and irrational anger from him. Now you're still trying to justify whining about mean words like you're in kindergarten. Nobody here gives a shit lurk moar newfag

>> No.15007120

you're right, they shouldn't be

>> No.15007128
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>His first post btfo your entire argument
His first post was him whining about women having opportunities. The utter hypocrisy to suggest I am the whiner in this situation when all i did was tell him to "calm down, dear". It truly is amazing, the lengths you will go to to hide from your own hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. You are hilariously pitiful. As if I'm going to tolerate the infantile screechings of literal children.

>> No.15007142

You're the child. You can't have a conversation without crying out for teacher over mean words. You sound like a woman lmao

>> No.15007160

Anybody getting tired of these meme title threads with a topical and controversial news article/twitter post image?

>> No.15007165

Please explain to me how this post >>15006618
is nothing if not "woe is me, life is so unfair as a man!". How is he not whining about his own victimhood here? I'm genuinely curious to know why you would think my suggestion for him to calm down is somehow more feminine than his bitch-tier complaints about being a man in modern-day society.

>> No.15007172

Yeah, but its so fucking funny to bait the simps out of hiding. They get to use this thread for their miserable blogposting, and I get to laugh at them. It's a win-win

>> No.15007187

These threads existed back in early 2019 before the word "simp" came into usage though.

>> No.15007209

simps, betas.. doesn't matter what you call them, you make a thread about some random non-topic with a photo of a baiting article about progressivism, and out they come, dragging all their emotional baggage and resentment towards women with them. Sunlight truly is the best disinfectant, and these threads make it so easy to lure them out of their caves.

>> No.15007226

Can you go do this on another board? It's annoying as fuck

>> No.15007300

Oh yeah that post is just incel REEEEing. The post before that just flat btfo everything you said though >>15005375

>I'm genuinely curious to know why you would think my suggestion for him to calm down
It's super feminine. He calls you retarded or whatever and you default to calling him "dear" and taking up the role of a battered housewife. No wonder you're whiteknighting an entire gender you're practically a woman yourself lmao. seriously just lurk more or you're going to stick out like a giant faggot.

>> No.15007421
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